

I never wanted things to be like this you know, I never wanted to have blood on my hands, but life didn't give me a choice, born a 3rd son to a peasant family, joining the military had been the only chance I had to earn a living, maybe have a halfway decent lifestyle, find a good wife, have a child and settle down with her one day. But at some point, I started to have these dreams, if you could call them that, and everything started to change. “Prometheus…who is he?” I said to myself as I closed my notebook and went to bed. *** the story of Prometheus anagnorisis covers the story of Ithax, a young peasant boy who enlisted into the army out of no real choice, forced into a world of power struggles between multiple species and human kings and nobles, Ithax will have to figure out his own purpose for living…will he be able to find the peaceful life he wanted or will forces beyond his reach keep on pulling him back onto the battlefield. *** Prometheus - anagnorisis, is something that I started thinking of around 2 months into college after I had understood myself that there was no way I would be able to continue writing my previous novel at this point, and I spent a great deal of time thinking about world design, and stuff like that, I only finally got time to pen things down by the time my first semester ended, and I can say for certain that this is my best work to date. the novel will be divided into 3 parts, of which I will reveal only the first one for now, ASCENSION, covering the start of Ithax's journey. The name Prometheus - anagnorisis itself is supposed to be a mystery for those of you who are interested in why I chose the name, as the story goes on you will slowly understand the meaning of the name. I won't reveal much in the synopsis here, as everything that I can say here would act as a spoiler, which would ruin the fun of a novel like this one.

themusicaddict · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 4 - survive

From the corner of my eyes, I had seen the tiger smiling, and I don't think that ever in my life had I felt more fear from anything than I had at that moment. Of course, it's not like it was a very high hurdle.

I had stopped paying attention to everything that had been going on behind me at this point, or rather, I could not afford to, as my horse had entirely started to go crazy at this point, it too probably could feel the same fear we could from the tiger.

My horse not cooperating at this point was not very helpful in this situation considering we were totally away from the road and had been traveling in the general direction of the western base straight through the forest.





Then it happened. I was looking at the world upside down. Mid-air, I realized how messed up I was as I saw the hooves of my horse along with many others had been chopped off. There were also the unlucky few who had their heads chopped off by the tiger that had caused this travesty. It was no exaggeration to call it a fountain of blood, as the corpses of the horses and soldiers started to shoot out blood, covering the forest floor crimson.

It took me no longer than a second while my horse started to fall, to get my legs out of the stirrups and jump, or right on time to roll on the ground with as few injuries as possible. Of course, it was impossible to avoid damage, as I had jumped straight into a tree. However, I didn't have enough time to assess the damage that had been dealt to me, not that I was even capable of doing that as things were right now and how scared out of my mind I was.

I don't know how I looked at the moment as I looked at Jason and the rest, not even looking back at me. Perhaps it was because the feeling of abandonment had enveloped me at the moment. I didn't even know how to react, but I was not given time to get my thoughts together as I saw the tiger had started to approach its prey, and behind it were the parasites that stuck close enough to it to eat the leftovers of the tiger.

Before my brain could react to the situation, my body moved as I picked up the bag of supplies that barely survived off my horse's corpse and ran straight into the forest, hoping that the beasts would not find it worth the effort to go after a single struggling piece of meat, especially when they had such a large buffet before them.

What I had forgotten to consider at the time was that the entire forest would be filled with beasts that would easily be able to kill me, the green tree pythons being a perfect example. However, I, none the wiser, ran north, hoping to take a longer route to the camp, possibly avoiding the beasts that had been chasing the group.

"Fuck you if you think I am going down without trying," I murmured to myself, attempting to encourage myself despite my dire situation.

"Should I look for other survivors? No, I don't have the luxury to do that right now. Anyone that could have been alive would likely have been dead. If not, they are escaping like I am right now," I muttered to myself under huffed breath.

For four hours, I think I ran, jumping over tree roots, vines, from bush to bush, avoiding most creatures that could kill me while trying to find a place to hide for the night.

It was only after the sun had started to set and the little light that had been coming from the crowns of the trees stopped coming that I stopped running and found a suitable tree to seek refuge under, all the while covering myself in dirt, mud, animal dung, and leaves to cover my scent, which I had only now realized I had not hidden until now, that is.

Fortunately for me, the giant redwood trees tended to have large cave-ins between their trunks and the ground due to how they grew, which led me to at least find a suitable place to sleep for a night. Of course, I could not light a fire, as that would be like announcing to all the beasts of the forest, 'I am here, come eat me.'

I dug a small hole in the ground underneath the tree close to its gigantic roots, which for tonight, I would be calling my bed. Once I had done that, I leaned back against the tree and for the first time today got an ounce of fresh air, still not relieved of stress, of course, as a billion thoughts had started to go across my mind at this time. But still, given the scope of nature I was surrounded by at this point in time, there was no way I could avoid taking a moment to appreciate how beautiful (dangerous but beautiful) the forest looked right now.

The gigantic redwood trees, with dark green leaves, only lit up by the fireflies that roamed the forest, and the lush greenery that thrived at the bottom of the forest, almost felt enchanting, to be honest. However, after taking a moment to appreciate it, my thoughts once more started to get back on track, as I rummaged through my bag and pulled out the jerky that I had packed with me. "I am so proud of myself," I muttered with a proud look on my face and started to eat when all the exhaustion and pain that had piled up until now hit me and made me almost puke out everything I had eaten all day.

Fortunately, I kept my mouth shut and gulped everything back in. I had no choice but to. If the smell got out right now, I would be in big trouble, and not only that, given my situation, when I did not know how long it would be before I could get to the camp, I had to save every ounce of nutrition I could. There was the option of foraging around for food, but that carried two great risks. The first was that it could potentially attract unwanted attention from beasts, and the second being that I did not know what was edible and what was not. As such, if I just picked something up randomly and ate it, I could potentially be walking straight to my grave.

"Haaaah," I let out a pained breath as I took a moment to assess the damage that I had suffered so far. "A broken rib, maybe two, and several other internal injuries. I will need to find a doctor first thing when I get to the camp," I said to myself as I looked at the multiple bruises on my body and then pulled out the map that had been distributed to all of us going to the western frontier, as we had to have some way to get there precisely in case something like today happened.

"Let's see. I ran for about 4 hours north when we were about 2 hours on course away from the training camp, and about another 30 minutes straight west from there… a horse would have been really fucking nice right about now. Shit." I cursed as I crawled into the hole I would call a bed for the night.

I'm sorry that I was unable to post a chapter yesterday, I had quite a bit of stuff to do, from a test to a club meeting that pretty much took the entirety of my day, and by the time I thought of writing it was already time for me to go to bed.

themusicaddictcreators' thoughts