

Chapter 580: Tit For Tat (2)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Rhode didn't move an inch after he swept a glance at the potion bottle on the table. "What's this?"

"This is the bottle that stored the poison, Mr. Rhode. I can guarantee you that this is the result that our Alchemist Association came to after thorough investigations."


Rhode's short reply was as though a reaction of a civilian who didn't strike the lottery; apathetic and completely indifferent. Rhode remained in silence as though he was waiting for the senior to continue his sentence. However, Dasos was feeling incomparably awkward at this moment. Because he had said all that he was supposed to and he imagined that the young man would at least have more reactions than this. He didn't expect Rhode to remain this calm even with the evidence laid clearly before him. It seemed that this young man didn't rely on luck to have such a massive backing and powerful strength... Rhode's silence made Dasos increasingly worried. He didn't know if Rhode was unconcerned because it had nothing to do with him or he was simply feigning innocence to get himself out of the situation. However, no matter which was the truth, neither was a good scenario for Dasos. He let out an awkward cough and forced himself to continue. "We found an Alchemist logo on the potion bottle and it's the exact same logo as the one on the potion bottles that your Starlight Guild sells in Paphield. It is because of this that we have arrived at your Fortress. I hope to seek your cooperation with it."

This time, the drawing room fell into complete silence. Rhode looked at the senior without batting an eye. If Rhode's eyes weren't opened, they would've thought that he had fallen asleep. Dasos didn't feel frustrated over Rhode's silence. No matter what Rhode wished to do, Dasos had to make his intentions clear. Although the Alchemist Association wasn't as powerful as the Mercenary Association and the Church, they wouldn't allow themselves to be bullied.

Of course, it was another matter about how much courage was behind Dasos' determination.

Seconds passed and the atmosphere was strangely depressing. Apart from Dasos, the other Alchemists were beginning to feel restless and were about to stand to their feet. However, the mighty senior glared at them and they sat still obediently.

The sun had set and scarlet radiance spilled through the clear, french windows. After an unknown amount of time, Rhode twitched his brows, shook his finger, and shifted his position slightly as though waking up from his nap. But this time, he swept a glance at the crowd before him and said lazily, "No wonder there was a bunch of idiots who trespassed into my Guild's alchemy workshop and demanded us to hand over the murderer. So it was for this matter?"

"...!" Dasos' expression sulked slightly. He had long suspected if Rhode had some opinions about him. If not, why would they be stopped by the mercenaries when they first tried to enter the Fortress? Moreover, Rhode had even sent out a Grand Mage in the Legendary Stage to display his strength. And now, Dasos finally realized why the Guild Leader had paid no attention to this!

Dasos laid down the cup in his hand. Although he appeared calm, his heart was pounding. Initially, when this incident happened, there were two extreme attitudes toward this incident in the Alchemist Association internal department: radical and conservative. The extremists believed that Starlight Guild was nothing more than a tiny organization formed by crude mercenaries and didn't require their permission to investigate them. If these mercenaries dared to reject, they would show the mercenaries the powers of the Alchemists!

Most of these extremists were the members of the headquarters. They lived far from the Munn Kingdom and didn't understand the strength of Starlight. Judging from the information listed on paper, it was simple to be misled that this Guild was only lucky to have succeeded in the Midsummer Festival and there was nothing worthy of their concerns. The other conservative group led by Dasos mainly lived in the Munn Kingdom. Due to the advanced technologies in the Munn Kingdom, the Alchemists had occasional interactions with the higher-ups of the King's Party and they were aware that Starlight wasn't just lucky and acting rashly would surely bring them loads of trouble. Of course, this was only a problem between the two internal parties. While the Chairman was in a comma, there were also power struggles between the Alchemist Association. However, none of these had anything to do with Rhode.

Dasos heard that the headquarters formed an investigations team and they headed to Starlight for investigation. He also knew about their bossy and domineering attitudes, which was why he quickly formed an investigations team on his own and rushed to the Land of Atonement, with hopes to reach out to Rhode earlier. This way, he hoped that his reputation in the Munn Kingdom would allow a more efficient and peaceful discussion and stop the headquarters from taking over the case. However, he didn't expect that he was too late. It had exceeded his expectations that those normally lazy fellows would take actions this quickly. If the Alchemist Association was this hardworking most of the time, perhaps they wouldn't even be worse off than the Mercenary Association...

Dasos puckered his brows and let out an awkward cough. Then, he said. "Mr. Rhode, I think there may be some misunderstanding..."

"I don't care if it's a misunderstanding, Master Dasos. I respect your Alchemists, but this doesn't mean that I can allow them to cause a ruckus in my turf. That bunch of idiots has been chased out by me and I don't wish to see them again..." Rhode interrupted Dasos' words harshly and stared into his eyes. "If they continue to stir trouble on my territory, I can't promise that I will treat them nicely. I hope you can understand what I mean."

"..." Dasos' expression turned ashen.

However, Rhode gestured before he responded. "But those idiots have nothing to do with us. Master Dasos, I respect you a lot and that is why I have invited you into the Fortress. Can you tell me... How do you intend to carry out investigations with my Guild?"

"We..." Dasos felt relieved after hearing Rhode's assurance.

It was apparent that this young man had seen through their internal problems. Besides, Dasos also understood what Rhode had meant. Dasos heaved a subtle sigh of relief after gaining Rhode's support for them to carry out the investigations instead of chasing them away.

As for those guys from the headquarters... Dasos only hoped that they would be smart enough to not provoke this dangerous young man, who definitely wasn't a compassionate person. Dasos was also present during the Midsummer Festival and he had personally witnessed how Rhode crippled the Sky Sword and Liberty Wings Guild. He didn't want the Alchemist Association to end up in the same predicament as them.

"This... If it's possible, I hope to speak to the Alchemist who concocts potions for your Guild."

Rhode didn't answer immediately. Instead, he pondered for a few moments and looked to the side slightly. Shortly after, he contacted Canary, who was sipping on tea in the workshop, using his spiritual communications. "Canary, bring Lapis to the drawing room. Tell her that the Alchemist Association wants to meet her. Ask her not to be nervous and she just needs to repeat everything that has happened."

"Alright, Rhode," said Canary.

Rhode faced the senior and nodded slightly. "No problem, Master Dasos. But I do have a request. I hope that I can be around with her during the interrogation in order to prevent any misunderstandings."

"There's... no problem with that." Dasos was rather hesitant when he heard Rhode's suggestion. However, the situation wasn't advantageous enough for him to disagree. Although the senior seemed to be in a difficult position, he was actually somewhat proud. Even though it was disadvantageous for Rhode to stay behind during the interrogation, he could use this opportunity to sound out Starlight's attitude. If Rhode pointed fingers of blame or secretly pressurized them using his authority, this matter would surely be related to Starlight without any doubts. If Rhode really made this suggestion only for the purpose of protecting his subordinate, then the possibility of this being just a coincidence would be much greater. As for Dasos, he would be glad to see it happen.

However, even though Dasos was mentally prepared, he was still astounded when he met Lapis trembling with fear as she appeared through the Teleportation Door. She seems about 16 to 17 years old and a little, innocent child... Is she really capable of concocting that alchemy potion?

"S-Sir Rhode...!" Lapis felt immense pressure on her shoulders as soon as she spotted the Alchemists. She clasped her cloak nervously and turned to Rhode with tears rolling down her cheeks. Lapis had no idea what happened before teleporting to this place. She even thought that Rhode had decided to abandon her to the terrifying Alchemists. "I-I didn't mean to..."

"Alright, Lapis, don't be so nervous," Rhode gestured and said. "The Alchemists are here to investigate about the potion. You know that you're the only one responsible for concocting the alchemy potions in the Guild, so don't be nervous. I asked you here to answer their questions and I don't intend to chase you away or punish you. Alright, relax. I'm around, so they won't dare to mistreat you."

"Ah..." Lapis heaved a long sigh of relief and turned to the Alchemists simultaneously with flushed cheeks. Lapis had always been bashful and after displaying a blunder to the outsiders, she felt even more embarrassed. However, she knew how important this matter was and she calmed herself down quickly.

There wasn't anything special that was worth mentioning for the interrogation process. With Rhode around, the Alchemists didn't dare to be too aggressive. Besides, Lapis was also being truthful. Initially, she was concerned that she would be punished for concocting a potion for an outsider privately, which was why she was that nervous and cautious. However, she revealed the rare calm side of herself before the Alchemists and she was even a little furious. If it weren't for you people from the Alchemist Association who got me to do it, I wouldn't be this on edge.

Lapis had no intentions of hiding the truth because it was just an ordinary job for her. The Alchemists were stunned that this young lady had the advanced skills to complete the poison where even an Alchemist Master like Dasos would have a difficult time concocting it successfully. Initially, Dasos thought that Rhode had paid lip service and randomly picked Lapis to fill in the spot. But he realized that this timid young lady actually answered his difficult alchemy questions easily, ones that most experienced Alchemists needed to ponder for a long time. Besides, Dasos had also gotten the information about the recipe from Lapis which was extremely beneficial to them. This unexpected gain allowed this senior alchemist with virtue and prestige to lay his burdens down. Although there were many suspicions regarding the Chairman being poisoned, he realized that this matter indeed had nothing to do with Starlight.

The interrogation ended swiftly without any hiccups.

Dasos verified the young lady's skills and a fresh idea popped up in his head. "Miss Lapis, I would like to receive your help for something."

