
Quirkless Gang - Villain Midoria

Izuku Midoriya has grown up quirkless and bullied by his classmates because of this. Inko Midoriya has been coming home drunk since Izuku was 6 and physically abusing him. He is depressed in life, the only things good are heros and a website he's found. www. quirklesspals. net The more he is mistreated the darker his eyes get and it only takes one last shove to push Izuku over the line and rebel in the name of all those without quirks. THIS IS NOT MY BOOK I JUST THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO SHARE IT ON THIS website

LickSuckEatMyBut · アニメ·コミックス
58 Chs

Glass Soul

"Two days til school starts huh?"


Mikumo smiled as he made Urarakas favorite drink. "Hey," he said as he drizzled on the caramel topping, "there's a new ice cream shop that just opened." He handed her the drink and received the payment. "You wanna go celebrate?" Uraraka's face turned red.

"W- well I don't think I could afford it. I mean I can barely afford this..."

"I'll pay," offered Mikumo.

"A- are you sure!?"

"Yep! It's a day to celebrate you getting into UA right? Why should you pay?"

She smiled. "O- okay!" she agreed.

"Meet here at 11?"



Ochako looked at herself in the mirror. She wore a pink t-shirt tucked into light blue shorts and white tennis shoes. A butterfly hairpin clipped back her right bangs and she had a little bit of mascara on.

Ochako suddenly blushed furiously and covered her face with her hands making her float.

"A d- date!? No he never said date. It's just me and him... getting ice cream... alone with him paying. Definitely not a d- date!"

She felt her stomaches turn so she lowered herself to the ground. "Alright!" she fist bumped the air. "You got this Ochako!"

The brunette walked up the sidewalk to the Soft Blossom Bakery and saw Mikumo leaning casually against the wall of the bakery.

He wore a black beanie over his hair with just enough of the bangs showing to look hot. He had a blue diamond earring in his left ear and wore a purple and blue tye-dye hoodie that read "YOU'RE MY HERO" on it and tight black jeans. And, of course, his staple red hightops.

Oh goodness he's hot! she swooned. No, not a date! Not hot! Not hot!

Honey was by his side in her green service vest.

Mikumo turned his head towards her and waved, pushing himself off the wall. Ochako waved back. "You look nice," he complemented when they reached each other. "Thanks, you too."

He grinned. "Shall we go?"


The two walked side-by-side in a comfortable silence. When they arrived at the stand a tall man with bright white hair and silver eyes stood at the counter. Ochako noticed Mikumo staring at him, Honey nudging his hand. The man stared back.

"Mikumo?" she questioned.

The greenette seemed to snap out of thought. "O- oh right, sorry. What do you want Uraraka?"

"Vanilla please," she replied. Mikumo nodded and turned to the man. "One vanilla and one strawberry cone please." He passed over the money.

As they turned to leave, Ochako noticed that Mikumo's eyes seemed to longer on the man.

The two sat on a couple swings in a nearby park when Mikumo suddenly raised his cone.

"Here's to Uraraka and her getting into UA!"

Ochako laughed and raised hers as well. Mikumo turned to her and grinned widely making her heart skip a beat.

For a while the two swung back and forth, eating ice cream like they were little kids again.

They played fetch with Honey using a stick, laughing when the collie jumped on them and covered them in licks.

Mikumo took her around town. The two pointed out random things and made scenarios about them, blowing them way out of proportion and laughing at how stupid they sounded.

Ochako's face hurt from smiling and laughing so much when the sun just started to go down. Mikumo suddenly stopped.

"What's up, Mikumo?" she asked.

He looked at her. "Stay here, please." Ochako nodded and he went into a shop.

What was that all about?

Ochako shrugged and flipped open her phone. She scrolled through the photos they took today. Mikumo with ice cream on his nose, Ochako with a bird in her hair, the two making funny faces in the camera, ect.

The last one was her favorite by far though. Mikumo had slung his arm over her should and held her phone up. They smiled as he snapped the picture. The sunlight caught his blue eyes just perfectly and Ochako saw a small red tint to his cheeks. Their smiles were wide and happy.

Ochako smiled and set that picture as her background.

"Hey," Ochako jumped at Mikumo's voice. "Welcome back!" she greeted. He smiled. "Close your eyes," he said.

What? Why? "Okay?" Ochako closed her eyes. Her breath caught in her throat when he grabbed her hand and placed something in it then closed her palm.

He let go of her.

"You can open them now."

Ochako opened her brown eyes and looked to see what he had placed in her palm. She gasped. It was a silver neckless, looked like Sterling Silver, expensive, with a butterfly charm hanging from it. A gold jewel rested in it.

"M- Mikumo it's beautiful!" she exclaimed.

"It's yours." No way!

"I- this was probably so expensive!"

He shrugged. "That's ok. Turn around, I'll put it on you."

Ochako complied and held her brown hair off her neck for him. She blushed when she felt his slender fingers softly graze her neck.

"There!" he announced and Ochako let down her hair, heart pounding. She turned to him.

