
Random Jump`

We all know the drill if you are reading a Fan-Fic. Dies. Go to another World. Get some OP protagonist cheats. And blah blah blah...Read the first chapter and you will know. *** Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. I own nothing but the OC character in this book. Everything used in this Fan-fic belongs to their original owners.

meatball_san · アニメ·コミックス
22 Chs

Youngest Magical Solider

February 1922 United Calendar (U.C). Imperial Capital Berun.

"Damn! Look at these kids. They must be living a life of comfort."

"Hm? Aren't they from Wazo Company? Their Child Models?"

"Yeah, it is because of these guys that Wazo Company has become the biggest clothing company out there."

"I know. I heard that these two children are from the north-side orphan."


"Yeah, have you not heard how that orphan is getting better and better financially? It is rumored that both of them were from the same orphan and are constantly sending money there."

"Sometimes your lucks kick in… only if I had sent my kids when it newly started."

As people were talking about the hottest topics in the newspaper, a boy of age 9 and a girl of age 8 were sitting on a table which had different delicacies on it.

The atmosphere was quite harmonious and tranquil.

The boy was wearing full black clothing. That when matched with his black hair and currant eyes with a tattoo of 0 with the same color as his eyes at his neck gave him a unique air.

The girl was wearing an office shirt with a blue long skirt and a blue waistcoat on it. She had a cavat on her neck.

The boy and girl were none other than the child models of now most famous clothing brand, Wazo. Noah and Tanya aka Vampire duo because of their pale skin.

Noah took a sip from the tea as he said, "Today is the day, Tanya-chan"

Tanya who heard him nodded. Taking a bite from the cake she sighed.

'It can't be changed, huh.'

At first, she thought that by becoming a model and leaving the orphan, where Physical Examination is taken, she would be able to save herself from joining the army. And she was right as the army only examined the orphans. But soon her plan was crushed when from nowhere army or the government announced and made the Physical Exam mandatory for all children at age 8.

She didn't have to think to guess that Being X was involved in this. But even if she wanted, she couldn't do anything.

And now today was the day at which Physical Examination was going to be held.

"You should have reached the same mana pool by now, right?" Tanya asked.

In these past years, they have grown quite closed to each other. At first, Tanya was almost sure that he was related to Being X in some way or the other. But as they spent time, she comes to know the fact that he was also not a resident of this world.

When she found out that he was not from this world, her first thought was that he was also sent here by Being X. But after talking, she found out that he was from a totally different world where magic and technology were a hundred times more advance from her or this world.

And that's how she comes to know the method of increasing one's mana. Though she tried it for some reason, her mana stopped growing after a certain level that, according to Noah, is called the peak of Saint Class.

Noah explained her that it was the limit of this world or a peak that one can reach in this world—World Limit.

According to him, every World has a certain Rule, Concepts, and Laws that every being living in it should follow. Those who break the restrictions impose by these Law and Concepts, they can ascend to a higher level or the term that is used in his world 'Ascension'.

During Ascension, the person leaves that world and ascends to a higher world. But to ascend, they should have all the knowledge and understanding of the Concept and Laws of that World—from which they are ascending.

But that doesn't mean that they will become omnipotent since every world has different Laws and Concepts. Learning and mastering one doesn't mean that you have master others.

"Yep, I have reached the Peak too! We are the strongest humans in this world now. How do you feel about that?" Noah said as he takes a bite from his cake.

They have become the strongest humans in a literal sense. Leaving Noah alone who has reached the peak of Saint Class physically (Body is Saint Class). Tanya was a pure magician. So she was not strong physically. But since Noah knew all the magic from his world, he easily created magic to enhance once physical body—depending on Mana.

Now both of them had enough mana to destroy a big town with their magic only. Which again is impossible of human from this world who uses technology to stimulate the mana and use it as a magic bullet. So calling them strongest was not wrong.

"Nothing, in particular, I still can't beat that Being X," Tanya said.

Since she could find out/deduce how he was not from this World, it was normal to think that Noah would also find out about this. In fact, he founded out way before her but kept quiet.

