
The divinity of trust Part 1 TRUST

Trust, is defined as a firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.

Trust is not something we humans take with levity. We hold a high regard for trust, especially when we have been betrayed before. We begin to Value trust, since it's something hard to come by.

Some people even say 'trust no one, especially those closest to you'. Yes, they are probably right... It's difficult to actually trust anyone, because, trust also means opening ourselves up to be betrayed. So, if we don't trust, we can't be betrayed. 

Simple right???

Ok, let's define betrayal. 'Betrayal is an act of deliberate disloyalty.'

A person that you felt was loyal, suddenly proved himself otherwise, we feel betrayed when that happens. 

To humans betrayal breaks us more than we can even imagine. Physically, emotionally, mentally, even spiritually. We feel broken when the people we expect to be trustworthy show themselves not to be.

So, do we still trust?

Who should we trust?

Why should we even trust?

Is there anything special about trusting people?


Writer: Seyfost_