
Psychopath Syndrome

What will Bella do, whom she hated the most ended up to rape her; like a devil demon? After that she gets to know that, the man is just not a ordinary man what she had think before? Will Bella able to do anything & get justice? 18+ R Rated

Oyzgee · 都市
13 Chs


"A person's first reaction, at any given time in life, when they are thinking or feeling about another person, is to start acting carelessly towards themselves. However, is it known by the term "Destiny"? What is not written will not happen to you, no matter how loud people yell or how much the earth and the sky combine."

She was contemplating that at that point. Her thoughts were solely focused on her own life at this time. What had happened to her life, she wondered? She briefly had the impression that everything had been taken from her. Though she may have desired to cry today, the tears could have wanted to grieve in a person's arms, but it seems like they have also betrayed her.

She is not at ease even though she is in bed in the middle of the night. It was midnight, three o'clock. She had just woken up in a silent house during the dead of night. The bed sat next to a wide window that overlooked the city and its skyscrapers.

Through that glass, the lights from the street outside were seeing into the room. It appeared to be a bright room.

She was lost in her thoughts, not sure how much time had passed. It was summer time. Sana was gazing up at the fan using her perceptive eyes and became engrossed in a moment of introspection when the azaan of Fajr landed in her ears!

Sana was enjoying the wonderful voice of Fajr's azaan as she listened to azaan. She quickly realised that it was already four o'clock. She suddenly became aware of a ringing alarm in her ears.

It was a very horrible sound, like the beginning of an ancient, malfunctioning car's engine. Determining whether the person who set these alarms actually wants to wake up in the morning is not difficult to get it by.

Since every person owns a lovely instrument or ringtone for their alarm. This person has installed a microphone on the alarm itself, which can be useful and fuming. You are readily able to stay awake after hearing this horrible alarm.

Sana looked beside her; it wasn't her phone alarm, but her younger sister, who is seven years younger than her. When she saw her sister's alarm go off, she smiled. Her sister, Bella, was now moving and rapidly triggered the alarm.

Bella was lay down on the bed, massaging her eyes with both hands. Bella's first outstanding habit was that she awoke a few minutes after her alarm went off. Bella's face was obscured by a lack of lighting in the same space. Sana could see her sister's face a little while lying down, thanks to the lamps outside. Fajr Azaan was to stay until now.

While asleep, Sana kept her gaze on her sister Bella's every movement. Bella closed her eyes and looked through the mosquito net to the opposite side of the window. She rested her hands and feet before placing a scarf on her head. Bella looked at Sana and noticed that she was blindfolded. Bella spoke to her in a loving tone.

--"Boo, boo, arise; Muajjem has completed the Fajr Azaan. Get up. Wake up, baby. We need to pray."

Sana had done the drama solely to hear this beautiful voice. She got up, glanced at her, and spoke.

--"Have you gotten up? Let us come together."

Bella and Sana get out of the mosquito net and use the loo and completed their wudu/ablution.

Following wudu/ablution, the two of them entered the room to pray. After taking Prayer Matt from the top of the chair, they both began to pray. After the prayers, it was time for them to pray to Allah, and they both voiced their aspirations. Alon with the prayer, they returned to the bed together. Bella pleaded her sister, while giggling.

--"Tell me one thing. Have you been up all night? You mean you woke up when I called?"

Sana could no longer stop herself nor her freezing tears. She knew that Bella, as brilliant as she was, would undoubtedly inquired such a question. She responded slowly.

--"Bella, that... honestly, I broke up with... with Ryan last night."

Bella's smile was probably gone from her lips, which Sana could easily guess. Because, whatever it was, Bella never preferred her boyfriend, Ryan. Bella remained mute; perhaps she wanted to know what had happened—that the two had broken up. Sana continued to speak, glancing at Bella, after understanding the question without asking it.

