
prohibited power

Benjiro has the true divinity of destruction but if he were to use too much of his own mana, the curse would cause him to lose control over his powers. The curse took his will to live thousands of years ago but when he truly fell in love for the first time, he wanted to experience existence again.

empty_jian · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Ch.1 Part 2

She leaned in on him, staring at his youthful face.

"How long haven't you been in your human form anymore?"

Benjiro gently laid a hand on her cheek to push her head away as he set into motion.

"5 months."

"You should assume that form more often, you look real handsome in it." Lana said with a suggestive smile on her face.

"Of course, Anyway, when are you going to tell me where we're going?"

"To your new school."

"Are you serious?" Knew it, there is always a catch with her.

"I registered you as my son and enrolled you at an ambiance magic school. Doesn't that help you with that curse?"

"I guess it could and I mean, I am not opposed to learn how to use other mana sources more effectively but won't the humans question why I use destruction mana?"

"Really? That is what you are worried about? not the daily contact with humans?" She squints her eyes. "... do you finally wanna quit being a shut-in?"

He waved his hand rejectingly. "Nah, I'll just be an asshole to everybody."

"You already are, don't worry. Besides, I doubt that you will treat everyone like that."

Surprised, he raised an eyebrow. "Oh? And why is that?"

"Just let it surprise you."

"Damn this mysterious act of yours pisses me off."

"Everybody has their secrets. speaking of secrets, don't correct humans on how divinity works or what humans are. If the grace church finds out you know stuff you shouldn't, they will come after you."

"Got it mom."

"I am serious. I can cover a lot of stuff but If you make yourself something powerful people want to have covered up, you won't be able to get out of that anymore."

"Got it, I still don't know how to explain my purple mana though."

"Put this on."

The rather plain looking black ring that Benjiro now wore on his left index finger had a yellow stripe in the middle of its inner surface but no apparent function.

"And now what?"

"Try to form destruction mana."

They stopped. Tiny, light blue particles appeared out of thin air, gravitating towards Benjiro. As those particles gathered to form a mist surrounding his hands, they changed their color from blue to yellow. When he took a look, his face twitched in disappointment.

"Wait what? Healing mana? Is that the only kind I can make now?" Well that's sort of useless then.

"No, you can still make the other ones, they just look like healing mana now."

Phew, I can keep blowing things up! Erm... I shouldn't blow up anything here though.

"Oh alright... uhm... could you absorb it please?"

"You can't even absorb your own mana, but I am the useless deity, sure."

As Lana grabs his wrists, the yellow mist forms purple threads which flow into her chest, being absorbed by her core.

"Wow man, you went from earning respect and fear alike as the great Dracul to incapable of absorbing that little mana."

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that!?"

"Aww, did I make Dracul mad?"

Clearly pleased with herself, Lana bit her lip while grinning at Benjiro.

"A little. I would also never have thought that I'd hear aww and Dracul in the same sentence."

"Well then, feel free to take out your anger, I would like to see you getting rough."

"Still not happening, never happening actually."


You can go the rest of the way alone; I wouldn't want the other kids to see you getting walked to school by your mommy after all."

"Where is that school and more importantly, please never call yourself that again."

Lana points at a gigantic medieval chapel with gargoyles over the main entrance and a statue of saint Platonia on its roof, who is said to have made a barbaric tribe civilized just by the sound of her voice and to have brought a fallen knight back to grace.

"The school is next to the saint Platonia grace church."

Benjiro waved at her like he was shooing off a cat while turning his back to Lana.

"Alright, hope you are not around to ruin my solitude when I come home."

"Bye, love you too sweetie."