
Re:Dragon Ball

I'm not good with a synopsis so I'll keep it short. --------------------------------------------------------------------- This story is about a guy who is forcefully transmigrated to the world of Dragon ball. Check out how he takes on the challenge of living in a dangerous world. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some tags that I'm not able to add. #Noharem, #KindMc --------------------------------------------------------------------- The characters shown in this novel are not mine, I only own my character. If you are the owner of any material I have used in this fic, please do contact me and I'll immediately remove them.

Sleepy_Kun · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

Chapter 16


"Haah, hold on I can't take any of this at all," Chiyo said while massaging her temples, "None of this is truly believable,"

"But Madam, his adventures are so fascinating," Ren said with excitement.

"Huh, Ren, don't tell me you believe a child's fairy tale," Chiyo asked Ren with a raised eyebrow.

"Then can you please explain about that floating cloud," Ren said and pointed at Nimbus on who was giving a ride to some kids, "And what about that bird spitting fire from his mouth," she continued and pointed at Phoenix who was showing kids his fire.

Chiyo sucked in a deep breath and closed her eyes shut, and then suddenly exclaimed, "Haah, I know, they are just robots, they must be some kind of toys made by Capsule Corporation,"

"Arlic dear, will you show her your magic," Ren asked me with a smile.

"Ahh, sure," I replied and created a flame in my hand.

"Now, what do you have to say, Madam," Ren said and pointed at the magical flame burning on my hand.

"Agghh, what about that God thing, did you actually believe that he is going to become the student of Kami, is Kami even real," Chiyo said in frustration.

Just as Chiyo completed her words, a flash of light suddenly surrounded the whole area and blinded everyone for a second.

As the flash disappeared, I blinked and rubbed my eyes to adjust them back to normal. After my eyes were normal, I noticed that the backyard where we were had suddenly changed into a beautiful garden.

"Ahh, my clothes, they are new and beautiful," one girl cried in excitement.

Hearing the words of that girl I looked down towards my clothes and noticed that I was still wearing a Gi with the same design, but it was brand new, now it has the symbol of Kami on it.

"Guys look, so much food," one Boy shouted.

I looked towards the direction he pointed and saw that a table filled with food had appeared at the corner of the Garden.

I turned my face towards Chiyo to see her reaction about everything that just happened, and she was reading something from a paper with shocked expressions, and Ren, who was beside her, had a smirk on her face while she also read the contents of the paper.

'Ahh, he's overdoing it,' I sighed internally at Kami's show-off.

"Haah, I'm going inside to have some rest," Chiyo said and handed the paper in her hand to Ren, then walked inside the building with slumped shoulders.

"Sister Ren, show me that paper," I asked her.

Ren gave me the paper and I read it.


(A/N - Phone users decrease the size of the fonts, so you can read it properly)



|                                           |

|    This is a message from Kami and yes I'm real,      |

|    and it's also true that I have chosen Arlic as my      |

|    student. These things are a little gift from me       |

|    for taking good care of Arlic for all these years.    |

|                                           |

|                                           |

|                                Kami      |

|                           [God of Earth]      |

|                                          |

|     P.S. - Please don't start praying to me, I don't        |

|    like it, it's distracting.                        |

|                                           |



[A/N - if you were not able to read the letter properly, check the paragraph comment]


I sighed and shook my head, then handed the paper back to Ren.

"Doing things like these is just too much," I grumbled.

"Huh, what do you mean, isn't it good that God performed a miracle," Ren said with a smile.

I looked at Ren and said with tired expressions, "Miracles like this make people lazy,"

"Ahh, now that you say it like that, you're right," Ren said with a defeated tone, "Wait a min, how come you've suddenly become so smart about these kinds of things,"

"He-he, did you forget that I have spent a year under Masters who have lived more than ten times your age," I replied with a smirk.

"Ahh, you're right, at last someone was able to separate the block from your head," Ren sneered.

"Did you just call me..." I grumbled.

"A Blockhead... Yes," Ren replied and then smiled.

"At least I was able to understand the teachings of my masters, if you would've been in my place, I don't think your millennial old brain would've understood a word," I retorted with a big grin.

"What did you just say, you little shit," Ren hissed and threw a punch towards my head.

I ducked and used After-Image to appear away from her.

"As if your ancient mummy self would be able to match my speed," I said, and then teased her by sticking out my tongue.