"I-I..." Lapis tensed up immediately.

Once bitten, twice shy. After she had been duped by the people of the Alchemist Association, she instantly entered her nervous mode whenever anyone from the Alchemist Association needed her help. The young lady took two steps back frightened before turning to Rhode and looking back at the senior. Dasos was caught between laughter and tears by her behaviors. However, he let out a bitter laugh and sounded his request.

"Through your descriptions, we learned that you're innocent in this incident, Miss Lapis. But I know you're aware that the poison is very harmful and difficult to get rid of. No matter what, since you're capable enough to concoct the poison, could you please concoct the antidote for us?"


Lapis was a little hesitant while Rhode let out a soft cough. Even though Rhode didn't respond, Kasos understood what he meant. Shortly after, the senior unrolled a wide smile. "How about that. I know that concocting the antidote will be really tough. I will provide you with the materials that you need in order to complete the antidote. Our Alchemist Association will do our best to provide the materials for assistance."

"If that's the case..." Lapis' eyes glimmered and gaped immediately.

The leopard can't change its spots. As she was about to agree, Rhode let out another cough and interrupted. Then, he stood up and held his hand on her shoulder while looking straight at Dasos. "Master Dasos, I respect everyone here, but I have some objections."

"Please speak your mind, Mr. Rhode," Dasos kept the smile on his face and displayed a stern expression. He knew that this young man wasn't easy to deal with at all.

"It's simple, Master Dasos. I guess you're aware now that my subordinate has no intentions of harming your Chairman. She merely complied to the request of someone in your association to concoct a bottle of potion and our Starlight has nothing to do with whatever happens to the potion. Don't tell me that you will find trouble with the bladesmith when someone uses a sword that he had forged to kill someone?"

"That..." Dasos was left speechless. However, Rhode wasn't graceful enough to give them a chance for explanations. He simply gestured and continued. "That's why I'm discontent with your way of saying that 'It is up to her to make up for her mistake'. Even if the bottle of potion was made by Lapis, she doesn't have the call as to what it is used for. If your people used it to water the plants, wouldn't there be no problem at all? So, this isn't the responsibility of my subordinate. If you wish for her to concoct the antidote..." Rhode paused and gazed at Dasos proudly. "You will need to pay the corresponding remuneration."

"T-This...!" The group of Alchemists including Dasos exchanged bewildered looks with one another. They didn't expect this young man to righteously come up with such fallacious reasoning. They thought that they were being polite for not finding trouble with them by coming to Starlight personally for the investigations. They didn't expect that he would take advantage of their kindness. Not only did he deny his responsibility, but he also requested for the Alchemist Association to pay him for it!

This is ridiculous!

A few of the Alchemists wanted to rebut, but they didn't know what to bring up against Rhode... Indeed. If the things that happened were as Lapis described, the responsibility didn't fall on her even if she was the one who concocted it. Most importantly, if they insisted that Lapis was responsible for the antidote, wouldn't it mean that they were implicated with it as Alchemists too?!

Dasos forced out a bitter smile. He knew that this young man wasn't easy to deal with and the so-called remunerations perhaps would bleed out the association. But now, he had no other choices. "Alright, I agree with your opinion, Mr. Rhode. Let's get down to the details."

Knock knock knock! As Rhode and Dasos were about to enter the next stage of the discussion, there were sudden loud knocks on the door. Rhode twitched his brows curiously and said. "Come in."

The door sprung open and Joey panted his way into the drawing room. He spotted Dasos and the group of Alchemists and he smartly dashed toward Rhode to whisper into his ear. "Boss, the bunch of Alchemists that we are tailing are up to no good."

Chapter 581: Tit For Tat (3)

"This is too much!" The middle-aged Alchemist glared fiercely and ground his teeth. Then, he turned his gaze away with a disgusted face as though the magnificent fortress in the distance was a pile of dog feces.

"Those barbaric bastards actually treated us this badly! Sir, we can't let this matter go to rest! We must show them that we don't accept such humiliations from a small and unestablished Guild! We must let them know how powerful we are! If not, how can we uphold the pride of our Alchemist Association!" The group of fuming Alchemists complained to the middle-aged man.

As elites of the Alchemist Association, they were praised and revered wherever they went. Indeed, the Alchemists weren't any powerful in battle strength, but their knowledge and skills revolving alchemy equipment and potions were far superior to most humans. It was also due to this that most Alchemists were overly proud and looked down on mercenaries who relied on muscles and Mages who survived with their talents. Mercenaries and Mages were nothing more than shameless stealers and if it weren't for their talents and strength, they would be worth nothing at all. However, Alchemists were different. They didn't need talent or muscle and only relied on their knowledge to gain powers. It was also due to this that most Alchemists saw themselves as superior and it was utter humiliation for them to be threatened by a group of mercenaries!

When Rhode's murderous intent emanated, intense fear brewed from the bottom of the Alchemists' hearts. In that instant, they felt as though the Grim Reaper was waving his sickle to the death tune behind their necks. The Alchemists couldn't hold their wrath in any longer... But they definitely wouldn't admit it due to their pride.

"That's right! Would those barbarians even be able to chase us out if we, Alchemists, weren't willing to let the matter off just like that? We shouldn't be too civilized against people like them. Everyone, the ones with the biggest fists are the boss! Let's show that arrogant young man how powerful we are!"

"That's right, that's right! Our intelligent words can't get into the heads of those barbarians! We need to show them how great we are!"

"Alright, alright." The middle-aged man gestured for them to give him some peace. Then, he lowered his head and gazed at the ground sulkily before letting out a snort. "Since they refused our soft approach, let's give them the rough treatment! You guys are right. We, Alchemists, are unlike the crude mercenaries, and we have our own ways of resolving this problem..."

The man revealed a sinister smile and turned to the Alchemists. "Have the Egrets entered the fortress?"

"Yes, they have, Sir. We have received news that the Egrets have sneaked into the fortress and weren't discovered by the mercenaries. They are searching for an opportunity outside the alchemy workshop. We have also heard that the Guild Leader has strengthened the defense around the alchemy workshop after we've left. There are more mercenaries patrolling the area now and perhaps we will have a harder time entering and snatching the criminal."

"Hmph. How hilarious that a small little countryside mercenary organization even sets up an alchemy workshop! Get them to continue monitoring..." The middle-aged man revealed a creepy smile. "By the way, tell them to execute plan B."


"That's impossible!"

Smack! Dasos slammed the paper on the table and gazed at Rhode sternly. He spread his arms apart and his aged, rough face wrinkled to his strong disagreement. On the contrary, Rhode didn't even bat an eyelid while Lapis was almost startled to death.

It was no wonder that Dasos was this furious. He thought that they would only need to fork out an insignificant sum of money for the corresponding remunerations. However, when Rhode presented the long list of items, even Dasos who had great self-restraint couldn't help but smack the table. "Mr. Rhode, this is totally unreasonable! Everything on the list is an expensive material that our Alchemist Association can't afford! I'm sorry, we will not agree to this request!"

From the Demon Grass, Magic Crystals to the Angel Tree Heart and the Shadow Nucleus, all the listed items had absurd price tags. Some of them were so rare that they didn't even have market prices and couldn't be purchased from the markets. But now, this young man actually asked for every material in the quantity of carts! Carts!

He's better off robbing the sellers!

Frankly speaking, Dasos would rather provide the corresponding value of the materials in gold coins instead so he wouldn't feel the heartache. Although the Alchemist Association wasn't as powerful as the Mercenary Association and Church, they weren't financially tight with their outstanding alchemy skills in concocting unique potions for sales. Dasos wouldn't even wrinkle his forehead if Rhode asked for hundreds of thousands or even millions of gold coins. However, no Alchemists would agree to provide the equal value worth of alchemy materials because, after all, it was much harder to gather these valuable alchemy materials than to acquire them using gold coins.

"Don't be that agitated, Master Dasos. It's not good for your age," Rhode said with a casual expression while sipping his tea.

Dasos shook his head with an ashen expression. "It's impossible, Mr Rhode. I'll say it once more. The Alchemist Association can't provide that many materials!"

"I'm really surprised. An Alchemist Association with branches all over the Dragon Soul Continent can't even hand over this little amount of materials?"


Dasos finally understood what Rhode's true intentions were. Initially, Dasos rejected firmly because he was indeed incapable of providing all the materials. Although the Alchemist Association was wealthy in the Munn Kingdom, Dasos couldn't hand over that many materials even if they sold the entire Alchemist Association. Dasos realized that this cunning young man didn't intend to make him pay the price from his pockets because he had laid his eyes on the entire Alchemist Association!

But, even so, the Alchemist Association Headquarters would also have a hard time providing them.

"I know what you're thinking about, young man. But that is impossible. You should also know that the Alchemist Association Headquarters is far away from the Munn Kingdom. Besides, the materials that you requested are too precious and frankly speaking, I don't think the Headquarters will be willing to give them to you..."

"... Even in exchange for your Chairman's life?" Rhode took over the conversation. He laid the cup on the table and gazed at Dasos calmly. "I see. So the life of your Chairman isn't valuable at all. Forget it. Master Dasos, this spells the end of our negotiations. Since your association doesn't value your Chairman, I won't be bothered by it either. I will also not look into the matter where you people have trespassed into our fortress. That's all."

Rhode stood up and gestured to see his visitors out.

