
The Bet.

I picked up the bow staff, weighing it. The piece of wood was poorly made making it perfect for training. Wouldn't cost much to replace. The fact it was about a foot longer than I was tall and five pounds heavier than it should be for someone my size was irrelevant. I hefted the thing above my head and spun it in a circle, using my memory to make the action appear fluid to the untrained eye. If I had muscle memory it would have truly been fluid.

The one eye'd instructor narrowed said eye at me and frowned again. He had expected complaining about the too long, too heavy, weapon and an explanation being demanded. Sadly for him, I knew all of those tricks. I cracked my neck while widening my stance and moving my hands at the halfway point between the center of the staff and the ends.

I smiled then. It was a sort of insane smile that most people who got off on fighting wore. It was another psychological tactics and meant to unnerve your opponent. Who wanted to fight someone who cared nothing for their own safety after all?

"What are you playin' at kid?" He was annoyed, not angry. I needed him angry.

"I'm not playing, Instructor. I'm going to beat you and then move on to the others." He bared his teeth at me in a mocking smile and I returned the gesture. It was unlikely to be intimidating on a child, but it would provoke him more. I had no doubt these men were experienced in combat, but I doubted they were used to fighting things that applied the same tactics against them.

"Alright, I'm going to knock you on your ass and have you running this field all day, every day, until you beg me to let you leave." Perfection, he was pissed now. He moved in toward me with two massive steps. He was slow, likely wanting to use his size to make me lock-up out of fear. His stance wasn't grounded properly and he raised his staff above his hand one handed like a moron. It made me think less of the man for underestimating an opponent, any opponent.

The staff came down toward my head in a powerful arc and I pulled a foot back, moving my body a fraction and to the side while using my own staff to thrust into his throat. The man's own shock and momentum ensured his loss. He expected to thump me and found himself going too far forward because he used to much strength and then took a blow right in his esophagus because of it.

I'd only used a little force because anything more might have led to lasting damage or actual death. Instead, he fell forward onto his knees and coughing hard enough I was sure blood would come up in a bit. I moved up beside him and laid the staff against the back of his neck while telling him the truth. "Dead."

---Ludicuse Adventurer Guild; Guild Leader Study---

"Look, I get you're having a rough time Stewart but I can't just send you B-rank and above teams with a single report of a Goblin Tide. You said it was some Monster Farm owner and his kid as well. They could have seen a stray Goblin and thought it the end of the world. Get me concrete prove and then we can talk."

I resisted the growl of frustration as I looked at the balding man in the Communication Crystal. Yarick was a pompous and ambition bastard and would rather see me fail in defending a town from such a threat than actually aid me. The annoying part was he was my only choice this far out in the frontier.

"Yarick, I trust the report. I am formally requesting your aid under Guild Charter Sub Section C, Paragraph Five. 'All threats of B-rank and above will be dealt with through joint cooperation of all Guilds in the area while awaiting additional aid from those further afield.' I could go further and detail the consequences of failing to adhere to Guild Law if you like."

The fact I'd had to read through the fucking charter before this made the frown on his face both more satisfying and annoying. "Fine, Stewart. I'll send one B-rank team to assist in locating the threat. They still might take a week since they are in the field, however."

Oh, you pompous jackass. "Send another team then! We need the aid, now!" He smiled then, it was a sickly sweet and false smile.

"They are all in the field and need to be tracked down. A week is the soonest they can arrive." he cut the call then and I was half tempted to throw the fucking crystal against the wall in my frustration. It wouldn't be soon enough. A Goblin Tide was a B-rank threat to any area it occurred in. The reason was simple, Goblins bred like rabbits having baby goblins in groups of ten that grew to adulthood in a week. A Tide was when they received enough food for all the local tribes to spawn back to back without stop where they would then surge out to acquire other females, of any humanoid race, and force them to breed with them further increasing the threat and their population. Empires had fallen because of a Tide of Goblins in the past because the threat wasn't taken seriously.

