
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · ファンタジー
716 Chs

Just A little Fun That's All

Snickering on the inside Althea watched as Dustill stumbled and stuttered to explain, her was already taken effect. She also of course didn't miss the slight fluctuation of the woman's face behind her when she first brought up her abilities and Astral Ring which was the a big reason as to why she pushed Dustill so hard to see what would happen and just like she hoped it was playing out the exact way she hoped though she wouldn't of minded if it got worse.

"Well When it comes to the Astral Path she only has one path and well that is unfortunate it isn't the worse either."

"Yes, yes that's not what we want to hear little dust come on spit it out."

Both of them sent her a Hate filled look but she just smiled and sat there immersed in her joy "For once, I can enjoy myself during this borefest. If you think I'll let you slip away then you're stupider then I thought." Of course she didn't let that show to others. Finally coming up to his point about abilities he hesitated a little but finally spoke.

"You-u see she has her Astral Ring's Abilities it's just...She has a more then a couple.."

"I don't want vagueness Dustill, remember this is a report. Now give me exact numbers boy."


Slightly wincing he finally announced his results and well he wasn't to happy with that himself, he at least knew it wasn't at the no hope point but it would still be difficult for his candidate in the future with such a number. The one saving grace though was that her first ability could be seen as something relatively strong which was the only reason he had kept her around so long anyway or else he would of found a new candidate regardless.

"I see, So five is it? Isn't that a shame. Bound to be weaker eventually isn't that right father?"

For the first time since entering the meeting room she finally even bothered to look at her father beside her and even spoke which was an even rarer occurrence. If she wasn't forced to she would never usually do such a thing. Even the people around her were surprised when she spoke so suddenly to her father. But he thought nothing of it and with a slight grunt he acknowledged she was right but made no further comment. Pleased with even just that she didn't press any further and turned to face Dustill and slightly stuck her tongue out of him for a second and went back to normal.

"Yes, they might be bound to be weaker, but as long as she doesn't get anymore she'll be bound to be stronger still then most."

"Most Isn't good enough, You know that."

"I do but allow me to explain my reason for keeping her around at least."

"Oh, so besides as a plaything she has another reason?"

With that the woman behind him once again flinched but Dustill didn't get angry for the same reason.

"Why would I possibly stoop so low and sleep with a woman like her?"

With rage and shame in his voice he instantly denied such a thing and completely forgot where he was at the moment while releasing his Astral Energy in an attempt at attacking her. Being accused of sleeping with such a creature was an absolute insult to him and others of his kind that he just couldn't tolerate to the point where he even lost his cool but a second later he instantly realized he had been tricked. "Dammit." She had been messing with him the whole time in hopes of such an outcome and now it was finally here. "Haha, Crossed the final straw did you now?" with a marvelous smile that looked devilish to others she finally felt a little of the weight come off her shoulders since coming to this meeting.


Shocking him out of his stupor he turned to his king slowly and bowed immediately.

"Sorry!, It was in the heat of the moment."

"I don't care, No one is allowed to try and use their Astral Energy in this place and since you've broken that rule you can leave. By force or willingly doesn't matter. Your punishment will last a month."

"But sir!"

"I don't want to hear it. This isn't a place for fighting nor will it ever be if you want to do that do it on your own time instead and don't waste all of ours. Now choose before I do it for you."

Frustrated with his King's words there was nothing he could do but give up and unfortunately even if he wanted to get payback against Althea at other times he just simply wasn't strong enough. Almost none of them were and that's why they always used this period of time to vent as much as possible. While the king usually didn't interrupt and say anything now that he had broken a rule he forced the king into action and ruined it himself. Giving up he acknowledged his defeat this time for now.

"Willingly, my King"

Dropping his head he quit his attempts for an excuse and walked away bringing along his candidate. He had been too hot-headed and even tried to attack his daughter for a split second. While he might have stopped himself it didn't matter in the slightest to the King and his word was law. "Stupid bitch." Completely forgetting he was at fault he focused all his hatred on Althea and walked away. With one of the biggest pains in her neck gone from the meeting she could finally relax and stop caring. "Without him around most will back off thankfully, He's still as stupid as ever I see. I really should thank him for that. Haha."Laughing to herself turned to the rest of the people in the room and waited for it to continue.

"He was mostly done anyway. Now let's move on to the next."

With that everyone went back to normal and began their meeting again but not without one last word from the king.

"Do it again Althea and you're off to the same place as well."


Ignoring her father's words she started to look at her fingers and wait.


Thank you for reading...

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