"It looks nice on you," Mikumo commented. Ochako blushed for the umpteenth time that day.

"T- thank you. For this. A- and for today."

Mikumo smiled that angel smile that caused Ochako's heart to skip a beat. "It's no problem. I'll walk you home."

They walked in silence in the soft orange glow of the setting sun. Ochako felt something graze her hand. She looked down just in time to see Mikumo take her hand into his and intertwine their fingers. She blushed furiously and looked up at his face but he was turned away. She saw it though, a blush that seemed to be covered by something akin to dust.

Ochako smiled softly and looked down, not letting go of his hand.

They passed by an old couple. Ochako heard them speaking. "Ah, young love. Do you remember when-"

She smiled.

"Oh, we're here," Ochako said as they stopped outside her apartment complex. Mikumo turned to her, not letting go of her hand still. Brown eyes met blue and Ochako decided that if time stopped ticking, and if the world were to stop turning, she'd be perfectly content with staring into those ocean orbs for the rest of eternity.

"I- is this ok?" asked Mikumo.

"Mhmm," she nodded.

"I- I really enjoyed today, Uraraka. And I... I really like you. If you... if you wouldn't mind, Uraraka would you be my girlfriend?"

Ochako knew her cheeks were red as she replied, "Yes."

They both smiled. Mikumo turned his head towards the sun going below the building. "I should probably head in," Ochako commented.

"Yeah," he replied letting go of her hand. "Have a good night."

"You too."

Ochako left and went to her apartment on the fifth floor. She locked the door behind herself. Ochako looked down at her hand.

She found that she missed the feeling of Mikumo's hand in hers.


Perhaps, in another life, they would have gone to UA together and been best friends both working their hardest to be hero's and avoiding relationships to do so.


Izuku entered the apartment at 6:35pm. He made his way to the men's bed room.

"Have fun, Deku?" He froze at the voice. Doom. The two had never really talked much so it was a bit strange but considering the circumstances, maybe not at all.

"I did."

"You shouldn't get close to her." Izuku narrowed his eyes. "You're putting us all in danger."

I know, thought the Izuku part of him.

I know, thought the Deku part of him.

"I'm not close to her," said Izuku, "Mikumo is." He ignored the shocked eyes of Doom as he closed the door behind him. The greenette sat on his air mattress and pulled off his beanie.

You shouldn't do this Mikumo.

"Shut up..."

Tell him Izuku, tell him.

"Shut up..."

I'm trying Deku. You need to stop Mikumo.

"Shut. Up."

Why are you doing this Mikumo?

He pressed his hands against his ears. Honey laid her head in his lap. He bent down and pressed his head into her fur.

"I- I- I'm Mikumo, not you two... I have a right to do this..."

Are you?

Do you?

Tears fell down his face as he held onto Honey.

"I don't know..."


"I'm not close to her, Mikumo is."

Doom sat in shock. Anima, Jester, and Bubble came out from the kitchen they were ease dropping in. "I knew it."


Doom slammed his fist onto the table. "We're loosing him."

He's heard of and read many stories about those who have indentity disorders. Most don't have much trouble but when they begin to dissociate between personas they loose themselves and go crazy. Add trauma like Deku's past to it and most fall into insanity.

Those eyes... we are loos-

"No we aren't!" Jesters obnoxious voice cut through Dooms thoughts. "He's still Deku, he's still our leader! Deku is still there. A- and so is his old self too, I think. Just sometimes they're gone."

"Yeah!" Bubble exclaimed. "He is still our friend. As Deku, Izuku, or Mikumo we still love him right?"

Anima nodded harshly. "Right! We wouldn't be here without Deku but in turn he wouldn't be here without us either! Think of everything we've gone through together, Deku's been supporting us through everything, we need to be there for him too!"

Jester grinned. "Right! We all have our own ways of coping and this just happens to be his. We are all still here, no one's lost."

Wow, that's probably the smartest thing Jester has ever said in his entire life.

Doom smirked. "You guys are right. Still, let's at least try to keep him in check before we get caught by his personas making a mistake."

A collective hum of agreement sounded.


Grimlin leaned against the wall in the hallway between the dining room and the bedrooms.

In one conversation he smiled, everyone was coming together. Supporting each other and their leader.

Well, almost everyone.

The other conversation made him sad. It was the conversation Grimlin heard between Deku and seemingly no one. But Grimlin knew better, he knew Deku was very well having a conversation with himself.

He was doing the very opposite of coming together. Deku was falling apart.

Grimlin was glad he got Honey for the greenette. He could see just how much of a positive impact the caring border collie had on the teen.

Still, Grimlin knew Deku was falling. It was a slow fall, but an inevitable one. The only thing that Grimlin could do was wait for the eventual shattering of Dekus sanity and be there to collect the pieces.

He may never be able to put them back together but he could always help the boy along the way and keep them safe.

It's the most he could do because even if Grimlin never said it, and he gave off an adult air,

Grimlin owed so much to Deku for bringing them all together and would repay him with his life if need be.

For now, he'd just listen to the quiet cracking of a glass soul.