

Follow Qu story, where she was transported with her character created in the YGGDRASIL game, where she jumps from universe to universe getting to know their stories

MahiroD20 · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs



In the Coliseum, they were preparing to use magic on a scarecrow. The spells that Qu learned were special to say the least, since she was an administrator she had full control of almost everything in the game and surprisingly, she still had control despite being at a very small level, and to test the functionality of this perk, she modified her job so she could cast spells like a wizard class. Her magic damage was automatically changed due to other effects that added extra damage. As a result, a simple damage spell does more damage than some combat-specific spells.

In YGGDRASIL, all you had to do was launch the icon to activate the magic. However, due to the absence of an interface, she needs to use another method. Although uncertain, she had an idea of how to start. Feeling the hidden power within her body. It seemed like the connections weren't entirely logical.

Qu concentrated, visualized and transmitted.

Gathering his strength in his hand and said:


Pointing at the target and releasing the magic, a green light came out of her hand and hit the target. Don't let any fragment of the before be the target.

TWINS: Ahhhh...

Aura and Mare looked impressed.

QU: Aura, prepare another one.

AURA: Oh yes, that's it! Go get another one!

A Dragonkin came forward with another scarecrow and placed it next to the old scarecrow. Qu walked in front of the scarecrow, looked at it and cast a new spell, but this time summoning:


Upon hearing its master's call, an invisible heron appeared little like a person and descended to the ground piercing the target with extreme precision, continually doing so repeatedly at high speeds and forces. After there was nothing left of the target, she disappeared as if she had never appeared. But of course she was still there to protect her beloved master.

QU: Perfect.

AURA: Qu-sama, do you want me to prepare a little more?

Aura asks still looked intrigued.

QU: No, I want to do another experiment.


At this moment, she tried to listen in her mind. It felt like there was a long thread stretching out in search of the person she wanted to get in touch with. For Qu, this was the first time she felt this, even when she was a mediator, it was difficult to describe.

Even after this disappointment, she decided to use magic to contact Sebas.


{...May I ask if something is wrong?}

QU: It's nothing, I got lost for a moment. Yes, how is the situation around Kowloong?

{Yes, the environment is simple, I haven't found any intelligent life.}

QU: Simple... Isn't it a swamp?

Around the Great Tomb of Kowloong there should be a large swamp. There lived a frog monster named Tuveg. Shrouded in thick fog, with many poisonous swamps.

{Yes, the environment is a grassland.}

QU: Has Kowloong been transferred to an unknown location? Sebas, is there something floating in the sky or some magical enchantment?

{There is nothing strange visible anywhere. Other than Kowloong, there are no buildings in sight.}

QU: I see. Sebas returns to the Colosseum and reports what she saw to everyone.

{Yes ma'am}

When he finished the magic, he turned his gaze to the twins, who were waiting for their lady to finish, and had the idea of operating on the twins since they were bored. In her mind she summoned:


Fulfilling Qu's will, the gem trapped between the serpent's teeth began to pulse, showing a strong power about to overflow. And a huge ball of bright light began to appear in front of her. The ball of light produced another larger ball of light with a vortex of flames surrounding it. The flaming vortex rotated faster and faster and finally turned into a huge fire tornado that was 4 meters wide and 6 meters tall. Soon after, the enormous fire tornado was hot enough to melt metal and a dazzling light that enveloped it gradually turned into a humanoid figure.

AURA: Wow...

QU: Would you like to fight him?

Aura showed the innocent smile of a girl. Even though it was a girlish smile, there was a bit of fierceness in it.

AURA: Can I really?

MARE: And I remembered that I have another urgent matter to attend to...

AURA: Mare!

Aura reached out with one hand and firmly held Mare's shoulder, not allowing him to escape. Aura's smile left Mare paralyzed.

AURA: Alright, try your best

AURA: Leave it to me!

QU: Primordial Fire Elemental. Attack the Twins!

After the command, the fight began and Aura and Mare emerged victorious. The huge Primal Fire Elemental melted and slowly disappeared into thin air. The heat that was exuding in the air also gradually disappeared.

