

I've just died. Unlucky, you might say. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is that I've reincarnated into the body of a minor character from a novel I had read in my previous life. A character whose only role is to be the villain of the story. I already know my fate, and I don't like it at all. So, I've decided to change things. To overturn the script. Since then, I've been working to be the hero who saves this world... Wait, why are things getting so confusing?

Shadlight · ファンタジー
85 Chs

Zeref Darthen: The Master's Change

"Magic Chronicles" was an action-packed fantasy novel that quickly gained popularity.

The story unfolded in a world similar to ours in terms of technology and state structuring, with a vast continent dotted with countless islands resting on an endless expanse of water. This world harbored a remarkable diversity of fantastical creatures, from elves to dragons, living apart from humans, who marginalized them.

In this world, among humans, there were individuals capable of manipulating ether, the energy that permeates all things. These individuals were called mages.

The plot mainly revolved around a young mage who aspired to become the symbol of hope and peace in a world plagued by conflicts and distress.

The novel followed the journey of this hero as he grew in strength and maturity, made allies, and faced powerful enemies.

It also addressed important themes such as the value of friendship, perseverance, honor, and self-transcendence. These themes resonated with fans who could identify with the struggles and triumphs of the characters.

"Magic Chronicles" presented a rich story with twists, mysteries, and complex developments.

It featured a wide range of interesting and well-developed characters who evolved throughout the series. Like any respectable novel of its genre, "Magic Chronicles" offered dynamic combat scenes, with special powers and epic confrontations. Each battle provided a moment of adrenaline rush and spectacular clashes.

Its universe was rich in mythology, urban fantasy, and fantastical creatures.

These elements, combined with the author's skillful narration, contributed to the popularity and appreciation of "Magic Chronicles" worldwide.

And this universe had now become the reality of an ordinary office employee.

Dead due to an assault, he had reincarnated into this world from his favorite novel, embodying one of its characters.

However, instead of incarnating as a hero or one of his supporters, he had rather become one of the villains of the series: Zeref Darthen.

Zeref Darthen was an iconic character in the universe of "Magic Chronicles." Portrayed as one of the main antagonists of the series, he was considered one of the most dangerous and malevolent characters.

He was known for his frightening appearance and dark personality. His devouring ambition drove him to commit cruel and ruthless acts to achieve his ultimate goal.

With one of the most feared criminal organizations at his disposal, he roamed the world causing chaos, driven by his insatiable thirst for dark knowledge and power.

He would be stopped by the hero and his companions, who would put an end to his life in one of the most gruesome ways in the novel.

This was what had become of our office employee and the grim future that awaited him.

A young boy gently knocked on the door of a room, a nearly imperceptible sound in the hallway's silence. He entered without receiving any response.

The walls of the room were adorned with sophisticated tapestries, adorned with complex and colorful patterns.

Artificial lighting was enhanced with majestic chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, composed of sparkling crystals that cast shards of light throughout the windowless room.

The furniture was dark and solid wood, with intricate carved details. It included a large built-in wardrobe, ornate tables, padded armchairs with carved armrests, and a magnificent vanity with a large mirror.

In the center of the room, there was a huge canopy bed richly decorated, draped with satin velvet curtains in colors matching the room's decor.

The young boy discovered a man crouching on the bed, his eyes closed, and his face serene in a deep meditation posture.

The man had a slim and athletic silhouette. His slightly grayed white hair, cut short, framed his angular face, with a rebellious strand falling slightly on his forehead.

His high and smooth forehead, his thin and perfectly arched eyebrows.

The man was shirtless and wore pajama pants.

He was the reason the young boy had come to this place.

Not wanting to disturb the man who was none other than his master, he decided to discreetly announce the news he was bearing: "Master, forgive me for disturbing you, but all the section leaders are gathered and awaiting your presence for the meeting."

At these words, the man, the master, slowly opened his eyes, his scarlet pupils fixing on the young boy.

A benevolent smile stretched across his lips: "Thank you, Klein. Tell them I am preparing myself and will join them shortly."

His voice was calm and deep.

The boy, Klein, nodded and began to move toward the door when he, unable to bear the concern that gnawed at his mind, turned around and asked timidly: "Master, may I ask you a question?"

The master, sitting on the bed, gestured for him to approach. "Of course. What question burns in your heart?"

Klein took a deep breath before asking: "Master, without seeming out of place, I find that you have changed. You seem... how to say, more serene and open than before."

The master smiled and placed a kind hand on his shoulder. "Oh? And how was I before?"

Klein hesitated for a moment, but seeing the warm look of his master, he answered: "Well, you were more bitter, and your face always seemed stern." Realizing that his words had been inappropriate, he quickly bowed. "Please forgive my lapse of language, master," he apologized quickly.

The master did not seem offended and said: "Stand up, Klein. I did not feel offended. On the contrary, I appreciate your sincerity."

At his master's words, Klein appeared surprised for a moment and straightened up as requested by him.

Their gazes met.

"Otherwise, do you not like my new way of being?" the master asked. "Would you like me to become bitter and stern again?"

To this, Klein quickly shook his head. "No, master. I would be lying if I said I do not like seeing you like this. However, I fear that some of your men may not appreciate this change, having followed you precisely because of your austere demeanor."

The master removed his hand from the young boy's shoulder. "In that case, I will treat them as harshly as before and be gentle with you. Will that suffice?"

Klein nodded.

One of the real reasons that motivated him was to be the only one to receive affection from his master. Although he behaved as an adult most of the time, he was still a child who would be jealous to see his master show love to others than him.

Although the young boy believed his true intention to be hidden, the master knew it and addressed him with a benevolent smile. "Now, go announce my arrival to them. I will call for you to escort me later."

The boy left the room.

Alone again, the master watched the door that had just closed behind the young boy.


That was the boy's name, at least, the name given by the one who once occupied this body.

He was an orphan, a result of the incessant wars that ravaged the continent.

Zeref had chosen to take him in because of his special relationship with the boy's parents, considering that he had potential to exploit and serve his ambitions.

Klein, although not a main character in the series, was one of those secondary characters who stood out. He possessed an unstable and sadistic personality, having one of the most destructive magics in the series.

He was devoted body and soul to the original Zeref, secretly seeing him as a surrogate father.

However, that Zeref was no more.

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