"Arlic, stay where you are, or you're going to regret it," Ren grumbled in annoyance.

"Try all you want, I won't be fooled by this trap," I retorted.

And thus a fun game of chase between me and Ren began.


[Next Day]

I was standing in the back garden of my orphanage with Phoenix and Nimbus, ready to depart for Korin's Tower. Chiyo, Ren and all the kids of the orphanage were present to see me off.

"I'm still not in the favour of letting you go to those unknown beings," Chiyo said while caressing my cheek, "But I know that I won't be able to stop you, so all I want is you to take care of yourself,"

I looked straight into Chiyo's eyes and said in a soft tone, "Don't worry Madam, they are not bad, Lord Kami will take good care of me,"

"Listen here kiddo, keep visiting us, okay, or Madam and I will make you regret this decision of yours," Ren said and ruffled my hair.

"Yup, I'll keep visiting you all occasionally," I replied with a big smile.

"Oh, by the way, make sure you learn the magic that makes things appear out of thin air," Ren said with a grin.

"Ren," Chiyo called Ren with an angry tone.

"Ahh, sorry Madam," Ren replied sheepishly.

"Make sure you learn everything from your teacher," Ren said to me and then winked at me with a sly smile.

"Yes, just as Ren said, make sure you study well, okay," Chiyo said and kissed me on my forehead.

"He-he, yes, I'll make sure to give it my all," I replied with a grin, and from behind Chiyo, Ren secretly gave me a thumbs up.

"Arlic, when you come back, will you teach us how to fight," One boy said to me and the other boys nodded.

"I have already told you the way I learned Martial Arts, if you keep following the routine, I'm sure in a year or two, you guys will become quite strong," I replied with a smile.

"I see, then we'll try our best to become strong just like you," the boy replied with determination, and I nodded in approval.

"Alright, I think I should leave for the Tower," I said with a smile.

Chiyo took me in a tight hug and said, "Make sure to keep yourself out of danger,"

"Return soon, okay, I want to listen to more of your amazing adventures," Ren said to me.

"Yeah, I will," I said and then jumped on top of Nimbus.

"Hey, Sol, let's go," I said to Phoenix, who was given a new and amazing name 'Sol' by Ren.

"Piii," Sol chirped happily and joined me on Nimbus.

"Bye guys, I'll see you all in a couple of months," I said and directed my Nimbus towards the sky.

"BYE, ARLIC," All of them yelled.

"COME BACK SOON," Chiyo shouted.

After I reached a certain height, I turned around and waved at them for one last time. After giving my final goodbye, I sped my Nimbus towards the direction of Korin's Tower.


[1 Hour Later]

After flying for an hour, I was finally able to see Korin's Tower. After 6 whole months, I was finally back.

'I'll finally be able to meet the Big Juicy Fish lover again,' I thought and chuckled.

"Hmm, let's take a small gift for Master Korin," I said to myself and directed Nimbus towards a river flowing in the forest.

I stopped Nimbus near the bank of the river and closed my eyes to concentrate.

"Hmm, found them," I said and used my telekinesis to bring 10 Big Fishes out of the river.

I then used my magic to flash freeze the Fishes to keep them fresh, and then stacked them on the Nimbus.

"Piii," Sol chirped in a low tone.

I looked towards him, and he was looking at the fishes with hungry eyes, "You want to eat one, huh," I asked, and he nodded.

"Okay, but eat this one," I said and brought out a medium size fish from the river, "This will fill your stomach,"

"Piii," Sol chirped happily and rubbed his face on mine.

"He-he, it's okay," I replied with a chuckle and patted his head.

After giving Sol his fish to eat, I turned towards the forest and used my Ki to cut two trees and then held them using my telekinesis. I brought them near me and then started cutting them in even pieces using my Ki. After the wood was cut into even pieces, I used magic to dry out the wooden blocks.

"Hmm, they look good now," I nodded and then stacked the wooden blocks behind me on the Nimbus.

"Ready to leave," I looked at Sol, and he was happily rubbing his slightly bloated belly, "He-he, I think you are,"

I sped my Nimbus towards the sky while keeping the Fishes and the Wooden blocks safely stacked using my telekinesis.


[5 Minutes Later]

As I was about just 50 metres away from the Tower, I saw Korin standing on the edge of the Tower, waving his hand at me.

"MASTER, I'M BACK," I yelled excitedly.

"Ha-ha-ha, kid, you're finally back, and you even brought a present for me," Korin replied with a hearty laugh.

