

I've just died. Unlucky, you might say. But that's not the worst part. The worst part is that I've reincarnated into the body of a minor character from a novel I had read in my previous life. A character whose only role is to be the villain of the story. I already know my fate, and I don't like it at all. So, I've decided to change things. To overturn the script. Since then, I've been working to be the hero who saves this world... Wait, why are things getting so confusing?

Shadlight · Fantasy
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85 Chs

Epic Transformation

Zeref took a deep breath and stood up, preparing to face the challenges that awaited him.

In his mind, he was knitting the threads of every scenario his memory could recall. It was undeniable that his main concern would be to avoid the tragic fate that awaited him.

In the novel, the original Zeref had been beaten to death by the hero and his companions. While this was one of the most epic battles in the work, it was no longer seen that way by the new Zeref, who could only view this scene as more of an execution than anything else.

Now that he had been given this unexpected chance to live a new life, it was out of the question to let the mistakes of this body lead to such an odious end.

It was true that he would have wished to be reborn in his own self in his original world, to start everything over, but fate had decided otherwise.

He had been given a new life, new in every way. And although it was a pity that he couldn't restart his old life from scratch, he was no less happy.

He had seen himself reborn in the world drawn from the universe of his favorite novel. What fan wouldn't be excited about that?!

Even if the character he was embodying left something to be desired...

Anyway, he had enough time to devise a roadmap to avoid his predecessor's fate. This mental notebook contained a whole set of elements that, when put together, would form an explosive cocktail, aiming not only to avoid a gruesome death but eventually to fulfill the new Zeref's dream.

Yes, that former office employee had a dream. We're not talking about those childhood dreams, of course he had them, but those weren't the dreams we're talking about.

This dream, although it originated in his early childhood, only truly matured when he entered active life. A life of adventure and no regrets. A life where each day would be exciting and where the days wouldn't resemble each other. A life that would make sense and impact many. A life that the world would remember for centuries!

Yes, that was his dream. He had no intention of just avoiding a tragic fate or living a reclusive life quietly waiting for the plot to come to its conclusion.

No! That was out of the question! How could he when he had hated his monotonous past life so much?

He was going to be an active participant, an actor in this world. He was going to make this life a story that would mark memories.

And he had a weapon, a formidable weapon at his disposal. As an undisputed fan of the novel from which this world seemed to be derived, he knew its plot, its ins and outs.

He possessed the formidable power of knowing the future. How could he not take advantage of it?

What about the plot and the risk of causing trouble by changing things? Wasn't that what made the beauty of an exciting life?

He was going to make the story of this world his own. He didn't care about the original protagonists; he was going to become the true protagonist of this world.

"The Redemption of the Villain," he whispered. "That sounds like a fitting title to define my epic."

As he was lost in these reveries, a pair of maids entered the room with discreet elegance.

They bowed respectfully before their master.

"Lord," one of the maids said softly, "the baths are ready, everything is prepared for you to freshen up and get ready."

Zeref snapped back to reality and thanked the maids with a nod, his voice remaining silent.

He was going to follow what he had decided with Klein. Although he was no longer the Zeref of before, he was going to retain some of the severity and dark character of the former.

However, he felt internally uneasy.

He only retained the memories and abilities of the original Zeref; the rest was his former self.

For a modern citizen, leading an average life, being attended to by maids was a hidden and unspoken fantasy.

'Will they bathe me too?'

It was only in series or movies that Zeref had seen such a thing, but now it was becoming his reality. He felt an urge to smirk excitedly and perversely.

Yet, he knew how important it was to represent his status with dignity and serenity.

'Zeref, that old lecher, didn't refrain from it.'

Some scenes from the memory of the original Zeref continued to haunt the vision of the poor office worker that the new Zeref was.

It was like watching erotic videos, and living them.

'Anyway, the opportunity to indulge will not be lacking. Let's pass for today.'

Zeref was not a virgin. He could control himself...

The maids went into action and escorted their master to the baths, an intimate and tranquil place filled with the aroma of essential oils and flower petals floating on the water's surface.

Zeref undressed slowly. From the outside, it seemed graceful, but from the inside, it was a way to calm his male urges.

He couldn't risk annoying a certain little individual.

While he could feel the maids' attentive gaze, he didn't let anything show.

His face remained undisturbed, his body relaxed.

The bath went smoothly.

Despite the maids' skilled hands, Zeref showed exemplary control.

He knew that the community of anonymous men would insult and slander him, but he had the excuse of having more urgent matters to deal with before relaxing.

What matters are more important than this, idiot!

Zeref could almost hear his little guy raging.

'I promise to quench your thirst later, you filthy despicable individual.'

After finishing the bath, the maids brought their master back to his room, where they enveloped him in a robe of pure and elegant white silk. They delicately styled his silver hair, adding a touch of finesse to his hairstyle.

Zeref's gaze fell on his reflection in the mirror.

A man with a proud and graceful demeanor confronted him.

He couldn't contain a smile that escaped him.

The dull and mundane office worker had disappeared.

He was now Zeref Darthen, a character with dark charm and mysterious charisma.

"You've done well, ladies," Zeref finally said with sincere gratitude. "Go inform Klein to join me for an escort."

The maids, slightly surprised to receive a compliment from their usually harsh master, bowed respectfully and withdrew silently, taking with them the joy of having received a rare compliment from their master.

Now alone, Zeref plunged back into his thoughts.

"Let's review the plan one last time."

The meeting he was about to conduct was of paramount importance for the future...


A voice brought him back to reality.

It was Klein, who had already arrived.

Zeref took a slight breath and straightened up, his face regaining its calm composure.

His mind was now clear and determined.

The master of shadows was going to transform into a guiding light, ready to lead a life full of adventures and twists.

He stood before the young Klein, who was inclined.

"Let's go."

He was ready to face the destiny that awaited him, knowing that from now on, he was the master of his own story.

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