
Raina's Tale

Join Snow White daughter, Raina on her journey. Raina is tired of living as a princess, wanting adventure she runs away with only a few things. Raina meets people who turns into friends and gains a new perspective not just living as a commoner but picking up things she wanted to learn as well. Note to readers Arthur is spelled wrong, I accidentally spelled it Arthur. The sequel to this story is The Pirate's Family.

Wolfdog · ファンタジー
15 Chs

Chapter 12

The trail again, this is probably the third time riding the same path. "Well you probably feel like you never left home now. Do you?" "Hush." "What is Orson talking about?" "Well Galvin, my family is sort of wealthy. So I usually have people watching me." "Oh." In a very hush tone so that Galvin and James didn't hear Orson say "you're not going to tell them?" In an equal hush tone Ella said "no. Do you honestly think they'll believe me?" "I see your point." "-Attack!" None other than three people popped out, swords in hand trying to attack. Orson, Galvin, James, and Ella were off their horses, sword fighting. "Just two left" said Galvin. Orson tried to stay by Ella's side to fight and protect her, it was when the one person yelled "stop!" That everyone stopped. He looked at Ella for a moment and then called his buddy over, "look at her... She seems familiar. Who are you?" "Why do you want to know?" "You look familiar." "If you're from Snow's kingdom then you might recognize me, just imagine me with longer hair and a dress on me." Both of the attackers started thinking as if they were expecting an award, "I got it!" "If you're thinking about the right person then you're correct... And I'm not completely missing I'm going home." The one attacker started sweating some, "hey why are you sweating?" "You don't know who she is or recognize her" "No. Who is she Jo-" "Don't say my name." "You two go over there, Orson come with me. James and Galvin stay where you're at and try calming the horses." "But-" "Come on Galvin." "Don't worry." Ella and Orson walked over to the awaiting people, "now first your names." "John." "I thought you didn't want her to know our names and it's none of your business. Why are we even talking and not attacking?" "Sorry about him his name is Luke." "Now who do you think I am? And remember say it quietly." In the quietest voice John said "Princess Raina." "Yes I am. Now why were you attacking?" "We need money for food when we reach Alvin's kingdom." "She can't be the missing princess. Can you?" "It's me, look closely at the insignia on my sheath. Tell me what you see." Both John and Luke looked at the sheath closely seeing a bird holding a rose in its claw. John started sweating again and Luke had a quizzical look, "why did you leave?" "Is that any of your business?" "No... You fight good." "You'll be surprised how easy I picked it up and now that you mentioned it what do I do with you?" John looked like he could faint as Luke said "nothing, you don't have guards here." "You might think that but I could tie you up and take you back to either my kingdom or Alvin's and see that you get punished." John got down on his knees begging for forgiveness as Luke looked away. "Get up John. Here take this and go to whatever kingdom and remember to be careful on whom you attack, though there better not be a next time. By chance you come back to my kingdom come see me; bye guys and be careful." "You're not going to do anything?" "John we all deserve a second chance and you haven't lived all your life, go live and enjoy it. Oh and if I was you guys go repent because I know I will." "You're truly a wonderful and understanding princess. Thank you!! Good bye Princess." "Bye." Luke and John left peacefully. Galvin, James, Ella, and Orson sheathed their swords and got back on their horses and rode off.

"Ella what were you guys talking about and why did they leave?" "Why didn't you kill them? They nearly killed us!" "James don't you think everyone deserves a second chance. Galvin they stopped and talked with me because they realized who I was, they came from Snow's kingdom." James didn't say anything since he half agrees with Ella, as for Galvin he had a comment. "You must be very wealthy to make them stop." "Yes; well I also told them I was friends with the royal families." "Families?" asked James. "Yes Alvin's and Richard's." "I see."

Outside Richard's kingdom they all stopped, "are you sure you'll be alright? Maybe I should go with you." "Orson I'll be fine and King Richard knows that you'll be here to return his horse." Orson went over to James who would be walking probably all the way to the kingdom. In a hush tone Orson said "James listen. Ella she's uh special, very special where she lives so please protect her as if your life is on the line." "Did you grow up with her?" "No." "Then how did you meet her or even know about her family and friends?" "That's complicated, I doubt you'll believe me and she doesn't want tell anyone about where she came from. All I ask is please watch and protect her, please." "Of course I'll protect and watch her as if she's my sister." "Thank you." Going back to Ella's side Orson said "remember to tell them more about you." While Ella said 'I know, bye Orson' Ella gave Orson a note to give to the owner of the general store. James, Galvin, and Ella left while Orson was waving good bye and saying "bye!" Orson then returned the horse, then went to the general store giving the note to the owner in which got Orson's previous job back.

"Ella I've been wondering a few things..." "What is it James." "How did you meet Orson?" "We met some months ago, I was being attacked and I didn't know how to use this sword. Orson came along and protected me, nobody got hurt and that guy left after I payed him." "You never met him till that day?" "Yeah." "If that is so how does he know about you and your family?" "What do you mean?" "Galvin nor I know a thing about you. Orson and you met that day for the first time, yet he knows you." "James, I think it's still early to tell you about me, all you need to know is that my family is uh wealthy. Prince Arthur's grandfather, Henry told me I should tell Orson more about myself I told him about myself before we came to Richard's kingdom. As for him believing me I'm sure he's taking a chance." "Can't you tell us anything more?" "Not yet, maybe when we're closer to my home or when we reach it." Reluctantly James said "fine" while Galvin stayed quiet.