
Re: Zero starting life in another world as an Apostle of The Demon God

Natsuki Subaru, a man that is said to have perfect timing, a man that is said to have high affinity for spirits art, a man that is said to have the eyes of a warrior who has seen death, known death, and over all experience death, a man that is destined to become a hero, or that was what his destiny was supposed be. Because one night his entire destiny changes for the better for him, but for the worse for everyone else who was destined to meet him, this is the story of Natsuki Subaru, a man who was suddenly chosen by one of the strongest existences in all of creation, an existence so powerful it is said he could wipe everything that exist with a mere blink of an eye. This is the story of how Natsuki Subaru met the Demon God of desires Asura, who gifted him various gift one of them been an omnipotent Gacha Goddess that could bend the very fabric of boundaries itself before her the impossible can become possible, watch as Subaru the Apostle of desire, become the greatest evil this world has ever seen, as the world before him suddenly become a video game. PS: Tanya, Ainz, Naofumi, Kazuma and friends will eventually join the story, Subaru is basically the gamer of the re zero world only my version of it.

Carcosa_Sensei · アニメ&漫画
20 Chs

So much fucking question Loki



Upon hearing that name the first person that came into my head was the god of mischief Loki from Norse mythology, right away I began to question Leona on how she knows that name.


"Leona where did you hear that name from?"


I ask Leona in curiosity, but upon asking that name she glare at me with much confusion as she hunches her hands together and spoke.


"Well, a couple hundred years ago I met one of the strongest mages to exist, honestly the mother fucker was so strong I thought he was a god, honestly when the guy died, I could only think that it was waste, but he had so many stories about the stars and Norse and Greek gods from another world."


"What, so basically this guy is from another world, who the hell is he!?"



I spoke with a rather shocked tone to this new and sudden information, thankfully Leona began to explain.



"Fufufu… from time-to-time people have claim that they come from beyond the great waterfall, in some cases these statements are true without a doubt."

But because many other people seek benefit from such statement its hardly believed if anything you will be label as insane or a con artist."


"The great water falls what is that?"


"The great waterfall is an infinite gap between time and space itself and in this gap there are different world lines that are similar or different in a whole, their was once a time the gods use it to conquer more worlds or use it as a  mean of time travel to fix mistakes in the time lines, but since the god-damn bitch of vanity fucking did some shit with Prometheus, she basically steal a god authority to open up the seal I work so hard to keep locked, without that thing the great waterfall will collapse"

"Thankfully though l once I have Prometheus chains she will never release that thing even if the seal is broken."


"What seal are you even talking about, who is the bitch of vanity? What Prometheus chains?"


I ask in even greater interest because all this was important knowledge, how can I not be excited, this was basically another world history, but sadly for me all I got was drop kick to head as Leona said.


"Agh… shut up already, I am the god of death not a fucking history book you can use to your convenience sigh look one question at a time."


"The hell is that for."


"Too much question."


"Agh… fine what the hell is the bitch of vanity."


"The first human to be created her name is Pandora, but in this day and age she would be considered a homunculi the perfect creation of the gods."


"Pandora yeah if this world is a Greek and Norse base game, Pandora is most likely on the people I should never trust along with, Zeus, Gaia, and a lot more gods, but if I have to guess Leona is basically the Anubis of this world so the equivalent of the Egyptian pantheon."


I said this in my head but was taken out of it as Leona said.


"She was created in the image of the Gods, birthed from the clay of Gaia herself as Prometheus use the flame of Hestia to create her, she was originally made to be the ambassador that would connect the Gods and the human as a whole, but the bitch was born too perfect, thankfully though I took the thing that was the most precious to her and seal it so she weak as fuck right now hahaha what a bitch."


"What did you seal?"


"That's a secret, but I will say this so you can get a quick heads up, the seal itself is just a gate way that would lead to here hahaha… the mere fact that she dedicates her whole life to reach here is satisfying enough by itself, honestly though that man descendants can indeed reach here as well but apart from that only me can reach this place because it's my birth right.


"I see, can I ask you two more thing, because I'm sure you wont answer anything related to Pandora for your own personal reason."


"Sigh make it quick."


"Well, the first question was who was the guy that told you that name and why you decide my god name should be Loki."


