

Ava, a hardworking young girl, finds herself in a real dilemma after her mother, a drug addict, took out a large loan from loan sharks and fled, leaving Ava to clean up her mess. Ava has one week to pay off her mother's debts or she will be forced to become a mistress to the loan shark, which forces her to sell her virginity to Mason. Mason, on the other hand, wants more than just her virginity; he wants her to be his wife.

Gina_rites · 都市
297 Chs

Do something

Layla and Jason were both silent as they looked at each other. The plate of cookies that she had gotten from the oven was sitting on the coffee table between them and none of them was attempting to eat it.


Jason had a lot of things to say but he didn't know where to start. It was as if they didn't know what to say to each other.


"Your new home is nice, it looks bigger than the first," Layla said, finally breaking the silence.


"Thanks, I needed to get a place that can accommodate my needs," Jason said with a weak smile.


"It's nice," Layla repeated, looking around.


"Mm-mm…" Jason slowly nodded. "Thanks. How have you been?" He already knows most of the things that she has been up to, as he always asks Mason about her almost every day.


Layla shrugged. "I have been good," she couldn't stop looking at him, it was as if she was trying to memorize his face, taking in the moment.