Too many people thought of Goblins as pathetically weak creatures, and they were, but even ants could kill an elephant with numbers. I ran a hand through my own thinning white hair and sighed. Ludicuse had three B-rank Adventurer groups with maybe two B-rank in each group while the other three were C-rank. I was the towns only A-rank as well. It wouldn't be enough if it was a true Tide, less so if a Goblin King were born which would make the fucking thing an S-rank. Thankfully those monstrous Creatures were rare, even in a Tide. The chances of one being born were about one in one billion.

I'd have to speak with the Mayor and the Guard Captain about pulling in the outlying farmers so we didn't have pointless deaths. With luck, the two teams I sent to James' farm would find a few Tribes and cull their females and infants to limit the threat to a degree. Time, a commodity we no longer had, was ticking.

I went back to some papers, findings on increased Goblin activity from the night before that a few D-rank teams had found as well. I'd just finished two of the reports when my secretary and Guild Receptionist, Sally, came flying into my study. She gulped in air while catching her breath and I stood up, afraid that something horrible had happened when she shouted out "training field! Crispin, the cute one, fighting instructors!"

I narrowed my eyes at her and followed her out, rather I was dragged out by the petite woman. When we made it to the training field I saw the other kids that wanted to join the Guild looking at the field with their mouths open, shock evident in their gazes. Even the Mayors brats were gaping like slack-jawed nitwits. It was pretty easy to see why as well. The boy that came in last night, Crispin, stood over another man with a wooden scimitar pressed against his neck and telling him he was 'dead.'

What surprised me was that the Instructor was a C-rank and had lost to a ten-year-old boy. What in the bloody hells was going on here? I looked at the other Instructors and saw Claw, a nickname he earned after a bear took his eye, on his ass holding his throat. I moved up beside him, and the other four that lay down beside him who all looked despondent. "What is going on here? Why are you all on the side like this?"

Claw looked up at me, wheezing and closing his eye against the pain while another Instructor, Dex, spoke up. "The boy, Stewart, you sent us a monster. He took Claw out in two moves and then went through the rest of the weapons. The only reason I can talk is because I had the bow. Little brat split my arrow right down the center, all three of them. Poor Jessica there had it worse though, the kid doesn't play fair by any means. Rammed his dagger right into her " - "Another word and I cut your tiny excuse for a dick off Dex." he continued past the interruption, skipping over the detail he wanted to say. "Needless to say, the kid beat us in every weapon we have here. We underestimated him at first, took him for a cocky little prick. We started taking him seriously after he took out Kelp there in axes. He still beat us, not with strength but technique and tactics. Where did you get this kid?"

I looked over at Crispin who had tossed the scimitar to the side and was stretching his body, wincing in obvious pain. The kid had probably torn muscles and judging by a few of those welts he was going to look like hell in an hour or two. I walked up toward the kid, taking him in as I did. Blond hair so light it was more like white gold than an actual blond with dark amber eyes, a color you'd see more in animals than people. He was a short little arse for ten, barely reaching three and a half feet but had lean muscle that promised he'd be stronger in the future.

The thing that surprised me most was his insight or knowledge. He dissected our training program in five minutes when I first met him and had chosen the stables by all reports, even cleaning them before anyone else could. He was a quiet kid too, disconcerting really, he just watched everything like he could understand it through observation. I wasn't even going to get into the fact his Lupine was actually a 'free beast.' He was abnormal as hell.

"Guild Master." He came to attention when he saw me and said my title. I wanted to throttle him for it as well. The kid did it because I'd refused sir and to keep himself emotionally distant from anyone. I'd paid attention to his conversation with James as well. The kid wasn't right in the head.

"Crispin, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked, frustrated that he disturbed me at all.

"Proving I am 'adept' in all of these weapons. Your people have a problem with underestimating children." The inflection in his voice implied he found the entire affair tedious and below him. You cocky little shit. They had a right to underestimate children, none of them would have managed to move a single step normally.

"I see. The point, boy?" I saw a glimmer appear in his eyes at me calling him 'boy' and smiled a bit at him. I'd likely need to work on this one personally a few times. Assuming we survived the fucking Tide.

"Just as I said, to prove I am 'adept.' There is only one more weapon I have to prove myself with."

