

" If it wasn't for my love of exploration , I would have killed myself five years ago " (Reading this synopsis, you're going to think it's another novel about transportation to another world, and the mc is going to get bitches and live with happiness and make friends and something like that, but TRUST ME, IT'S NOT.) "PROJECT ZESTA: The Lord of Chaos" is about a mentally ill and unstable young man. When Kayne was about to turn 15, an accident made him forget all his memories, leaving him to face a completely strange world with no friends, no family, no dreams, and no hope. All he remembered was his own name. Years passed and when Kayne reached the age of 19 and entered university, all his expectations about the world burned, leaving him with more mental illnesses and a fucked life experience. The only source of joy he found was in reading novels and fantasy stories that let him wish and dream about being transported to another world, where just maybe, he could find his true identity. Kayne wakes up one morning at 3am from the nightmares he always has when he forgets to take his medicine. He think it's just another long night he’ll have to spend alone in his dark apartment, but surprisingly, Kayne gets sent to another world. In that world, Kayne will go through a lot of events that change both his mentality and his view toward life but not in a good way. As Kayne goes through different experiences and meets other people, he's going to find himself killing and destroying himself from the inside. After reading my novel, chapter by chapter, you’ll realize that the MC is neither a villain nor a hero; he just wants to find his true identity from before losing his memories and try to live his life.

Potato_Big · 都市
20 Chs

chapter 12 : the conscious

Chapter 12

Resume of the last events :

The hellhound after getting humiliated by an unknown sound

he has been pardoned and he was able to survive by Running through the gate leaving the village in a trouble condition and there were no signs of life in it , other than the Goblins and Kayne and the owner of the unknown voice.


After a while from the hellhound escape and the gate get closed Kayne was checking around with an expression of sadness and madness and when he looked at the cursed forest the place where the voice came from

He was able to see a shadow or silhouette coming out from the forest.

At the second he saw the shadow walking slowly and looking around but at the moment he turned his head straight to the village exactly the place were kayne was standing Kayne felt a little pressure it's not the same like the hellhound was crushing him with it but it was stronger it was like a fire burning inside of him a fire of rage and weird emotions and then...

In a blink of an eye the shadow disappear and faded with a strong breeze of wind and appeared behind Kayne , not letting Kayne looking behind him the owner of the voice put his hand on the shoulder of Kayne and said

" And you little boy What do you do in a place you shouldn't be? " The unknown person said with a gentle tone while rubbing Kayne's shoulder softly but alas

At that moment Kayne feelings were so conflicting,and many things were popping in his head somethings are just images and other things were voices and like this time in the woods when he saw the terrible death of the children , but this time the sadness was hitting on him and a terrible feeling of pain and pressure was on his Heart it wasn't the owner of the voice fault it was like a lock inside Kayne's mind was opened after a long time

Kayne eyes started bleeding with some dark liquid and his mind started to going hazy with his eyes rising to the sjy slowly Kayne fall on his knees and looked at the voice owner with a defeated face

" Ops i think I surprised him too much " the voice owner said said while taking her hand off his shoulder and getting away of him

When Kayne Start passing out he heard a familiar sound it was the notifications alert and then he saw a window appears saying:


Due to the USER loss of consciousness and the availability of a large number of points, the program suggest to the USER the :

Activation of the automatic mechanism for the distribution of statistics

Activate. / Don't activate

With a tired and bloody looking face and half closed ayes Kayne Whispered : " Too much writing I don't know if this thing can help me with this situation just activate" he whispered before finally closing his eyes and fell unconsciously at his face

Another window appears saying

A feature has been activated, the distribution will stop when the points of the user ends

Sleep well dear USER

"Heeeeh ? Wait don't sle_ huh! he's snoring already what should I do with him ? Hmmmm ? Okay I'll deal with This mess first" This what voice owner said while looking at kayne falling on his face dramaticly like a dead soldier before looking at the goblins that were shaking in fear and behind them the shaman goblin and the ruined village

Back to Kayne in , his mind

* Huh am I dead it's completely darkness and cold in here * kayne was saying while facing a white sky , the sky was all covered with white clouds giving a lazy atmosphere

A window appears

* Huh ?? Is there statistics Windows at hell to ? * This what kayne said while looking at the notification that he received


The conditions have been fulfilled, a LOCKED MEMORY LOCK will be broken

* Locked memories? Does he mean by the locked memories like what happened in the forest , that weird scenario and that kid with weird expressions ! Could it be me ?* Kayne kept asking questions that no one gonna answer with a stressed and shocked face while scratching his Chin

A grey gate appears it was 2 meters tall no really wide and when he stood up and headed toward it the gate start sucking Kayne inside

*Wait ?? Waaaaai!! Aaaaaaaah ?*

"Haaaaa where the hell am I now ? I keep getting Throwed in weird places And why I'm fucking naked? "Kayne said while sitting on his butt and looking around then looking back at himself to see his body completely naked

Kayne found himself In a weird area Where there is nothing but a wide extension of the grass and there are no other signs of life but there was only one thing that seems so Suspicious it was a medium-sized house surrounded by small wood Fence, and there is a tree under the tree was a swing that was moving with it self with

this weird atmosphere that make you feel like you're Daydreaming kayne once again felt the familiarity with this place like he had been there once

" Is this place where I can find my memory? Okay let's check it out" ignoring his thoughts kayne just opened the small wooden door of the fence and entered the yard while checking the place only for him to look again at the swing to see a kid was swinging and singing a song, the kids sound wasn't clear for kayne so he was getting closer and closer

" Aah excuse me ! By any chance Do you live here kid ? " Kayne asked while covering his stick with both hands afraid that the kid will think he's some kind of perverts but what kayne didn't expect the kid just jumped off the swing and started running toward the house going through the Walls?

"Wait wtf !?? Was that a ghost? How did he managed to go through the wall ? wait let me try it" kayne said while not understanding what just happened Infront of his eyes then he tried to see if he could do as the kid and walk through the wall but there was no point from doing that

"I just noticed that but this house has no windows and doors at this side ! " Kayne said with a shocked face before going behind the house not finding any door or window " what the actual fuck is going on here let me just go back were I came from " when kayne went to other side he noticed a change, the swing and the tree wasn't there and when he looked at the house again he saw what seems to be a window that wasn't there at the first place

Kayne went closer to the window and. When he leaned on the window putting his face and the palms of his hands trying to see what's happening inside


Chapter 12 ended