

Chapter 586: Whistling Wind

_15th day. Month of the wind pursuit. Clear weather._

It has been three days since we left port. We are sailing through the Strait of Light and heading into Port Eland of the Country of Light. I know how arduous this mission is. The fate of the entire nation lies on my shoulders. I must gather sufficient foodstuff in the shortest period of time and transport it back to the Southern Port to alleviate the food crisis. But I know that this isn't an easy task. Although the Southern Fleet has sealed off the waterway, I can't put my heart at ease and I can't fall asleep almost every night. Every smashing of the waves has startled me off my bed. What worries me most is the King's Party's ambush.

Besides, I know that dangers don't exist only on the outside. I saw the evil glints in the eyes of the greedy sailors. They know what we're shipping. I have given them a sufficient amount of money with hopes that they can pour their hearts into their jobs and not eye the wealth inside the cabin. However, I don't know if this is useful. I have dispatched enough guards to protect the wealth. But even so, I can't put my heart at ease.

I don't know if we're walking on the wrong path. We have overly relied on the Country of Light's Parliament. Up until this point, they don't seem to be passionate whenever we request for their helping hand. Although this may let down Chairman, I'm still really concerned. Even if we make it safely on the Country of Light's port, we're still unsure if we can receive the supplies that we have agreed upon...

Saville put down the feather pen and let out a sigh subtly. Then, he closed his dairy and pressed down the creases on his attire before stepping out of the cabin.

The ship sailed across the calm, limitless ocean. All he heard was the splashing of the waves into the hull and peals of laughter from the sailors. The salty sea breeze brushed his face and he calmed down upon gazing at the two escorting warships of the Southern Fleet by the sides. This time, they were headed to the Country of Light to purchase foodstuff and the Southern Parliament had specially approved for four escorting warships to defend them against enemy ambush. Moreover, the Southern Fleet had sealed off the entrance to the Strait of Light. With the double assurance, the King's Party couldn't easily break through the blockade no matter how powerful they were.

At this moment, a deep voice sounded behind him. "Sir Saville, what are you doing here?"

Saville turned around and revealed a smile upon meeting the man with a captain hat. "I'm only here to admire the view, Mr. Captain. I hope I didn't disturb everyone from working."

"Hahaha. Not at all, Sir Saville. Don't worry! We are about to enter the Strait of Light. Once we sail through the strait and enter the Pearl Archipelago, we will just need another three days to arrive at Eland. Please rest assured that sailors here are all first grade. Besides, with so many warships escorting us, the enemies will need to reconsider if they are capable of taking us down! Hahahaha!" The captain smacked on Saville's shoulders as he burst into laughter while Saville revealed a bitter smile and tolerated his tough slap.

Suddenly, a strong sea breeze blew into Saville's mouth as he gaped, leaving the man in a well-ironed attire curling up and coughing loudly. After a few moments, the wind weakened and Saville caught his breath. He lifted his head and gazed at the surrounding with lingering fear. "What was that about? Mr. Captain? That wind..."

"Ah, don't worry, Sir Saville. This is normal for us, the maritime men. This is in the direction of the tempest. Every year during this period, the tempest will pass through here and bypass the Mermaid Summit before returning. We may even arrive at our destination if we make good use of it, which would be a great thing for us."

"I see..." Saville nodded.

Perhaps due to the choking from the sea breeze, he felt his heart pounding fiercely. An unknown sense of nervousness had emerged inside his body. He looked around worriedly and everything was as tranquil as before. The azure sky, white clouds, and sailing warship. Everything was just fine.

Maybe I'm a little too sensitive.

Saville mocked himself and nodded at the Captain. Then, he turned back to the cabin for a rest.


At this moment, a deep horn sounded.

Saville came to an abrupt stop and scanned the surroundings quickly. The captain looked at him curiously and said. "Sir Saville, what's wrong?"

"Didn't you hear that? Mr. Captain?" said Saville.

The captain gazed blankly at Saville. As he was about to respond, the deep horn sounded again. This time, the captain finally responded. As a sailor, he knew that sound. He nodded at Saville with a stern expression before rushing over to the deck and yelling at the top of his lungs. "Watch out for the surroundings! Full alert!"

The captain hurriedly retrieved a monocular from his pocket and viewed it to the front. The peaceful ocean had no signs of hostile warships. At this moment, commotion had broken out in the other warships. Sailors climbed to the observatories and couldn't discover anything strange around them. Then, the deep horn sounded again and it was even clearer this time.

"Where? Where?! Watch your surroundings! Be cautious of all directions!"

The sailors were getting restless. They frantically laid by the edge of the warships and widened their eyes to search for the source of the horn. Most of the crew members on the ship were superstitious and if it were currently night, perhaps they might even believe that it was a ghost ship playing a prank on them. The sailors widened their eyes to the size of copper bells, but they couldn't discover anything at all.


Suddenly, a blood-curdling screech rang in their ears and an ashen sailor fell to the ground. Everyone turned and glared at him furiously. The stupefied sailor ignored their stares, lifted his wobbly arm and pointed his shaky finger at the sky. "T-T-That..."

"What's wrong? Calm down! Look at your shameful self!" The captain frowned and dug his foot into the sailor's fallen body. He lifted his monocle to see what exactly had scared his sailor into a mouse that has just seen a cat. However, he raised the monocle halfway and blanked out entirely.

Spotlessly white and thick layers of cloud hovered in the azure sky. A massive pitch-black figure emerged within like a razor-sharp claw slashing through the cotton clouds and presented itself before everyone. A warship of 200 meters long and 56 meters wide blocked the brilliance of the sun and cast a vast dusky shadow on them. Magic cannons densely lined the three floors of cannon decks. The massive hull made with a combination of oak and steel gave an unprecedented amount of pressure like a roaring storm on the ocean. One couldn't hide and one could only pray to get by it peacefully.

Dozens of meters long steel ship oars oscillated at the lower hull and adjusted its balance. Looking from afar, this massive ship was as though a floating whale descending from the sky and charging toward everyone. Five slightly smaller warships emerged from the clouds and followed closely in a tight formation. Magical radiance flickered on their hulls and four green ritual circles suspended in all directions of their hulls emanated faint radiance. As the enormous warships sailed, rays of glorious light trailed in the air.

The large, spotlessly white sail depicted a mermaid stroking her fingers on the harp while an extremely familiar flag fluttered at the tip of the mast.

Double-sword Angels.

Royal Fleet!

How... is this possible...!

Saville stood blankly on the deck. Disaster came so quickly that he didn't even have the strength to tremble in fear. At this moment, he felt as though his strength had been sucked away by someone. If it weren't for the wall, he would have chosen to collapse to the ground directly and not think about anything. Oh, Lord. What is this?

Indeed. They knew that the King's Party had a fleet, but no one had seen them before. The Reformist Party had investigated the ports around the Golden City several times and they had never received any data on the Royal Fleet. In fact, the Munn Kingdom usually dispatched the Southern Fleet to manage maritime conflicts. As time passed, the rumored Royal Fleet had become only a 'rumor'.

But now, they actually presented themselves before him in this spectacular fashion.

What a joke!

He looked unbelievably at the six massive magic warships turning and aiming their cannons at his ship. This middle-aged noble had the urge to lift his head high and burst into laughter.

Hahahaha. In the end, we're nothing but a bunch of clowns who foolishly thought we could seize our fate, eh? I'm really an idiot and the group of men in the parliament is just a bunch of dotards. Wasn't the Munn Kingdom the one who first developed the Ocean Trade Route and built the floating boats? Since they were able to build merchant ships that were able to pass through the ocean trade route to transport merchandise, how difficult is it to build a few warships? How hilarious that the dumb Parliament still dispatched people to investigate the ports. Has no one thought of looking above them?

What a joke! We are seriously a bunch of clowns!

Saville felt like everything was just a ridiculous dream. He knew that the King's Party could rely on these magic warships to take them down even after the South had declared independence successfully. He thought back to how alike the Southern Parliament were as comical clowns when they were all righteous and serious in submitting their independence declaration. The Duchess in the Golden City must be laughing her butt off. She could have taken action to take them down immediately. Why did she choose to play along with them for so long? Could it be that this isn't a game for the Duchess and we are just chess pieces in her game?

At this moment, the deep bugle horn sounded once more. Then, a crisp voice filled the entire seas. "This is the 3rd Royal Fleet. In the name of the Munn Royal Family, the Strait of Light will be sealed off entirely from today onward. Disarm yourselves and surrender or suffer the consequences."

"W-What should we do... Sir?" The captain had lost his cool. He gulped his saliva and turned to Saville with an ashen expression. The enemies were high up in the sky and their warships had no chance of beating them at all. They couldn't hit the enemies even if they retaliated. Besides, a single glance would be enough to know that the enemies weren't equipped with budget cannons. The magic cannons that they had were only used in large cities and Fortresses and the damage of every shot would be powerful enough to shatter a warship like his to bits. And now, six warships with close to 300 magic cannons had aimed at them. The captain was sure that nothing would remain after the enemies bombarded them. They would shatter into powder and dissipate even before the fishes at the seafloor had the chance to be fed.