"This..." The senior looked on blankly.

Initially, he thought that he could use the name of the Alchemist Association Chairman to pressure this young man. But he didn't expect that he would use the Chairman against him instead. Dasos was speechless. The Chairman was the most important figure in the entire Alchemist Association and that was why the association had sent out an investigations team in such a short period of time. Dasos also knew that the internal department was having a power struggle and an uproar would arise in the Alchemist Association once they were aware of Rhode's ridiculous request. But what else could they do? The Alchemist Association didn't have any powerful beings in the Legendary Stage to fight for their rights and even the Mist Sword Saint of the Light Parliament failed. The Light Parliament only dared to resist Lydia diplomatically, so how is it possible that the Archangel will even regard those guys highly? Even the Light Parliament had failed to win his favors, so what else can the Alchemist Association do? Moreover, Dasos had even witnessed the logo of the Church, which meant that their collaboration wasn't baseless... Even Dasos didn't know how he should face such a horrifying monster that was related to the formidable forces. "You can't put it this way, Mr. Rhode. You have to understand our difficulties..."

"This is a business, Master Dasos. You're an Alchemist, but you should also understand this. If your association can concoct the antidote yourselves, you wouldn't need our help at all, right? I think that my conditions are more than reasonable. Of course, we perhaps can negotiate further in the specific details."


Dasos was left speechless because he knew what Rhode said was the truth. This poison was too mysterious where none of the top-rate Alchemists could concoct the antidote for it. This was also why the Alchemist Association took actions this quickly after investigating that Starlight had concocted the poison. Although the Chairman was still in a coma and didn't show any critical symptoms, everyone knew what would happen to the Chairman would be if he continued to survive only through potions to extend his life.

Rhode wasn't the one rushing for time. He could leisurely wait and perhaps the Chairman would have passed on by then... This way, he would undoubtedly offend the Alchemist Association. But what could they do to him? Stop selling alchemy potions to him? Rhode had such a young, top-rate Alchemist Master by his side so would he even need to care about them? Moreover, the King's Party and the Senia Family were also widely known for their advanced magical technologies. Since Marlene Senia was still a part of the Starlight, it meant that Rhode could receive magical equipment from the Senia Family, so would he even be bothered by the Alchemist Association's suppression?

Dasos let out a long sigh and sat down to scan the list of items once more.

It seemed that there were no other solutions other than going through another negotiation with Rhode.

While Dasos and Rhode were engaging in their 'friendly negotiations', it was a whole different atmosphere in the alchemy workshop for Christie and group.

"Ah... How boring..." Anne stretched and wiped her drool sleepily. Then, she looked at Christie and the little mermaid with a pout. Both of them were softly talking to each other by the table. Or perhaps, Christie was the only one speaking since the little mermaid couldn't speak at all and both of them interacted using hand gestures. Anne wished to use this opportunity to get closer to the adorable little girl who always stuck around Rhode's side. However, she felt helpless because the little mermaid was still equally afraid of her. Apart from Rhode and Christie, she didn't dare to approach anyone else... But Anne wasn't a person who would resign to her fate. At this moment, an idea cropped up in her mind and she jumped to her feet. "Christie, Cutie, are you two bored? Want to accompany Anne outside?"


Anne's suggestion piqued Christie's curiosity. Christie was here to assist Lapis, but Canary had asked Lapis away, leaving Christie with nothing on her hands. However, even though she was bored, she continued to stay in the workshop obediently.

"That's right, Christie. Cutie has just arrived here, right? We can show her around the fortress and spend some time too. Isn't that good?"

"That..." Christie looked at the little mermaid beside her and she was somewhat interested in Anne's proposal. In fact, Christie also adored this extremely adorable little girl floating in the water ball. Their closeness made Christie felt as though she had a younger sister. Besides, Rhode had also asked of Christie to take good care of Snow, which gave her a sense of responsibility. Perhaps Christie might be hesitant if Anne suggested heading out of the fortress. However, she swiftly nodded in agreement since they would be roaming about in the fortress and Anne was with them. "Alright, Sister Anne."

"Let's go!" Anne grinned and hopped toward the two little girls.

The little mermaid displayed a frightened expression and hurriedly shrunk her body. Along with her movements, the water ball nimbly shifted to behind Christie. Although the little mermaid couldn't touch Christie due to the separation of the water ball, this behavior was more than enough to explain her thoughts. However, Anne wasn't mindful of it at all. She carelessly pulled Christie's hand with an excited smile. "I'll bring you two to see something fun in the fortress!"

The massive fortress was exceptionally bustling as more and more people had moved in. Even though the originally deserted fortress had slowly become lively, there were still close to no incidents of harassments and riots caused by the migrants because Rhode had laid down strict rules. If one caused a ruckus in the fortress, one would be blacklisted and immediately deported. With such rules and the presence of the mercenaries and Ocean Elves, ordinary civilians didn't dare to stir any trouble. Therefore, although the entire fortress was bustling, there weren't any disorderly uproars and chaos.

Christie and the little mermaid attracted a lot of attention. However, no one was foolish enough to stop their paths as they knew the rules of the Guild. Although the little girl floating in the water ball appeared interesting and adorable, she seemed much more normal than the Ocean Elves with tentacles fluttering all over their bodies.

"Let's go to the garden! Anne always loves to go there for a nap everytime Anne returns to the fortress. Christie, Cutie, do you know? The best way to have a nice dream is to find a warm and quiet place, shut your eyes and think about happy stuff... That's how Anne does..."

As Anne gesticulated excitedly to teach Christie and the little mermaid about her 'Nice Dream Philosophy', some men clad in cloaks emerged in the crowd out of a sudden. They appeared to be ordinary humans who had blended into the crowd and were approaching the three young ladies gradually. While Christie listened attentively to Anne's exciting speech, the little mermaid looked around worriedly as though she had detected something and inched closer to Christie.

Shortly after, the group of men in cloaks brushed passed the three young ladies. They drew out three short staffs from the fold of their clothes secretly and struck forward.

Clang! Anne raised her right arm instinctively without turning around. Along with this movement, the shield hung on her back sprung up and crashed to the ground heavily to protect Christie and the little mermaid from the ambush. At the same time, a violent whirlwind rose from the ground and swept across the streets. The group of men in cloaks lost their footing and rolled on their backs. But a faint magical radiance emanated from their bodies quickly and they stabilized their footing.

"Who are you? What are you trying to do?!" Anne clasped her shield and protected Christie and the little mermaid bravely.

The group of men didn't answer. Then, another group of men in similar outfit emerged from the ground mysteriously and encircled the three young ladies. The man leading the group reached into the fold in his clothes and retrieved a shimmering dagger. "Get them!"

The group of men instantly transformed into ghostly shadows and pounced forward!

Chapter 582: Asking For Death

"You're asking for death!"

Anne bellowed and pulled a steel chain connected to her shield with her left hand which expanded the shield swiftly and roared a violent gust. The ambushers didn't expect Anne to react this quickly. They had pounced in midair and couldn't dodge her retaliation at all. They smashed into the shield and were flung away like ragdolls.

The crowd surrounding the trio had dispersed as soon as the commotion began and they observed from a distance away. The ambushers were unusually strong. Although they were struck away by Anne's shield, they got onto their feet swiftly and brandished their daggers forward like quick, slithering vipers.

"Eh?" Anne shrieked in horror.

Even though she didn't cast any spiritual powers into her attack, her raw strength and the weight of the shield should have been enough to at least cripple them. She didn't expect that these men were as capable as cockroaches. They can still get up after my shield hit them? Something's off!

However, Anne didn't lose her calm. Although she disliked leading a team, her individual strength was exceptionally outstanding and she had plenty of experiences in battle. Anne retreated hurriedly and guarded Christie and the little mermaid against the ambushers. At the same time, she swung out her shield again, but this time, the ambushers dodged nimbly and hastened their speed forward. Two of them leaped over Anne's attack and wielded their daggers to Christie and the little mermaid.

"Got them!" One of the men exclaimed excitedly.

Christie shrieked in fear, but even so, she gritted her teeth and spread out her arms to protect the little mermaid. However, she didn't notice that when she extended her arms, a strange shadow emerged in her right hand and shattered into thin air in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Snow finally displayed her strength as a summoned spirit. Although she had just been created by Rhode, she was nonetheless a summoned spirit. She swam in the water ball at lightning speed and pushed her hands forward as though she was splashing water. Then, whirling, semi-crystalized radiance splattered gracefully and solidified into an ice crystal barrier from the fluttering snowflakes.

The barrier blocked the ambusher from piercing further and their razor-sharp blades scratched the barrier that was whirling non-stop. The two ambushers frowned at their missed opportunity, sprung backwards, and brandished their daggers forward from the other direction.

Clang! A dagger emanating with shimmering radiance emerged before them and resisted their attacks. Then, Joey flitted by with a mysterious grin. "Aiya, this won't do, Brothers. I won't let you touch this young lady here."

"You...!" The ambusher was taken aback.

As a Thief class, he knew the dangers of letting someone sneaking to his side. Moreover, this young man actually possessed such formidable strength. However, before the ambusher displayed his astonished expression, Joey had thrust his foot onto his stomach. Then, Joey somersaulted to the ground and swept a glance to Christie and Anne with a grin. "Aiya, sorry for coming this late, Anne, Christie, and this adorable Miss Mermaid."

