
Quest for Madness

This world is one of many that has been enriched by magic. Unlike the other worlds, this one's magic can force the user into the long windy road of madness. The main character must make hard choices to leave the only place she has ever known, one that negates and protects from dangers of the rest of the world, all to bring her older brother back. She must decide how much to rely on the magic to safely complete her objective. Balancing on a knife's edge or become a grotesque form of herself that ravages all those around her.

AnthonyLee · ファンタジー
14 Chs


  The disturbance of the fallen leaves had not deterred me in the slightest. Seeking sanctuary amongst the shrubbery I curled ever tighter, so compact I can feel my bony knees digging into my chest. Small, be as small as possible I would repeat. I have had a lot of practice over the years. Smaller, stay unnoticed, hide, don't breathe, all of these thoughts running through my head nearly as fast as a child who snatches for the last cream cake at the harvest festival. Seconds, then minutes pass without as much as the rustling of leaves. Even then I had not dared to move, even with the aching sharp pain that my ankle relentlessly reminded me had not caused me to stir. Ba dump, nothing, still nothing. Ba-dump, only the sound of my heartbeat was audible. Ba-dump, why? Why does this thing even exist? Ba-dump, how do I return back to the safety of Last Hope? Ba-dump, no I can't, must find my brother before I go back. Ba-dump, Will I even get to see them again?

  Minutes becomes an hour, and yet I stay. Unable to really feel what was going on around me anymore. I stared, stared into the recently dug hole from a small critter. Worried something would come out while I was unable to move. Nothing had of course or more accurately, thankfully. The back of my mind I can tell that my body was getting colder, but I am unable to register the sensations. Up, got to move. Hes getting further and further away. Reminding myself why I came out here, past the boundaries my people had worshiped for, only God knows how long. Slowly, slowly I inched myself to my knees, putting weight on my good ankle, I worked myself up to a crouch. Nothing, minutes pass again, and my legs began to tremble due to the exertion this day has been put on them. Feeling that I would fall over if I stayed in this position any longer, I began to stand. Once I had, I heard it, a scream like none other. This high-pitched gurgle, sounding like whatever made this noise was drowning. Only I knew better.

  Quiet, small, fast, move, bolting to the nearest tree, the branches seemed to reach for me as I came closer. The way this day was turning out, I would not be surprised if it had. With cover between me and the source of the noise, I moved to the next tree, then the next. This was slow moving, but it was safe. Well as safe as one can be in the middle of the woods that was home to the unimaginable creatures that has wrecked my world. Many stories are told that these creatures are actually the dead rising again, twisted by their desires during their lives. Superstitions, hoaxes, always thought the elders who spoke of this were senile. Well, I used to think this until I saw it. Images of blood, scales, and a bone flashed. No, don't think, move. Continuing my way, I started feeling another sensation I had never thought of before. Only way I would be able to describe it would be if you had someone that you missed dearly, who you loved with all your heart reappear, but you are unable to see them for whatever reason. A connection missed, and you would know it. Something lost, but also found. I do not know how to further explain it.

  That dreadful noise erupted in front of me know, had it moved? Or was this a second one? Changing course, I veered towards a dip in the terrain. Staying as low as possible, avoiding any fallen branches I nearly crawled my way to my newly found safe haven. Catching my breath, I waited and listened. Listening to see if the creature happened to be fast, or if there were more in the vicinity. Luckily, I had no need to way longer than a mere moment. Unfortunately, I confirmed that there were indeed two creatures nearby. On the positive, I believe I can work my way around them and continue after my brother.    Looking around for any other potential threats, I scrambled out of the divot to snag my injured foot on one of the many roots of a nearby tree. An internal scream, and a lifetime of regret quickly washing over myself later, I finally hit the ground hitting my head on the hard terrain. Dazed, a high-pitched noise, unable to focus, I can make out a silhouette. Pain, ringing, nausea, no there were three silhouettes. Fear, loneliness, loss, I am grabbed and yanked off the ground. Vomit, sadness, acceptance, I see only darkness.

  "We got you, you're safe now." The deep resounding voice echoes.