QU: Very exciting

Hearing Qu's admiration, the two children smiled from ear to ear:

AURA: We appreciate the compliments, Qu-sama. It's been a while since we had such a good workout!

Who silently opened his inventory and took out a magical item called [Infinity Flask].

Within YGGDRASIL there was hunger and thirst, but these necessities are totally foreign to many different races. Since Qu is an automaton, despite sensing flavors, there was no such need, therefore, she never used this item. Similar to a clear glass, the pitcher is filled with ice-cold water. Because of the temperature, countless water droplets precipitate on the glass. She took two beautiful glasses, filled them with water and offered them both:

QU: Aura, Mare, baby.

They both silently take the glasses and drink.

AURA: I thought you were scarier, Qu-sama.

QU: I can, but I can't with children.

AURA: Qu-sama, surely you won't just be kind to us, right?

Qu didn't know how to answer Aura's question, so she just stroked her head and remained silent. Suddenly a voice was heard:

???: Huh? I was the first to arrive ~arinsu?

Although her speech was quite mature, her voice sounded quite young and a shadow emerging from the ground. The shadow slowly took the shape of a portal and someone emerged. She wore an elegant dark-colored dress, paired with a wide, full skirt. Across her upper torso were lace bows and short ruffles. She wore long lace gloves, so there was barely any skin exposed. Her silver hair was tied in a ponytail so as not to cover her face and her eyes had red irises that showed a look full of sensuality. Appearing to be around 14 years old, or even younger, her childish appearance was a simple combination of cuteness and class, a beauty worthy of reality. But she had well-developed breasts.

???: Ah, my lady, my only ruler, oh my dear master~

Shalltear Bloodfallen, The Guardian of the first 3 floors of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, she was created with the "Royal Vampire" race and also the masterpiece of an Eroges lover. Every setting of every creation was filled with stereotypes of Eroges.

AURA: ...Don't you think you're already exaggerating?

For the first time, Shalltear reacted and growled very low. Then she looked at Aura with a mocking expression:

SHALLTEAR: Ara~, are you still here, shorty ~arinsu? I couldn't see you anymore, so I thought you were gone."

Aura's face trembled, but Shalltear ignored it completely, faced Mare and said:

SHALLTEAR: It must be difficult to have such a strange sister.

AURA: Fake breasts.

And the bomb was dropped.

SHALLTEAR: What nonsense you are saying!

AURA: You can tell just by looking at those strange breasts how many fillings you put there, right? If they came on foot, they would leave the place, right?


Shalltear made a strange noise as Aura appeared to her.

AURA: I nailed it! Haha ha! You can't hide it anymore!!! So that's why you didn't come walking even in that situation, and that's why you used a [Portal] hah—

SHALLTEAR: Shut up! Short! You're as straight as an ironing board! At least I have... I have a lot to show.

For some reason, that comment was like an arrow straight through Qu's heart. Placing her hand on her breasts, feeling depressed, an aura of melancholy formed on her back.

AURA: I'm only seventy-six, I still have a lot of time. Unlike you, an undead who has no future. But how sad... you will never reach puberty.

SHALLTEAR: You bastard!

???: Then. Noisy.

An inhuman creature spoke in a firm tone, completely unbecoming of its appearance. Upon hearing this unnatural sound, the two stopped fighting. Looking towards the source of the sound, without realizing its arrival, they saw a figure with a strange and icy shape. It was huge, 250 centimeters tall and resembled a bipedal insect, as if a demon had fused with a praying mantis and an ant. With a long tail twice his height and filled with sharp spikes like icicles, his jaw was large. Both hands held a silver halberd, while the remaining two hands held a mace that emitted a black aura and a silver broadsword. distorted appearance that could not be sheathed. He was surrounded by an icy and terrifying aura. Its exoskeleton was a dull blue color and shined like diamond dust. Protuberances that in addition to icebergs were projected from their backs and shoulders.

It was the Guardian of the 5th Floor of Kowloong, "Ruler of the Frozen River" Cocytus. He slammed the lower end of his halberd into the ground and the frozen environment.