"Ah... Joey..." Christie heaved a sigh of relief, but the little mermaid didn't have a favorable impression on this frivolous Thief and she drew a distance away from him.

"You're quite fast this time, Joey," Anne took a step back and guarded Christie and the little mermaid with Joey from the other side. She clasped her steel shield and said. "Anne thought you ran off to a pub for drinks."

"Heh, that's not right, Anne. I'm working right now. Working." Joey revealed an awkward smile as he tightened the grip around the liquor flask hanging by his waist and waved his dagger. Back then, after Joey had dispatched his men to tail the group of Alchemists, they discovered that they had been secretly contacting someone, which Joey quickly reported to Rhode. Then, Rhode ordered Joey to continue monitoring and find out their exact numbers and background, which was why Joey was following the group of men from far behind. Joey thought that this group of people was here to inquire information about the fortress, but he didn't expect them to lay their hands on Christie and Anne... He didn't know if he should treat them as courageous or dumb.

"No matter what, help Anne to keep them back! These people are quite strange!"

"Don't worry, Anne," Joey said relaxedly. He swept a glance at the ambushers and shrugged. "Our reinforcements are here."

Boom! An ear-deafening explosion numbed their ears and the aggressive ambushers fell flat to the ground as though an invisible large hand had swatted on their backs. Their faces flushed and pumping veins popped up on their foreheads. Faint magical radiance flickered on their bodies, but it didn't seem to be effective.

At this moment, Canary descended from above with her signature smile. She rushed to Christie and the little mermaid's side and scanned them from head to toe. "Are you hurt, Christie?"

Christie smiled and shook her head in response. "No... Thank you... Sister... Canary..."

"Glad to hear that," Canary's smile turned even gentler. She extended her hand and stroked Christie's long hair lightly. "Don't worry, you did well, Christie. You even tried to protect the people around you under such a dangerous situation. You're really brave... You're indeed Rhode's..."

Canary paused abruptly. However, she simply nodded and turned around to face the ambushers. "Is this all of them?"

"Uh... Y-Yes, Madam Canary," Joey said with a pale expression.

Even though this Grand Mage was smiling widely, Joey had clearly spotted the ice-cold, merciless glint in her eyes, which left him shivering and gulping his saliva. Canary looked to the side and extended her right arm. Then, the ambushers who were on the ground flew up to the sky and crashed into one another. Canary swung her arm slightly and tossed them onto the empty field in a stack. She clapped the filthy dust off her palms. "I'll leave them to you. Dismantle their equipment and wait for further instructions from Rhode. As for the others, Bubble has gone to settle them."

Dasos took down his monocle and leaned back on the sofa, letting out a long sigh. The Alchemists around him were also exhausted. It wasn't easy negotiating with Rhode and Dasos didn't expect this young man to be that demanding. Moreover, he was extremely familiar with the operations of the Alchemist Association and was relatively sure of his judgment, leaving Dasos without a chance to act stupid. He didn't have an easy time wrangling with Rhode over the alchemy materials either. If Rhode didn't give up a little at the final stages, perhaps both parties couldn't come to an agreement.

But now, everything had finally ended.

"Alright then, that settles it, Mr. Rhode," Dasos raised his spirits and lifted the material list. "According to our agreement, we will provide you with half the materials first. After we have received the antidote and verified its effects, we will provide you with the other half... Of course, this transaction has to go through the review and confirmation of the Church. Is everything accurate as to what we have discussed?"

"Of course," Rhode lifted his head and nodded.

Dasos felt rather ridiculous at his response, but he didn't dare to speak anymore. After all, the wrangling over the alchemy material was enough to bleed them dry and if Rhode suddenly thought of something new, he would need to... The Chairman was in a critical condition and they didn't have the time for chit chat. Dasos stood to his feet. "Alright then, Mr Rhode. There's no time to lose. Don't you think we should..."

"Hold on a moment," Rhode extended his arm and gestured.

Dasos' heart skipped a beat. "I-Is there any other problems? Mr Rhode?"

"If I recall correctly, Master Dasos, you said that this investigation team that you led represents the Alchemist Association Headquarters, right?"

"That's... Of course."

Although Dasos didn't know why Rhode chose to verify this question again at this moment, he eventually nodded. Then, Rhode handed over another sheet of paper. Dasos took over the paper and scanned through the contents. He was flabbergasted. "Mr. Rhode, what do you mean by this!"

"It's simple," Rhode said with his usual expression. "This is a ransom, Master Dasos."


"That's right," Rhode lowered his voice. "Alchemists from your association have attempted to attack and harm my subordinates in my fortress. If your association isn't willing to hand over this sum of money, be prepared to find their corpses hanging on our fortress walls."

"What did you say?!" Dasos exclaimed.

The sun had set and colors of the night shrouded the entire sky. Rhode stood on the steps of the fortress and gazed down at the group of men who were trussed up. Among them were the ones who ambushed Christie and those who had tried to barge into the alchemy workshop. They cowered miserably under the flames and the radiance of magical crystals. Dasos looked on with an ashen expression behind Rhode and stared at the bunch of idiots. "Master Dasos, allow me to verify. They belong to the Alchemist Association, right?"

"They..." Dasos hesitated for a moment. Frankly speaking, he didn't wish to admit that they were. However, he couldn't bring himself to deny the fact. Among the group of Alchemists, the leader, Thomas, was extremely talented and well-liked by the higher-ups of the Headquarters. However, his weaknesses was that he was overly proud and domineering, and he was simply considered one of many eccentric Alchemists.

As for the ambushers Rhode had mentioned, Dasos was also familiar with them. They were a part of an Elite Alchemy Equipment Battle Team, the 'Egrets'. Dasos finally understood why the Headquarters dared to barge their way here. With the 'Egrets' backing them up, Guilds indeed would have a hard time against them. But...

Dasos glanced with lingering fear at the smiling young lady in Mage robe and the fuming little girl with two ponytails in a Cleric robe standing left and right below the steps.

_This time... They really messed with the wrong person. _

"Yes, Mr. Rhode, they're indeed members of our Alchemist Association." Dasos let out a helpless sigh.

He could imagine that if he denied the fact, Rhode would surely take actions against them and he would see their corpses swaying to the wind on the fortress walls the next morning. Although Dasos cursed this group of idiots who had spoiled his plans, he couldn't possibly not extend a helping hand to them. No matter what, the 'Egrets' were an Elite team of the Alchemist Association and Thomas was a highly-anticipated, talented figure. It would be a mistake that couldn't be made up if they were to lose them here.

"So then, Master Dasos, you should know what to do now."

"Er... Yes, Mr. Rhode. I will inform the association immediately to handle this situation," Dasos hung his head dispiritedly. So many things had happened in a day and he was mentally and physically exhausted. He couldn't even care less about this group of bastards... Can't they take actions after investigating?!

"Dasos! How can you listen to the nonsense of these barbaric mercenaries!" The tied up middle-aged Alchemist berated and glared furiously at Dasos and Rhode. "And you! You shameless mercenary. How dare you treat me this way! Do you know who I am? I'm Thomas Kruvo! I'm the number one talent of the Alchemist Association Headquarters and you have offended the entire Alchemist Association! The association will destroy you and your useless Guild! Who do you think you are!? You weak little sissy!"

Smack! Bubble dashed forward and slapped his cheek so hard that the birds chirping on the tree branches flew away fearfully. Thomas flinched and collapsed to the ground.

"Shut your damn mouth, you NPC! Who do you think you are to scold Leader? I stomp, stomp, stomp on you bloody idiot! Just a little NPC who isn't worth a single point of EXP actually dared to spout nonsense in front of Leader?!" Bubble berated and thrust her foot on Thomas. Although she was young, her strength was incredibly powerful as a being in the Legendary Stage. Thomas wailed desperately and the surrounding crowd either watched on silently or were worried about their fates, so no one went up to stop Bubble's violent tortures. On the other hand, Dasos summoned up his courage to request for mercy after hearing Thomas' miserable shrieks as though he was a pig being slaughtered. "Er... Mr. Rhode..."

"Alright, Bubble, that's enough. It won't be fun anymore if you kill him," Rhode said.

Bubble launched a final kick to Thomas' back and faced the night sky with folded arms.

Rhode turned to Dasos. "Master Dasos, this is all that I can do. I can guarantee their safety until the Alchemist Association pays the ransom and compensates us for the losses. If your association doesn't respond within the indicated timing, I will not waste another drop of my precious foodstuff to feed a group of worthless crap. Do you understand?"

"I-I understand, Mr Rhode."

"Good," Rhode nodded and turned to Joey. "Joey, dismantle all their equipment and throw them into the water jail. As for that fellow..." Rhode gazed meaningfully at the moaning middle-aged Alchemist who had curled up into a ball. His face was no longer as arrogant as he was when he first tried to barge into the alchemy workshop. "Lock him into the dark cell."

The torch flames flickered in the pitch-dark, damp prison. The friction on the hinges of the heavy iron door let out ear-piercing screeches as it opened and the mercenaries tossed Thomas into the cell like a dead dog. Bam! The iron door slammed shut behind him.

"That damn bastard!" Thomas crawled to his feet with clenched fists. He gritted his teeth as his entire body was filled with bruises and pain. Thomas had never been this humiliated. A talented Alchemist like him was actually treated like a prisoner! This is ridiculous! That damn, barbaric bastard! I will give that sissy a taste of the Alchemist Association's wrath after I leave this place!