"Oh?" Where was the kid going with this? He'd gone through every weapon we allow kids to fight with. I happened to glance up and saw his Lupine with Saddie, the stable hands' daughter riding her.

"Creatures, Guild Master. I need to prove I am 'adept' with them as well." Alright, apparently the kid had a death wish. I liked Old Sab, he was a textbook Adventurer and did his Missions with ease. He just didn't know how to hold back, period.

"That won't" - "Oh Stewart, I accept the boys' odd little challenge to us all!" I sighed, looking toward Old Sab. He was watching the Lupine with that hungry gaze in his eyes. If he had one real weakness or point of issue it was the fact he coveted unique Creatures and 'collected' them.

---Crispin; Training Field.---

I disliked that this man, a man I had actually liked went back to calling me 'boy' or 'kid' when I had thought I'd shocked him enough to call me by my name. I restrained the sigh I wanted to let loose. No doubt he disliked I'd made a fool of his Adventurers in such a public way. It needed to be done though, I wanted to win and I would.

I lifted my right arm a bit while Stewart went to speak to the older man. I'd taken a nasty blow there from the female Instructor with the daggers. I didn't blame her either, I'd jammed the fucking thing right into her groin, likely causing a lot of pain. I don't care what anyone says, a woman can be hurt as badly as a man if hit in their nethers. The fact I'd angled the wooden guard to hit where her clit should be would have only caused her more pain as the sensitive mound of nerves was crushed.

Wincing when I realized the arm wasn't going to be lifted above my ribs I looked at the woman who was busy glaring at me. If looks could kill I'd likely be dead. I turned my attention to the older men and realized that the man, likely Sab, was watching Saga with a hunger that was more than desire. I wanted to end him, but I could not. Not yet. He was about the same age as Stewart but with hair down to his ass and a beard to match. Silver with age he seemed less world-weary than the Stewart who stood beside him. Deep blue eyes flicked between Saga and Stewart while he just smiled at the Guild Master, shaking his head and speaking in response.

I clicked my tongue against my teeth before stretching my back, trying to ignore the torn muscles that had been a result of actions performed well before this body was ready for them. I'd be hurting for weeks at this rate, unless I obtained one of those Health Potion things, assuming I could. I had no idea if they were valuable in this world or not. Nor the price for one. I'd go with the assumption I'd heal the hard way, which worked. It would build those muscles up some, make them tougher.

I let loose a whistle, calling Saga. The sound was high pitched and sharp. She stopped bounding around the outskirts of the field and rushed to my side while ignoring the frustrated girl on her back who I knew was saying something along the lines of 'ignore the stinky boy, Saga!' I really did question Dereks methods when it came to his daughter. The young woman had a very real hatred of men. The fact I was the entire focus of that hatred half the time only made it more annoying.

I reached up to pat Saga on the neck, only to receive a kick to keep me away for my trouble. "Go away! We were playing!" came the petulant response. I did sigh then and looked at the teenager.

"Saddie, I need Saga for this next matter. You can play with her later." I felt I was being very considerate. Apparently, it wasn't enough for the kid.

"Use something else! Saga is mine for the day!" Whelp, that was about enough of that. Ignoring the stares I was getting now for our little display I called out for Derek.

"Derek, would you please get your child off of my Lupine?" The lithe man was trying to slink away when I called out for him. He froze, looked at me and then his glaring daughter and sighed. He was always so timid around the kid. The worst thing for him was her saying she hated him. Every time it happened you could see him stiffen up like he'd actually been stabbed. All I could think in regards to that was he needed to grow a pair and be a parent. Parents were not a child's friend, they were authority and structure to help them grow a fucking conscience.

He did take her off of Saga once she started to raise her hackles over the unwanted child on her back. Saga wouldn't bite her, of course, she liked Saddie for some odd reason. She would throw her right off if needed, however.

