
prohibited power

Benjiro has the true divinity of destruction but if he were to use too much of his own mana, the curse would cause him to lose control over his powers. The curse took his will to live thousands of years ago but when he truly fell in love for the first time, he wanted to experience existence again.

empty_jian · ファンタジー
3 Chs

Ch.1 Part 3

"Dear esteemed newcomers, budding magicians, and future luminaries of the arcane arts,

welcome, welcome, one and all, to the hallowed halls of the imperial celestine academy, where the boundaries of magic are not only pushed, but gloriously shattered! As the proud and illustrious principal of this esteemed institution, it is my great pleasure to extend a most exuberant and magnanimous welcome to each and every one of you.

You stand now at the threshold of greatness, poised to embark on a journey of unparalleled discovery and enlightenment! Here, within these sacred walls, we cultivate the finest of minds, nurture the most potent talents, and shape the destiny of our esteemed empire!

Make no mistake, dear students, you have been chosen to walk these halls not by chance, but by destiny itself! For it is not mere coincidence that has led you here, but the divine hand of fate, guiding you towards your rightful place among the elite practitioners of magic, who are destined to fulfill the role of executioner of divine will!

As you embark upon this journey of enlightenment and mastery, let me be clear: mediocrity is not an option! Here at the celestine academy, we demand excellence, we expect greatness, and we tolerate nothing less! You are not here to merely study magic; you are here to redefine it, to push its boundaries, and to unlock its true potential!

But fear not, for you are not alone on this journey! You have at your disposal the finest faculty, the most advanced facilities, and the unwavering support of your fellow students! Together, we shall strive for excellence, for greatness, and for the realization of our most audacious of dreams!

So, let us raise our fists in salute to this auspicious occasion, and let us embark upon this journey with heads held high and hearts afire with ambition! For here at the celestine academy, the pursuit of magic is not merely a vocation; it is a calling, a destiny, and a legacy!

Thank you, and may your time here be nothing short of legendary!"

The crowd applauds, and applauds. All the students' faces were filled with excitement.

Nobody else thought that guy was weirdly fanatic? 

Class alpha one. The elites huh? It seems I can't trick the human technology yet.

Benjiro opens the classroom door and smiles as he sees a familiar face. He directly approaches her.

"Oh hey, are you-"

"Oh, noble gazelle, your grace enchants the meadow, each bound a dance with the wind, a symphony of elegance in your presence."

"Who are you, weirdo?!" 

The entire class stared at them. She was not only beautiful, but the daughter of an honored knight, in the eyes of a bystander, he must have been either crazy or an imbecile, not to mention awkward. 

As she looked at him, confused and disgusted, he got closer. Benjiro put both his hand on her desk. He got so close one could think he was going for a kiss, grinning threw out. When she swung to slap him though he channeled destruction mana into his eyes. His Pupil lit up in bright red. She stopped the slapping motion. Now, in his vibrant purple iris, lines shaped like lightning, glowing in the same red as his pupil, grew inward, from the outer edges of his iris, until they connected to the pupil. She was speechless. A bright purple word, written from top to bottom, appeared in his pupil. She jumped off her seat and hugged him.

"I missed you so much! I can't believe I didn't recognize you."

"I missed you too." he whispered: "What name do you go by these days?"

"Ziva Athena, what about the cultists messiah?"

"Benjiro Abaddon"

"What a coincidence, I never would have expected you to end up in my class, or in human school at all. Sit down, you are even next to me."

The bystanders' faces turned from curious to jealous.

"I was surprised too but I don't think it was a coincidence. Lana told me that there would be someone in my class I cared about."

"Ugh, that vile creature of a woman is still your caretaker? I can't wait for her to roll over and die already."

"She is annoying sometimes, but don't you think that's a bit much?"

"Uhm, never mind, the professor is here"

A tall man in a light grey robe with yellow collar leans his staff on the pulpit. The staff is shaped like caduceus. A rod entwined by two serpents, at the top of the rod, there is a yellow crystal from which a pair of wings come forth. Except for the yellow mana crystal at the top and the rubies in the serpents' eyes, it is made entirely out of silver.

"Hello students, I, Reynard Ashbourne will henceforth be your teacher. As a healing professor I must say it is a surprise to be teaching an alpha class, therefor my expectations of you are great. You will receive the same fundamentals lessons as your parallel classes. Your specialization is in healing and curses, but I trust you knew that much already. For today though, you are excused from classes. You may dine at the cafeteria before your Entrance ceremony begins."