The captain saw Saville standing there blankly. He hesitated for a moment and hurriedly ran up to Saville. "Sir, should we surrender?"

"Surrender?!" Saville felt a chill down his spine as though he had woken up from a nightmare. The captain realized that this calm and collected noble widened, bloodshot eyes and was behaving like a lunatic. Saville stared at the captain and lifted his head at the magic warships before breaking into laughter. "Surrender? Surrender? You bitch! Don't you wanna play anymore?! Alright then, I shall play with you until the very end!"

Saville drew out his sword and pointed at the magic warships. His face flushed and veins popped up on his forehead. At this moment, Saville knew that he no longer had any chance of survival. But he refused to give up. You want me to surrender? Hahaha. Lydia, do you think we will play along with you until the end?!

"Inform everyone that we're charging over! We shall let them know that they can't get everything that they wish for in this world! For freedom! For the Southern Parliament! For the honor of victory! Attack!!!"

"Ooo— Ooo— Ooo—!"

The sound of bugle horns filled the entire sea and the warships on the ocean surface sailed forward. They changed their directions and raised their sails, launching their final attack at the magic warships.

This was his only chance for survival. If they could escape from the enormous floating magic warships, it meant that there would be a chance—a very slight chance.

"Reporting, Sir." A black-haired soldier entered the cabin and gazed at the figure standing by the window. The soldier paused for a moment before saluting and said. "They refuse to surrender and are charging their way toward us."

"How foolish," Gaya said plainly.

The Court Musician was no longer dressed in her elegant robe. Instead, she wore a glorious, pitch-black light armor. The only thing unchanged was the harp beside her.

"The weak have no right to resist. If they don't comply with their obligations, then send them to their deathbeds." Gaya stroked the harp strings gently and a crisp, melodious tune resounded in the cabin. "Slaughter every single one of them except our target."

Chapter 587: Road of the Dead

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Clink. The luxurious wine glass shattered upon crashing to the floor, splashing burgundy wine onto the expensive carpet. The ashen Chairman fixated his gaze at the guest before him. His aged, vein-popping pair of hands trembled uncontrollably. "W-What did you say? Say that again!"

"Yes... Yes... Chairman. We have received news that the King's Party has sealed off the entire Strait of Light and stopped every ship from entering. Also, they have put a ban on fishing and forced the fishermen to return back to the ports."

"How is this possible?! How is this possible?!" The Chairman snarled and staggered forward to grab the orderly's collar. He panted for air like a wild animal trapped in a cage, pushed the other guard away, and paced up and down like an injured tiger. Then, he picked up the wine bottle on the desk and hurled it to the wall furiously, splattering the burgundy wine on the white wall like dark, fresh blood. The orderly held his breath and stood quietly at the side.

"What is the bloody Southern Fleet doing?! Why didn't I receive any news about it? Where did the damn Royal Fleet come from to seal off the Strait of Light!" the Chairman yelled.

"R-Reporting, Sir. T-They came from the sky..."

"The sky?!" The Chairman turned around abruptly and stared at the soldiers with his blood-shot, fearful eyes.

The guard standing nearest to him stepped back subconsciously. He was afraid that the senior would pounce on him and rip him apart like a crazy monster. He said with trepidation. "Y-Yes, Sir. I heard that the Royal Fleet has made use of the wind direction outside the Strait of Light and dispatched the Floating Magic Warships to seal off the entire sea. This was why the Southern Fleet didn't discover them and they have entirely broken up and are encircled by the Royal Fleet. They're waiting for your instructions..."

"Instructions my *ss!" The cultured and refined senior blurted out a rare vulgar remark. He bellowed deeply and paced back and forth in the room. Then, he raised his head abruptly and glared at his guard as though something cropped up in his mind. "Is there any news on Saville?! What's the situation with their fleet?"

"They..." the guard stuttered.

"Speak! Speak up!" the Chairman demanded.

The guard swallowed his saliva and looked around the room before lowering his head. "According to the information we received, Sir Saville's fleet was the first to be encircled. They tried to break through but eventually failed. All the warships except for the flagship have sunk to the enemies' attacks and Sir Saville died in the line of duty. As for the flagship... It has been seized by the Royal Fleet... The specific situation..."

The Chairman blanked out. His vision blurred and he fell back to the chair beside him. His furious eyes had turned empty, gazing at the ceiling in nothingness. The Strait of Light had been sealed off and the isolated Southern Fleet didn't have any backup. Although the Reformist Party had spent a lot of effort in investigating everything about the Royal Fleet before their declaration of independence, they received no successful results. The Royal Fleet belonged to a relatively independent military branch in the Munn Kingdom where even the Captains of the Southern Fleet and Northern Fleet had never seen the Royal Fleet's captain and crew members. Although the Reformist Party had dispatched men to monitor the various ports in order to prevent the King's Party from mobilizing the Royal Fleet, the Reformist Party never expected that this Royal Fleet was never a maritime fleet...

But what's the point of saying this now?

The Southern Fleet had been surrounded by the Royal Fleet. The Strait of Light had been blockaded completely and the fishermen of the Port region were slapped with a fishing ban. And most importantly, the wealth that they had accumulated with all their hearts and souls and for the purchase of foodstuff from the Country of Light's trade associations had fallen into the King's Party's hands.

In order for this plan to succeed, he had staked everything on one throw. Not only did he agree to the ridiculous foodstuff price of the Country of Light's merchants, but he had also forked out all his assets. Moreover, the Chairman had also convinced many nobles and merchants to put out a large sum of money to get through this crisis. It could almost be considered to be the patrimony of the Southern Parliament. But now, the King's Party actually intervened and snatched them away boldly like bandits!

What do we have left? There's no more foodstuff, money, nor manpower. We have nothing left. How can we get by these next three months? And how do we continue to fight against the King's Party?

The Chairman imagined the reactions of the parliament members when they heard this news. He could understand their feelings. There was only one choice for anyone who was met with such a situation. But he refused to accept that choice.

The Chairman let out a bitter laugh and sat straight up. He gazed at the guard before him and said. "This incident... has been widely spread, right?"

The guard revealed a worried expression. He hesitated for a moment from informing his Master about the truth. However, the imposing manner of the Chairman forced him to speak up. "Yes... Yes, Sir. The public is aware that the Royal Fleet has sealed off the surrounding channels outside the Port region. There are many people heading to the Parliament and protested. Not only that, but Sir Magath also..."

"Okay, okay. Stop. I understand now." The Chairman waved his hand helplessly and stood to his feet slowly. The frail Chairman looked as though he had just experienced another 20 years in an instant. He walked slowly to the window and gazed at the tranquil scenery silently. At this moment, the Chairman appeared exceptionally calm as though the cornered beast from before wasn't him at all. After a few moments, the Chairman let out a sigh and turned to the guard with a smile. "Inform the rest that I have something else to manage. Don't let them disturb me no matter what happens, understand?"

"Yes... Sir." The guard nodded slightly. However, he felt rather worried about the Chairman. "Sir... Are you going to be okay? Do you want me to..."

"That's not necessary. You can leave now," the Chairman said with a gentle smile. The guard gaped, but he eventually closed the room door and left quietly.

The depressing sound of the closing door resounded in the silent room. After a long while, the Chairman tottered to the seat before his desk and picked up a feather pen. He lowered his head and wrote at a rapid speed. Then, he laid the feather pen by the side and retrieved an exquisite small glass bottle from his pocket. The senior squinted at the bottle and muttered to himself. "I've given my all. I have no regrets. I have done everything that I can. I won't give up and I won't tolerate the humiliation of being a captive. We didn't do well enough. We have put in countless effort and energy into this. And this is the only thing that I can do. Don't be afraid of failure. Don't give up. We still have a future ahead of us. This failure doesn't mean that we will fail in the future. One day, we will reach our goal... I hope that day will come sooner. Royal Highness Lydia, I have to admit that I have underestimated you. But our determination for freedom will not break down that easily."

The senior opened the bottle cap and without any hesitation, he drank the entire bottle in a single gulp. Then, he laid down the bottle and closed his eyes with a smile on his wrinkled face.

The afternoon sun spilled through the window and shone on the Chairman as though he were taking an afternoon nap.

But he would never wake up again.

Chapter 588: Gap in the Heart

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"The Reformist Party is done for." Rhode read the final line of the intelligence report and muttered under his breath.

It was yesterday when the core figure of the Reformist Party, also known as the Chairman of the Southern Parliament, committed suicide by consuming poison. This news caused an uproar in the entire Reformist Party and their internal department had broken out into complete chaos with some of them considering whether they should raise a white flag to the King's Party. However, some of them insisted to hang on because the King's Party army hadn't engaged in any large-scale attacks yet, apart from putting up a show. Those who insisted hoped to drag it out as long as possible.

Rhode understood the reasons for such thoughts. The Royal Fleet had sealed off the Strait of Light and cut the Southern Parliament's final lifeline. There were no doubts that they would be hung up on the gibbet by Lydia if they surrendered. Since the King's Party didn't attack, it meant that they still had some glimmer of hope. Although most of the parliament members had agreed to surrender, Rhode knew that they couldn't influence the decision-making of the Reformist Party. This was because they were mainly external figures and if Lydia wished to settle scores at a later date, they wouldn't be punished as severely. However, the consequences were different for the Southern Parliament. Once they surrendered, every single member in the Southern Parliament would be slaughtered and used to nourish the Golden City's forest as fertilizers. Therefore, they definitely wouldn't raise the white flag. They tried searching for a way of retreat, even though they had no choices left.