COCYTUS: You. They are. Against. From. Supreme Being, Show. Respect…

SHALLTEAR: This little girl is deliberately provoking me...

AURA: she only told the truth—


Qu tell yourself and using a warning voice

QU: Shalltear, Aura. Stop the discussion immediately.

The two of them shivered upon hearing Qu's voice. They lowered their heads simultaneously:


COCYTUS: Ah, Demiurge. E. Albedo. They arrived. Together. Like sisters

Turning my gaze, in the air towards where Cocytus was looking, five shadows could be seen approaching. Walking in front was Albedo, Followed by someone who looked like a businessman and yet another woman with two children right behind her. Arriving a certain distance away, Albedo transmitted and bowed deeply to Qu.

The man also bowed elegantly together with the woman and children:

???: I'm sorry for making you wait for me

About 1.80 centimeters tall, dark skin, partly Asian face and well-combed black hair. Behind the round glasses, his accommodations were so closed that they hid his eyes. Wearing a red suit with matching tie. He gave the impression of being a professional businessman or a qualified lawyer.

This man, the "Creator of the Flaming Hell", Demiurge, the Guardian of the 7th Floor. A demonic NPC who was designed to be Kowloong's Defense Commander.

QU: It seems like everyone is here.

Turning my gaze to the three who arrived along with Albedo and Demiurge. My NPCs that I create to the best of my abilities, being called Three Sisters, in the programming I designed for them I described the oldest as the Onee-sama of the family, just like me, the three are also automatons. Specializing in support and healing, she is the "Mechanoid of the Labyrinth", the Guardian of the 9th Floor. The main one of the three who commands the word.

The middle sister, specialized in heavy attacks, she is "The Dragon Child" she didn't do it in the conventional way, she can adapt to any type of attack that is sent to her. Widely used to handle large groups.

And the youngest, specialized in assassinating unsuspecting players, she is "The Praying Mantis" because of her blades hidden inside her arms. She is the one who most physically resembles an android.

After everyone arrived and fell silent, Albedo said:

ALBEDO: Attention everyone, please present your loyalty to the Supreme Ruler.

All Guardians lowered their heads, without exception.

All the Guardians lowered their heads. Shalltear, who was closest, stepped forward:

SHALLTEAR: Guardian of the First, Second and Third Floors, Shalltear Bloodfallen, I bow to the Supreme.

A hand pressed his chest and bowed deeply. After that, Cocytos stepped forward and said:

COCYTE: Cocytus, Guardian. From. Quinto. Come on, I bow. A. You, Supreme.

Just like Shalltear, she bowed before Qu. Then came the Dark Elf twins:

AURA: Guardian of the Sixth Floor, Aura Bella Fiora, I bow before you, Supreme.

MARE: Guardian... Also Guardian of the Sixth Floor... Mare Bello Fiore, I bow to you, Supreme.

Then, Demiurge gracefully took a step:

DEMIURG: Guardian of the Seventh Floor, Demiurge, I bow to you, Supreme.

Demiurge bowed cordially.

Then they came as Sisters.

HANYING: Guardian of the Ninth Floor, Hanying, I bow to you, Supreme.

PULAO: Also Guardian of the Ninth Floor, Pulao, I bow to you, Supreme.

BAMBINATA: Guardian of the Ninth Floor, Bambinata, I bow to you, Supreme.

And finally Albedo takes a step forward:

ALBEDO: Guardian Overseer, Albedo, I bow to you, Supreme.

Qu smiling at all the guardians:

QU: Raise your heads. First of all, thank you everyone for coming.

ALBEDO: No need for thanks. We are all your faithful subordinates

QU: Excellent. Guardians, I know you will understand my goals and fulfill them successfully. Now pay attention, believe that the Great Tomb of Kowloong was somehow moved to some kind of unknown location. Is there anyone who knows what they are celebrating?

ALBEDO: Unfortunately, none of us have any idea what's going on.

QU: Sebas is currently on a surface reconnaissance mission. I believe he will be back soon.