Ignoring the petulant teen who was systematically destroying her father with her words I had Saga lie down and got on her. I was far too sore to actively do a damn thing on foot after all those fights with the other Instructors. Thankfully Saga loved it when I rode on her. Likely because it meant I was constantly patting her neck or shoulder when we paused in a run. I gave her shoulder a light pat and looked over to see the Guild Master and the older Beast User regarding me. One seemed worried. The other one seemed hungry and covetous.

"Boy, you'll fight Old Sab here with your Creatures. He's decided to use a Lupine since you have one. It will be until one or the other is unable to continue. I will advise you both that any true harm that may lead to death will be punished severely."

I looked at the Guild Master, wondering if he knew what I wanted to do or was warning Sab, and his hungry eyes. Sab pulled out on odd little crystal and threw it onto the ground. Smoke billowed up a moment later and out stepped a massive black Lupine. It was male, based on the odd extra tufts of fur around his neck, and easily a foot taller than Saga. I'd never actually seen a Lupine that large. I looked at it, wondering how fast he would be, how dangerous. I'd need to keep low on Saga in case the big fucker took a snap at me while I was sitting on her back. I'd have to also trust Saga to keep him away from me, as well as her.

I smiled at the old man then. Nothing about this fight said it only allowed one beast. It would be the perfect chance to test the Parasitic Armored beetles in Saga and me as well as the Swift Horror. If things went well, the Swift Horror would be the reason I won. I pulled her from my pocket, carefully, hiding the motion and put her in Saga's hair, whispering to her. "You will get on the ground when the fight starts and make your way to the old man with the big bushy bears behind the other Lupine. Crawl up his back and then place your jaws against his carotid artery, the big mass of flesh on his neck. Do you understand?"

The Swift Horror looked confused a moment but moved her body in that odd rendition of a nod and I smiled at her. I hoped she really did understand. The problem with this was I couldn't start the damn thing, be it the fight or the bet. I knew he'd do something though, he wanted Saga for some reason. Just a matter of time before he either asked or demanded. With luck, it would be before this fight happened.

I was also curious about that crystal, mother had mentioned things like it, odd magical items that acted liked capsules to house Creatures for Beast Users or people transporting them. They were used for actual slaves as well. It made me think less of the man, not that it was possible to think less of him than I already did.

"You have a very interesting Lupine, such odd coloration. So 'unique'" I did not like the way he said unique, not one bit. It had so much raw desire in that single word I wondered at the man's' sanity. He paused, waiting for me to respond. I didn't. I didn't trust my control enough to speak right now.

"So you do know! Wonderful, how about a little wager then?" That was a little too quick and cliche for my liking. It got the job done regardless, but it seemed hinky. "What sort?" I asked.

"A friendly wager, nothing sordid. What do you say we place our Lupine up for grabs? Winner gets the losers Creature." I smiled at him, baring my teeth. It was a habit now. You see, with animals, if you bared your teeth it was a threat. Humans tended to misconstrue that fact and saw it as a friendly gesture. When I smiled, if I showed my teeth, it was never friendly.

"Sure, but I want something else. I want that Minotaur in the stables." Of course, I would love to remove all of his Creatures from him, but the wolf still had that gleam in his eyes, as if he had a conscious will even if it were being suppressed. The Minotaur was a broken creature though.

He looked at me, his head cocked to the side in consideration. It was a ruse, he wanted Saga and felt he would beat me, beat her. He'll take the bet. He smiled after a moment, nodding. Stewart cut in then and spoke against it, more like he was speaking only to Sab. "Old Sab, you don't need to go that far."

What was he getting at? Sab turned to him and smiled again. "Now, now Stewart. I won't hurt the boy. I promise." Stewart gave the man a long level look and said a simple 'see that you don't' in response.

"The bet is set then, young Adventurer." He snapped his fingers and the big black Lupine charged forth after issuing out a bark so deep it sounded more like the rumblings of a fucking volcano, then he was on us.

I widened my eyes, shocked that the big fucker could move that quick. Thankfully Saga was just a smidge faster and sprang to the left, dodging a bite that would have snapped her neck based on the force used. I took a precious second to glance at the old man who looked pissed at that outcome before he clenched his hand into a fist and the Lupine cried out in pure agony. What the hell? A function of those rune covered collars?

