
Reach for Eternity

Ashton Richmond had died, due to a car accident by a truck. When he closed his eyes, all he heard were several words that he could not respond to. With the remaining few being projected as a location for a world. When he next opened his eyes he found himself in the arms of a woman. Then with a dark skinned man to her side, and after that he realizes that he was born into the Star Wars universe! Now with a new life and hopefully a plan, Ashton must traverse the galaxy and survive. While also making sure that he changes a few details to change, for instance...the good guys must lose.

HectorX · 映画
3 Chs

Chapter 3

{10 Years Later, Somewhere in the Nabooian Landscape}

"Faster!" Cried Rena, standing still wearing nothing but a sleeveless shirt showing off her refined biceps. Her silver hair had been tied into a ponytail as she stood firm. She also wore black skin tight spandex like pants with white training shoes. Her white irises remained affixed on a figure, one whom she has dedicated a decade in training. Her son, Ashton Keynes Ortanga, her little Azure Stone. The nickname came about each time he had used his powers, gaining the title in the process. Speaking of him, Ashton was running across a perfectly placed obstacle course. One built into the very trees, ground, everything around him. This in a way reminded him of Tanjiro's training in the Demon Slayer anime. During the 5 years to this point, his mother took it upon herself to get him more instinctively familiar with sensing danger. Even if he could not rely on the Force, at least he would be able to rely on his Echani senses.

Ashton ducked under a spiked branch that came hurtling at his face from around a tree that he wad about to pass. He then vaulted over a large root that was sticking out of the ground. He was practically running in circles, trying his damnest to last as long as he could. That was the basics of this training course, flexibility and endurance. He could not call upon the Force to aid him like others could, of course Rena had advised him to try using his power for this. Though Ashton feared doing such a thing, due in part that he had tried enhancing himself before. Outside of learning martial arts from his mother and the endurance training. Ash took it upon himself to try and use his Biotic powers in other ways. Some of which allowed him to make quick bursts of speed, until he found himself doing Charge. Then finding out why Charge should be targeted at his enemies rather than the side of his family estate.

He also found that Barrier was but a simple technique to use, as long as he kept his concentration on it. That said, it was when he learned to use Throw was when he found that he was no normal Biotic.

{Flashback, 2 Years Ago}

It was late at night, and Ashton was outside practicing his Biotic powers. He was shirtless, showing off small abs, his silver hair having grown longer, and the azure glow shining far more brilliantly than it had before. He concentrated the power into his hand, then hurled it at the nearby forest. He was trying to do Singularity, but instead did Throw which was not bad at all. The only problem was that he put too much power in that attack, causing a tree to be smashed in half once the erratic spiraling blue connected to it. Ashton grimaced upon seeing this, his nose bleeding profusely just like before. He wasn't sure why, but it seemed as if the more he used his Biotic powers, the more powerful he became. That said, it was both a good and bad thing. Becoming more powerful was great in the long-term, he would be capable of defeating most of his future enemies.

The con to this was if he was too powerful that his allies around him may be caught in the crossfire unknowingly. He's seen what a Biotic could do when they are pissed or worse and he didn't want to end up that way. Unless there was a good reason for it of course. That said, it hardly changed the prospect of being to strong to know what to do with his power. While be may be able to live longer than normal human beings, he was still mortal, and his mortality would eventually catch up to him. With this in mind, Ash already had a few plans for the future to initiate. One of which was to get in contact with a few people as well as take over a company or two. His standing as a nobleman of Naboo didn't really mean anything to the rest of the galaxy. It was more or less giving everyone else the impression that he was a prep boy who didn't know what his own blood tasted like in his mouth.

Unfortunately for those people, he did, his mother Rena made sure of it. Though it could be said that her training was harsh, her excuse was that life was harsh. Truer words could never had been said any better.

Ashton closed his eyes, beginning to concentrate once more. Despite feeling a painful headache increasing as well as his body beginning to strain. He would not stop, he would rather be strong before the events of Episode one begins rather than after the fact. He has heard of a new noble woman in Theed who wants to become queen, her name was Padme Amidala of the Amidala Household, and she was 5 years old now.

{Present Day}

Ashton jumped, doing a vertical spiral in the air to dodge a few incoming needle strikes. Then he came to a halt crouched on the ground. He remained there, taking practiced breathes as he faced his mother. She had a blank look about her face, not showing any emotion as she played the role of spectator for now. Slowly rising to his feet, he heard a whistling sound then moved his hand upwards to catch wooden shaft. The pointed piece of wood was inches from his face, he frowned then looked to his mother who had a smirk upon her face. "That could have killed me." He remarked, his voice having maturing a bit. He was 15 years old after all, well at midnight he would be. Rena simply scoffed then pointed at her son with an accusing finger towards him. "What lies are you telling me?", she asked with a tease, "That little shield you have would have protected you. Ever since you have learned to do that I have not needed to hold back with the training."

