
Fatherly Sense

As the girl was still looking at them, Bob and Yaro instantly froze as if they had the same thing on their mind.

Could it be that the father of the two girls they kidnapped was all-powerful? Could he hear his daughter's desperate screams begging for help even from this soundproof closed room?

Slowly but surely, the two of them looked back with their own worries.

It was just... The fierce father that they thought could enter this room silently and without means was not behind them. There was no one behind them.

At that time, only one thing came to mind... They had just been tricked.

"Nice try, little girl. We took your word for it." Bob put on an exasperated expression and looked back at Sylvia.

However, the girl who had just tricked them was just playing something from what wasn't there before. It was like a small plank the girl kept tapping with her finger.