'According to him, it was funny watching a reincarnated person act like a small girl.'

"Being X, eh. I really want to meet him and see if he is strong. Since he dared to call himself 'Creator' which shouldn't be possible." Noah said.

When he heard that this Being X called himself Creator, he was suspicious. Since only one creator can exist. And if that guy really is the Creator of all, then what did he meant by how he was disappointed by humanity?

If a Creator was that short minded that he had to go his way to talk with a human to know why they won't worship him than he can't be a Creator, he sounded more like a child asking his parents why he can't play games all the time or why he can't get a certain toy. If that guy really was the Creator, then his World that didn't give a shit about religion would have long been destroyed by this supposed 'Creator'.

In the first place, a Creator should be Omnipresent, Omnipresence, and Omnipotent. How can he not know why humans do not worship him?

After thinking up to here, Noah thought that this Being X should be an Advance High God or a True God-Level Warrior or Mage.

"Why do you want to meet him when you can't do anything to him?" Tanya said. She couldn't understand why he wanted to meet him.

"Well, I am interested since I have never met a High or True Gods since they usually left the planet on which I lived. You could call my planet a 'Tutorial Planet'." Noah said.

As they were talking, the door behind them opened a maid came in.

"Sir, Miss, Personnel from Army Research Department are here for your Physical Examination."

Hearing it, both Noah and Tanya stopped what they were doing, looking at each other they nodded and stood up.

"Lead the way," Noah said at which the maid nodded and lead them to a living hall where three old men were sitting.

'Weak' was the first word that came to Noah's mind as he looked at them. All three of them had mana barely leaving the Elementary Rank. Both he and Tanya could squash these guys.

As Noah and Tanya approached them, the man in the center stands up and introduces himself.

"It is nice meeting you, Mr. Noah and Ms. Tanya. My name is Eadwulf Beumerd and this is my assistance Giltbert Freemane and Eysteinn Boycee."

"It is our pleasure meeting you Sirs," Noah said as he did a graceful bow.

Of course, as a model, he won't be getting such treatment from the army. The reason he or Tanya were getting such reception was that in their career as a model most of the money they gained would go to charities and orphans that helped them gaining enough fame to be considered respectable people around the Empire's Capital.

Eadwulf smiled and said, "Then without further due, shall we start the examination."

Hearing him Noah nodded.

"Then before starting, I will tell you that if you have enough aptitude in magic then there are chances that you would be selected in the Army as a mage. Please bear it in mind." Eadwulf said as he directs his assistance to bring and activate the machines.

"Don't worry, sir. Even if we are selected in the army, we shall give our all for the Empire."

Tanya hearing him snort in her mind.

'Give all? Look at that face of yours, Nothing but a snake.'

"Then I am happy to hear it."

Tanya was the first to went and sat on the chair as assistance started to put different wires on her body. Putting a helmet on her head, they started the machine. After some time, things around Tanya started to levitate.

"Amazing! She has the biggest amount of magical energy I have ever seen!" Eadwulf said, astonished.

Tanya didn't say anything since she already knew the answer to the result. After Tanya, it was Noah's turn, who, without any surprise had the same amount as her. Which again surprised the doctor beyond belief.

'Excellent! Beyond Excellent! These both have monster level potential in magic. They will definitely become amazing Magical Soldiers if train well!'

And that's how two children, one at age 9 and the other 8, became the first-ever youngest Magical Soldiers. After explaining how they will send their cars to take them to Cadet College, they left.

"You don't like him, Noah?" Tanya asked.

"Well, I don't like his kind. The ones who are mad about advancement that they see nothing but their experiments and their results." Noah said.

Tanya could tell that he must have personal experience with these kinds in his previous life but she didn't dig on it.

"Well, we should ready ourselves for the Army," Noah said and a grin forms on his face as he looks at Tanya, who for some reason had the same grin as him, "And let the world know our presence in a literal sense."


A/N: Again, I will say that I would not write much on the world "Saga of Tanya the Evil" since I don't know much about war and stuff and I don't want to mess with it--in the first place.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!


meatball_sancreators' thoughts