

"Please tell me why you are here I suppose."

In the forbidden library Beatrice was looking at Chris with less annoyance than normal and a bit of surprise as this time it only took him a single try to open the door to the library, after rejecting Rem and saying how he loved Emilia despite it not being true Chris was now infront of Beatrice witg one goal in mind.

"Has anyone ever been your contractor?"

Which was to make her his contracted spirit, the reason for this was he knew that he wasn't anything special when it came to fighting big groups of powerful enemies. As in the current world he was in it would be easy to say their power scaling was a level below his own, so his plan was to form a contract with the smartest spirit in the world and bring her along his adventures as some sort of pocket library.

He knew that even if he were to reach Level 20 and obtain the OVERWRITE button that he wouldn't be some sort of God in worlds where someone was stronger than him and overwriting isn't the same as re-writing reality as someone could undo what he had overwritten, he already had a plan incase his physical limit was level 20 and that included studying and obtaining any source of power he could obtain.

But for now that wasn't his main focus as his current goal was to tame a bratty old loli spirit for his own convience.

"Ha?? What kind of nonsense are you saying I suppose!"

Overall Chris saw his progress to be quite good despite Beatrice trying her best to throw a chair towards him yet failing, as she may be a powerful spirit but she still had the body of a literal child. But suddenly she realized something that she could have done many times before.


Which was to try and break Barrier using mana enchantment and of course this was prooving effective as the barrier infront of Chris began forming cracks, Chris on the other hand not wanting to deal woth her annoying actions decided to just use something called acting.

"I know who your mother is."

Those words caused Beatrice to stop attacking the barrier before looking at Chris with an expression of shock and excitement.

"So you're him..."

Beatrice couldn't help but mumble but it was loud enough for Chris to hear, he remembered a bit of her lore and the reason why she was waiting in the library her so calle mother basically told her to wait for a certain someone to give her salvation.

But he honestly didn't care about her salvation as he wants nothing but a spirit that he can use as a battery and source of knowledge, so with a flick of wrist he saved before beginning to use something what people from his original world would call 'Random Bullsh*t'.

And he knew that Beatrice being a smart spirit he needed a few tries for his 'Random Bullsh*t' to work, and he was of course right.

"If your goal was to come to me then why didn't you state it back when we first met!?"


"Finding out about mother in a one of the books here is nearly impossible and I made sure of it."


But after a few tries he was able to make a backstory that a actually made some sense, he told her that he found out that he came from beyond the great waterfall as a baby thanks to a letter his parents had placed in the basket he was left in back at the orphanage. He didn't know how but ever since he would have dreams of events and memories that weren't his own as if he was connected to this world in some way and hi mot frequent memories were him traveling and meeting the witches before they were even considered witches.

Of course this was all 'Random Bullsh*t', but Beatrice didn't know that and as the current moment is what she was waiting for the past 400 years she was naive enough to believe it.

"But I'm not here to make you my contracted spirit, I would like to know you better first."

And with those words a seed of trust was planted in the mind of the currently emotional spirit, which Chris would happily take advantage of. But in reality he didn't know it but in the future Beatrice would be a companion he would truly trust.


For those wondering, he won't get every trait here in the Re:Zero World.


Chris found it weird that he was acting all close with someone he didn't even consider a person and more like a tool, but he needed to earn her trust since no idiot would immediately trust someone they just met because they a few things about their past and future.

Right now he was actually having dinner with Beatrice, Roswaal, and Emilia which wasn't normal as ever since he gained the title of Emilia's knight and Roswaal's servant he wasn't allowed to eat with them. But now he was allowed to as Roswaal was discussing an important matter with him.

"Sooo~~ What would you like to request?, I now do owe you a favor for protecting the territory ~~"

Roswaal didn't even mention the villagers in his territory and sounded like he only cared about his own territory, but Chris ignored it and got straight into business.

"I would like to be given permission to temporarily leave my position as Lady Emilia's Knight and your Servant Lord Roswaal."

His words gave everyone different reactions, Roswaal was only smirking like a mad man, Beatrice was only curios on what her apparent 'Person' is planning, Rem had a look of sadness and grief while Ram didn't care.

But Emilia on the other hand dropped her fork and looked at him with wide eyes as Puck was only floating right beside her with questioning gaze.

"My my~~ Please do state why you're planning on taking a temporary leave my dear servant~~~"

Roswaal didn't even have any type of negative expression instead he had an excited one, Chris didn't know it but this was what the mad jester magician wanted.

