
RE: Merlin

Alex Sheppard Was an American made man, He was a Seal and a master of combat, Alex Died an early death in Afghanistan by a careless mistake by a God, Alex was Dead... God was Ashamed and decided to repay the soul that paid the price for his careless mistake, Reincarnating into The World of 'Merlin' for the first world, [AN - So I'm a big fan of the series 'Merlin' so I decided to make my own fanfiction of it! If you have seen the series then you likely understand... That ending! God! They need a sequel!!!]

Orionwashere · その他
9 Chs


Shawn found Merlin about a mile away from him and went to meet him, The actor who played him was Colin Morgan or something like that while the actor who played Prince Arthur was a man named Bradley James, Shawn was thinking about the actors because he was wondering if they would look the same in this world,

Shawn could actually see a lone traveler in the distance that had a marking above him so it was obviously Merlin, Shawn tried to use magic to teleport next to him looking inward he felt the energy begin to move as intended, The world shifted and Shawn felt his stomach turn as he reappeared next to the man,

In front of Shawn was a lean man wearing a red overcoat and purple shirt with a red scarf and brown pants,

"Are you Merlin?" Shawn asked

The man seemed to notice him, seemingly shocked at his appearance,

"Yeah, that's me, What can I do for you?" He asked,

"Oh good! at least you do look the same! My name is Shawn I'm here to have some fun, which you are about to have a lot of!"

"What is that supposed to mean? also, how did you suddenly appear? Magic? are you a sorcerer as well?" Merlin asked

"In a way... you do know magic is punishable by death in Camelot currently, yes?" Shawn asked,

"What really?!" Merlin asked

"Unfortunately yeah... but me and you, it is our job to groom and protect Arthur Pendragon into the king he is meant to be, Should he achieve the heights he is supposed to he will revolutionize the world both of man and magic, It seems he is a bit of a pratt right now but people change, and it is his destiny," Shawn said,

"What are you talking about how am I supposed to protect him if I can't use magic? And how do you know this?!" Merlin asked really confused,

"Discreetly obviously... and there are many kinds of magic Merlin you, in fact, were born to in your entire being is one with magic, but put aside all the details, for now, understanding comes on its own time, for now, lets head to Camelot!" Shawn said,

"Ha! nice line 'Understanding comes in time' I like it I'm going to use it sometime, Your right one day at a time, right? lead the way," Merlin said,

The rest of the trip took until lunch and they stopped at a tavern, Shawn went ahead and made copies of merlins coins and had the system explain the currency ratio,

so it started with bronze,

one bronze coin wasn't much,

ten bronze coins were able to buy a loaf of bread or a hunk of cheap meat, Ten bronze also equaled one Silver,

Then ten Silver which was one hundred bronze, twenty silver was equal to one gold,

the normal citizen made about one silver a day so it wasn't that rich of a country at the moment but it wasn't really bad either,

Merlin didn't say much on the trip but he was plenty nice, Shawn had gone with him to meet Gaius who was the Court physician,

They had quickly reached the court physician's office or whatever and Merlin took a breath before opening the door, Gaius was reading a book when the entered,

"Hello, what can I do for you two?" The older man asked standing up,

"Hello I'm Merlin, I was told to come here by-"

"Udred's Son?" the man asked

"Yes!" Merlin nodded happily,

"but you weren't supposed to be till Wednesday?!" Gaius said,

"umm, It is Wednesday," Shawn said, Merlin just smiled

"Oh! my, and who are you?" Gaius asked

"Ah forgive my late introduction, I am Shawn, I met Merlin on the way here and decided to accompany him for a while," Shawn smiled

"Ah, Well nice to meet you, Shawn, do you have a place to stay?" Gaius asked

"I was thinking of renting a room somewhere, Maybe in the castle who knows," Shawn laughed

"Ah! now that's expensive, unfortunately, we only have one room or Id let such a polite young man stay here, Ah! I guess I can write you a referral, Here take this to the Quartermaster," Gaius said handing him a slip after writing a few words,

"Thank you this is a great favor!" Shawn said smiling

"Ha, I'm sure you'll repay it one day!" Gaius said laughing

"I should get started on this before nightfall, Merlin I look forward to seeing you again let's go to the tavern sometime!" Shawn said smiling, before he headed out to find the Quartermaster,