
Psionic Wizard in Harry Potter

Another isekeid MC in world of Harry Potter? Alex is your average youth that dreamed of fantasy worlds in movies and books to escape the reality. But on his death he is given a chance to enter in his favourite worl with a wish! Disclaimer: All the characters in this novel belong to JK Rowling, and I'm just using them to write my own story. If the creator of the cover wants me to remove it, comment so in one of the newest chapters.

Fanfic_reader · 映画
8 Chs

The Midnight Visit

I haven't tried to get in touch with anyone from wizarding world except Harry Potter and Dursley family at age of seven.

Yeah it was not my best decision but I don't regret it. But don't worry they didn't remember me as I visited them at night and they were sleeping.

Now I think about it, it's kinda creepy saying it that way.

I did that to resolve some of the issues that Dumbledore didn't have solution for. Now I know some of may think that Dumbledore is all evil, but that's not the truth I think.

He was genuinely helpless as all the death eaters have pardoned and things got tragic for Longbottoms and he didn't know about innocence of Sirius.

He is not all knowing God that some fan fiction writers portrays as that he knows what happens in Hogwarts due to the magical wards. Thats bullshit.

I think the wards don't report anything like bullying or animagus entry or horcrux in the castle to the headmaster.

Wards may alert any illegal entries or stops apparation. The animagus is not well received in Britain as most wizards consider it's lowly to turn into any animals and it's very advanced and dangerous field of magic. So there are only seven animagus wizards in all on Britain. So animagus wards may not to available in Hogwarts.

Wards mainly acts as muggle repellent the castle and surrounding area, for defensive purpose and anti apparation in Hogwarts.

And Dark lord is not some fool to not to consider safety of his horcrux and develop methods to avoid detection as he completed his first horcrux in Hogwarts itself.

Wards are not some form of computer program that always do what program is build for. So Dumbledore always don't know what happens in the castle.

But I am not saying he is completely innocent as he consider Harry to defeat Voldemort and prepare trap during first year. But he didn't know Voldemort himself is present beside Quirrel as he consider the professor accomplice.

After finding out Harry carries horcrux Dumbledore distances from Harry as he finds that Harry may have to die and if he become closer to Harry he may not able to do the right thing.

Anyways we have got out of topic, the reason for my visit was to fix the attitude of his relatives and the horcrux. I think Dumbledore suspect the scar as horcrux during second year.

See I can just seperate the horcrux from Harry by Astral projection and trapping.

~Flashback start~

Alex POV, Home

Alex wait until it's 12 at night and opens the door to his house. A quick mental scan concluded his parents are asleep.

"Now let's start"

He had scouted the area of Surrey with the help of Astral projection and the less distance between Surrey and his house helped . He recalled mental image of 4 Privet Drive and next moment he teleported to the location soundlessly.

And yes his Teleportation is soundless and without any discomfort.

"Psionic for the win.Take that you wizards"

He applied a psychic shield around him and if any people passes through this area will not able to see in their perspective. As I train my psionic power I can just remove any sense of people, so I don't exist in their field of vision. It's kinda similar to wizard notice me not spell.

Now he appeared in area where houses are similar to each other. Finding Dursley house he approached the door.

Using telekinesis he unlocked the door and with a quick psychic scanning he ensured that everyone is asleep.

Now approaching the cupboard under the stair he open the door that houses Harry.

Harry is sleeping inside. I put Harry in deep sleep for safety.

"Now I have to deal with the parasite"

Touching Harry's scar I sent psionic energy. The result was instantaneous. A dark noseless baby is projected above Harry's head. I felt like Ancient One ejecting Bruce Banner from hulk.

" Eww ... it's uglier than I thought"

Finding the Astral tether I sent Nether energy and broke the tether.

"Now begone ugly baby"

The soul piece disperses as black mist. Now you may wonder why the black mist disperses without any noise or what is nether energy.

See the psionic godhood is combination of Psionics, Psycho Warping, and Ethereal Manipulation.

The etheral manipulation deals with eather. Ether possess different conceptions and portrayals as the element behind all forms of creation and destruction, a synthesis of both, or the wide system revolving both Aether and Nether within the Cosmos.

The aether is the source of Quintessence, Chi, Aura, and Mana. The nether is the source of powers such as Death-Force Manipulation, Dark Arts, Necromancy, and Mediumship.

Aether is a potent and exceptional celestial element believed to flow throughout the universe and everything that exists. It is said to hold together the four classical elements of water, fire, earth, and air. Like the air humans breathe, Aether is considered the breath of gods. Possessing this power gives the user control over elemental, cosmic, spiritual, transcendental, and primordial forces, and those who can harness its power are seen as god-like, almost invincible.

Nether is widely recognized as the material that constitutes the Underworld, a underground realm where all souls are said to go after death. Similar to aether, which is known as the "celestial element," nether is from a dimension that lies between the planes of matter and energy.

Being a spiritual element, nether cannot be perceived through physical senses. It embodies the destructive aspect of existence and is the source of all destructive forces. Nether can only become visible if it is combined with a physical element, with darkness, fire, or earth being the most frequent choices.

Now I can't control it very precisely that I could control life and death of a being but controlling small amount of nether is not impossible for me.

I think the killing curse uses nether energy using magic. In essence the dark arts may use the nether energy in any forms mainly in unforgivables.

So there is truth in saying that dark arts may negatively affect the user. Nether is called "Chthonian Element" that flows through the realms of the living and the dead. It affects the user if they are not all powerful.

So after solving the issue of little dark lord baby thing I prepare my gift for Harry. I touched his forehead and injected psychic energy.

"Now no one can enter your mind"

Yes. I have implanted a psychic shield. It's a simple thing. Charles Xavier in marvel has implanted psychic shield for Wolverine so he can resist telepathic probing. And I will not be outdone by any bald head in wheel chair.

It's not occlumancy as it doesn't empty his mind or he can suddenly control his emotions or anything. Now he can resist Legilimency from anyone. Especially from dark lord during 1st year.

"Now come the hard part"

Alex closes the door for the cupboard and approached the room of his aunt and uncle.

"I do know this is inappropriate and may be cruel for them but it may help two families in the future"

What Alex going to do is not fully mind control but hypnosis suggestions. It may induce doubts and guilt regarding the treatment of their nephew and some kind of familiar affection for Harry. It also helps to cope with any accidental magic that Harry may display in future and slowly reduce the aversion for magic.

If they has no aversion to magic and any kind of affection to Harry they may treat him better in future. This may leads to discipline their son's behaviour as they tends to spoil him too much for making Harry jealous. So in this world we may see a good Dudley.

After few minutes Alex exit the bedroom of Vernon and Petunia.

"Yeah that feels uncomfortable to deal with"

Alex doesn't liked what he did but it is the only solution. He usually doesn't listen to anyone's thoughts like some bald professor (*cough* Xavier*cough*) as he consider them very private.

We can't judge someone good or bad based on their thoughts. Thoughts are not based on the person's goodness or evilness. We all may have many bad thoughts during any minutes of our life but if we judge a person by these thoughts all people may consider as evil.

The person may consider as bad of he acts upon these thoughts. So Alex never listens to anyone's thoughts. Especially children from his school.

"No matter what anybody says those devils are evil as Satan"

"Now let's go back to home and catch some sleep"

~Flashback end~

Suddenly Alex's mother calls him from downstairs

"Alex we are ready let's cut the cake"

Yes. It is his birthday and today he became 11.

"Now let's wait for my admittance letter and before that let's cut some cake" .Alex said to himself.

Alex happily run downstairs for his cake while singing"~cake~I~am~coming~for~you~"

yeah sometimes he is creepy.