"Betty is curious as well I suppose."

Now Beatrice normally stayed silent during her meals without talking to anyone so her curiosity with Chris surprised everyone but Roswaal, Emilia on the other hand wanted to say something but Chris interrupted her before she could.

"I would like to experience the world as much as I can so Im planning on using all my vacation timeto explore and even try being an adventurer for awhile."

Of course this was half the truth, Chris was going to explore the world but not to sight see or try being an adventurer instead he would be searching for treasures and magical items that would be able to help him. And hopefully would be able to collect a few levels during his 'Temporary leave'.


Emilia who was being ignored finally spoke up, clearly she didn't think that the favor Chris would ask for was something like this.

"Your taking a leave!?, Is it because how I acted towards you!?"

"No it's not that, I've been planning on taking a leave for awhile now."

Emilia believed the reason on why Chris was taking a leave was because of her recent way acting towards him, and he couldn't blame her for thinking that. He clearly caused some fear towards her for brutally beating Julius who she probably considered a friend as he was a spirit arts user like her.

"Hmm, I'll accept your request as I am accompanying Emilia here to the sanctuary~"

Chris knew about Roswaal's plan to bring Emilia with him to the sanctuary and Ram would be going with them as she was Roswaal's personal maid, while Rem would be staying to take care of the Mansion while one of Roswaal's old maids would be arriving later today.

Chris knew that Emilia wouldn't die in the sanctuary as she would definitely be trapped inside the trial, but he knew Roswaal would sacrifice himself but with around he didn't know if that was still the same case. But for now Chris he was mentally checking his Item space which was already filled with what he needed for his temporary leave.



Sack of Clothes

Sack of Ingredients

Coin Pouch

Sack of Books

Petelgeuse's Gospel

Instead of burning the Gospel he found inside the cave where the remaining cultist were killed, he kept it as it would play useful if he ever needed to do some spying within the Witch Cutlist. His inventory worked by allowing him to place anything he could carry inside so if he were able to carry a truck easily which he probably could he would be able to place it inside inventory.

"Then I will take my leave, I will send you a letter if  I'm about to return Lord Roswaal"

"Oh?~ you're leaving right now?"

Chris nodded in response while Roswaal only chuckled for no reason, seeing how he didn't need to stay any longer he made his way out of the dining room towards the main doors of the manor. He didn't immediately leave but instead began waiting with his back against the pillar near the doors and soon enough Beatrice appeared out of the corner walking towards Chris with a large bag of luggage floating behind her.

"So you're accepting my offer?"

"I suppose."


For those who are wondering no Chris didn't say anything about his ability to save reset and load to Beatrice, and yes she will be a companion for Chris and I'll play a role with his character development since don't want my MC to stay emotionless. The poll in chapter 10 is closing in around 5 hours from now and I'm seeing Fate/??? as the most voted.


"This is disgusting I suppose!"

After Beatrice met up with Chris they didn't wait any longer and left the manor immediately since Chris didn't want to deal with Rem's crying and questions, but other than that not even an hour in with their adventure Beatrice was already complaining from how slow Chris was walking to how fast Chris was running and right now she was complaining about the large stain of mud on her dress.

"Suck it up."

Ignoring Beatrice's complaints Chris continued walking as the sun finally went down in the distance, and as it did multiple red and blue specs of light began to surround the duo.

"Strange these aren't lesser spirits, is this part of your strange magic?"


Chris was illuminating their surroundings using soul magic, he wasn't doing this for him and Beatrice's benefit in fact the both of them can see in the dark just fine. What he was doing was making the blue specs of lights form into some form of web surrounding them to prevent surprise attacks and if something were to touch the web rays of soul magic would fire towards them, Chris got this idea from Noriaki Kakyoin but unlike the donut strings were surrounding them everywhere.

Soon enough after a few more hours of walking and sometimes flying they finally arrived back at the Flugel tree with the sight of a bunch of soldiers surrounding the corpse of the white whale.

"Identify yourself!"

One of the beast an guards stopped them in their tracks with his spear but sadly for him his spear was turned to shreds thanks to it being near the proximity of the strings.

"Take me to your leader or I'll do the same thing I did to this whale to everyone here"

With a flick of his wrist a sword made of DT flew out of the corpse of the white whale and flew back in his hands, the sword was something he planted for this very situation so he would be able to skip the whole identification part of his plan.