Suddenly, a burst of deep chuckles sounded from the dark corners of his cell. "Hey, who is this? A newbie? Brothers, we have a new companion."

Five to six exceptionally burly mercenary-looking men emerged from the darkness. Judging from their attire, they seemed to be locked up for committing a certain crime. Thomas was disgusted by their rough faces and the glaring tattoos on their bodies. He acted as though he didn't see them and turned around to let out a grunt proudly. The group of men burst out into laughter. "Heh? Didn't expect that he's got a huge temper..."

One of the men tried to place his hand on Thomas' shoulder, but Thomas struck his hand away. "Get away from me, you barbarians!"

Thomas turned around and glared fiercely at the man. He had never felt this powerless. He didn't have his alchemy equipment, potions, and anything. At this moment, he was nothing more than an ordinary, defenseless human. But, so what if he has the equipment? Thomas remembered back then when they were waiting for good news from the 'Egrets' outside the fortress, the petite and arrogant little girl descended from the sky and wiped them all out with a few hand gestures.

Could it be that strength proves everything in this world?

I refuse to accept!

I refuse to accept!!

The man looked at Thomas' vengeful eyes and let out a chuckle. "This isn't up to you to decide, Kid. Brothers, get him!"

Two other prisoners charged forward and pinned Thomas to the wall by his arms. Even though Thomas was powerless, he hadn't given up just yet.

"What are you trying to do? Get lost, you insolent bastards! Do you know who I am? I'm..." Thomas choked on his words abruptly as his pants were pulled down by the prisoners! "W-What are you trying to do? What are you trying to do?!"

Thomas didn't receive an answer. Shortly after, a pair of thick arms began to roam his body. "Heh heh, not bad... Soft flesh feels so good to the touch... I wonder where that rascal managed to find such a pampered son of a wealthy family... Heh, this feels so much better than those bastards..."

"W-W-What are you trying to do!? Let me go! Let me go! I'm a man!" Thomas couldn't hold in the fear in his heart anymore. He struggled to break free frantically, but he couldn't escape from their clutches. The man laughed cheekily at his snarls. "Of course I know that you're a man, Kid. I wouldn't even want you if you weren't a man... You must be great to have such fair skin. Come, let me show you a whole new world."

"What?! N-No, get lost... Ahhh!" Thomas waved about frantically and at this moment, a thick, warm object penetrated his body from the back.

In an instant, every word that came out of his mouth became ear-piercing screams.

Chapter 583: Blackblade Guards

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Of course, Rhode couldn't care less about the treatment that the pathetic man had received in the dark cell. On the second morning, Dasos left the Land of Atonement with his team hurriedly and returned to the Alchemist Association. Rhode knew clearly that the pitiful senior would have a hard time convincing the association to hand over that much material. However, he wasn't worried at all. Their agreement had been reviewed and confirmed by the Church and if the Alchemist Association breached the contract, their reputation on the entire content would reach rock bottom.

Although it was an 'unexpected calamity' for Rhode that the Alchemist Association had come to his doorstep, this served as a reminder to him that his care for the fortress wasn't enough. The matters regarding Lapis especially made him realize what he wasn't doing enough. He was considering appointing an assistant for Lapis, which would be essential for her. Lapis had a reserved and bashful personality which not only reflected in her daily life but also on her job. Lapis required a lot of material to create alchemy equipment, but she was always too embarrassed to request from Rhode and would rather think of other solutions. It was also due to this reason that Lapis was won over by that bunch of idiots from the Alchemist Association. If there was someone by her side to guide her and communicate with Rhode during times of necessity, it could prevent similar incidents from happening.

Things were easier said than done and it wasn't easy to find someone suitable. Firstly, the person must be trustworthy and would be best a female. Apart from that, she must possess great communication skills and could sharply detect Lapis' true thoughts. At the same time, she must have a certain level of battle strength to protect Lapis in times of dangers. Finally, the most important point—Lapis must accept her. And it definitely wouldn't be easy for her to open up her heart to trust someone.

After listing out the conditions, Rhode realized that there were no members who fitted the requirements. Starlight was still in its early stages and everyone had their own position. Although Canary and Bubble were around in the fortress, they weren't suitable to stick around in the alchemy workshop the whole day. Besides, Bubble had to train the mercenaries and also lecture the Clerics on PVP battle techniques. Canary had to stand in for Marlene to ensure smooth operations within the fortress. As for Anne and Lize, they had to follow Rhode for missions and couldn't possibly remain in the fortress. Gillian might be idling around, but considering her personality, perhaps she would treat Lapis as her puppet rather than be her assistant.

Although Christie and Lapis were close, she wasn't well physically and she didn't have the capability to protect Lapis and herself. Although Celia met the requirements, it was a pity that she wasn't a Core Card. As a high-level summoning card, Celia would drain a high amount of spiritual energy from Rhode. It was still possible for Rhode to maintain her presence like in Fiat for up to five days, but if he had to do it 24/7, it would apply a lot of pressure to his body. The Holy Sword Card Deck didn't contain created spirits like Snow and they consumed a large amount of spiritual energy for their summons. For safety's sake, Rhode couldn't possibly diminish one-fifth of his spiritual energy every day to maintain Celia's presence. Moreover, the amount of spiritual energy consumed had a direct relation to their physical distances. If Rhode had headed into the Golden City and left Celia in the fortress, the amount of spiritual energy that he needed to consume would perhaps leave him insufficient for other purposes.

Rhode couldn't help but think of Marlene.

Although Rhode had been spending most of his time on the reorganization of the Guild after he returned to the fortress, he didn't block himself out from the happenings in the outside world. The reports from the intelligence net of Old Walker and the 'Silent Blade' had been delivered to Rhode's desk daily.

The internal war between the North and South hadn't ended. The Reformist Party's army arrived at Callenbach 'peacefully', so the members were elated. On the other hand, the Northern King's Party allied army didn't have any large-scale movements after forming a half encirclement apart from carrying out besieging exercises. Outsiders might even misunderstand that they were there for military drills.

Rhode was sure that the fish had taken the bait.

Although there were 70,000 defending troops in Callenbach to face the King's Party 60,000, the number of foodstuff supplies that the 70,000 troops had to consume was also massive. The foodstuff reserves in the South had been burned to ashes by Rhode. Previously, the Southern Parliament opened up the granaries to the public and the remaining foodstuff was almost to the bottom of its bucket. Rhode was curious to see how the Southern Parliament could come up with foodstuff for the 70,000 troops. Callenbach was a remote city and didn't have that many reserves.

According to Old Walker's report, the emissaries of the Light Parliament had arrived in Golden City, but Lydia was nowhere to be found. It was said that Lydia had heard about the strange rumors that the Frozen Lake had melted and went for a tour in the Cranmore region... Perhaps only God knew when she would be back.

Although both sides didn't have such a large-scale war before, there were a lot of small-scale conflicts. Rhode had also heard about a lot of rumors regarding Marlene leading the Senia Family's Magician Guards and driving off the Southern Legion. Not only her, but many families in the Munn Kingdom had also sent out their heirs and trusted aides to gain frontline experiences and express their attitude to the King's Party. As the largest family in the Munn Kingdom, the Senia Family was naturally the most eye-catching of them all.

Rhode had mixed feelings whenever he heard about Marlene. He was delighted that Marlene could walk on the right path and as long as Marlene could perform outstandingly in this battle, her position in the King's Party would rise and stabilize. Marlene could then use this opportunity to rise in the King's Party's ranks officially.

Although Marlene's future would be bright and hopeful, Rhode didn't feel great about parting ways with her. They had an intimate relationship and Marlene's abilities were a huge help for Rhode. As a talent born in the political world, not only did Marlene have exceptionally gift, but she also stuck out like a sore thumb politically. For Starlight to grow from a team of fewer than 10 members to a powerful presence now, a lot of the credit belonged to Marlene. If it was possible, Rhode wished to make Marlene his adjutant forever... He could get her to handle some matters while he could handle her if there was nothing else going on... Argh. Sidetracked.

However, it was a pity that Rhode could only think about such blissful days in his head. Although Marlene liked Rhode and they had a relationship closer than friends, Rhode didn't believe that Marlene was a woman who would be bound by such emotions. She was born in the powerful Senia Family and brought up as an heir to their family. She couldn't possibly be those women in novels where they go: "As long as I can be with you, I will give up everything. As long as you love me, I will live without any regrets..."

Such words were to trick children and a mature person would understand her own responsibilities. Marlene would be too childish if she behaved that way. Rhode was sure that Marlene wouldn't behave that way based on his observations.

But it would be difficult to determine if it were Anne or Lize.

"Haa..." Rhode laid down the feather pen and let out a long sigh. He shook his head helplessly at the pile of documents on his desk. Things had gotten troublesome after Marlene's departure. Although she had set up a perfect workflow and set of rules for the Guild before she left and everything would operate perfectly, it would still be useless no matter how great the motherboard was if the CPU wasn't up for the task. Without Marlene around, Rhode and Canary were rather flustered in the final few management steps. In the game, neither of them needed to be concerned with lodging and food for the players.

Forget it, it's useless thinking about it now.

Rhode shook his head and threw the image of Marlene to the back of his head. Then, he lifted a bell on his desk.

Ding-a-ling. The study room door opened and Agatha entered with two tentacles extended below as though she was lifting the hem of her skirt like a human servant. She bowed politely and asked with a monotonous voice. "Master, may I help you with anything?"

