
RE: Merlin

Alex Sheppard Was an American made man, He was a Seal and a master of combat, Alex Died an early death in Afghanistan by a careless mistake by a God, Alex was Dead... God was Ashamed and decided to repay the soul that paid the price for his careless mistake, Reincarnating into The World of 'Merlin' for the first world, [AN - So I'm a big fan of the series 'Merlin' so I decided to make my own fanfiction of it! If you have seen the series then you likely understand... That ending! God! They need a sequel!!!]

Orionwashere · その他
9 Chs

The Phoenix

The day had passed quickly after dinner, Shawn woke to the sunlight and a plate of food awaiting him as the maid who entered yesterday,

"Hello Sir, I was told to attend to you while you're here!" the woman said

"You said your name was Iryna correct? Very well I'd be glad for your service," Shawn smiled bewitchingly,

The Girl squeaked as she looked into his eye's,

"Yes Sir!" and quickly left,

before she fully left she said, "If you need my assistance just call for me," And slipped behind the door,

Going to the table the sat back in the chair, and said, "things are about to get interesting..."

sitting back looking out the window while eating he had an Idea, 'System, is there a way to quickly become a noble?'

[Yes Does host wish to set "Become Noble" as Active Quest? Y/N?]

'Yes' Shawn selected

'Review Quest Steps' Shawn commanded the system,


[First option...]

[Step one... Establish worth]

[Step two... Further position]

[Step three... Establish higher worth]

[Second option...]

[Step one... Pay 10,000 Gold and pledge loyalty to the monarchy and become a Noble,]

[Third option...]

[Step one... Mind control the king with your intent magic and obtain nobility,]

[Fourth option...]

[Step one... have a family over 40 members and have them submit to the king's rule, While also paying a tax of 1/8th of your profits to the monarchy,] [This Is the Standard way]

'Give me more info on the second one,'

[Second option...]

[Step one... Pay 10,000 Gold and pledge loyalty to the monarchy and become a Noble,]

[Yes this is a real noble]

[You can gain land if there is open land,]

[you gain the rank of Just noble]

[paying 50,000 Gold will give you a Higher ranking,]

[More observations need to be made before ranking is official]

"Understand sounds good, Let's think about this later" Shawn decided,

Before he could continue there was knocking at the door,

"Come in!" Shawn said,

Iryna popped her head in and shyly said, "Sir Lady Morgana is here to speak with you,"

"Ah! let her in!" Shawn said smiling,

as Morgana walked in she smiled and asked, "So you met Arthur, He wouldn't shut up about you, Singing praise left and right, I've never seen him like that before..."

"Oh? He has talent with the sword with the right training he could be a real master one day, But did you come to observe me? or were you here because you were bored, Maybe instead you were... Interested in me?" Shawn smirked,

Morgana blushed and laughed, "You are quite handsome, and I'll admit my type however I don't think you could handle me..." Morgana said with a smirk of her own

"I was told you would be coming to the festival? Will, I see you there?" She asked,

"I do hope I see you, Lady Morgana, for now, I have a friend to find" Shawn smiled,

"Aw, are they more important than little old me?" Morgana said flirtatiously,

"Ah, There is none more important than you," Shawn smirked before he disappeared behind the changing fold, he quickly changed his pants but forgot his shirt, Shawn went out to the dresser beside the curtains and his upper half was on full display to Morgana who had been waiting for him,

Morgana did the anime 'Kyaaa!' Thing they do when they see a hot man or embarrassed,

"Oh? sorry, I forgot my new shirt, going to the dresser he pulled out a shirt and a jacket and slipped them on before sitting in the chair next to Morgana,"

"So what can I do for you?" Shawn asked,

"I didn't have much to do today, I am being forced to go to the King seems to need my appearance for appearances apparently Rather Ironic and the whole hunt for magic is foolish and many innocent people are being caught up in this," Morgana seemed to need someone to vent with and Shawn was just so approachable an had a kind aura to him that made it easy to trust him,

"Agreed the fight is purely Biased, Uther worked with magic in the past but it took an unexpected price, The Love of his life passed, I assume you don't know this?" Shawn asked

"What! how do you know this?!"Morgana asked surprised as she never knew this before,

"Promise not to tell?" Shawn asked

"Yes just tell me everything!" Morgana replied,

"Alright, First I know you all are estranged with magic but in the east, we have something called QI which is a life force the energy behind life and strength, It's in all living things and many many years ago we learned how to use it, We formed techniques and methods to use it and how it can be used, we learned that it can strengthen a man to beyond 100 men in a few months easily, even thousands in a few years, we cultivate it's strength and power with unlimited uses, with enough of its power we were able to become immortal more beautiful the such, I only reached the Dou Grandmaster Stage but I do use one Treasure imparticular, The Waters of The Past, It allows me to see anything that has happened in the past, Id let you use it but your mind might break,"

"That is very interesting, I have never heard of this! is this a hidden thing of the east?"

"Not really if you stay long enough your body will begin to take it in and not reject it, we don't normally go out of our way to tell people but you promised and I trust you,"

"Amazing! Is there QI here?" Morgana asked

"A small amount yet it seems muddled like different forms of it joined together to make it, It has a dark aspect, with my observations only those with strong heat can wield it as they wish without trouble, I wonder If there is something causing it..." Shawn said, In his past life he grew up in the east and there was cultivation but much of it was lost or locked away, Shawn managed to catch the eye of his master aka the 'Zhu Sho lin' he had, The master took him in and taught him everything and eventually he reached a high level of Dou Grandmaster by the age of 15 but after his master died he quit cultivation and moved to the US where he lived as a normal if not extremely enhanced person,

"I can sense magic in you, Morgana, and you are already being slightly altered by the corruption in it, I have a way to stop it, until I can purify it please wear this.

Shawn said materializing a beautiful necklace with a silver pendant of a Pheonix,

"It's beautiful!" Morgana commented, Walking behind her he explained a few things about it as he was placing it on her,

"The Pheonix pendant made of crystalized Pheonix tears, It will purify your body and soul and repel the corrupt force, And provide a stronger life force, I will make sure it cannot be removed just in case,"

"Beautiful Jewelry for a beautiful woman,"