
Chapter 1 : The Way of Street

Dastan, a street urchin, rescues another orphan in front of the King of Persia. His "royal spirit" leads to his royal adoption. Fifteen years later, he finds the Dagger of Time that can rewind time or destroy the world. Princess Tamina, ruler of Alamut is an appointed Guardian. Nizam, brother to the King, wants the Dagger and the throne, to become the most powerful ruler ever.

Dastan starts as a street urchin in Nasaf. After showing courage in the market place baffel, King Sharaman adopts him as his third son, after eldest heir Tus and second Garsiv.

Fifteen years later, the brothers lead the Persian army against the sacred city of Alamut. Against Sharaman's wishes, while he is praying, his brother and adviser Nizam, has wrongly convinced the three that Alumet is making and selling weapons to Persia's enemies. As Garsiv attaks the main gate, Dastan leads a squad with his best childhood friend Bis and opens the eastern gate "to save lives".

PRINCE OF PERSIA has a very strong moral worldview stressing loyalty, brotherly love, doing the right thing, and free market values.

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