"How is the fortress currently doing?" Rhode pondered for a moment and said.

As elemental creatures, the Ocean Elves were able to communicate spiritually with one another. Agatha had the highest level among them and she could easily lay her 'tentacles' on the fortress situation through the other Ocean Elves. Agatha closed her eyes for a few moments. Then, she opened her eyes and said, "The operations of the fortress are normal. But the Constructs that you've designed are going through official trials today."

"Oh?" Rhode twitched his brow. "Bring me there."

The sun shone brightly on the vast, serene prairie and the grass rippled to the gentle breeze. Dozen Calvarymen formed an offensive formation swiftly and darted across the prairie with raised pikes, shattering the tranquility. Countless grass clippings were engulfed in their darting gust.

When Rhode arrived at the prairie, a group of Calvarymen reorganized from an offensive triangle formation to a right side attack in mere seconds. At this moment, the leading Cavalryman blew a whistle abruptly as though he had sensed Rhode's presence. The group of Calvarymen changed their direction and charged toward Rhode magnificently. The loud clip-clops of the horseshoes were as though the sound of deep, rolling thunder. However, Rhode stood still with his hands behind his back and gazed calmly at them.

As the group of Cavalrymen charged closer, they slowed down their speed abruptly and regrouped uniformly, coming to a halt within three steps like a controlled robot. At this moment, the leading Cavalryman approached Rhode and dismounted his horse. He lifted open his black armor mask and revealed a youthful grin. "Good day, Sir Rhode."

"Seems like you're doing well, John. How does it feel?" Rhode nodded slightly.

This young man was John Grayer, who Rhode had recruited to Paphield. After the mercenaries left the Paphield frontline, John abided to Rhode's orders and led over 60 of his Cavalrymen to the fortress. However, instead of being Rhode's mercenaries, they were his private soldiers and henchmen.

Frankly speaking, John was still doubtful about Rhode before he came to this place because there must still be a limit to a young noble's strength. If not, Rhode wouldn't have stooped so low as to lead mercenaries into the battle himself. However, this massive fortress left John dumbfounded. Moreover, Canary and Bubble's presence in the Legendary Stage had convinced the young man to give his all to work for Rhode. A noble who owned such a massive fortress and had that many powerful subordinates must have a bright future ahead.

At this moment, John had also experienced the benefits of being Rhode's henchman.

"It's great, Sir." John revealed an excited smile and he knocked on his body armor proudly. Unlike the light-weight, half body armor Cavalrymen were usually clad in, this full body armor was incomparably sturdy and every inch of their bodies was completely protected. Not only was there a prismatic shield on their arm which allowed for the tip of a pike to poke through the front, the back of the shield also had two cone-shaped tips like razor-sharp teeth extending out. This design made the Cavalrymen look like monsters with teeth all over their bodies.

"Frankly speaking, I thought this armor would be really heavy, but I didn't expect it to be almost as light as the leather armor. I don't feel burdened by it at all! Not only that, but this strange weapon is also extraordinarily great to use. Sir, I didn't know you could create such equipment!"

It wasn't without reason for John's excitement. He grew up in a noble family so he wouldn't be as naive as ordinary soldiers. After putting on the equipment, he immediately realized that they weren't ordinary at all. They were alchemy equipment—extremely rare in the market and almost impossible to provide in batches to the soldiers. John remembered that even the top elites of the Southern Legion didn't have such a great treatment!

But now, he had just arrived and this generous young man had given him such a precious gift, which further assured him that his choice wasn't a mistake.

Rhode nodded slightly as he observed John's blissful expression. He knew why John was that excited. This set of alchemy equipment wasn't imagined by Rhode. Instead, it was invented by the future Country of Darkness. Not only were they light, but the weapon also had strong damage output, which had a relation to why the Country of Darkness was able to breeze their way through all the enemies on the continent during the war. During the creation of the equipment, Rhode and Lapis had considered the differences between the Undead Spirits and Humans and modified them to be more suitable for human usage.

"This set of equipment is still under modification. If you feel there's anything wrong when using it, feel free to let me know and I will get Lapis to fix it... By the way, I told you to think of a name for this team. Have you done so?" said Rhode.

"Of course, Sir Rhode." John pushed out his chest proudly. "I've decided to call us the 'Black Rose'. What do you think?"


was surprised to see the corner of Rhode's mouth twitch and his expression seemed to have become somewhat complicated.

"Black Rose?" Rhode lifted his head and shot a strange look at John. He sized up John and the group of Cavalrymen in full black armor behind him. Argh. I understand why the word 'black' was used. But... Why do I feel this uncomfortable with the word 'rose'?

The thought of going into battles with this 'Black Rose' made him shudder. He scanned John from head to toe peculiarly and muttered inwardly.

Could it be that this young man is also gay like Garcia? If not, why did he choose the word 'rose' out of so many possible names in this world?

Rhode was suddenly reminded of some impure memories... What a shocking discovery. If I knew he was a gay, I wouldn't have brought him back from Paphield. I should've just left him with Garcia and let them rub out some sparks with each other.

"... Sir Rhode? Is anything wrong?" John asked with some doubts.

He felt that the name was actually decent. Or perhaps, this was the only name that he came up with after so many days of racking his brain. Although John had gathered his men to brainstorm for, the suggestions he received weren't all that favorable with names like 'Black Whirlwind' or something... John didn't dare to mention such names to Rhode.

"Uh..." Rhode let out an awkward cough. Then, he calmed himself down and looked at the group of Cavalrymen. "I think this name feels rather weak. In future, you are going to be the first line of attack to charge and break through the enemy lines. 'Rose' is a little too... Alright. Let's name you guys 'Blackblade Guards', how about that?"

Chapter 584: A Tough Period

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Rhode regarded the Blackblade Guards as even more important than his guild. Although his mercenaries were the base forces of the guild, the Cavalrymen would still be the highlight in times of war. Not only that, but the Cavalry team was also an important part of his battle tactics. He wasn't delusional to think that the 60 Cavalrymen would be enough against the Undead Army. However, with John and his Cavalrymen around, Rhode could train even more Cavalrymen, which was what he needed. No matter what, John used to be a military soldier and mercenaries were mainly typical forces. Even though they could work together as a team, it would almost be impossible to ensure strict obedience in the mercenaries for them to give up their lives during times of dangers. This was pre-determined by their individual values on life and identities, which Rhode wouldn't be able to change.

After officially forming the Blackblade Guards, Rhode finally had his very own team of private soldiers. Although they were still rather weak, Rhode was sure that they could become his competent trusted aides one day. Not only that, Rhode also authorized John to select among the mercenaries and laborers at the peak of their lives within the Land of Atonement to expand his team. Of course, Rhode also knew the logic behind taking a step at a time. Therefore, he allowed John to take in a maximum of 300 Cavalrymen and the next cycle of recruitment would re-commence after this batch had passed the test and reached levels of military Cavalrymen.

It seemed that the rumors and views about Rhode's guild becoming the Munn Kingdom's number one guild weren't exaggerating at all. The other guilds had authority restrictions no matter how much they developed, but Rhode carried the identity of being both a guild Leader and a Noble. Although Rhode's identity as a Noble wasn't too useful during missions, he could mobilize more manpower than the other guilds and organizations in times of conflicts. His double-identity could also be said as his best cover too. If Starlight got into a conflict with another guild, Rhode could send out thousands of Cavalrymen to overwhelm the other guild just by flaunting their presence. If the other party accused Rhode of breaking mercenary rules, Rhode could even turn around and bite him, claiming that one had humiliated his honor as a Noble. Rhode could also claim that he had been using his Noble identity to 'discuss the problem' instead of his guild Leader identity. If this happens, the other party would be devastated...

In fact, many mercenaries noticed these loopholes in the rules and the Mercenary Association had also discussed it. After all, Rhode was the first guild Leader who had a Baron rank. Most mercenaries were born in the lowest social class. They might perhaps collaborate with the higher class or form alliances, but they mostly wouldn't desire to serve the ruler directly. However, Rhode's unique identity had put the Mercenary Association in a difficult position and there was no conclusion to it. No matter what, they couldn't possibly come up with special rules to restrict Rhode's authority due to his identity because this would surely upset Rhode and cause an uproar among the mercenaries. Since Rhode's men were still acceptable of this arrangement and Rhode didn't seem to be expanding his guild on a large scale yet, the Mercenary Association would be glad to hide their heads in the hole like an ostrich.

Although Rhode was busy with his guild and the construction upgrades of his fortress, he wasn't idling around in other areas. The internal war between the North and South was still on-going in the Munn Kingdom. From the start, Callenbach put up a strong defense against the King's Party's encirclement after they received reinforcements. But their foodstuff was depleting quickly and the reserves received from the back end wasn't enough to feed 70,000 of them. Although the Commander had continuously cut down on the amount of foodstuff distributed to the troops, it wouldn't resolve the ultimate problem because there were just too many of them.

The frontline was in a dire situation and the back end was equally chaotic. In various regions of the South, the price of foodstuff had risen drastically as many trade associations stocked up their supplies to ensure their own survival. In the bigger cities, civilians complained while residents in towns were dissatisfied about being unable to purchase enough foodstuff for their daily lives. The Southern Parliament's internal department had gotten into a huge headache as they consisted of merchants in large trade associations and wealthy nobles. The trade associations had the network and abilities to stock up their supplies, but the nobles couldn't, which was why many nobles had requested for the trade associations to sell their foodstuff. The trade associations rejected their proposal while asserting that they had the freedom of trade. We make the call over how we operate our business and how much we want to sell our supplies for and no one can intervene!

