
Pursuit Of The Origin

Rishi Arya was a genius scientist and a lover of novel and comics. His life long Pursuit was to find the origin of life and decode the code of reality. He died at the peak of his career due to getting sucked in a wormhole he created due to accident in in his project. But is it really the end for Rishi? Find the journey of Rishi to find the origin of life, universe, etc. High School DxD AU ( Alternate Universe )

Primodial_Chaos · アニメ·コミックス
65 Chs

Heavenly Dragon Part 2

"Dragons," a curse rang out loudly across the battlefield, drawing the attention of all who heard it. In an instant, the chaos and tumult of battle ceased, as every eye turned toward the source of the disturbance.

The mention of dragons sent a ripple of fear and apprehension through the ranks of Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels alike. For centuries, dragons had been revered as fearsome and formidable creatures, their power unmatched by any other beings in the underworld.

As the earth trembled beneath our feet, the ground splitting apart with the force of the earthquake, the true cause of the disturbance revealed itself in a spectacle of awe and terror. Two colossal dragons, their scales gleaming like burnished steel in the light of the battlefield, clashed violently amidst the chaos, their roars echoing across the desolate landscape.

With each clash of titanic claws and thunderous blows, the dragons wrought devastation upon the battlefield, their immense power laying waste to all who dared stand in their path. Angels, Devils, and Fallen Angels alike fell before their onslaught, their ranks decimated with each exchange of blows.

For those who bore witness to the spectacle, there was no time for hesitation or fear. In the face of such overwhelming power, survival became the only priority, as warriors scrambled to avoid the dragons' wrath and regroup for a coordinated counterattack.

As the two colossal dragons clashed on the battlefield, their identities were revealed to all who beheld them. Y Ddraig Goch, the Red Dragon Emperor, and Albion Gwiber, the White Dragon Emperor, were legendary figures among their kind, each a pinnacle of the Heavenly Dragon Class and vying for supremacy over the other.

Y Ddraig Goch, with his imposing red form adorned with golden spikes, exuded an aura of dominance and power. His fierce green eyes glowed with determination as he clashed with his arch-rival, Albion Gwiber, the White Dragon Emperor.

Albion, resplendent in his pure white form with feathered wings and golden horns, radiated an aura of purity and majesty. His blue eyes burned with an intensity to match his adversary, as he fought with equal ferocity and determination.

Their rivalry was not merely born out of animosity, but also a desire for self-improvement and enlightenment. Like the Great Red and Ophis, they sought to transcend their current limitations and ascend to even greater heights of power.

As their battle raged on, the clash of titans shook the very foundations of the underworld, their roars echoing across the desolate landscape. For those who bore witness to their conflict, it was a sight to behold, a clash of legends that would be remembered for ages to come.

As the war entered a temporary ceasefire, the leaders of all forces recognized the need for a decisive strategy to confront the two mighty dragons. Commanding their troops to equip themselves with dragon slayer equipment, they prepared to face the legendary beasts when their energy was exhausted and their defences weakened.

In addition, a powerful magical barrier was erected to contain the destruction and prevent further casualties among the remaining troops. With the stage set for a renewed conflict, the soldiers braced themselves for the impending battle, their weapons at the ready and their resolve steeled for the challenge ahead.

As the dragons continued their fierce duel, their energies waning with each passing moment, the soldiers seized the opportunity to strike. Coordinated attacks were launched whenever the dragons showed signs of fatigue, exploiting their vulnerabilities and targeting their weakened defences.

The dragons, enraged by the relentless assault, unleashed their fury upon the soldiers, sending them fleeing in terror. Despite their fearsome power, however, the dragons found themselves beset on all sides, their adversaries determined to prevail at any cost.

As the relentless battle between soldiers and dragons raged on throughout the day, the toll of casualties continued to mount. Despite the soldiers' best efforts to rotate shifts and maintain a constant assault on the dragons, the sheer ferocity of the beasts' attacks took a heavy toll on their ranks.

With each passing hour, the battlefield became increasingly littered with the fallen, their bodies serving as grim reminders of the high price of war. Despite their bravery and resolve, many soldiers succumbed to the dragons' relentless onslaught, their sacrifices not in vain but a tragic testament to the brutality of the conflict.

As the day wore on, exhaustion began to take its toll on both sides, the soldiers and dragons alike feeling the strain of prolonged combat. Yet, even in the face of overwhelming odds and mounting casualties, the soldiers remained resolute, their determination unwavering as they continued to press forward in the hopes of securing victory.