Rhode wasn't worried that the Southern Parliament would be driven into desperate actions because there weren't any more actions left. In the game, the Munn Royal Family was pestered beyond endurance by the South as they were bent on facing the threat from the Country of Darkness. But now, the border regions of the Country of Darkness was peaceful and the King's Party could mobilize their trump card, the Royal Fleet, to block off the entire Strait of Light. Under such a situation, the Reformist Party would be blasted to bits if they tried to escape via ship. The other choice they had was to escape to the border regions and associate themselves with the Barbarians. However, Rhode couldn't imagine these prideful 'lords' tolerating the banishment. Instead of suffering in those places, they were better off dying honorably.

"The problems that you've been worried about has finally come to an end." A sweet voice sounded behind Rhode.

He turned back and Canary's adorable face came into view. The young lady leaned on the chair armrest beside him and read the report in his hand with her usual smile.

"That's right, Canary. The Reformist Party is done for. There shouldn't be anything serious happening in Munn anytime soon." Rhode let out a long sigh.

Although Rhode appeared calm and unaffected, he was actually really nervous deep down. Even though his arrival in this world had foiled several attempts of the Light Parliament in the Munn Kingdom and changed their fate and future, Rhode was still concerned. Although his familiarity with the game allowed him to have a unique and wide field of view of this continent, history, after all, had been altered and what presented before him now was a brand new, unknown start. Would the situation develop in the direction he had hoped for, or would the fixed story missions stay the same as the game? No matter which he chose, would it still end in the same way?

Such worries had been bugging his mind and he finally let them go now. He didn't need to worry about the leader-less Reformist Party anymore. Lydia wasn't facing any foreign aggression, and it seemed that she had clear ideas and goals in dealing with internal problems. The only possible way for the Reformist Party to turn over the tide was if they fled to the Deepest Labyrinth, awakened the Void Dragon, surrendered at its feet, and led the Void Dragon's army back to the continent.

Rhode instantly felt a sense of relief at this thought. He scrutinized the beautiful young lady beside him and wrapped his right arm around her slender waist. His playful hand slid down nimbly to her upper thighs. Canary flushed and gasped for air faintly. Her soft, alluring body leaned onto Rhode's embrace. Then, she pressed her lips gently on Rhode's and her agile little tongue slithered through, craving for his. "Mm... Mm..."

Muffled, yet sensual kisses resounded in the quiet study room. After a few seconds, they separated and a thread of saliva slipped from the corner of their lips. Canary unrolled an enticing smile and placed a finger on his chest. "We haven't done it for a long time, Rhode. You must've accumulated a lot since Miss Marlene isn't around, eh? I've worked myself to death for you, so it's about time for my reward. As my boss, you must treat your subordinate well to receive your reward too."

Canary knelt on the ground between his legs and teased with her fingers. Rhode's full load of desire rose skyward and agreed on his behalf.

"What an unbeatable holy sword." Canary sized up the rock-hard presence before her with a crafty smile and let out a chuckle. Then, she tugged her hair behind her ear. "Alright then..."

"Mm..." Rhode let out deep moans as he felt Canary's soft, gentle lips.

As though taking that as encouragement, she strengthened her suction increasingly. In an instant, the study room was in complete stillness. Rhode shut his eyes and enjoyed her gentle strokes and warm sensation...

Knock knock knock.

Suddenly, someone visited and the door opened slowly with Lize entering the room.

"Mr. Rhode, are you there? I have something to report to you... Mr. Rhode?" Lize looked curiously at Rhode sitting behind the table.

At this moment, Rhode's face was slightly flushed and he awkwardly tidied his messy clothes before sitting straight up with his expressionless face. "Lize, is anything the matter?" Rhode said and swept a glance at his legs—Canary was kneeling between his legs under the table, teasing him with her adorable winks and cunning smile.

She must be doing it on purpose.

Rhode let out a cough and turned his attention away from her 'little tricks'. At this moment, his only thought was to settle the situation with Lize and make her leave. Then, he would punish Canary for her mischievous behavior.

"Mr. Rhode, the Clerics and I have discussed regarding the Blackblade Guards. They weren't willing to leave the Guild and go on operations with the private soldiers. I don't have too great of a solution for it too... What do you think I should do about it..." said Lize.

"No problem. If they aren't willing to, then leave them be. Don't worry about it, Lize. This isn't too surprising because they were born mercenaries, after all. Although they have gotten used to battles, wars and battles are entirely different. Besides, they aren't familiar with my private soldiers yet and it is normal for them to be reluctant. That's about all for this matter. I will get Bubble to see if we can recruit more manpower from the Church. After all, the Church has sought our help to train a team of Clerics who can coordinate in battles. This perhaps may be a great opportunity... Mm..." Rhode had a change in expression and he returned to normal in a split second.

"... Mr. Rhode, is anything wrong?" Lize sharply detected Rhode's peculiar behavior. Not only that, but Lize also felt that the atmosphere of the study room was a little different from usual as soon as she stepped in. She couldn't explain the specific difference, but the atmosphere made her heart pump faster and a strange nervousness emerged inside her as though she was about to face or reject something.

"It's nothing, Lize. I'm feeling a little unwell. I'll be fine after a rest."

"Unwell? Mr. Rhode, let me diagnose your illness. If you fall ill as a Guild Leader..." Lize walked forward but before she arrived at his side, he waved his arm and interrupted.

"It's fine, Lize. I understand my body the best. It's just a lack of sleep and I'll recover after a good sleep... Mm..." Rhode laid his right hand down. The current situation was exhilarating. Canary had quickened her head motion while Lize was only two steps away from taking in the whole scene at once. Not only that, but Rhode could also see the smear of red across Canary's fair, tender cheeks. It was apparent that she was also stimulated by this unprecedented situation.

"Mr. Rhode, do you really not require my help?" Lize was a little hesitant. She instinctively felt that Rhode was acting a little strange, but she couldn't put a finger to it. And now, Rhode felt that Lize's favorable, meticulous care had become the biggest problem. It would be awesome if she was as easy as Anne to get rid of. "There's no need, Lize. You can get on to work. I have something else to... handle..."

"... Okay, Mr. Rhode," Lize revealed a slightly disappointed expression. Then, she nodded and left the study room.

Up until this moment, the stimulation that Canary had been pumping on reached its climax.

"Mm...!" Rhode groaned and clutched the young lady's head deep down, gushing out a burst of lust in full.

After a few moments, Rhode released his grip and Canary licked the remains at the corner of her lips gently, adding a few seductive charms to the pure, innocent-looking young lady. Then, she got up on her feet and sat on Rhode's thighs with her legs spread apart. "Don't tell me this is all, Rhode?"

"Of course not. This is just the start," Rhode said evilly and thrust forward mercilessly.

"Ah...!" Canary moaned uncontrollably and embraced the man before her. She enjoyed the pleasurable pounding. "Haa..."

Lize ambled along the corridor with a rather gloomy expression. Mr. Rhode didn't look too great and yet, he wasn't willing to let me help... Could it be that Mr Rhode hates me? If not, why didn't he allow me to check on his condition? Isn't now the best time for a Cleric like me to come into good use?

A glint flashed in Lize's eyes.

That's right. I received a snack from before that can relieve fatigue. With this snack...

Lize walked back to the study room and when she was about to knock, she hesitated. Mr. Rhode might be asleep by now. Maybe I shouldn't disturb him. I might as well take a peek and if Mr. Rhode is asleep, I will leave him alone.

The young lady opened a slight gap in the door.

Chapter 589: Faltering Heart (1)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lize turned the doorknob slowly and pushed the door as lightly as possible. Then, she heard deep, hastened breaths before she peeked through the gap. Lize froze to the spot. Although she was born in the Royal Family, she had met with several incidents after joining mercenary groups. Even though mercenaries didn't dare to engage in such 'activities' before Lize, she had also witnessed her companions supporting a drunk female dancer up the stairs to the rooms. From the start, Lize didn't really understand what exactly happened. However, she slowly understood the meaning of it after spending a long time in mercenary groups.

But she didn't expect to hear such voices in this place.

Lize almost ran off because Canary's gasp was like an iron hammer pounding on her heart, leaving her breathless. Rhode was a man and he had the same needs as all other men, which wasn't strange. However, Lize felt that she couldn't accept it. She stood at the same spot and gazed at the door blankly. She felt as though her body had been ripped apart, but she didn't understand why. In the past, she had accidentally faced such situations, but she would usually feel awkward and turn around immediately. But it was entirely different now. Lize felt as though her soul had been snatched and she had fallen into a dark eternal abyss through the solid ground beneath her feet. Fear, uncertainty, sadness, and pain. All the complicated emotions poured out of her heart. She had never felt this unbearable mix of emotions before.

Lize wished she could run off and burst into tears at a corner. However, her body went against her will and kneeled itself to the edge of the door and peered into the room.