However, the nobles didn't accept this answer from the black-hearted merchants. The more conservative nobles hurled abuses while the more violent nobles even dispatched their private soldiers to snatch the food supplies from the trade associations.

Apart from these problems, the refugees of the Grosso Plain also exploded with anger in this crisis. They could no longer wait foolishly for the empty promises of the Southern Parliament to be fulfilled and they 'relied on themselves'. Many of the refugees stole, robbed, and tried all ways to obtain food and money. The wealthy people of the city became their prime targets because the refugees believed that these apathetic wealthy people landed them into this predicament and they had even turned a blind eye to their suffering.

中央線八王子駅 徒歩7分 - 1LDK/35㎡

The entire South lost its peace and harmony and beautiful sceneries no longer existed. The bustling streets had turned into cold, deserted paths stained with trash and sewage. The dark alleys were filled with people in tattered clothing roaming about like crazy men. Robbed, naked corpses laid in the gorges on both sides of the street. Pubs and shops had shut their businesses down. People stayed home, cowering in fear. Fully armored guards stood outside the trade associations, wielding weapons from any possible ambushes from the nobles' private soldiers. The nobles stopped organizing celebratory parties and every one of their doors were shut tight to prevent womenfolk from becoming the target of thugs and the tool of their frustrations.

People were horrified and shuddered in fear. They never expected things to develop in this direction. The sky above them was so azure and the air that they breathed smelled of freedom when they first gained independence from the Munn Kingdom. They could determine their own future and was no longer in the invisible hands of someone high above. Everyone in the Southern regions had as though freshened up. They grouped up spontaneously to maintain order, rebuild, and establish new authority organizations. The people joined in and spoke their opinions actively. The Southern Parliament members heard their views and promised to consider their thoughts, which gave a huge sense of satisfaction to the people. They looked forward to a greater tomorrow and live their own lives like the Country of Light. Everyone worked hand in hand to build a great homeland and determine the fate and future of their nation.

But now, the beautiful bubble bath had been destroyed.

The victories, fresh flowers, cheers, and hopes were like a nice little dream for the Southerners. Dreams had to end one day. They would wake up from their slumber and see the pitch-black grave of despair and the choking fear that had crept into their minds.

They're awake.

The Southern Parliament was powerless. Their internal department had been divided. The merchants refused to agree to the nobles' terms while the nobles gathered their private soldiers to attack their trade associations. Both sides had gone against each other completely. Some weaker noble families attempted to escape. They abandoned the parliament and stepped onto ships heading into the Country of Light with all their assets. Fewer and fewer members attended the meetings. Although the core members had clearly recognized the calamity of the situation, they were hopeless... The situation had developed too quickly and was out of their control.

Although the Southern Parliament had requested assistance from the Light Parliament several times and even slapped the desk and glared their eyes, the Light Parliament was unperturbed. They had dispatched emissaries to Golden City, but Lydia was away to view the natural scenery of Frozen Lake. Not only that, she had also decided to take a stroll in the Cranmore region to experience the local customs... Anyone smarter than a dummy would know that Lydia was delaying her time from meeting with the Light Parliament's emissaries.

This swept up another storm in the Country of Light. Many accused Lydia of being vicious and overly indulged in her self-enjoyment. Her own country was in such a danger and she still had the mood to travel and enjoy herself. This is ridiculous!

However, despite all the accusations, they couldn't do anything to Lydia. Moreover, it hadn't only been a day or two since Lydia's bad reputation in the Country of Light. She had gotten used to those people calling her a tyrant, executioner, or evil woman and she naturally wouldn't care less. No matter what they said, Lydia wouldn't sway from her position as the ruler of the Munn Kingdom and as an Archangel. She continued to eat, play, and sleep as she used to.

Perhaps this was what the civilians of the Country of Light hated her the most for.

Although Lydia's whereabouts were unknown and the King's Party army staying put was a good thing for the Reformist Party, the Reformist Party had hoped for something more. They wished that the Light Parliament could mediate and they could sign an official armistice and an independence treaty with Lydia under the Light Parliament's lead. This way, Lydia wouldn't be able to rip up the treaty and they could officially gain their position.

But now, Lydia was nowhere to be found and even though the King's Party army hadn't launched their attacks yet, there were still possibilities of danger as long as both sides hadn't signed an official armistice. Even if the Light Parliament's emissaries were in Golden City, they wouldn't serve any purpose if they couldn't find Lydia before the war began.

The Southern Port had always been the most strategic location for commercial trade in the Dragon Soul Continent. Intelligence spread quickly that this once flourishing place had turned into a hell-like place, sinking slowly into the Bottomless Abyss and attracting a lot of attention from the nations and forces.

However, they didn't realize that on the other end of the Dragon Soul Continent, a transformation was slowly emerging in a place shrouded in unlimited darkness.

Under the dark night sky, the scarlet moon hung high up and illuminated the lonely tower in the wilderness. A man clad in a black cloak from head to toe stared at the desolate scenery. Then, a ghostly shadow emerged behind him and gradually transformed into a human figure. "Hi there, Sir Duke."

"You're late by three seconds." The man turned around and said.

He appeared to be slightly over 30. His face was manly and mesmerizingly beautiful. However, his pale skin tone and scarlet eyes exposed his identity—a Vampire. The shadow let out a laugh to the man's words. "I'm so sorry, Sir Duke, something came up just now. I heard that our eastern neighbor has gotten into a messy situation, so I unknowingly stayed behind to hear more about it."

"Hmph." The man let out a snort and lifted his chin arrogantly. "Those lowly, shameless humans are asking for death. Their short, fragile lives have caused the locked up pigs to forget about their duties. They have caused it upon themselves and their plight deserves no sympathy. How hilarious that the livestock tries to disobey their owners."

The man extended his arm and in an instant, a glass of red wine appeared in his hand. "How's His Majesty doing?"

"No changes, Sir. The Four Legendary Generals haven't received orders for mobilization yet. His Majesty recently has some interest in our neighbors. Not sure if it is just a form of entertainment for him or... But this isn't up to me to talk about it, Sir."

"The Four Legendary Generals may not have moved out now, but it doesn't mean that they won't in the future. Don't belittle His Majesty's knowledge and capability. He's the most outstanding being in the history of the Dragon Souls. Not only was he relentless against the Twin Dragons, but even the crippled Light Dragon... Hmph. It seems about time to settle the grudges between our Country of Darkness and the Country of Light." The man sipped the delicious wine in the glass. "But, we cannot watch from here idly. Di, you're also aware that His Majesty hates subordinates who lack initiative the most. Since our eastern neighbor has gotten into trouble, I guess it's about time we give them a little surprise. By the way, I heard... Not long ago, Nefarian's favorite subordinate died there? That's interesting. But the dignity of our Country of Darkness mustn't be stained. Di, you should know what to do."

"That's for sure, Sir," Di lifted his head and presented a malevolent, excited smile. "In fact, I already have a target, Sir. I guess you must have heard about the happenings in Soraka Mountain?"

"Soraka Mountain? I have indeed heard some rumors... But aren't they just rumors? So? What's the good idea you have?" The man twitched his brows curiously and turned around.

Di lowered his head deeply with respect. "To tell you the truth, Sir, there is a fascinating person in the Land of Atonement located along the border of the Munn Kingdom and our country... Perhaps he could lend us a hand."

Chapter 585: Countdown to Destruction

The elderly man sat quietly around the round table, holding his breath. The atmosphere in the brightly lit conference hall was extremely depressing. A well-dressed man standing beside the elderly man read every word on the piece of paper in his hand with an unusually agonized voice. "Currently, our nation is suffering from a serious case of famine and the price of foodstuffs has skyrocketed. The other regions, apart from the Port region, have also broken out into riots and are experiencing famine. Not only that, but the civilians who support us in the battle have fallen to less than two-thirds. We also can't find sufficient helpers to eradicate the thugs because most of our soldiers have been sent to the frontlines. Furthermore, the barbarians have invaded the borders..."

"Alright, alright." The elderly man waved his hand weakly.

He shifted his lower body stiffly like an ill, handicapped person and struggled to shift his head. The dazzling sunlight spilled through the windows into the spacious conference hall, but the place once bustling with activities was nowhere to be seen. About a dozen representatives from different organizations and forces sat around the round table before him. The dense mass of crowd which should've been behind them was only a dozen. The elderly man gasped for air. He knew that the situation was terrible, but he had overestimated the unity of the nobles and merchants. He was once optimistic that it was the combined responsibility of the nobles and merchants to establish the Southern Parliament. They would share the benefits no matter what happened; they would defend their interests and overcome the predicament together. But now...

The elderly man looked at the people with his turbid eyes. He knew that these people would immediately withdraw and leave this place as soon as the situation got worse. However, they couldn't leave because there would be hope as long as they stayed. They had put in so much hard work for this day and they would see the glimmer of hope as long as they hung on!