--"I... I called Ryan tonight. Actually, I did not sleep today. When Ryan answered the phone, he said he was heading to a party with his pals. I didn't say anything; I simply said, "Call me when you get back." I put the phone down. He called me at around 2 p.m. I answered his phone call and inquired about his health, etc. It didn't even continue our chat for ten. Then Ryan mentioned that he needed to go for a walk with a friend. When I asked, "Why don't you understand me? What are my own words? I could not sleep. Can you speak with me for a while? Then Ryan remarked, "You only think of yourself." I don't think of him. I intend to create a scene of him in front of his friend. Now, tell me what I did wrong. Am I foolish to expect a little time, care? Whenever he needs me, I stay with him, but when I need him, he leaves."

Sana's eyes filled up with tears. Her throat was also slightly stuck while speaking. That's why Bella said nothing else and quickly hugged Sana.

She began to gently withdraw. She began crying and wailing. Their parents were in the next room, so Sana began to cry slowly. Bella is currently supporting her. When Sana calmed down, Bella left her and told her something serious.

-- "I'm listening."

Sana says, brushing away tears.

--"I as... asked him to give me some time. But do you remember what he said? It's entirely my fault. I've never understood it. That's when he stated I had to change myself. He advised me to be mature. It's been four years since we were together. He had no troubles during our first year together. So why now? Why..... now? He called me a narcissist! He told me to break up with himself and not come back if I couldn't change myself."

Bella appeared to be quite joyful. As if this was typical for her. And she was too, because Ryan and Sana's split is ongoing. During their four-year relationship, they most likely broke up more than 50 times. That's why Bella gasp just that.

--"The cycle of breakups between you both continues. You will watch Ryan brother come and fix what he has messed up."

--"But I don't want to hold it any longer. Now I'm stuck on whether or not I should marry him."

Bella will always listen to Sana before speaking. It has continued even today. When Bella learned from Sana the source of all the anger and resentment, before she responded she looked at the door. She got the impression that someone was standing there listening to them.

Of course, it was their mother. Bella dislikes it when people listen in on people's conversations without their permission, but she wouldn't say anything like that to her mother. Bella said, lowering her voice slightly.

--"I always say the same words, before doing something, whether it's right or wrong. Why should we limit ourselves if this thought occurs to us? If we love someone before marrying him, we will never question ourself whether we are doing the right thing or worst."

--"I don't want to be with him any more. I don't have to be in a relationship. It may hurt for a few days, but everything will be great afterwards. Isn't?"


Sana mulls over an idea before softly asking Bella.

--"What if I do not get married?"

Bella grinned now, but the darkness of the room obscured her expression.

--"I'm still here with you. Whether or not someone is with you, keep in mind that your little sister is always present. I'll always be with you! Even if you turn 30, nothing will happen unless you want it to."

Perhaps Sana was yearning to hear some of these lines. Which Bella had accomplished entirely. Sana was stunning at 27 years old. Her thick eyelashes and huge eyes were prone to becoming wet easily because despite her appearance, she was naive and green girl.

Sana had grown up in the middle of a lovely, happy partnership, far from all the brutality in the world. However, the partnership was consistently joyful.

It was simple to trust anyone in her life, she definitely did. She believes that this person could be good. Though she was still unlucky in relationships, but not in her best friend's affairs.

Everything about her, including her best friend, was tied to Bella. She is always made to feel everything by an twenty-year-old girl, things that no one else could or would have done for her.

Sana and Bella drop their body into the bed. Sana's eyes filled with tears once more in the late hours of the night. She was missing Ryan. Four years relationship, Is it really so simple to forget about a relationship? Sana heard Bella's honey voice at that moment.

--"Everything requires time. You must first acknowledge that you cannot live without Ryan."

Sana was taken aback. What topic was her sister discussing?

That would be appreciated, is you give it a shot. I will just request you to read at least, 20 episodes of it. Love you all the way you all showers love into my every stories :)

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