What Rena was referring to was Barrier, a very useful skill to have in this universe. He was not entirely sure if it would protect him from blasters or even lightsabers. Although it will protect him from blunt force trauma, his mother has tested as much. So far, Ashton's skill in Echani martial arts has become even more prominent. He may not know it, but he was the second most skilled person on Naboo. Rena may have hinted it towards him, but to Ash it didn't mean much. It was Naboo, and there were over a thousand other worlds with more dangerous species. Martial arts was only as good as long as the practitioner knew their opponent. Ashton knowing this beforehand studied at least 20 different species physiology. His mind just absorbing knowledge like it was just downloading it, most likely his Echani traits kicking in. This included Trandoshan, Wookie, Zygerrian, and obviously Human.

Ashton after having heard that Zygerrians existed in the universe told him which part of Star Wars that he was in. He was in the less developed and confusing New Canon, where everything could be accomplishing or disappointing. A part of him wants to be in the Star Wars Expanded Universe but he thought more upon it after remembering what dangers lies there. Knowing this he decided that the New Canon was the safer bet, considering that almost everything was nerfed compared to the Expanded Universe.

With a deep breathe leaving him, and sweating misting his skin. Ashton approached his mother with a blank look about him. "Well, I will say that my durability with it is still questionable", he stated, "But hopefully I can expand upon it before-" Before he could finish Rena placed a finger on his lips. She had a risen brow as she looked down at her son. He was more than half her height now, which was 5"11 to his 5"9. He would have been considered a grown man had it not have been for his face. "Forgetting something?" She questioned, giving him a knowing look. For a moment, Ashton was puzzled by his mother's question. Then realization dawned upon him, he was enrolled in school now and had roughly 3 hours before classes started in Theed. Dread washed over his face, for this will he his first time in a school within Star Wars. Though what made it worse was this wasn't a "commoner's" school, it was the school for noblemen and noblewomen.

A teasing smile came to Rena's lips before removing her hand from her son's lips. "Yes yes, I understand how you have voiced your concerns about this", she chided, "But your father and I both agree to this, you require social interactions people outside of our estate. You have trained hard, and each time you suffer pain you train even harder. Had you have been on my homeworld, all Echani would want to make you train even harder just to see what else you are prepared to do. Unfortunately, we are not on my homeworld, so run along and get ready for school." With a great reluctantance, Ash turned and began to jog off, heading to their family estate. He knew that his parents meant well, but he was a 30 year old man in the body of a 15 year old. They didn't know that but he did and it wasn't particularly mentally good for him.

{2 Hours Later}

Ashton was inside a speeder which was being driven by protocol droid. His father sat beside him, dressed properly for the part of a nobleman. He had an excited smile upon his face, while Ash just looked indifferent. He caused at the passing Landscape as Theed grew closer and closer. To keep his mind off of his arrival to the school, he thought upon what he needed to work on. So far he had Throw, Barrier, Singularity, and Charge...for the most part and in that order of learned skills under his belt. So that just meant that he should perfect them for the time being. As far as his martial prowess, he didn't need to worry much when it came to anything on Naboo. That would be when the Trade Federation arrives would he need to take things seriously. Especially since he didn't have a lightsaber...granted he wasn't even sure if he could build one for that matter. He would need a Kyber Crystal and yet he couldn't sense through the Force.

As he pondered on how best to obtain a lightsaber, his thoughts went back on what his mother said about them. He did question her about why her lightsaber was orchestrated as an ornament rather than by her side. Her words were simply as well as part of her new philosophy.

'Son, the Jedi speak of peace but would be willing to end life with weapons that they say are meant for defence. In my eyes, lightsabers are as dangerous as a blaster in a villainous thugs hands. The Jedi created such things, and have waved them around for over a thousand years. Now the galaxy fears the very sight of them, simply holding one will make people believe that the Jedi are either there to make trouble. Or better yet they are preparing for the destruction to happen. My time with the Jedi saw to it that I had truly believed in their ways for more than a decade. And during that time I never questioned the Jedi Code until my faith in it was tested. Now the very idea of using a lightsaber seems like failure to me. If I were to take up one, then I would be doing what a Jedi would do rather than what I would do.'

Those words were impressive and impactful, but to Ashton he would need something to at least combat lightsabers. Right as he was about make plans as to how he could possibly steal one, he felt a pat on his shoulder. Ainer had taken Ash right out of his thoughts, revealing that they were right outside of the school. Many students were school uniforms were walking up to the school, conversing amongst each other. Ashton slowly turned and saw his father beaming at him with an apologetic smile. "I know, but I only want what's best for you", He stated, "Becoming a great martial artist is one thing, but learning things other than fighting can always open up opportunities for you." Ash simply nodded then gave his father a smile. Ainer placed a hand on his son's shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze before letting out a sigh. "Just be sure to at least talk to a few kids your age." Ainer said, causing Ash to mentally wince at that.

With a rise and a few steps, Ashton stepped off of the speeder then waved as Ainer began to leave heading for Theed's capital building. Ash watched his father going down the road until he turned and began to walk up to the school. It resembled a more ornate and elegant looking version of Harvard. The difference being that it was far larger, and more decorated. As he entered, he could hear several students speaking about him. Some of their conversations referring to his body and how he towered over most of them. Others referring to his low ranking when it came to politics. This would undoubtedly bring attention to self centered individuals who believe themselves above the others.