The elderly sat up straight slowly and gazed at his surrounding. "I think... Everyone must have heard and seen... everything that's happening right now. I admit that our nation isn't doing too well and due to this reason, some have chosen to escape and avoid reality. I will not blame them because that is their choice. But you should also know that such situations are inevitable when we have chosen to start this journey. Every step is arduous, but this is always the case on the road for freedom. Just think about the Country of Light's Parliament. They snatched the authority that belonged to humans from the hands of the Light Dragon, but were they very successful? Are we going to just give up after facing such a small obstacle?"

"This isn't our responsibility, Chairman!" One of the men rebutted. "If the despicable King's Party didn't destroy our foodstuff reserve, would we even fall into this predicament?"

"Is there any purpose to point fingers now?" A glint flashed in the elderly man's eyes and the man shut his mouth abruptly. "They're our enemies now, so how can you expect them to show us mercy! Besides, we don't have any evidence to prove this point and it is meaningless to be in a tangle with this problem. We have to think of a solution to resolve the difficult situation right before our very eyes."

The elderly man paused and panted for air. Then, he turned to face a man who appeared to be a merchant. "Saville, have you handled the matter I asked you to?"

"... Chairman, I have followed your instructions to contact the trade associations in the Country of Light for foodstuff assistance. But... their prices are too high! Almost triple to quintuple more than usual! This will be a huge burden for us!"

"... Agree to their demands!" The elderly man gritted his teeth.

When the Southern Parliament sought reinforcements from the Light Parliament, they had also requested for foodstuff to replenish their supplies. However, the Light Parliament had been delaying their response and eventually didn't promise their request. Without any choice, the Southern Parliament could only seek assistance from the trade associations in the Country of Light and their merchants asked for unreasonable prices. The Southern Parliament had decided to negotiate for lower prices, but now, the circumstances had forced them without a way out.

"But, Chairman! We can't satisfy everyone even if we managed to transport the foodstuff from the Country of Light. Moreover, the lack of food for the 70,000 soldiers on the frontlines hasn't been resolved yet. We..."

"We don't have any other choices for the lack of foodstuff. But everyone, don't forget our strength."


Many of them lifted their heads and fixated their eyes on the elderly man. The Chairman nodded in satisfaction and the atmosphere in the conference hall freshened up entirely. Although the Chairman had some doubts about this plan, he was left with no choice if he wished to maintain this bleak little hope.

"That's right. Everyone, you are aware that various regions in our nation have different degrees of disaster due to the food shortage. However, only the Port region is able to keep their peace. Do you know the reason why?" The Chairman paused. "The Port region's main source of food comes from the sea, which is why they weren't affected too badly. It is currently fishing season and we can order the fishermen in the name of the Parliament to work continuously and deliver processed seafood to the famined regions as quickly as possible! This way, we can temporarily alleviate the crisis and get ready for our next operation!"

"But Chairman." One of the men had a different opinion. "How should we go about transporting the seafood to every region? This will require a large sum of money. Also, the Port region's operations are always limited. What will happen to the coming years if we capture more fish unrestrictedly? Moreover, this 'seafood solution' wouldn't be for the long term. The Country of Light's Parliament's emissaries have arrived at the Golden City, but the woman has been giving excuses to delay their meeting. How long can we hold on if she continues to drag it out?"

"There will be no future if we can't even hang on now." The Chairman sucked in a deep breath of air. He stared at everyone and uttered each word forcefully. "We have to hang on no matter what! That woman can't avoid us forever! As long as we hang on for three months, the dawn of a new era will shine on us!"

"Three months?"

"That's right. The Dragon Soul Ceremony will commence in three months and that woman will definitely represent the Munn Kingdom to meet the Light Dragon Soul in the Country of Light. By then, she will not be able to avoid the interrogations of the Country of Light's Parliament! And we will be victorious!" The Chairman punched his fist into the air with all his might.

The sulking parliament members came to a realization and summoned up their courage and faith immediately. Just as the Chairman had said, obstacles were unavoidable on this path they had chosen and it would be meaningless no matter how they hung on if there was no future for them. It would be the beginning of the real nightmare if the days with the lack of foodstuff and internal chaos hadn't come to an end. But now, every problem would be resolved if they hung on for three months.

The conference hall with the depressing atmosphere livened up. Parliament members stood up one by one and brandished their fist determinedly.

"That's right, we shouldn't give up yet. Everyone, don't forget our initial ideal and expectations!"

"You said that right! Those cowards who escaped will regret it one day!"

"Good!" A glint of pleasure revealed in the Chairman's eyes. He let out two deep coughs and raised his hand to get everyone's attention. Then, he continued. "That settles it since there are no objections. Now, please inform this matter to the civilians and maintain the social order in the streets. The ongoing struggles are due to the civilians feeling worried about their future and a lot of these problems will resolve themselves as long as we guarantee their life stability. Also, I request that the Southern Fleet heads into the Strait of Light to defend the commercial channel from the King's Party army. From now onward, the Port region must operate at its peak in order to guarantee the flow of food to other regions. Inform and assure the fishermen that we will purchase their harvests with double the price."

The Chairman stood to his feet gradually. "Everyone! We must fight alongside the frontlines and cannot fall. Only the victors will stand until the end and we will be the victors!"

The bustling noises faded.

The parliament members left one by one and the spacious conference hall fell into silence. The Chairman stood before his seat and gazed at the empty place. This was the first time that he revealed a pleased smile. Then...

Cough cough... Cough cough! The Chairman bent his trembling, frail body over and his ear-piercing coughs resounded in the conference hall. After a few moments, the Chairman caught his breath and wiped his mouth with a handkerchief, only to find a ghastly trail of fresh blood smeared on it.

"I can't fall... It hasn't ended yet... We can still emerge victorious..." the Chairman muttered under his breath. He straightened his body and turned toward the exit.


The chilly breeze blew along an aromatic white smoke.

"Indeed. Fresh fish are always the most delicious." Lydia hugged her knees on the lakeside and admired the vast, royal blue lake presented before her with a witty smile. From the distance, the azure sky and lake reflected off each other perfectly as though they were a single, gorgeous portrait. "Spring leaves and autumn arrives. The changes in their colors are the most beautiful in this world. Ice melts into water while water freezes into ice. This is the most magnificent scenery in this world. Always ever-changing, and none identical. Even one will have a different realization, viewing the same leaf from different angles. The leaves will still dance in the wind and shudder in violent storms. This is the best proof of survival and the world."

The Archangel turned around and faced the elderly man sitting near her. "You don't agree, Minister Amund?"

"Your Highness, I do hope that you can be a little quieter. The fishes that are about to take the bait have been startled by you," Amund sighed.

"There's no such thing, Minister Amund. Clever fish will not be enticed while enticed fish will not be startled that easily. Once the fish have such thoughts, they will pounce up regardless of perils even when there is no bait on the hook. Although this may sound silly, it is due to this silliness that they can satisfy the hunger of others, which is a happy ending for all. Silly fish will not regret their decisions and the fishers can satisfy themselves. Everyone is happy this way, right?"

"Haa..." Amund let out a long sigh. "You've left the Golden City for some time, Your Highness. But, it seems that the emissaries of the Country of Light's Parliament have no intentions of leaving."

"Let them be. I guess they must be so mesmerized by the beauty of Golden City that they can't bear to leave. Well, isn't that great too? I want to see more of the scenery. Come to think of it, the autumn leaves in the Northern mountain range should be changing their colors soon. Doesn't it feel good to savor on tasty chestnuts while strolling in the red, autumn forest, Teacher Amund? You wouldn't mind taking a walk in the autumn forest with me, right?"

"Haa... Your Highness. Now isn't the time for that."

"Ah, you're right, the fish is about to be cooked," Lydia displayed a cheeky smile and picked up a grilled fish beside the bonfire. She savored with tiny bites. "Mm... The timing is perfect. Grilling fish requires knowledge and skills too. Leaving it too long in the flames will burn it badly, but it will have a fishy smell if it isn't left long enough. If one can't grasp the heat control and timing accurately, one will not be able to relish its flavor. No matter if the fishy or burnt smell is too heavy, no one will think that the fish is tasty."

"... Your Highness, do you think it is about time?"

Lydia's movements came to a gentle stop. "This fish smells great, Teacher Amund... This fish is mine. This lake is also mine, and the fish in the lake naturally belonged to me. I won't allow the greedy people to snatch my possessions. They may have forgotten that the delicacies belong to the Munn Kingdom and are my assets. The delicacies shouldn't be given and wasted on rapacious mice." The corner of Lydia's mouth perked up into a pretty curve. "Inform the 3rd Royal Fleet that it's time for their appearance."

"3rd Royal Fleet?" Amund looked curiously. "Your Highness, is it necessary?"

"It's the season of the wind now, Minister Amund." Lydia let out a chuckle. She stretched out her fingers and felt the gentle breeze blowing between them with her eyes closed. "Sometimes, the cat doesn't reveal its claws just to capture its prey. Instead, it serves as a warning: to threaten the mice harboring evil thoughts. I haven't fallen to such a weak position yet."

"... Understood, Your Highness," Amund said and vanished along with the gentle breeze, leaving Lydia sitting on the boulder by the lakeside.

She displayed a playful smile and gazed at the long line connecting the azure lake and the sky. Suddenly, the fishing rod shook violently which attracted Lydia's attention. She turned around curiously and lifted the fishing rod to pull a big, fat fish out of the lake. Lydia cupped her hand over her mouth cheekily and narrowed her eyes.

"The fish has taken the bait... And now, it's time to cook it."