What am I doing? Go! I don't want to witness anything!

Although Lize yelled loudly in her heart, her stubborn eyes continued to gaze through the gap. And she was stunned.

It was a scene where Lize had never imagined. No matter if it was a situation that was happening before her or the two main characters involved, the shock came like a bolt from the blue for Lize. Canary had spread her legs apart on the table and wrapped her arms around Rhode. Her flawlessly fair body bounced under his violent thrusts. Canary was no longer the gentle, elegant young lady in Lize's mind. Instead, she had become a fierce, obscene beast who had lost its rationality and indulged in its lust. Canary's eyes wandered and a thin, silver thread dripped from the corner of her soft lips. The entire study room was filled with an unbreathable desire, so intense that it could make one vomit.

However, Lize didn't feel disgusted or furious. Instead, she widened her eyes and took in everything in her sight, as though she had been deeply attracted.

"Mm... Rhode..." Canary murmured softly.

Rhode responded to her thirst with a quickened pace and his voice became deeper and wilder. In the end, Rhode came to an abrupt stop and Canary let out a long, satisfied moan that filled the entire room. Lize felt her body trembling and warming up. She gaped like a fish that had come to shore and struggled to catch its breath. Lize sensed that the intense atmosphere had as though wrapped her entire body where an unprecedented heat struck her and she couldn't find the strength to lift a finger... as though she had been caught up in the situation.


"Huah... What a good sleep," Anne stretched her arms and yawned her way down the stairs.

This was one of Anne's habits. Every afternoon, she would run up to the roof of the Fortress and find a comfortable spot under the sun. It was no different today. Anne tottered to the corridor and squinted her eyes to enjoy the cooling breeze from the window. She raised her arms and gave a satisfied stretch again. At the same time, her ears twitched and she turned around curiously to find a person who she couldn't be more familiar with at the other end of the corridor. "Lize?"

Anne muttered dubiously because Lize was half-kneeling on the ground and peering through the gap of the room door sneakily. Besides, Anne had also heard the voices in the room with her sharp hearing.

That should be Leader's room. Why is Lize kneeling and peeking from there?

Anne felt curious because Lize had always been a steady and mature person. But now, she was actually peeping like a little child. What is Leader doing? Judging from the sound, is he taming some dangerous wild animal?

Anne playfully sneaked up behind Lize and tapped her shoulder. "Lize, what are you doing?"

"Waaa!" The defenseless Lize let out a shriek as soon as Anne's lively voice rang in her ears. Not only that, but she also jumped and crashed her head into the solid door.

Bang! The door sprung open and Lize fell flatly into the room.

Rhode and Canary were just recovering from their climaxes and they were shocked and caught unprepared by the widening door. They gazed at the door together and saw Lize falling to her stomach and Anne standing by the door.


The entire room fell into an awkward silence. Canary sat on the table half-naked with her hands around Rhode's arms while the latter leaned forward with his hands pressed against the tabletop. Lize lifted her head clumsily and widened her mouth as soon as she spotted both of them. Anne's curious eyes spun and sized up everything before her. "Leader? Sister Canary? What are you two doing?"


Lize returned to her senses as though she had been released from a binding curse. She jumped up and stuttered like a child embarrassingly like a child who had just discovered her parent's secret. "S-Sorry! Mr. Rhode, Miss Canary! I didn't see anything at all! Sorry, I didn't mean to do it! Sorry, I'm really sorry..."

Lize freaked out completely. Her head was in a blank and she didn't know what else to say apart from apologizing. The despair and pain in her mind had as though been flung to another world. She wished that there was a hole she could jump into immediately and never climb out of forever. "S-Sorry, I really didn't see anything! Sorry...!"

Lize hurriedly turned around and bolted out of the room. She slammed the door shut and dragged Anne away.

"..." Rhode and Canary exchanged a bitter smile and shook their heads. "What should we do, Rhode? Should we chase after her? This must've been too thrilling for Lize, I guess."

"Forget it, let her calm down first. Perhaps there are no women who can stay calm after looking at this scene..."

"... Are you reminded of the incident where my classmate found out about us along the corridor together?"

"Hmm..." Rhode's expression stiffened and he let out a soft grunt. "Ultimately, isn't it always because you want to satisfy your bad little habit everytime and everywhere? If you weren't that impatient back then, perhaps we wouldn't have been caught up in that awkward situation..."

"It's fine to let it happen occasionally, isn't it?" Canary's smile remained unremorseful. "I feel even more thrilled to be seen by someone."

"... I'm not sure what your mother will think about you if she knew you were a perverted exhibitionist."

"Isn't it you who made me this way, Rhode?" Canary chuckled and bound her arms around Rhode's neck. "What should we do next? Shall we do it again? I hope you are still capable of it after this small little hiccup."

"... Of course. But this time, I need to lock the door first."

"... Hmph... That'll spoil all the fun, Rhode."

Chapter 590 Faltering Heart (2)

"Haa... Haa..."

After running for a long time, Lize finally came to a halt and let go of Anne's hand. She leaned on the wall and panted for air. She was too focused on peeping that she didn't realize Anne was sneaking up on her. Lize could feel her heart pounding so hard that it almost jumped out of her throat. Her mind was in complete chaos. Lize had already known about Canary and Rhode's close relationship for a long time, so she didn't have the rights to grumble. If she weren't discovered, perhaps she might simply find a lonely spot to cry it out. Although she didn't know why she felt heartbroken, she knew she could face Rhode and Canary normally the next day after letting out her frustrations. But the situation was different now. Rhode and Canary had seen her and they surely knew that she had been peeping, so what would they think about her? Would they hate her? Or think that she went overboard? Lize was unsure and she hoped to maintain a friendly relationship with them. But she had destroyed it...

What should I do?

"What's wrong, Lize? Why did you drag Anne here?" Anne gazed curiously and turned to the direction where they came from. "What were Leader and Sister Canary doing just now? They seem to be having fun. Anne also wants to try!"

Anne turned around and decided to head back while Lize lunged forward to grab her hand. "Wait wait wait wait! Anne, don't go! Don't go!"

"Eh?" Anne came to a halt and stared at Lize with her emerald-green eyes curiously. "Why? Anne feels that Leader and Sister Canary are having a lot of fun. Anne also wants to have fun too."

"This... This isn't for you to have fun!" Lize flushed.

She felt that she couldn't handle the situation at all. The current problem hadn't been resolved and she had to educate Anne's mindset. This innocent little rascal had always been unaffected and she didn't have any common sense regarding such matters. Rhode and Canary might be in an awkward situation after their intimate secret was discovered and it would surely make matters worse if Anne rushed right back now. Lize could only try and explain to Anne helplessly at this point in time. "That isn't a game, Anne. It is something that you should do with a man that you like!"

"As long as you do it with a man that you like?" Anne spun her eyes around. "So... as long as Anne finds a man that Anne likes, Anne can play such interesting games?"

"No, no, it's not like that!" Lize shook her head in panic.

She knew that Anne's definition of 'like' was different from most people—wrong. From everyone would be most appropriate. If Lize didn't explain it properly, who knew what Anne might do next. Perhaps this young lady might find some mercenaries to play that 'interesting game'. Lize didn't wish to see her innocent, close companion being taken advantage of due to the lack of knowledge. Therefore, she pulled over Anne's shoulder and corrected her mindset.

"Listen carefully, Anne. Only a pair of man and woman who likes each other can do such a thing. Besides, it must only be with the person who they like the most! In other words, you can only do it with the man that you like the most, understand?"

"Only with the man that Anne likes the most and not anyone else?" Anne gazed at Lize with dubious, round eyes.

Lize let out a long sigh because it was as she had expected. Anne's understanding of such matters was truly peculiar. If she didn't explain herself clearly, no one knew what Anne would be up to. Lize nodded with might. "That's right, only with a man that you like the most and not anyone else. Understand?"

"Hmm..." Anne puckered her brows and pondered for a while. Then, she nodded. "Anne understands. Anne likes Leader the most, so there's no problem! Thanks, Lize!"

Anne tried to turn away and Lize quickly pulled her hand back. "Wait wait wait wait wait! You can't go now, Anne! It isn't a game! You can't just do it in front of anyone! You didn't see anyone doing it in the wild, right?"

"Hmm..." Anne knitted her brows and tried to recall for a moment. She nodded with some hesitations. "... Anne hasn't seen anyone playing such an amusing game..."

"Phew..." Lize heaved a sigh of relief.

She felt exhausted from her head to toes as though she had just experienced an intense battle. She wished that she could find a peaceful place for a rest. However, she didn't feel at ease because she wasn't sure if Anne would come up with some strange thoughts. As Anne's close friend, it was only natural that Lize worried about her. But at the same time, Lize vaguely had some other thoughts deep down in her heart. She didn't want Anne to do 'it' with Rhode... This left Lize concerned and a little moody. "Besides, Anne, both parties must like each other before you can do such things. Understand?"

"What does that mean, Lize?"

"To put it simply, you like him and he must like you too. If not, you can't do it. I know you like Mr. Rhode and Mr. Rhode likes you too, but this is different. Such a 'liking' is different from that kind of 'liking'. Understand?"

