
Re:Dragon Ball

I'm not good with a synopsis so I'll keep it short. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is about a guy who is forcefully transmigrated to the world of Dragon ball. Check out how he takes on the challenge of living in a dangerous world. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some tags that I'm not able to add. #Noharem, #KindMc --------------------------------------------------------------------- The characters shown in this novel are not mine, I only own my character. If you are the owner of any material I have used in this fic, please do contact me and I'll immediately remove them.

Sleepy_Kun · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

Chapter 17


"AHHHH/PIIIIIII," Sol and I cried in horror at the ghostly black face that suddenly appeared behind us.

"Don't be scared," The ghostly face announced with a monotonous tone, "I'm not a ghost,"

"Huh," I said in confusion and took some steps back in fear.

The unknown person then waved his hands and the mist surrounding us slowly started to dissipate. As the mist dissipated the figure of the unknown person was now visible.

"My name is Popo, and I'm Lord Kami's attendant," Mr Popo introduced himself.

"Welcome to the Lookout, Arlic, and his companion, Sol," Mr Popo greeted me and Sol with a smile.

"I see, hello Sir Popo," I greeted Mr Popo with a bow.

I turned around and shouted, "Oi, Sol, come back, he's not a ghost, you don't need to be afraid of him,"

After Sol saw the face of Mr Popo in the mist he got so afraid that he flew from my shoulder and then hid behind a tree.

"Come with me, I will take you to Lord Kami," Mr Popo said and turned around.

I followed Mr Popo towards the building at the centre of the Lookout. Mr Popo stopped some distance before the building and I stopped behind him.

Mr Popo turned towards me and used his other hand to gesture towards the open door of the building, "Arlic, meet the Guardian of Earth, Lord Kami,"

I looked towards the opening in the building and heard footsteps coming from it.

"Welcome to the Lookout, my pupil," Kami greeted me with a smile as he came out from the building.

"I'm Kami, the Guardian of Earth," Kami introduced himself.

"Hello Lord Kami," I greeted him with a bow.

"Mr Popo take Arlic's belongings to the room we prepared for him," Kami ordered Mr Popo.

"Yes, Kami," Mr Popo replied and took my bag from me, and then walked inside the building.

"Come with me, Arlic, let's have a chat," Kami said to me and started walking towards the open area in front of the building.

After reaching the open area, Kami waved his hand and a round table with four chairs around it appeared on the ground.

"Please have a seat," Kami gestured to the chair and sat on the chair.

I sat on the chair in front of him, and Sol sat next to me. Kami waved his hand again and a teapot, three cups, a cake, three plates, three forks, and a plate full of fruits appeared on the Table.

"Here, have some cake and tea," Kami used telekinesis to fill my cup with tea and placed a piece of cake on my plate, then placed the plate with fruits in front of Sol, who happily started eating his share.

"Thank you, Sir," I thanked him and picked up a fork to eat the cake.

"You must be surprised by this, God eating cake and drinking tea," Kami asked with a chuckle, "You must have a different impression of me, right"

"Well the stories about you depict you as a hermit, Sir," I replied with an awkward smile.

"Ahh, yes, those old stories about God being a hermit, they can be said to be somewhat true," Kami replied while nodding his head.

"What do you mean by 'somewhat true', Sir," I asked curiously.

Kami chucked and replied with a smile, "There were Kami before me who used to act like a hermit, those old stories were about them,"

"Kami's before you?" I repeated in confusion.

"Yes, I have been Kami for around 250 years, and before me, the position of Kami belonged to my Master Kiria," Kami replied.

"So, does that mean, I..." I said as I realized the reason.

"Yes, I have decided to select you as my successor," Kami said with a soft smile.

"But Sir, being Kami is a big responsibility, I don't think I'm suitable for such a high position," I replied with uncertainty.

Kami chuckled softly and replied, "Don't worry, I'm not forcing you to become my successor, it's just that currently, you're the best candidate I have before I pass due to old age,"

"So you have some time to think about it, or you can even help me find someone better to replace you," Kami said with a soft smile.

"I understand, Sir," I nodded to him and sighed internally.

"Oh, Mr Popo, come join us," Kami said to Mr Popo, who has come back after finishing his work.

"Yes, Kami," Mr Popo replied and sat beside Kami.

"Hmm, do you have any questions, Arlic," Kami asked me.

"Yeah, why me? why did you choose me," I asked with curiosity.

"Because you are my hope, Arlic, my hope to fix a mistake, a mistake I will blame myself for all of eternity," Kami replied with a sad face.

"What mistake, Sir," I asked in confusion.

Kami took a deep breath, and said, "It happened long ago... "

And then Kami started telling me about his life, and the story of him separating into two beings, Kami and Piccolo. Then he started briefing me about how many people were slaughtered by Piccolo because of his desire for world domination.

"Even if Piccolo is safely sealed, he's a ticking time bomb, and you are the only one on this whole planet who can eliminate him before the bomb explodes," Kami explained.

"So I want to implant my knowledge upon you, which can help you in eliminating Piccolo," Kami said with a smile.

"But Lord Kami, you and Piccolo were once the same being, would killing Piccolo cause you any harm," I inquired.

"Ahh, no no, it won't cause me any problem, you can eliminate Piccolo without any consequences to my life," Kami replied with a flustered smile.

"Lord Kami, you are a terrible liar," I said to him while shaking my head.

"Lord Kami and Piccolo's life are linked to each other, if one dies the other dies as well," Mr Popo announced with a sad tone.

"Mr Popo, we weren't supposed to tell Arlic about that," Kami reprimanded Mr Popo.

"Arlic has already seen through your lie, and I don't we could have kept him in the dark forever, sooner or later he would have figured it out himself," Mr Popo replied.

