
Your greatest asset

An asset is what you own. Something that belongs to you. Something that bears your name, at which, if someone else is in possession of it, it calls for them to be questioned, since they are not the owner. 

So what is the greatest thing you own?

In other to unravel this mystery, we need to understand the concept of possession.

The first thing every man possess in every sense, will be their LIFE. 

Once one is born, what qualifies them as part of the living is the possession of LIFE. Without LIFE they can't be qualified as living.

So once you possess LIFE in you, you are living. So your first possession is your LIFE. It's something you own. If anyone else holds possession of your living, there's a right to be questioned....

The second thing we possess are the things we gather in the process of living. Our lives are like a magnet that attracts and repels things. 

We know that the more we grow, the more our desire, dislikes, wants and needs grow. Which is completely normal. This drives us to gather things or at least want to gather something we can call our own. This give us meaning, sanity, a chance for survival and even influence. Now from possession of LIFE to possession of material things of LIFE, all for the sake of living.

Then after living to a certain point, we lose our most Valuable asset which is LIFE. Once we have lost this, we have lost the right to own anything in the world, so if anyone comes in possession of what we own after losing our LIFE, there's no real need for them to be questioned (except in special cases) since the person who owns said possession is Now longer capable of owning anything.

So everything you own now is all thanks to your most prized possession, which is your life. Be it cars, houses, money, businesses, Just name it. You owe the ability to own all this things thanks to your life. Which makes it your most prized possession. So, if there's a repossession after you lose your earthly possessions through death, then, is there also a repossession after you've lost your most prized possession. Is your life repossessed, and if so, who repossesses your life after death? Cos whether you like it or not, something or someone will claim you after your death. But I wonder who....

Yes, I know.... I said this, 'So once you possess LIFE in you, you are living. So your first possession is your LIFE. It's something you own. If anyone else holds possession of your living, there's a right to be questioned.' and it's a fact. In a sense your own your life due to free will and choice. There's always a choice on how to live, no one, and I mean no one was born without a choice except you decide to chose to live like someone without a choice. Which is also a choice.

So, going back to, who repossesses our lives after our death? Well that depends on the choice we made while living, in essence, who did we give our life to while living.

Your most prized possession which have been given to you, but you choose to give it to something else, knowingly or unknowingly, you made a choice to give ur life to something while living.

Maybe it's through religion, belief, education, upbringing, or social status. Something prompted you to live the way you did, which in turn lead to you giving your life to something.

I know there are thousands of religions and beliefs out there, but, I like to think of it as there being thousands of lies in the midst of one single truth. Something which is not uncommon in our living.

So what exactly is the truth?

Well let me tell you this. There's a place to put your most prized possession, where nothing will be able to steal ot from you. Not even death. A place where, after your living on earth, your LIFE is still safe and secured. But there's a catch...

You need to give your LIFE on earth to the person who can preserve it, even beyond death. 

JESUS said, I am the way, the truth and the LIFE, NO ONE COMES TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH ME.