"That two questions in one but anyways, the person that came from another world is the great sage Flugel he is one of the three heroes that save the world from the witch of envy that destroyed half the world 400 years ago, he along with the divine dragon and the first sword saint Reid Astrea also join the great battle to save the world"


"And the reason I named you Loki is because that snake your sitting on, it remind me of the story of the world serpent the fucking bastard use to tell me, and Loki was also my favorite character that and he is the father of both the snake and the big doggy or that what I remember, and seeing you have the snake, along with a very mischievous and mistrusting aura around you, the name Loki suits you, so the name Loki is what I choose and that's is final."

"Why I don't want to be name Loki."

"Its either that or boy for the rest of your life."

"Fuck you, fine Loki it is."


Upon saying that I could help but a get a feeling that Leona doesn't trust me 100% so I began to spoke as I said.


"Oh, it would appear you don't trust me."


I ask rather curious to her answer.


"Hahahaha… agh Loki you poor fool… although others might not realize this since they are weak minded, but I can see through you so easily, your mere voice alone has a hypnotic effect, strong enough to even convince the sword saints, honestly speaking that vanity bitch also has the same ability but your is different."


"I don't know the direct source, but one thing is for sure."

"And what might that be."

"Your too good with words to the point it affect the mind like an annoying parasite."


"Yes really you snake."

"Hahaha… another similarity you have with the original Loki according to what Flugel told me about, your both mysterious and overall mischievous you're a godamn Wolf in sheep clothing but egh… I know you can't fool me easily."


Automatically in my head I know this woman was dangerous she doesn't know how I am hypnotizing other but she aware that my voice has a hypnotic effect, but then and again I could always make up an excuse like this.


"But Leona let's be honest here, you speak as if I am hypnotizing others for fun, just to make you know I can't help it, I was born this way."


I watch as Leona looks at me with a sharp look as she began walking around me putting her single hand on her chin circling me and observing me like a hungry hawk, and when she was satisfied, she stop in her tracks as she spoke.


"Hmmm… I see but I'm not buying it."


"Ha! Well, it what you believed I guess I know I'm innocent, and now for my second question what the hell was that bright blue light earlier?"


"Oh, that yeah that was quite sudden event for sure, I don't know what happen, or what caused the great storm to emerge, but one is for sure, a powerful individual has entered Lugnica, but one that can literally destroy the mana in the atmosphere is definitely someone easy, my guess is the great spirit of fire."


"I see so who dispel it."


"Oh, that would be the sword saint Reinhard van Astrea, the strongest person in the world, although he doesn't know it, yet the world bestows upon him the title, Deus Ex Machina."


"God of machines why though?"


"No! in layman terms he is considered the world guardian or the person with the power to correct it, no evil, no destruction, no nothing can harm this world, in short he is the closest thing to god in the human flesh in this world."


"The sword saint ha… hmmm… so tell me how strong is this so-called sword saint?"

"Strong enough to destroy the world, strong enough to kill me multiple time in my current state, but in terms of martial art I far surpass him in every way imaginable despite the shit ton of divine protection he possesses."


"Divine protection, how many does he have?"


"Let's just say he can wish for any divine protection even those that have one time use."










"Yeah, that is the same exact reaction I had as well when I first discovered about his existence."


"By Asura what hell is that monster."


"The person Od lagna simp for."


"I wont even question how you know that word, but I guess I have wasted enough time here, I have other things to do so I be leaving."


"Yeah, don't forget the pantheon cape it our symbol."


"Yea, yeah A2 you're with me, 9S and C2 have the base finish by the time I come back."


"Well take care Loki, by the way you're cooking tonight."

"Ha why?"


"Because I said so."


"Fine but don't blame me if you eat poison."


"More nutrients later Loki."


"So I'm stuck with that nick name what a pain."


With those words said, both me and A2 began to head out the same exist.


"Sigh this is going to take a while, so I'm going to summon a motorcycle."


From there I began to summon fort a black Confederate P51 Combat fighter, despite the fact I never driven a motorcycle personally, but thankfully I had A2 here with me as I began asking.


"Oi A2 drive me to this location I already send the coordinate to your visors."


"I see, I shall do so right away."


A2 and I then went upon the P51 of course I summon us both helmet you can never be too safe.


"Are you ready Saber-sama."


"Yea less talking more driving."


A2 respond by nodding her head as she began to place her helmet on and began starting this baby up.




The tires screech on the ground and we took off with great speed


From there both me a A2 began to drive towards the slum of course upon reaching there all hell break loose.