
Reaching Out

A boy left all alone in the world after being abandoned by his mother in a poor clan that treated him harshly because he started showing signs of being different from other kids and the people around him. With him being ostracized more and more he became less and less of the cheerful young kid he use to be until eventually turning discreet and mute around others in hopes that they would stop being scared of him. Though that plan never worked out for him and, in the end he was left to strive on his own as best as he could in the environment he was left in. He explored the towns library and any books he could find in his Clan even if they were useless. Years on years of doing such things eventually led him into stumbling across a book that would help push him towards the thing he wanted the most. "The Basic Guide To The Astral Path" This book may not of been special to anyone in the long run but, it was to him because, it was his new beginning. With this new path available to him would he be able to push through all the obstacles and hardships waiting for him or in the end will he stumble and fall? Or will people be there to catch him if he does once again?

NoNamesLeft · Fantasy
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716 Chs


Ignoring his daughter's actions he turned back to the crowd of people waiting on him and waited for them to stop speaking before he continued. Noticing his presence every looked at him at once as he nodded satisfied and spoke.

"Now that this little spectacle is over I hope we'll get back on track. Am I clear?"

Though no one responded because they knew it wasn't a question. Watching as everyone calmed down under the banner of her father she lightly scoffed to herself as the meeting went on. Each person introduced their candidates strengths and abilities as they slowly went down the list until eventually finishing up the usual for such meetings. With nothing to do and no more people brave enough to bother her anymore all Althea could do was sit there bored and wait for it to finish. "Better than the alternative at least." Eventually the time for her turn finally came near at the end. Ever since she refused to show up with a candidate she had slowly been forced into the final position of the progress report from the first and while she had been pressured multiple times to fix her mistakes and change her ways of doing things by her father and the people around her she continuously refused.

"Althea, It's your turn now I suppose. Anything you would like to add."

Her father mechanically asked her the same question just like every other time since it had started but he was just simply following his own rules he set or he probably wouldn't bother. But with no further reply from Althea besides her ignoring him as usual he still didn't get an answer to his question.

"Ha..I guess that wraps this up for the month. I hope you all continu-"

Unfortunately he wasn't able to finish his speech as he was interrupted by a voice he knew all too well by his side. Of course she did that on purpose just to aggravate him but she continued on regardless of his anger in the matter.

"Everyone, I do have something to announce now. In a couple of months time I'll be presenting my candidate. I hope you're all prepared."

With that she got off her seat with a sly smile and started to walk away not caring to bother with the future chat about her statement or any of the questions the people around her currently had for her. Her father slightly at a loss for words could only watch her back as she walked away from them and even forgot to say anything. "So she does have one eh. I wonder will this person she found be up for the task? Or will they continue to disappoint her..."With some slight sadness he continued looking at her silhouette as he stayed quiet and let her go for once breaking his own rules.

Stretching and loosening the tension from the meeting once she finally walked out the door she started to head for her room once again. "Finally, I can sleep now, I wonder how the future will turn out? Isn't that right Number Five?" Dreamily walking to her room she finally made it there after a couple of minutes. Throwing herself on her bed she laid there and slowly fell asleep as she looked out her window and counted the stars off in the distance. "are you truly good enough?" Who she was thinking off while dozing off wasn't exactly clear to her unfortunately.

Dreams for her were a place she could feel at ease in and have things go the way she wanted all the time. But at one point she would have to wake up once again and forget about it all over again.


A word slowly escaped her lips as her breathing came to a calm pattern. All that was left was her quiet rhythmic breathing and the tranquil silence of the night.

Waking up from his stupor Xilo thought he heard a voice in his head until he noticed Xelfia in front of him shaking him back and forth while calling his name out loud.

"Xilo, Xilo, Xilo."

Seeing her up close in his face he panicked a little bit but got back on track. "Oh it was just Xelfia." shaking his misgivings off he finally responded by touching her hand that was grabbing his. Seeing Xilo respond to her gave Xelfia a little relief as she distanced herself slightly only to have Xilo grab her hand before she could back off. Slightly startled by his actions she pulled back a little especially because she had all this new found information in her head that caused her a lot of embarrassment she wasn't quite ready for.

"So you think you love me?"

Not giving her a chance to escape he held onto her tightly and brought his face closer to hers and stopped there. Slightly panicking with such close contact Xelfia started to get ahold of herself again bit by by bit.

"Yes, that's what I said."

"I see."

With a slight awkward pause Xilo didn't know what to say or do next for a couple of seconds. Honestly though he didn't even know how he felt about the whole situation himself either. A part of him was definitely happy and excited though when he heard those words come out of her mouth. But a bigger part of him was scared and hesitant. "Do I love her myself?" Was something he had never thought about until now and saying yes or accepting her confession without even knowing that wasn't exactly something he wanted to do. "It'd just hurt us both in the end." Frustrated with himself he calmed down and thought of what to say. Xelfia noticing him not replying chose to stay silent herself.

"You said you think right? Well then. I also don't know myself if I love you honestly?"


Slightly saddened by that reply and answer they both hurt a little bit inside.

"But since we're both new to this I have a proposal."

"And what's that?"

"How about we figure it out together and see where it takes us."

Taken aback at his answer Xelfia was a little stunned until she thought back upon something he had said in the past and her face slowly bloomed into a wonderful bright red smile full of shyness and some slight embarrassment.

"You know what Xilo."


"I'd love that."

Seeing that smile left Xilo's heart pounding as he caressed her cheek slightly getting lost in her eyes.

"I see."


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