"Anne doesn't get it at all," Anne shook her head firmly.

Lize let out a helpless sigh. "In other words, it shouldn't just be a normal 'like'. It must be a 'like' that feels different from the usual. Anne, it is something that you can do when you feel that your fondness for Mr. Rhode and your fondness for others is different. Do you understand? It wouldn't work if your fondness for Mr. Rhode is the same as the fondness you have for others."

"Hmm..." Anne frowned and thought for a long time before forcing a nod. "Anne understands now. As long as Anne's feelings for Leader is different from others, right? Anne can't show it to others and Anne must make Leader like Anne... Yes, Anne understands now. Don't worry, Lize. Anne likes Leader, so there are no problems. Besides, Leader also likes Anne. By the way, Lize, what about you? Anne sees that Leader likes you a lot. Do you like Leader?"

"..." A reddish blush smeared across Lize's face.

She stood blankly on the spot and loosened Anne's hand subconsciously. Anne's last sentence had struck her inner heart entirely. This was when Lize finally discovered her true feelings.

I like Mr. Rhode, and this is completely different from normal affection.

Lize felt her heart pumping fiercely. When did it begin? Was it from the day he protected me on the Floating Boat? When he escorted me out of the forest? Or was it the day he decided to rebuild the mercenary group with me from scratch? Perhaps, it was during this period? Is this my true feelings for him? Am I jealous of Canary? Which is why I became heartbroken and furious...

"Eh?" Anne tilted her head suddenly as though something came up in her mind. "But Lize, didn't you say that such things shouldn't be seen by others? So, why did you look at them?"

"It is because we shouldn't see and that is why I peeped!" Lize exploded in anger and screamed at the top of her lungs.

Anne jumped in shock and her emerald-green eyes scanned Lize from top to bottom in bewilderment. Both of them exchanged looks and Lize let out a long, painful groan like an injured wild animal. She hugged her head and squatted to her feet slowly, curling up like a caterpillar.

"Lize?" Anne approached her carefully and looked with worried eyes. "Are you okay? Is your head or stomach aching?"

But now, Lize no longer had the mood to answer Anne's concerns.

Chapter 591 illusion of the Dreamland

It's that dream again.

Rhode lifted his head and gazed at the dusky sky before him. A flight of stairs spiraled under his feet and extended into the clouds along the stone tower. A chilly breeze blew against his face.

When Rhode arrived at the tower roof, he once again met the petite figure who looked like Christie. She stood silently in the center of the roof and gazed at Rhode with a slight smile.

"Who are you?" Rhode puckered his brows.

At this moment, Rhode could clearly sense that this was only a dream. The bizarre feeling of bewilderment and haziness in his mind interwoven as though devouring his rationality. However, Rhode had no ways of resisting it. He gritted his teeth and held on, staring at the little girl before him. He widened his mouth and repeated his question.

After the incident involving Gracier and Madaras, Rhode no longer treated this as a simple dream. In the game, he had encountered several plots that communicated with him through such dreams. No matter if it was the face that resembled Christie or if she could activate and awaken the Holy Swords, Rhode knew that this was a mystery that he must solve. Apart from that, Rhode was most curious about this little girl.

Although she had the same appearance as Christie, Rhode sensed clearly that she was a totally different presence. Not only that, Rhode also instinctively sensed that he was extremely familiar with her. Seeing this girl was like seeing a friend who had not seen each other for many years and they randomly met on the roadside. Her name was clearly on the verge of escaping his lips, but he just couldn't say it out loud.

The sound of wind whistled past and the little girl reacted to Rhode's question. She placed a finger on her smile and requested for silence. Then, she beckoned before walking to the edge of the tower. Rhode followed uncontrollably as though something was pulling him forward.

The entire world had become incomparably desolated. Not only did the flat surface not have any other buildings, but there was also no vegetation. It felt like the calm before the storm, leaving an unsettling feeling in his mind.

As Rhode paced to the edge of the tower, the little girl chuckled slightly and pointed her finger forward.

Rhode raised his head subconsciously and the scenery before him changed abruptly. The dusky sky and wildland burst into rays of black and white brilliance. In the blink of an eye, the scenery before him turned into a green dense forest and tall mountain range. The thick clouds dispersed to reveal the azure sky and the warm sunshine beamed on the earth.

Rhode was gobsmacked. However, it wasn't due to the extreme changes to the environment that surprised him. Instead, he couldn't be more familiar with what was presented before him: it was the scenery of the Land of Atonement, where his Fortress was located in.

What does she mean by this?

Rhode puckered his brows and turned to the little girl with a dubious look. However, the little girl didn't respond. Instead, she raised her right hand and pointed forward. The sound of the wind changed abruptly. Rhode looked forward. The azure sky had been engulfed and devoured by thick layers of dark clouds that flooded from the horizon, blocking off the vibrant sunlight. As the dark clouds approached, the exuberant green hills and clear waters abruptly deteriorated; withering and drying at a rapid pace. The fertile mother earth cracked and a violent thunderstorm rolled in.

Rhode wasn't scared or bewildered. Instead, his heart was pounding like a tense, excited prophet who had seen his future! He knew what this meant! He knew how and where it was going to happen! Swish! Swish! Swish! As though proving Rhode's imaginations, the sound of waves crashing into rocks sounded in his ears gradually. Shortly after, specks of blue-whitish flames gradually burned in the darkness.

Those are the Undead Flames.

Undead Army.

Rhode lifted his head and endured the roaring storm. He squinted and examined everything before him. At this moment, a bolt of lightning flashed within the dark clouds and illuminated everything in sight. Rhode instantly witnessed a sea of white skeletons within.

A clap of thunder boomed and vanished abruptly.

At the same time, the little girl moved her finger slightly and a dazzling ray of light streaked across the sky shrouded in dark clouds. Shortly after, the pitch-dark, deadly world had as though been swept away by an invisible large hand. The dark clouds dispersed and revealed a dense forest which caught Rhode by surprise. After all, just a second ago, he was still under the pouring storm and facing the invasion of the Undead Army. The emergence of the green exuberant forest with birds chirping left him perplexed. However, he quickly realized that there was a pair of daggers laid down in the empty field of the forest.

Gracier and Madaras.

Rhode turned around and gazed at the little girl. At this moment, the little girl laid down her arm and nodded to Rhode. Then, she took two steps back and lifted the hem of her skirt to bow politely. Along with her actions, Rhode instantly felt the ground beneath his feet crumpling and gravity dragged him down like a monster's claw.

"Hey, wait up. You..."

The ground beneath his feet shattered and he fell right into the endless darkness...

Rhode sat up abruptly.

Luminous moonlight spilled through the window from the bright full moon hanging silently. Christie was still in deep sleep beside him. Ever since Christie had begun accompanying Rhode at night, she received further guidance from Gillian to treat this as part of her nightly duty. This wasn't a bad thing for Rhode. With Christie accompanying him, he could often calm down quickly and feel exceptionally relaxed. Of course, this had nothing to do with lust.

But even so, there was still a disadvantage. Rhode had to shift his 'night activities' to a much more suitable time. Just like the morning activity that he had engaged with Canary in the study room. No matter what, Rhode couldn't possibly do it before Christie.

"Mm..." Christie had entered her deep slumberland.

Rhode stroked her long hair gently and looked over. On the other end of the bed, the little mermaid was also sleeping soundly, curling up inside her water ball. Her sleeping posture was rather amusing and a string of bubbles blew out of her tiny mouth and floated within the water ball.

But Rhode knew it wasn't the time for him to admire this scene. He got his feet off the bed carefully to not wake the two little girls and moved quietly to the open window. He gazed at the Land of Atonement under the beaming moonlight with knitted brows. After Mini Bubble Gum and Canary led the mercenaries to eliminate the points of defect, the social order had stabilized a lot. The day and night times weren't as chaotic as when Rhode's group first arrived. Back then, this territory had long nights and short days with unstable climates. Even though there was only a mountain between the Deep Stone City and the Land of Atonement, the former was like a smooth running clock while the latter was like a damaged clock with irregular speed. Fortunately, this territory had been slowly getting back on track.

But that dream just now...

Rhode's heart sank slightly. He had watched that scene countless times. It was the scene when the Undead Army of the Country of Darkness attacked. Why did the little girl display it before him? But the answer didn't require many thoughts. History was still continuing and the threat of the Country of Darkness perhaps was unavoidable. Ordinary humans couldn't defend against the powerful forces of the Country of Darkness. The bunch of idiots in the Light Parliament thought that they could get their share of the action after witnessing the conflict between the new and old forces in the Country of Darkness. However, they didn't see through the true, hidden meaning behind that. If the Country of Darkness didn't grow stronger day by day where the strength of the rising factions was enough to fight against the long-standing nobles, how would it be possible that they would dare to do that in the Country of Darkness with the tough level restrictions?

The Light Parliament tried pulling chestnuts out of the fire, but they invited trouble instead. In the Country of Darkness, there were almost 300 beings in the Legendary Stage and thousands in the Peak Master Stage under the Four Legendary Generals. Even the low-level Skeletal Soldiers with no self-judgment could rely on their Undead attribute to utterly defeat ordinary soldiers. The Country of Darkness would definitely crush the pathetic forces of the Country of Light.

