

Follow Qu story, where she was transported with her character created in the YGGDRASIL game, where she jumps from universe to universe getting to know their stories

MahiroD20 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs



Qu opened his eyes. She wasn't in his room. She was still sitting on the throne. Looking scared around her seeing if something was wrong.

QU: Did you postpone the shutdown? — Many hypotheses come to your mind. However…

???: Is everything okay, Qu-sama?

It was the first time Qu heard this sweet female voice. Qu began searching for the source of the voice. When she found out who she was, she was shocked and speechless. The answer came from an NPC — It was Albedo.

ALBEDO: Is everything okay, Qu-sama?

Repeating the same phrase again. Qu's mind stopped working, she didn't expect it.

ALBEDO: Is something wrong?

The face of slowly came close to Qu. Albedo's scent brought Qu to her normal state of mind, then she said:

QU: No, it's nothing...

Using her knowledge of talking to people she returned to her stoic face, and resting her hand on her face. She decided to test something that could not be possible for artificial intelligence levels.

QU: Sebas, Pleiades, come to the throne.


Following orders and responding simultaneously they arrived at the throne and knelt down, soon Sebas responded for everyone

SEBAS: Did something happen? Have I been doing something wrong...?

Surprised by the fact that Albedo wasn't the only one who was able to respond, Qu ordered:

QU: Exit the Great Tomb and search the surrounding area. If there are any intelligent or friendly beings, invite them here. The search radius is one kilometer and try to avoid fighting.

SEBAS: Understood, Qu-sama. I will do as you command.

In YGGDRASIL, it was impossible for NPCs created to protect a specific area to leave it for another area. However, now this has just happened.

QU: ...Take one of the Pleiades with you. If you come to a situation where you need to back off, use it and present the information you have gathered directly to me.

With that said, Sebas left to carry out his task. Her next move was—

Qu: Pleiades, divide into 2 groups and go to inspect the floors in search of possible invaders.

PLEIADES: Yes, Qu-sama.

The maids respectfully responded, showing their understanding of his orders and leaving immediately. And once again the door was closed. Turning to the only resident in the room besides her, she set aside the staff that now floats beside her, surprising her. Then she said:

QU: Albedo...sit on my lap…..

Responding with a smile, Albedo came forward.


Coming closer and sitting on Qu's lap. Qu again smelled the perfume of albedo

"What a pleasant smell"— This thought was instantly discarded after holding Albedo's wrists, who soon felt the softness of her skin, placing her ear to her back, listening to her heartbeat, soon confirming that the NPCs really are alive and that they are not just dolls with intelligence. Following her initial plan, she asked Albedo:

QU: Albedo...I'm going to touch you...

Without waiting for Albedo's confirmation, Qu's cold hands run up her calf and up the back of her thigh, making Albedo moan a little. Continuing the action, now passing through the upper part of the thigh. With her test completed and she stopped touching it, Qu concluded that after this experience, the possibility of this being a newly released game had become non-existent. Because a game would prohibit actions rated +18, or even actions rated +15. As soon as there was a violation, a severe punishment would be applied: the names of the offenders would be announced on the official website and the accounts in question would also be deleted. If it was inside a game world, the company would have applied some type of method to prevent players from carrying out actions of this type. If a GM or gaming company was monitoring the game, they would instantly stop Qu's behavior. But there didn't seem to be any sign of that happening here.

Thinking this way, the only possibility for this situation was that this was an act with bad intentions and that it had nothing to do with the game company or perhaps….That the virtual world became reality….

Taking the blushing and panting Albedo off her lap she was able to understand the situation, the reason why she continued touching Albedo for a while was not because they were soft…. It's definitely not.

QU: Sorry Albedo about that. — apologizing for touching her so suddenly and seeing how she was still panting Qu couldn't help but have a bad feeling she heard:

ALBEDO: It will be here and now that I must take off my Qu-sama clothes!

As Albedo spoke Qu's mind she couldn't think of anything else after that statement. But after coming out of such shock she said:

QU: that's enough Albedo…

ALBEDO: Hmm? Okay my lady.

QU: Now is not the time for such an act, KOWLOONG is in a somewhat strange situation, that's why I sent Sebas to investigate the surrounding area. I actually have a job for you

ALBEDO: Yes, Qu-sama

QU: Let the other Guardians know that I want their presence in the Sixth Floor Coliseum. more than an hour. I will warn Aura and Mare myself, there is no need to warn them.

ALBEDO: Yes, my lady. Confirming, excluding the two Guardians on the Sixth Floor, I will inform the rest of the Guardians that they will have to gather at the Coliseum in one hour.

QU: Ok, you can go

After that Albedo quickly left the throne room. Seeing Albedo leave Qu couldn't help but let out a tired sigh

QU: Damn…

Still sitting on the throne, contemplating the throne room, she decided to go to her room to calm her mind and think about things.

