
Random Jump`

We all know the drill if you are reading a Fan-Fic. Dies. Go to another World. Get some OP protagonist cheats. And blah blah blah...Read the first chapter and you will know. *** Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. I own nothing but the OC character in this book. Everything used in this Fan-fic belongs to their original owners.

meatball_san · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Norden Warfare

June, U.C 1923, Forth Patrol Line, Norden Theater, Northern Military District.

'And that's how, right now, I am here. If you have to ask me whether I am satisfied or not, then I have to say I am.'

Looking down at the ground of Norden, Noah sighed. If one looks at the gloomy and overcast skies of Norden then they would find many mini dots flying here and there. They were the Empire's aerial magic officers.

'It is boring here. I thought since the war was announced, it would at least make things more interesting but it seems that it not happening, for now at least'

Noah looked at the scattering soldiers of Alliance as they desperately trying to flee for their lives. They were all like fish on the cutting board.

'In the first place, I don't understand why would Alliance would declare war against Empire.'

At the start of this year, many reports started to come in about different disputes occurring at all four borders of the Empire but since it was just dispute, they were salvageable but still, to be safe, Empire had its army deployed at these four borders. But who knew that Alliance would attempt large-scale border transgression at this time.

But since Empire already had its hands full with the other four borders, maybe they would not have enough forces to deploy at Norden is what Alliance thought maybe. But they took the light of the Empire's strategy of Interior Line. And as a result, here we are at the complete slaughter of Alliance infantry.

'I mean its plan to see that Empire is a powerhouse both in Military and technology. But yet for some reason Alliance still sent its infantry, crossing the Norden border.'

Norden was a land of dispute from the start between Empire and Alliance. And now it has become the reason for war.

"Pluto to Goliath 08, Alliance infantry are retreating. I repeat Alliance infantry are retreating. Over"

Noah, for some reason, got the same codename as the one he got in his previous life. He was wondering whether his previous life was hunting him or something.

"Goliath 08, roger."

"Norden to Pluto, Advance to patrol line two and guide suppressive fire against the enemy's primary infantry. Over."

"Pluto to Norden, Acknowledged."

Noah started to fly toward the assigned position. He was using Operation Orb to use magic since he didn't want others to know that he can use advanced magic, the same as Tanya. Though he was thinking of providing Empire with advanced technology. He didn't really care either way.

"Norden Control to all aerial units standby! Switch R.O.E from Border Patrol Duty to Air Defenses Guerilla Warfare!"

"Tally multiple bogey signals! Detecting formula interference! Consider them bandits! These are enemy signals! Take them out immediately!"

'An unknown signal?'

"Norden Control to all military forces. Norden Control to all military forces!" Noah could feel panic in the voice of the controller which shouldn't be possible in normal situations.

"Situation doesn't seem to be good," Noah said though his voice was drowned in the panic voice of the controller.

"A battalion of Entente Alliance mages has been confirmed violating the border. I say again, a battalion of Entente Alliance mages has been confirmed violating the border. Intercept them immediately according to the anticipated scenario! I say again, intercept immediately!"

'Finally some spice!' Noah thought as he looked towards the direction of the border. Different magic circles started to form inside his eyes.


He activated the spell and his visions started to expand. He always wanted to try using this spell in his previous life but since he didn't possess any form of energy, he couldn't. He finally had a chance to use it which made him quite excited about it.

With the activation of the spell, he can—with his current level—easily see up to 5 miles. Looking ahead, he could see the Alliance aerial unit coming.

'Wait! That's Tanya?! What the hell she is doing there?'

"Pluto to Norden, asking permission to assist Fairy 08. Over."

"Norden to Pluto, Permission granted. Please proceed with caution."

Hearing it, Noah started to fly towards her direction. If other mages were to see him then they would be amazed as his speed was not what a normal mage could achieve and here a 10-year-old boy was doing it.


'Fuck! Why the fuck are they coming after me?! I was supposed to have a normal life by getting promotions! In the first place, they said that the enemy's aerial forces were in the rear then how the fuck they have penetrated this deep?'

"Mayday! Mayday! Fairy 08 to Norden, asking for an immediate retreat!"

"Norden to Fairy 08, give us a sit-rep!"