After reaching the Tower, I stopped Nimbus beside the edge and jumped inside the Tower. Turning around, I used my telekinesis to bring Fish and Wood inside the Tower.

"Ha-ha-ha, you brought so much, I can easily enjoy them for a long time," Korin said excitedly.

"I knew you would love my present," I said to Korin with a cheeky grin.

"Oh, I love it," I nodded, "Oh by the way…..."

Korin quickly used his wooden staff to attack me from the top, and I sidestepped towards the left to dodge his attack.

"Hooh, you've got pretty fast, huh, kid," Korin said to me with a grin.

"You've got no idea about the things I have gone through to become this fast to dodge attacks," I replied while shaking my head.

"Is that so, huh," Korin said and squinted his eyes, "Then let's verify that shall we,"

Korin then vanished using After-Image and appeared in front of me, and threw a punch at my stomach. I bent forward and dodged his punch.

Korin then changed the direction of his punch towards up and tried to land an uppercut at my chin, and I immediately brought my hand above his to block the uppercut.

"See, not that fast, right," Korin said to me with a toothy grin and then retracted his hand.

"And don't feel down, all you now lack is just experience," Korin said and patted my shoulder.

I nodded and then pulled out the Power-Pole from my back, "Master, the Power Pole,"

"Oh yeah, shall we go to the roof then," Korin said to me.

"Roof?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes, the way to the Heavenly realm is from the Top of Korin Tower," Korin explained.

"Follow me," Korin said and hopped out of the edge and used the sharp end of his staff to pull him towards the roof.

"Sure, Sol, let's go," I replied and then raised my hand for Sol to fly me towards the roof.

Sol then flew from the Nimbus and caught my hand in his claws, then flew with me towards the roof of the Korin Tower.

"Nice little friend you got there, kid," Korin said to me as I landed beside him on the roof.

"Yep, he's quite helpful," I replied and rubbed Sol's head.

Korin smiled and said, "There was a time when Phoenix's like him were everywhere," and then his smile turned into a sad one, "But humans in the search of immortality hunted them to the brink of extinction,"

"Now, there are not many like him, so make sure you take good care of him, Phoenix's are said to have extraordinary and magical powers," Korin said and patted the head of Sol.

"I will, he's my partner now," I replied with a big smile.

"Alright, this is the place from where you will go to the Heavenly realm," Korin said and pointed at the spherical top of Korin Tower.

"Place the Power Pole on top of the hole, and it will take you to the Heavenly realm," Korin explained.

"I see," I nodded, and inserted the Power-Pole into the hole.

"Take this," Korin said and showed me a bell, "This will make sure that you are not attacked by the Lightning,"

"Lightning?" I repeated in horror.

"Yeah, this is a defensive measure to keep the intruders away," Korin said with an evil grin.

"I see," I nodded and quickly snatched the bell from Korin's hands.

"Come, Sol, let's go," I called Sol.

"Pii," Sol chirped and came into my arms.

"Take care," Korin said and turned around to leave.

"You too," I replied and then gripped the Power-Pole tightly, "Power Pole Extend,"

With my words, the Power-Pole quickly started extending towards the sky.

With each passing second, the top of Korin Tower started shrinking, I looked up and saw that a thick layer of clouds was in my way.

After crossing the clouds layer, I again looked up and saw that a spherical structure was floating in the sky, and with each second it was growing big.

"Woah/Pii," I and Sol both exclaimed in surprise at the size of the floating Lookout.



The Power-Pole clicked itself into the opening at the bottom of the Lookout.

"Alright, we have arrived," I looked to the side and noticed the stairs leading to the top.

"Sol, you fly to the top, I'll be there in a second," I said to Sol.

"Piii," Sol chirped and flew towards the top.

I extended my hand and caught the stairs, and then started climbing the stairs towards the top.

After climbing for a minute, I was able to reach the top of the Lookout, and it was completely covered in mist.

With Sol on my shoulder, I started walking forward into the mist while looking around.

"Welcome," I heard a voice from behind with a tap on my shoulder.

I quickly turned around, "AAAAHHHH/PIIIIIIIIII" and screamed in horror as I saw a ghostly black face in the Mist.


{Current Power Level - 360}


If you have any suggestions for me, please tell me.

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If you have any ideas that I can use in this story, tell them to me, if your idea is selected in the story I'll give you a shout-out.

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