I'd pity the brute later. "Go," I whispered to the Swift Horror and watched the speedy little guy hit the ground and start moving toward the old man. It would take a while, considering the old bastard had placed himself near the group of kids. I had Saga take off in the opposite direction that the Centipede had taken and the big Lupine was after us, still whining at whatever phantom pain remained from his 'punishment.'

It didn't stop him from closing the distance, using his long stride to his advantage. Saga ducked another chomp, this one aimed at me. It had less force but would have still likely killed me. I knew it was a possibility, of course. No fight, real or not, was ever certain. Still pissed me off, as well as Saga. She moved to the side again, spinning around at the last minute as the big boy ran by us, snapping his jaws shut right by Saga's ear, she yelped in pain and I realized he managed to take a small chunk out of it. She moved by though and snapped her out fangs in a harrying blow on his haunch.

It was a glancing blow, deep enough to only cause some bleeding. That was fine though, it's what I trained her to do when fighting larger enemies, stronger enemies. You took them down bit by bit, bled them, weakened them and used your own speed to your advantage.

See, in a running fight the larger you were, the worse your chances if bled slowly. The more you moved, the more those little wounds that seemed like nothing would bleed and eventually it would take its toll. You would tire, growing weaker, be made helpless.

Saga had taken a long time to train like that, she was like some pit-bulls back on Earth, most Lupines locked their jaws, it's why I refused to let that big bastard get ahold of Saga as well. We rushed along the field, eating the yards with every step and turning. I heard the big male come upon our right and nudged Saga in the proper direction.

She ducked low and jumped to the side at the same time. Thankfully she had done that little hop because he'd come in low himself this time, aiming for her legs. She slows to a near stop and took another snapping bite at his back leg and he roared at the sharp pain before trying to turn on his back legs to take a frustrated bite at us. Saga was already gone though.

I was breathing hard, the soreness from before and this adrenaline forcing my body to go into overtime. Time elongated, as it always does in a fight. That might seem contradictory because everyone says how time seems to slow, it doesn't. It elongates. A minute feels like an hour, and seconds feel like minutes. I could feel my heart thumping in my chest and realized too late that Saga had moved to lose to one of the buildings.

I cursed mentally and shouted for her to turn as quickly as she could. It wasn't soon enough though, the big male had already arrived and used his girth, forcing us into the side of the building with enough force that the leg between Saga and that wall crunched. I cried out at the sharp pain, hissing my way through it and turned only to see a massive mouth filled with fangs right in my face. The only thought running through my mind was 'shit.' Death held no fear for me but losing like this was embarrassing.

That's when Saga moved. I mean really moved. She ducked down and dropped to her stomach, taking me away from the danger that was centimeters from my face and then I heard another loud crack and yelp of pure pain. I looked down and saw that Saga and snapped her jaws around his right front leg, breaking the bone there.

The big brute snarled and moved to snap his fangs around the back of her neck. I snapped a straight punch with what force I could muster right into his big brown eyes. It made him rear back and limp away since Saga had let go of his leg. He was shaking his head, whining and holding the broken limb up so no weight was on it.

Saga was moving again then, her hackles raised and she was silent. Not good, she was going to kill that big boy. "Saga, dodge," I said through my own pain, my busted leg hanging uselessly against her side. She did growl then, no doubt eyeing the big brute before running to another end. That's when we heard Stewart call out, his voice carrying across the field.

"Stop the match! Old Sab has lost!" I turned to look at them, trying to ignore the fact my weak body was in agony and failing. I saw the old fucker Sab frozen solid with a single black mark against his throat and Stewart eyeing the beast with all the care you might show to something very dangerous. She really wasn't, at least in terms of poison. She had somehow managed to snap her pincers right on his carotid artery though, whether she understood what I meant or simply went for what looked to have the most blood was irrelevant. I'd won, and I wanted a fucking nap.

A simple note. This fiction will not be fast paced. It will build, layer upon layer. If you expect to see instant gratification or more scenes that line up thanks to plot armor like this one, you are mistaken.

Leonholdtcreators' thoughts