"This is Fairy 08! Enemy contact, I repeat Enemy contact! A company-size unit of enemy's aerial mages is infiltrating currently!"

Tanya said as she maneuvers through the air, dodging bullets fired at her.

"Norden Control, roger. Hold your current position and switch to Enemy Delaying Combat."

'Fuck! They want me to hold a company all by myself? I am still a noob in this game, dammit! At least, send someone to help!'

"Fairy 08 to Norden, requesting for immediate withdrawal!" She said as a bullet was blocked by her shield.

She would have been dead if Noah has not taught her how to strengthen her shield without sending mana to Operation Orb. Since sending mana to Operation Orb would cause extra mana to be used while directly controlling it (Mana) not. But to control mana directly, you needed to have a strong enough spirit to take the burden of trying to interfere with the reality. That's why training of spiritual energy was fundamental in his world.

"Norden to Fairy 08, Unfortunately, unable to grant permission at this time."

'Then when is the time?! After my death!'

"What about a friendly aerial unit?"

"They are coming as reinforcement. Will be at your position in 600 seconds!"

'600! That's way too long!'

'You want me to fight till the death, huh. Fuck you Being X…. I am set.'

A maniac grin forms on her face as she shouted, "Norden Control! I'll show you a fight until the very end!"

'At least, let me tell them so if I survive, they know that I served with my all and may promote me.'

"Norden Control, roger. Godspeed."

'Godspeed? I don't need that. I will show you that such a thing as flimsy as belief in God is not needed!'

"God is Dead!" Tanya shouted as she started her magic interference.

Tanya looked at the company that was chasing after her. She really wanted them to go easy on her or at least hesitate since she was in a form of a child but things like humanity and feelings were useless during wars. One can tell by reading the holocaust.

"Interfering with the reality"

Tanya was using magic from Noah's world. Since it was more versatile and the best part was that it lowers the consumption of mana.

<Increasing Reaction Speed>, <Increasing Instantaneous Force>, <Blocking Pain Sensors>

She aims her gun towards the Company as her magic starts to enter her gun. She was using a normal gun and not a special gun that mages use but she didn't need that.

<Single Shot: Precision>

Different magic circle started to form in front of her gun, merging. She fires her bullet, just as it passes through the magic circle, its speed broke through the sound barrier. Within a second, before the enemy could realize what was going on, a bullet pierced his head.


"Heehehahah! Come you maggots! Let me show you the hell!" she shouted and went for the close combat. She can't keep firing the same fire over and over as she needs precession at every bullet which was not possible with how they were hell-bent on killing her.

As she started her close combat, maneuvering with sleek moments, dodging enemy's bullets. Soon the close combat started, body parts started to fall from the sky.

"Stop firing! He is aiming for infighting! Change to close combat!"

'Good! More! More! I love it!'

More and more bodies started to fall as Tanya cuts them into many pieces.

Suddenly a soldier came from her behind, aiming at her.

'Can't dodge.'

But before the soldier could fire, his head was blown.

Tanya astonished look there and saw a black dot flying up in the air. After using <Clairvoyance> she found out that it was Noah with his signature grin.

'You are a late bastard!'

Noah looked down, at the Alliance mages and smirk.

"Too many~ let me cut down some, ok?" He said as he aims with his gun. He was using different magic to form different mysteries, which was normally impossible. But his special physique allowed that.

Aiming at the soldiers, he started to fire. One after another, soldiers started to fall with missing heads.

'This is really fun~. Why didn't I use a gun in my previous life?' he thought as he saw the enemy soldiers retreating.

"Why the hell are you smiling like you have saved a damsel in distress?" Tanya said approaching him.

Noah shrugged his shoulders, "That is what I did. Saved a pipsqueak that was about to self-destruct" he said as he narrows his eyes on her.

Tanya averted his gaze, "That was the best chance to receive promotion too."

"Leave it. We are planning to post for different strategies anyway. That would be enough to get some promotions." Noah said as he looked at his back from where the allied aerials were coming.

"Anyway, we can at least retreat now. I wonder if they will send us to front lines now?" Noah said, thinking.

Tanya looked towards him in disbelief, "What are you doing?! Don't raise flags!"


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