'Speak of the devil..' Ash thought as he saw a group of boys roughly his age with only the lead one being the oldest. Even so, they were smaller than Ashton, being a few inches smaller roughly speaking. Ashton continued to walk, paying them no mind. He didn't want to get in trouble, at least not during his first day of school. Regardless he could feel the ire of some self centered teen locking onto him. His latent Empathic abilities were not as developed as his mother's, but it was sufficient enough to know the difference between emotions. With enough training he'll be able to influence someone with Empathy. For now, he will lay low and let the current top dogs bark at each other. Ashton was a newcomer to the political game, and didn't want to play pawn for anyone. That was when he felt something probe his mind, trying to ascertain his thoughts. He paused and frowned, raising a brow at nothing but air. That said he did demonstrate what happens when someone enters a mind they are not prepared for.

Ashton used Barrier to block an incoming probing into his mind, finding the skill to actually block telepathic intrusions. He wasn't sure if that was a skill specifically designed for that, then again he wasn't sure what worked and what didn't when it came to Force Sensitives. His mother was unfortunately his test subject, having seen that Barrier worked against her. Biotic abilities were far more destructive and tactical than Force powers. For now that, he would have to keep his eyes open and his mind focused. There was a Force Sensitive in this school and they more than likely weren't trained. If they were then they wouldn't be probing his mind so willingly. In his mother's words, he was an enigma that could be as calm as a clear sky day, and as erratic as a raging thunder storm. Entering his mind was hoping that one was not noticed, his mother made sure that he would always noticed when one tries to enter it.

Unfortunately, Ashton was not able to find who had entered his mind. He wouldn't be able to trace it back to whomever had just tried to peer into his thoughts. It didn't mean that he wasn't aware of them now, meaning that they would be wary of him. 'Was it that preppy bitch from earlier?', Ashton thought then mentally shook his head, 'Couldn't be, he's so pigheaded that his pride and fear radiated off of him. So it would have to be someone else...someone further away.' Ashton put the issue to the side for now, he needed to get his syllabus and attend his first class. Moments later he would be at the Dean's office, a light brown skinned man sat behind the desk, growing through reports on a tablet. He looked up once Ashton entered and gave him a nod. He gestured for Ash to sit across from him as he swiped across his tablet. Ashton could see his profile and picture pop up on it. Ash sat down and waited patiently for the man to speak.

"Ashton Keynes Ortanga, you are quite intelligent for a child your age", the Dean stated plainly, "Despite being homeschoolled, you show an excellent IQ for medical science, agriculture, geometry, and...blacksmithing?" The last one was more or less his mother's influence, she wanted her son to know how to make weapons. It didn't that he didn't know how to use a blaster, it just meant that he could make a weapon out of a nearby tree branch then call it a spear. As far as the blacksmithing goes, that was more or less Echani teaching another Echani how to make Echani weapons. So far he has yet to make a preferred weapon, the materials that he would need cannot be found Naboo. Back to the topic at hand, Ashton answered in a neutral tone and with a mixture of professionalism. "Indeed, though that is hardly why you are talking about it is it?" Ash questioned and watched the Dean raise a brow and set his tablet down. He clasped his hands together before leaning forward in his seat. "I was hoping that you were oblivious, but by how you speak you have most likely noticed it", The Dean began to say with a more firm and controlling tone, "You are one of the lower ranking individuals of the school. There are quite a few like you, but unlike them you hold great intelligence. Many who have made themselves out to be far more intelligent than others do not like that. And they will try to do whatever they can to disprove it. All I ask is that you don't take matters into your own hands and do something...drastic."

"I am aware of your mother's heritage and what she once was. Everyone else including staff are not, that is to both protect you and the other students. It is also to make sure that you are not treated differently from any other student." Ashton mentally scowled, it was contradictory. There were other teens who obviously loaded around acting high and mightier than others. Meaning that they were treated differently already, most likely due to their Households being higher in ranking. Ashton already had a few ideas on how to change that, one of which was a Holorecorder. Well it was hidden, but for the time being he would only keep hidden so that he could use it when it was most needed. At the moment, he was recording the Dean's and his own conversation, it may be helpful in the future.

Ashton nodded his understanding the Dean's words, with his Empathy he could feel that the man felt pity. Most likely to him and everyone else who are to be downtrodden. 'So someone's got dirt on him, I can only guess who that would be.' Ash thought then slowly rose to from his seat, he had an even better idea from the school now. Politics but as teenagers, when he was in school it was simple. You get into a fight, you end the fight, you start barking, you better start biting. Unfortunately in Star Wars, everyone had more bark than bite. As well as having influence and dirt on others to make them not do anything. So for now, he would have to play the role of observer and learn from watching. The Dean watched Ashton for a moment, trying to discern what the teen felt or what he was thinking. Luckily for Ash, he had a pokerface that didn't break.

The Dean eventually pulled out a smaller tablet and handed it to Ashton. It held all of the classes that he would take during this year's semester. Now all he would have to do was survive for 4 years...

'....This is bullshit!'