
Chapter 118 : Conference.

'*Sigh*. Out of the two hundred thousand Orcs, I had to kill fifty thousand as they were too loyal to Gerd and were troublesome to keep. I'm going to absorb the remaining a hundred and fitty thousand Orcs.

I already made some preparations in advance, like building extra homes and such. While it may not be enough, with the extra man power that I will get, they will build them in no time at all. With the Orcs, it will be a huge boost in manpower.

My village will be built extremely fast. Now it is time for the post war conference.' I thought before sitting on a chair that was in the front.

On my right, there was the representative of the Orcs and on my left, the representative of the Lizardmen.

'I already made a deal with the Lizard King, he will become my vassal either way.'

"We shall start this conference." Treyni, the Dryad, clapped.

'Well, she is commanding the conference because she is one of the protectors of this Forest, only the Dryads have the authority to name someone the Guardian Or King of the Forest.'

"Let the conference begin." She said.

"*Cough*. I will not hold the Orcs as the responsibles for their actions. They did it only because they were desperate. Anyone in their situation would have done the same." After I said that, I saw the representative of the Orcs becoming surprised.

'The are too easy to manipulate. The only thing I had to say was that I don't blame them for their actions, this already made them think of following me.' I smiled.

"I will give every single Orc a home. They will join my town and they will help in the construction of it. Constructing roads, building houses and etc. One of you will represent all of Orcs as my direct subordinates, his job will be telling me what issues does the Orc race face inside my village. And I will decide in how to deal with it." I declared.

"Very well. Kuroku, from here forth, you shall be known as King of the Great Forest of Jura. King Kuroku." Treyni said.

The others looked at each other before getting up and kneeling. Seeing this made me smile.

"I swear to protect all my subjects and confront every invader that dares to place a single foot inside the Forest. I will bring prosperity to the land. I will defend this land until the very last drop of blood. Should any of the neighboring countries decided that they want, even a small piece of the Forest, they will face my wrath." I sworn.

"King Kuroku, why is your speech so inclined to war?" Treyni asked.

"It is only a matter of time until war comes to the Jura Federation. Some Demon Lord was pulling the strings to create a new Demon Lord, the Orc Disaster to rule the Jura Forest. However, now that the Great Forest of Jura has a King, they will try to remove me.

Also, the Eastern Empire always looked at the Forest of Jura with hungriness, since it is full of resources. If a nation was born here, it would be a future powerhouse. One that will have the potential to control the entire continent. If we was estabilished trade with the Dwarf Kingdom, we would benefit hugely from it.

Besides, our location is at the center of the map. It is perfect to develop trading and to create multiple trading routes with all the ten countries that surround us. I want to build a safe haven for my population, be it humans or monsters.

However, I cannot build it alone. Will you follow me in this foolish dream of mine?" I asked my subordinates.

"Yes, Kuroku-sama!" Shion, Benimaru, Shuri, Hakurou and Kurobee answered almost immediately.

"It is a beautiful dream, King Kuroku. However, it's way is full of obstacles." Treyni said.

"It will be not a problem. I will bring reinforcements to help in achieving my ambition." I smiled

'System, can I summon my subordinates?'

["Yes, you can. You have reached enough power to be able to bring them."]

Like this, I left to go summon my subordinates.