Using her guild ring to go to her suite, she finds a very large bed with two bookshelves on both sides of the bed and plenty of books on each of them, when looking around the room looking to see her own body, right after looking for the Qu will find a luxurious bathroom that comes with the bedroom. Going to the bathroom she finds an excessively large bathtub with many hair products and cosmetics in the middle of it all she finds what she wanted a mirror. Finding what she wanted, she begins to take off her clothes to inspect more carefully, taking off all her clothes she sees that her own joints, such as her finger joints, are in a circular shape like a ball. She notes that her entire body fit together in one way or another, like a buildable doll. Putting her clothes back on she didn't want to miss her meeting, she calmed down a little and was ready to go to the Coliseum.

Using the guild ring for the Colosseum she notices how incredible it is. Trying to find the Coliseum Twins, she was one of the Twins on top of a platform, upon noticing her lady's entrance, she almost instantly jumped to the ground to greet her lady.

???: Heyyyyyy!

With a scream, a silhouette jumped out of the VIP area. It was a 6-story building and there was no use of any magic, just physical skills. Her legs bent gently eliminating the impact and she showed a proud expression by making a "V" for victory with her fingers. Her was a child with a beautiful look and a beautiful smile on his face. Her golden hair reached close to her shoulder, reflecting the light of the surroundings. The different colors of his blue and green pupils made his eyes shine like a puppy's. Her long pointed ears and dark skin showed that she was a Dark Elf, a close relative of the Wood Elves. She wore a dark red Dragon leather vest, with white and gold embroidery, on her chest there was the KOWLOONG symbol. Underneath, she wore a set of white pants and around her neck was an acorn necklace that was golden like gold. She also wore metal-reinforced magical gloves, a whip wrapped around her waist, and a long bow on her back, the hilt of which was decorated with exotic engravings.

QU: Aura… — Qu's gaze soon softened towards the elf child in front of her. Walking towards the dark elf calling her name. She was Guardian of the 6th Floor, Aura Bella Fiora. She was capable of controlling magical beasts, being a Beast Tamer and master of guerrilla tactics. With small quick steps, Aura started running towards Qu. In a voice unique to children, she greeted Qu:

AURA: Qu-sama, welcome to the Floor I protect!

QU: ...Ah, can I disturb you a little?

AURA: What are you talking about, Qu-sama? You are one of the Rulers of KOWLOONG, the supreme ruler! No matter how much you visit us, you would never disturb us!

QU: By the way, where is the...?

Aura turns abruptly, looking at the VIP area and shouts loudly:

AURA: Mare! Qu-sama is here! Don't be rude and come soon!

Among the shadows of the VIP area, she could see a shadow shivering.

QU: Mare, are you there?

AURA: He's very shy... he's afraid to jump! Aura shouted, only to hear a distant voice from the VIP area:

MARE: I-I can't... onee-chan...

Aura took a deep breath and rubbed the back of her neck, embarrassed for her brother.

AURA: QU-sama, he's just a little scared, he's not trying to insult you in any way.

QU: I understand that Aura because that's how your creator created you, don't change your personalities to please others.

Aura immediately looked relieved and looked back towards the VIP area:

AURA: Qu-sama came to our Floor to meet the Guardians. You're being disrespectful, you realize that, right!? If you're afraid to jump, I'll come and bring you strength!

MARE: Ugh... I'm going downstairs...

With all the courage she had, a small figure ran out of a gate that was underneath the VIP area. Although slower than Aura.

AURA: Hurry!

MARE: Y-yes…

A child identical in appearance to Aura appeared. Regardless of their hair length, hair color, eye color, or facial features, the twins couldn't look more like each other. But if Aura is the Sun, then Mare is the Moon. While one trembled with fear, the other scolded him.

MARE: S-sorry for making you w-wait, Qu-sama…

QU: Don't worry Mare, it didn't bother me.

Mare wore a dress that of Dragon scales and a short mantle of green leaves. Although the outfit had the same white base as Aura's, the bottom part was a skirt, which exposed some of the skin on her slender legs. But only a little, because he was wearing socks. Just like Aura, she wore a necklace made from acorns, but this one was made of silver. His thin hands were covered in shiny white gloves, he held a curved staff of dark wood.

AURA: It's a good thing Qu-sama came to this floor, I've been bored here lately, there haven't been many invaders coming for us to deal with and exercise.

QU: Well I think we won't have any intruders for a while Aura, That's why I summoned the other Guardians here on this floor. To deal with a problem that arose at the last minute. And also if our powers have not been affected.

Qu summons the guild staff to present to the twins. Impressing both.

MARE: Wow, so powerful…

Although in the past her companions and she had built Ainz Ooal Gown's staff together. Since she was in the Throne Hall, there was no opportunity to show it to anyone. Now that she was out, she wanted to show it to others. Although Qu wanted to continue showing off. She was very embarrassed...The two children's bright eyes almost made Qu laugh.

QU: So, I would like to do an experiment with this staff and I hope you can help me with that.

AURA: Of course yes! We're going to prepare everything right now.

Mare tried to hide it, but her long ears kept trembling, showing her real emotions.