Although Rhode had Bubble and Canary as his assistants and most of the Undead Army couldn't harm them due to their current 'Supreme Privilege' in level standards, Bubble and Canary would surely flee in defeat when several beings in the Legendary Stage fought them at once or when either one of the Four Legendary Generals or the Dark Dragon Soul emerged. Moreover, the two young ladies were equipped with pitiful, plain equipment and weren't even close to being fully equipped. Under such circumstances, it would pose some difficulty even if they fought their enemies one by one.

It could be seen from here the difference between the strength of the powerful Country of Darkness and the declining Country of Light. The Country of Darkness had Undead Creatures as their main forces and sufficient time to accumulate experience to strengthen their forces. However, the Country of Light was a nation dominated by mankind and the Light Parliament operated with an ideology of human supremacism and didn't trust species with longevity. They believed that humans could only trust themselves and feared that long-living creatures would dominate them. This was why humans, Vampires, Dark Elves, Dwarves, and others could join the war in the Country of Darkness and also why the Angels were unseen by the humans and the Elves and Dwarves seldom communicated with them in the Country of Light. This made up most reasons why they viewed the Munn Kingdom as an enemy. Lydia was obviously looking to restore the sacred status of the Light Dragon and the humans would then be ruled by a non-human being with longevity, which was absolutely unacceptable. As for the half-beast, their existences would be expelled.

Although the Humans had strong learning abilities and outstanding talents, their longevity was a big problem, after all. It was only a problem of time for the beings with longevity to break through, but it would be pointless if a human couldn't transcend into the Legendary Stage in a short period of time because he would only live up to a 100 years. This was also the reason why the Light Parliament didn't dare to take further actions against Rhode after the Mist Sword Saint had been crippled by Mini Bubble Gum. Compared to the other races, it wasn't easy for the humans to cultivate powerful beings. If it happened to the Country of Darkness, they could simply dispatch three more Sword Saints for revenge and even if the next three Sword Saints were defeated, there would still be a whole group of Sword Saints waiting for their turn...

This was the difference.

At the beginning of the game, the average level of all the forces in the Country of Light was 60. The Country of Law had an average level of 70 while the Country of Darkness had the highest average level of 75. As the game was updated, the Void Dragon transcended and became the strongest BOSS in the entire Dragon Soul Continent. The average level of forces under the Void Dragon was 75. In other words, any random soldier would possess the strength of the Master Stage and the BOSSes were in the Legendary Stage. If players didn't exist, the natives would surely be doomed.

Rhode had no intentions of going against the Country of Darkness because it wasn't worth it and unnecessary. It would be even better if he could invite trouble to the certain originators of evil practices.

But... Why?

Rhode frowned at this thought.

In the game, the Country of Light relied on their self-awareness and territorial scope of Soraka Mountain to provoke the Country of Darkness recklessly. But now, the Duke Fiend had been defeated by him and Soraka Mountain had become a dead region. Even if the Light Parliament wished to get their hands on the region, perhaps the Country of Darkness wouldn't mind at all since it had been tainted by Chaos and became unstable after losing the seal. In other words, it basically had no value to them at all. Following the historical process of the game, the Country of Light's fuse for the provocation should have been extinguished by him.

Or perhaps, they have other motives?

Rhode shook his head hopelessly. He thought he could take a break, but the warning of this strange dream had tensed him up. Although he didn't know who that little girl was, he felt that she wouldn't lie to him. At the very least, it was her who helped him repair Gracier and Madaras.


Rhode recalled the final scene the little girl had pointed to: Gracier and Madaras laying silently in an empty field of the forest. After being a gamer for many years, Rhode's grasp of the plot's hint was truly accurate. Up until now, the two daggers hadn't transformed into a part of the summoning cards. Perhaps the hint that the little girl had given him might be deeply linked to it.


Rhode rubbed his forehead at the troublesome thought. He knew where that place was and it wouldn't be easily accessible.

The Sacred Forest.

The Country of Law—a sacred place dominated by the Elves.

Chapter 592: Brave First Step

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Specks of pale flames lined up along the dim canopied passageway. Di ambled and gazed at the scene filled with an aura of death and sadness before him. The young Vampire presented a vague smile, at the same time, stretching out his slender, pale fingers and arranged his cuffs, collar, and the hem of his attire. Sinister-looking stone statues could be seen curling up above the eaves on both sides of the path. As the footsteps approached, their empty eyes glowed with faint spiritual radiance. However, they quickly faded into pitch-darkness after spotting Di's arrival.

Di flattened every crease on his attire meticulously like a robot. When he arrived at the heavy stone door at the end of the path, he hung his arms by the side of his body. The Dark Elf clad in steel armor standing by the stone door puckered his brows while resting his hand on the dagger hilt by his waist. He scanned the uninvited guest from top to bottom. After a few seconds, he gestured to his companion and they saluted respectfully before making way with their heads lowered. Deep rumbles sounded as the tightly shut stone door opened gradually. At this moment, the smile on the Vampire's face vanished and was replaced by a stern expression.

A deep, hoarse voice sounded as though from the bottom of the graveyard. "I didn't expect that you bats would actually head out for visits... Rascal, what do you have for me?"

"Your Honorable Sir Nefarian." Di lowered his head immediately and bowed deeply to the darkness. "I'm really sorry to visit you while you're busy. Please pardon my rudeness. I wouldn't have come and disrupted your peace if it weren't for something important. This is related to you, Sir, so..."

"Cut the crap. Get straight to the point," the mysterious voice interrupted harshly.

Di's words came to an abrupt stop and his expression remained unperturbed as though he wasn't the one getting interrupted. After all, the presence before him wasn't someone who a small Vampire like Di could argue with. It was the strongest out of the Four Legendary Generals and the most reputable presence among them, the 'Spirit Chaser' Balende. Nefarian could be said to be the protector of the Country of Darkness. Although the Country of Darkness was a nation of immortals, death wasn't actually rare in this place. Of course, almost all the deaths were abnormal and unnatural in nature.

After experiencing countless conspiracies, schemes, assassinations in the thousands of years, it proved how powerful and terrifying Nefarian was to still be one of the Four Legendary Generals. No one knew exactly how long Nefarian had existed for. Rumors said that he had been protecting generations after generations of Dark Dragons loyally even before the Four Legendary Generals existed. Di knew that no ordinary presence could deal with such a formidable presence. There were also several 'pioneers' who had challenged the 'Spirit Chaser', but they weren't successful at all. Those that issued the challenges had all died and he still existed as though he would live on forever.

But Di was different.

"Yes, Sir. I'm truly sorry for my rude behavior... But this matter is indeed related to you. This is how it goes, Sir. I have received orders from Royal Highness Ashvril to investigate the Munn Kingdom and I've unintentionally discovered the murderer of your student, Sir Vulture. This is extremely important, so I didn't dare take matters into my own hands. That is why I'm reporting this to you. According to my investigations, I'm sure that the highly reputable 'Mercenary Noble' in the Munn Kingdom, Rhode Alander, is the culprit," Di lowered his head. Even though there was no response, Di didn't reveal a single trace of annoyance on his face. He continued to lower his head and waited patiently for a response. After a few moments, Di heard a snort. "Alright. Get lost now."

The stone door closed slowly and the Dark Elves that were hidden in the darkness took big strides forward and guarded it. Di bowed respectfully to the door and turned around. In the blink of an eye, his body distorted and blended into the darkness, vanishing in a puff of smoke.

The Dark Knight in steel armor leaning against the wall like a decoration moved forward. Spiritual radiance burned in its eyes as it approached the stone door. "Sir, those scheming Vampires..."

"I know what you're going to say. But no one can get away scot free from killing my student. I've also heard about that human. Rumor has it that he has two Legendary beings in his territory. Hmph. Those little bats are truly simple-minded. Although His Majesty indeed has intentions to lay hands on the Country of Light, it isn't wise to blindly provoke the Archangel. I'll leave this matter to you. I hope you won't disappoint me."

"Yes, Sir."

The Dark Knight bowed solemnly, turned around and left the passageway with big strides. The specks of Undead flames lined up beside him extinguished suddenly as though a strong gust of wind had blown over them and only endless darkness remained.


Roar! The gigantic Tree Monster released storm-like sawdust from its trunk rapidly. Then, it let out a bellow and struck its thick, long roots out of the ground. The roots fluttered everywhere like tentacles.

"Waa!" Anne yelled out in horror.

She swiftly sprung up and somersaulted backward to avoid its attack. However, she couldn't balance herself in midair and the razor-sharp roots aimed toward her.

Shing! Suddenly, an ice wall rose from the ground and deflected the flying roots. The Tree Monster shifted its massive trunk fumingly and lashed forward the thick roots.

At this moment, a beam of gloomy radiance struck the Tree Monster from above and the ferocious creature instantly became dispirited. The roots it lashed out lost momentum and flopped to the ground like soft noodles. Then, dazzling blade rays erupted in a vast sky full of stars. Spiritual radiance linked up the specks of starlight and formed an enormous net of blades that slashed toward the Tree Monster. The pitiful creature collapsed heavily to the ground and shattered into a pile of debris.