Kami then sighed in defeat and looked at me, "Here you go Arlic, now you know the truth, what will you do now,"

"After knowing the truth, I don't think I will be able to kill Piccolo, but, I promise you that I will find a way to release you from this burden," I replied to Kami with a serious tone.

Kami let out a sad chuckle, "I hope you find a way, but promise me Arlic if you are unable to find what you seek, you will kill Piccolo with your own hands,"

"Yes, I… I will," I replied with determination.

"Haah, look at me, I'm the God of Earth, and I'm asking an 11-year-old child to kill someone I can't, I should be ashamed of myself," Kami grumbled in disappointment.

"It is not your fault Kami, it is a rule that Guardians can not commit suicide, so you can not kill Piccolo," Mr Popo comforted Kami.

"Don't worry Lord Kami, I will find a way," I said with determination.

Kami then smiled with hope and looked at me, "I hope you will succeed because I wish to observe the future of my first Pupil with my own eyes,"

"If I can't persuade you to become the next Guardian, then maybe I can convince your kids," Kami said and started laughing heartily.

"Ahh… whaa… what are you saying Lord Kami, I'm just a kid," I replied with a red face.

"Ho-ho-ho, I was just teasing you a little," Kami replied with a smile and then placed another piece of cake on my plate.

"Piii," Sol chirped towards Kami.

"Oh, is that so?" Kami asked Sol and he nodded, "Your Partner is saying that he also wants to play with your kids soon,"

"Ahhh… I'm telling you that I'm just a kid, so stop teasing me," I yelled in annoyance.

"Hold on, you understood Sol," I asked Kami.

"Yeah, it's not that hard, I just read his surface thoughts and understood what he wanted to say," Kami explained.

"Ahh, I'm so stupid," I said and slapped my forehead in disappointment, "I knew telepathy for so long and yet I never used it that way,"

"Pii," Sol chirped at me.

"Hold on Sol, say that again," I said to Sol.

"Piii Pii," (I'm saying this is why your sister calls you a blockhead,) Sol chirped again.

"Yes, I can understand him now….." I screamed in excitement, and then I grasped his words.

"Sol," I called him with a broad smile, "Care to repeat that,"

"Pii," (Shit...) Sol chirped.

Sol flew up and tried to run away.



I released a small bolt of lightning towards Sol trying to run.

"PIIII," (I'm sorry, I won't do it again,) Sol chirped as he got shocked.

"That's better," I chuckled.

I used my telekinesis to bring Sol back and placed him back on his chair. Sol then stood up and raised his wings upward.

"PIIIII," Sol shrieked and engulfed himself in flame.

"Whaa… what is this, what is Sol doing," I said and used my hands to shield myself from Sol's flame.

"Hmm, if I'm right then it's that isn't it Mr Popo," Kami said while rubbing his chin.

"Yes, Kami, it's that," Mr Popo nodded.

"What, what is this," I asked, confused at their words.

"Healing Flame," Kami said with an intrigued face.

"Huh, Healing… Flame..." I repeated.

"Yes, Healing Flame is a healing ability that is possessed by some Phoenix's, you're quite lucky that he has this ability," Mr Popo explained.

Then the flame that covered Sol died down and Sol was standing on the chair completely healed.

"Pii Piiii," Sol chirped happily, (Hah, I knew that I was special, but that old geezer never believed me,)

"Right, Sol is special," I said with a chuckle.

"PIII, Piii," Sol chirped happily with a high head, (HA-HA-HA, Yes, that's right praise me more my mortal friend,)

Ignoring Sol and his antics, I turned towards Kami.

"Lord Kami, I want to ask you something," I asked Kami and he nodded.

"Do Phoenix's have the ability to grant Immortality," I asked Kami.

"Hmm, Mr Popo," Kami called Mr Popo.

"No, they don't, it's a false legend," Mr Popo shook his head, "If Phoenix's possessed such ability, Earth would have had many immortal warriors who had taken a Phoenix as their pet,"

"I see, so the reason for Master Roshi's immortality is something else," I said to myself.

"Oh, Roshi, the reason he is alive for such a long time is that he had eaten Paradise Herb long ago," Kami explained.

"Paradise Herb, what's that," I asked Kami.

"Eating Paradise Herb can increase your lifespan," Kami explained.

"I see, so that's how it is," I nodded at the new information.

"Now, Arlic, I have noticed that you like magical techniques more than Martial Arts," Kami asked me.

"Yes, I love magic, because I can do lots of cool things with magic," I replied with excitement.

Kami chuckled at my antics, and said, "Then you're going to love my teachings, as I know lots of cool magical techniques,"

"Yippee," I yelled and raised my hands in the air with excitement.

"So, how about we start your class after we finish our little tea party," Kami said to me.

"Oh, sure, let's," I replied and then remembered something, "Um, Lord Kami, can you do something for me,"

"Yes I can, what is it," Kami asked me with a smile.

"The Power Pole, can you please send it back to Goku, I promised him to return it after I reach here," I asked him.

"Sure, it's a simple thing to do," Kami announced.

Kami stood up from his chair and raised his hand, then the Power Pole appeared on his hand. Kami grabbed the Power Pole and then threw it like a javelin towards what I suppose is the direction of Gohan's house.

"There, it will reach there in an hour or so," Kami replied with a smile.

"It won't cause any problem, right," I asked with some doubts.

"Ahh, no, it won't cause any harm… I think," Kami replied with a laugh.

'Grandpa Gohan, Goku, please be safe,' I prayed for them.


{Current Power Level - 360}


The idea of Healing Flame was suggested by my friend 'charreos', so thank you for an amazing idea my friend.


If you have any suggestions for me, please tell me.

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If you have any ideas that I can use in this story, tell them to me, if your idea is selected in the story I'll give you a shout out.

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