
Pursuit Of The Origin

Rishi Arya was a genius scientist and a lover of novel and comics. His life long Pursuit was to find the origin of life and decode the code of reality. He died at the peak of his career due to getting sucked in a wormhole he created due to accident in in his project. But is it really the end for Rishi? Find the journey of Rishi to find the origin of life, universe, etc. High School DxD AU ( Alternate Universe )

Primodial_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Heavenly Dragon Part 3

With the chaos of battle consuming the attention of all around me, I moved silently and unnoticed through the midst of the battlefield. Amidst the clamour of conflict and the cries of the fallen, I carefully picked my way through the debris, my eyes scanning the ground for a suitable weapon.

Spotting a dragon-slaying spear lying amidst the scattered remnants of battle, I moved swiftly to claim it, my movements purposeful and deliberate. With a silent prayer for stealth, I reached out and grasped the weapon, feeling its weight in my hand as I prepared to join the fray.

As the battle raged on and the soldiers continued their relentless assault on the mighty dragons, preparations were made for a decisive move. Recognizing the need to contain the power of the dragons and prevent further destruction, a powerful magical barrier was erected, its purpose clear: to trap the souls of the dragons once they were weakened enough.

Though dragons possessed formidable souls, the barrier had been specifically designed and enchanted to overcome even their considerable strength. With intricate runes and powerful incantations woven into its fabric, the barrier shimmered with arcane energy, ready to ensnare the souls of the legendary beasts.

As the dragons' energies waned and their defences faltered under the relentless assault of the soldiers, the moment of truth drew near. With the barrier in place and the soldiers poised for action, the stage was set for a final confrontation that would determine the outcome of the battle.

With a collective effort, the soldiers unleashed their combined strength, driving the dragons back towards the centre of the battlefield and into the waiting embrace of the magical barrier. With a surge of power, the barrier sprang to life, its energies intertwining with those of the dragons as it sought to ensnare their souls and bring an end to their reign of terror.

In a moment of bold and decisive action, I seized the opportunity presented by the chaos of battle and teleported directly to the heart of Albion, the White Dragon Emperor. With the dragon-slaying spear gripped tightly in my hand, I channelled all my strength and determination into a single, devastating strike, driving the weapon deep into Albion's heart.

The force of the blow was immense, the spear piercing through Albion's defences and striking true, its enchanted tip sapping the life force from the legendary dragon. With a mighty roar of pain and fury, Albion's form convulsed as the life drained from his body, his once-majestic form crumbling to the ground in defeat.

As Albion's soul separated from his mortal form, I wasted no time in springing into action. With practised precision, I channelled demonic energy into my storage ring, summoning forth its otherworldly power to collect Albion's body before it could be lost to the chaos of battle.

With the dragon's body safely secured within the confines of my storage ring, I teleported back to my previous position on the battlefield, my heart pounding with adrenaline and triumph. Though the battle still raged on around me, I knew that my actions had struck a decisive blow against our formidable adversary, turning the tide of the conflict in our favour.

As I stood amidst the carnage and chaos of the battlefield, I knew that the fight was far from over. But with Albion defeated and his body in my possession, I had taken a crucial step towards victory.

As I turned back to face the battlefield, a hushed silence fell over the assembled soldiers, their eyes wide with shock and confusion. In an instant, the tide of battle seemed to shift as the news of Albion's demise spread like wildfire through the ranks.

Whispers and murmurs filled the air as soldiers exchanged bewildered glances, unable to comprehend what had just transpired. The sudden and unexpected death of the White Dragon Emperor left them reeling, their minds struggling to make sense of the chaos unfolding before them.

Amidst the confusion, rumours began to spread like wildfire, with some speculating that an unknown assailant had taken advantage of the chaos of battle to strike down Albion and steal his body. Others whispered of dark sorcery and treachery, their imaginations running wild with fear and uncertainty.

As the realization of Albion's death sank in, a wave of panic swept through the ranks of soldiers, their morale shaken by the loss of their legendary leader. Yet amidst the chaos and confusion, a steely resolve began to take hold, as soldiers rallied together in defiance of the unknown threat that lurked in their midst.

With determination burning in their hearts, they vowed to press on, their spirits unbroken despite the challenges that lay ahead. For though the loss of Albion was a heavy blow, they knew that the fight was far from over and that they would continue to battle on with unwavering courage and resolve.