"Yay—! Leader is the best!" Anne jumped up to her feet and cheered with raised arms. Rhode sheathed his sword and moved forward while Lize displayed a bitter smile beside him. The little mermaid gazed curiously and timidly at the defeated Tree Monster. Rhode stared at Anne with an expressionless face. "There's still a distance away from our destination. Don't provoke these meaningless things."

"Understood, Leader!" Anne nodded with all her might.

She chuckled and ran up to Lize and the little mermaid. Rhode shook his head helplessly. After receiving the 'guidance' from the little girl in his dream, he had chosen to head off immediately into the Country of Law. To Rhode, the earlier he could restore the twin daggers into Holy Sword Cards, the better it would be for him. Although Gracier and Madaras were equally great as weapons even without awakening, Rhode had a preference for their special ability [Stealth] as the Carlesdine, 'Elves of the Wind', in human form.

[Stealth] wasn't a high-level swordsmanship technique. Instead, it was an ability similar to a Class talent. It was similar in a sense that, as a Spirit Swordsman, Rhode could summon spirits to battle while other swordsmen could only summon spirits through magical equipment no matter how hard they cultivated. [Stealth] would be a relatively useful technique in future battles. Once Gracier and Madaras could take up human form, Rhode could even use them as ultimate assassins. Their experienced assassination skills and [Stealth] skills as 'Elves of the Wind' would make them equal to two squadrons of experienced Dark Elves.

Not only that, when the twin daggers joined the Holy Sword Card Deck and officially became Rhode's summoning spirit, he could use the 'Pursuit' talent technique to receive the [Stealth] effects for himself. This would make his battles much easier.

It was due to this reason and the prophecy of the Country of Darkness he had received in his dream that he decided to leave the Land of Atonement and search for a method to fully awaken the twin daggers. Of course, Rhode had requested for Mini Bubble Gum and Canary to continuously patrol the border of the Land of Atonement. He didn't keep the dream a secret from them. Although the dream might be an illusion which was formed using his memories as a basis, he thought about it through a player's perspective. The two young ladies didn't believe that it was as simple as just a dream either.

They had also experienced the strength of the Country of Darkness's Undead Army with Rhode in the game, which was why they agreed firmly. Also, for the sake of safety, Rhode had given them half of the management rights to the 'mercenary construction system'. If there were any strange presences crossing the border and stepping into Rhode's territory, the system would trigger an alarm and the young ladies could eradicate the intruders as quickly as possible. Besides, they had rich experiences dealing with Undead Creatures, so there wasn't a chance that they would be duped by their tricks.

However, Rhode faced a small problem before leaving.

He had thought of heading there alone for the sake of convenience. However, Anne took advantage of the opportunity and pestered him to let her join. Rhode didn't refuse because he saw that the slaughtering of creatures along the way could gain him some EXP. At this current stage, ordinary bandits and critters weren't able to provide him with a significant amount of EXP anymore. Moreover, almost all his missions were randomly triggered in this world. This was why Rhode couldn't choose missions just like in the game and clear dungeons to level up. After all, this was the real world and a dungeon wasn't enough for him to clear several times.

Without the methods of accomplishing missions and clearing dungeons to gain EXP, Rhode could only use the most mainstream and primitive way to strengthen himself—grinding monsters. Coincidentally, there was a location with wild monsters between level 40 to 60 along the way. Although the monsters were high in level, they weren't as difficult to deal with as the Elite monsters in dungeons. Grinding higher-level monsters would give him a lot more EXP and the location was near the Land of Chaos, which increased the respawn rate. This was why Rhode planned to strengthen himself on the way there and also level up the little mermaid. He welcomed Anne in strengthening herself since she was willing. After all, it would be much more efficient to get into battles than to sleep the whole day.

However, Rhode was surprised that there was also an unexpected guest apart from Anne.

It was Lize.

Rhode felt curious because Lize wasn't the type who liked to head out for adventures. She would normally be by his side when he requested. After she heard Anne request to join Rhode into the Elf Dominion, whiteness spread across her face and lifted her hand to request the same.

After the 'accident' that day, Lize had been behaving awkwardly whenever she met Rhode and Canary. She would blush, stutter, and consciously avoid them. Rhode couldn't do anything about it because this was Lize's nature. On the other hand, Anne was entirely different. Although she had also witnessed the scene, she behaved as per usual the next day as though nothing had happened. However, Lize couldn't do that. After all, time was the best cure for everything. As long as Rhode gave her enough time, perhaps she would recover from it.

But he didn't expect Lize to make such a surprising move...

Rhode sensed that the young lady hadn't untied the knot in her heart. Although she took the initiative to join Rhode on the adventure, she had been avoiding him and spoke more to Anne instead as though she was nervous.

It's really hard to guess what women are thinking.

"Leader! Leader!" Anne skipped to Rhode and hugged his arm passionately. "Anne is tired! How much longer do we need to reach the Elf Dominion?"

"Don't worry." Rhode gazed at her and shook his head. "If we continue at this pace, it will take about three days. But I want to inform you beforehand that their social custom is different from human society, so you must be careful with your behavior. Also, the uneven road to the Elf Dominion will be filled with dangers and troubles. I hope you're ready for it."

"Of course, Leader!" Anne brandished her shield proudly before clasping to Rhode's arm once more. "With Anne around, there will not be any problems!"

No one noticed that Lize had lowered her head with a complicated expression while her eyes revealed a glint of the worries deep in her heart.

Chapter 593: Confused Heart (I)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The Country of Law was politically neutral and also neutral in standpoint. Its territory wasn't massive and was even smaller than the Munn Kingdom. The Country of Law's territory was located in the center of the common boundary of the Country of Light and Country of Darkness. Using patterns as an analogy, the Country of Law would be like a 'V' cutting down from the middle of an oval formed by the Country of Light and Country of Darkness, dividing them into two.

However, the transportation environment in the Country of Law wasn't that convenient compared to the Munn Kingdom. The Elf Forest and the Slumber Mountain which divided the Country of Light and Country of Darkness weren't easy to get through. They were covered densely by forests and surrounded by mountains. Moreover, the Elves' passionate love and care for the forest made it extremely difficult for humans to open up commercial roads through the mountainous terrain. Furthermore, the Elves weren't easy to convince and interact with. This was why most merchants would rather use the Ocean Trade Route opened up by the Munn Kingdom to engage in commercial trade.

Although the traffic wasn't convenient, it wasn't a problem for residents of the Country of Law: the Half-Elves and Elves. They lived in the forest and the craggy surface of routes was no issues for them. Besides, most Elves were apathetic in their natural disposition, unlike humans who highly regarded money. This was why even though the commercial trade in the Country of Law wasn't prosperous, they could still lead carefree lives.

Even if the Country of Law wasn't the economic hub of the entire continent, none of the other nations dared to belittle its influence. As the largest sacred place for religion, the believers of the Church could be found throughout every corner of the continent. Besides, even if the Country of Law wasn't a financial hub, their Church played the dual role of the bank and the notary office. Due to their neutral standpoint and the influence of the Judgement & Ruling Twin Dragons, the Church's credibility and prestige was extraordinary. In the game, after the Munn Kingdom was attacked by the Country of Darkness, the Country of Darkness stopped giving chase to the players and refugees who had escaped into the Country of Law. They paced back and forth by the borders of the Country of Law and eventually left.

There were different sayings regarding the reasons why the Country of Law had such a high standing on the continent. Most of them believed that although the Country of Law wasn't comparable in strength to the Three Archangels and the Four Legendary Generals, it had two Creator Dragon Souls with them. Even if the Country of Light and Country of Darkness united, it would still be a two against two in Dragon Souls. Besides, the Country of Law had a great geographical advantage. Not only was it easily guarded and difficult to break through, but attacking it would also offend the two Creator Dragon Souls, which no one would be foolish enough to attempt. Moreover, the Country of Law's Church had always been advocating and protecting Order while destroying Chaos. When most overlords developed their territories and maintain Order, they had more or less received assistance from the Church and the Country of Law.

There were many routes that led to the Country of Law and Rhode chose the comparatively remote route along the border connecting the Munn Kingdom and Country of Law. Due to the unique territorial shape, most of the routes linked to the Country of Law had to go through the Country of Light. Rhode knew that he had become a thorn in the Light Parliament's side after Bubble had crippled the Mist Sword Saint. If he chose those routes, he might be spotted by the Light Parliament and he didn't wish for side issues to keep arising.

Blackberry Town was a remote town located along the way and the residents there were mainly Half-Elves. Due to their human bloodline, they couldn't withstand the harsh conditions of living in the deep mountains and forests like pure Elves. However, the Elf bloodline made them yearn for nature and as a result, the Half-Elves had compromised by building small towns and villages around the perimeter of the Elf Forest. Not only were they able to be surrounded by nature, but they could also get in touch with the bustling human lives of the outside world.

And it was the same here.

"Wow..." Anne exclaimed in admiration as soon as she witnessed the scenery of the small town.

Unlike human hamlets, Blackberry Town presented a harmonious, easy-going atmosphere and displayed the beauty of vitality and tranquility perfectly. The style of house was entirely different and even though they were also made of wood, they appeared more casual and wild with fine vines and broad foliage blending them into the surrounding trees as compared to the neatly builts houses for humans. If it weren't for the man-made staircases, doors, and the exquisitely crafted signs hanging on the tree branches, perhaps no one would believe that this was a town. One might even believe that one had stepped into a strange woodland.

Rhode's group attracted a lot of curious gazes. After all, seldom would there be a group of travelers who visited such a desolate place. A glance at Rhode's beautiful face and his pitch-black noble attire was enough to see his extraordinary imposing manner. Moreover, the little mermaid swimming in the water ball and Anne, who carried an eye-catching huge shield at her back, were equally eye-catching. This trio was capable of attracting the attention of the bustling city crowd, let alone this remote place.

Compared to the trio, Lize, who was clad in a Cleric robe, didn't seem as conspicuous. But this was what she wished for too.

Although the Half-Elves loved liveliness, they weren't as fond of joining in the fun as the humans usually did. This was why most of them simply laid down their work and gazed curiously at them while children followed them and chased the little mermaid playfully. The little mermaid appeared a little tense, but she didn't hide from them too much. After all, she had slowly gotten used to the life of being surrounded by everyone.

"Anne, it will be the territory of the Country of Law from here onward. You must be obedient and not stir trouble like just now, do you hear me? This isn't the Munn Kingdom anymore. I will not be able to rescue you if they capture you and you will need to be kept in the water jail forever."

"Anne knows, Leader. Don't worry, Anne will be fine."

"I hope so." Rhode twitched his brow and headed deeper into the small town.

The biggest difference between Blackberry Town and other human small towns was its serenity and peacefulness. The 'liveliness' of the Half-Elves equaled the tranquility that Anne and Lize who came from the human city had experienced. Although there were many shops in the small plaza under the shade-giving foliage, they couldn't hear bustling bargains and loud chattering as they did in human markets. The shop owners lined their merchandise neatly on their stall while the consumer picked their choices before asking the price and making payment. The entire process was engaged quietly where one couldn't hear any grumbles of unreasonable prices.

"This is your last chance if you want to buy anything." Rhode said to the group. "The money we have on us will be useless after we entered the Country of Law, so if you want to spend on something meaningful, it will be here."

"Eh?" Anne tilted her head. Although she had heard from Rhode about the social custom in the Country of Law, she didn't expect something as unimaginable as this. "Useless? Why?"

"Because the Elves aren't mindful about money. The gold coins in our possession aren't in circulation in the Elf Dominion. Elves don't like gold coins and commercial trades and they would rather barter instead. But even bartering is uncommon among them because they basically don't have many desires for anything."

"Eh—?" Anne puckered her brows instantly. "What if Anne wants to eat and sleep when we're there?"

"Seldom are there people allowed into the Elf Dominion. Even if one enters, the Elves have specialized stations to serve the guests, so you don't need to worry about that. But if you want to purchase anything inside, the Elves will see if you have anything interesting in exchange for it." Rhode paused for a second and swept a glance at Anne with a smirk. "By the way, the Elves are rather skilled in crafting accessories."

Indeed. No matter how different Anne's mentality was, she was still a girl nonetheless. Her eyes brightened instantly. "Really? Anne wants them if they are really good... By the way, Lize, what do you want to have?"

Anne turned around and asked Lize who was standing behind her. Lize lifted her head blankly and came to her senses abruptly. Then, she waved her hand. "Ah, there's nothing that I want, Anne..."

"Eh...? How boring," Anne pouted and skipped to Rhode's side to wrap her arms around his. "Leader, Anne thinks that Lize will suit some beautiful accessories, like..."

"There's no need!" Lize exploded in anger, shattering the serenity of the entire place, and startling everyone. The little mermaid widened her eyes in fear and leaned onto Rhode while Anne turned around in astonishment and gaped as she looked at Lize. Rhode puckered his brows slightly and faced the young lady.

Sensing everyone's gazes, Lize finally realized what she had just done. She hurriedly lifted her head and waved her hand. "S-Sorry, Anne. I didn't mean to... I... I'm just feeling tired from the traveling... Sorry... I didn't mean to..."

"Okay! It's nothing, Anne is in the wrong," Anne went up to Lize and held her hand. "Sorry, Lize, Anne shouldn't have disturbed you. Let's go find a place to rest for a while. Anne also wants to have a good sleep."

Lize lowered her head guiltily and a depressed glint flashed in her eyes, but no one realized it.

"... Okay... Sorry, Anne, I really didn't mean to..." Lize murmured.

The group had lost their interest in shopping after the incident and they entered the only inn in the small town. Then, Lize mentioned that she was feeling unwell and she locked herself in her room. Even though Lize didn't reveal the reason, the people around her knew that she had been behaving peculiarly.

"Leader... What's wrong with Lize?" Anne tossed an apple from hand to hand and displayed a worried expression. "Is she sick? If Anne knew she was sick, Anne would have been quieter..."

Rhode didn't answer. He sat by the table and gazed out the window with furrowed brows. It was evening and the sun had gradually sunk beneath the horizon. As nighttime arrived, the moonlight grass displayed its amazingness. The night-active plant lifted its head and its semicircular flower bud blossomed slowly to reveal a luminous radiance that illuminated the dark land. However, Rhode wasn't in the mood to admire the view now. Rhode felt that something was off ever since Lize tagged along in the journey. Lize wasn't one who would take initiatives or was unyielding. Besides, she had also behaved strangely during the journey. Although Lize was reserved and gentle, she wasn't one who had little to say. Ever since they left the Land of Atonement and headed into the Country of Law, Lize spoke little and responded absent-mindedly to Anne and Rhode as though something had been occupying her head.

Not only that, but Rhode also realized that Lize had been strangely engrossed in her performance during the battles on their way here. It was unlike her usual self at all. It almost felt as though she was rushing into battle with Bubble's reckless mentality.

Rhode had tried speaking to Lize a few times, but she kept finding excuses to avoid him. Rhode thought that this was the follow-up effect of that incident. However, it seemed that the situation wasn't as simple as he had thought. Lize wasn't petty and narrow-minded, so her sudden burst of anger left Rhode on high alert. He had had several relationships with young women and he knew an honest and submissive girl like Lize would turn out the scariest after she exploded in wrath because it usually meant that she couldn't tolerate something anymore. Moreover, she would be capable of doing anything cruel after losing her rationality and control over herself. On the contrary, a cheerful, outgoing young lady like Anne would only last no more than three days even if she flew into a terrible rage.

Rhode couldn't find a good counter-solution at the moment. "All in all, Lize doesn't seem to be in a good mood recently, so you'd better stay quiet."

"Okay," Anne nodded obediently. Then, she revealed a concerned look. "Leader, for some reason... Anne feels that Lize is a little scary... Anne is afraid of this Lize..."

She's indeed a Half-Beast. She must have sensed the danger emanating from Lize.


"Sorry to keep you waiting."

The inn owner moved his round body and approached them with a smile. He widened his eyes in astonishment at the little mermaid floating beside Rhode before shifting his attention to Rhode. "Would you like to have something? We have local, freshly made wine, grilled fish, and blackberry bread, which are our well-received specialties. I'm sure everyone will enjoy it."

"Bring us all your signature dishes. If they aren't enough, we will order some more," Rhode said after gazing at Anne's big, round puppy eyes.

The owner looked blankly before revealing an even more passionate smile. He turned around and instructed the waiter softly. The waiter scuttled away while the owner stood on the spot. He turned back and gazed at Rhode and Anne. "May I ask where are you heading to?"

"We have some matters to attend to in the Elf Forest," said Rhode.

Rhode wasn't mindful of the owner's bold enquire. He knew that most of the Half-Elves gathered here in the outer region of the Country of Law had contact with the Elf Dominion. As the Elf Dominion strictly limited entry of races other than Elves and Half-Elves, anyone who appeared in the border of the Country of Law and was heading into the Elf Dominion would be reported secretly to the internal department of the Elf Dominion and the Elf Dominion would decide if they would grant entry to the visitors. This location was a remote small town and their purpose for coming here was self-evident. Rhode's purpose wasn't to slaughter or set fire to their homeland, so there wasn't anything worth hiding since he wasn't a Druid.

"I see," the owner nodded firmly.

Shortly after, he revealed a hesitant expression and rubbed his hands together. "Hmm... Please pardon me if I sound rude. But I need to inform you that it will be better if you pick another route if you wish to enter via the Emerald Valley."

"Are there any problems?" Rhode laid down his wine glass and puckered his brows slightly. "Could it be that the Emerald Valley has been sealed off?"

"That isn't it, my dear guest," the owner smiled and shook his head hurriedly. "Recently, the Chaos near the Emerald Valley has been spreading and evil monsters are wreaking havoc. So, I suggest a change of route if you decided to pass through the Emerald Valley."

I see.

Rhode nodded and said. "Then..."

Suddenly, a familiar notification rang and a system prompt he hadn't seen for ages emerged before him.

[Triggered Special Mission — Perishment in the dark. Accept Mission?]