
Chapter 8 - The Five Underworld Rivers

6 months later:

The last months have been brutal, Megalon wasn't kidding when he said it was going to be difficult. I learned how to walk on the bottom of the ocean without the water pressure crushing me to a pulp. I later discovered that I had some minor control over the earth basically summoning earthquakes stronger than those of Poseidon.

As I have next to no training in the art of using the trident, Megalon recruited the help of a merman to train me in the art, I didn't use my new trident as Megalon told me the trident had very destructive qualities so I'm using a basic grade trident. Let's just say I became a master at using the trident in one week.

I defeated twelve mermen let's just say I managed to finally impress Megalon. Let talk about the time I created an island.

I was remembering what happened on the day of my supposed death, the scathing words that were dealt me, all the hate all the anger, I just started shaking, I could feel my control over my powers slipping, then I remembered that there were people in the hotel, so I went to the bottom of the ocean and let all the pent-up power out, I could feel the land under the sea quaking, the water boiling at insane temperatures, I could feel the life forces of subjects the fish and sea monsters living in the ocean slowly fading, I quickly stopped, I looked around me with wide eyes, a large part of the ocean floor had floated to the surface creating an island already stable, I quickly used the water to heal the fishes and sea monsters, then I replaced the removed piece of land.

I found out I could practically become water. I was walking aimlessly around Alaska I didn't know hellhounds were following me.

Then I heard a growl at my back then I turned around and I saw around a dozen hellhounds at my I searched my pockets for Riptide then I remembered that I wasn't wearing a trouser with pockets I just stood there waiting for death at least I was immortal I would reform later I didn't even think of using my powers, then suddenly one pounced on me, suddenly I felt something passing through me I look down at my self I was water I thought about making my solid then I was back to my normal self it seems it only works when I'm in danger so I changed back to my watery form, I could feel the weird change come over me, it was like my body was turning into jelly, I then thought of having swords water became solid suddenly forming to two swords for me.

I grinned, "this just got interesting".

I shouted a battle cry and charged at the hellhounds my watery form slithering on the snowy floor before becoming solid, I decapitated maybe a really brave or really stupid hellhound, I then vaulted over another slashing at its head running on its back before it turned into dust, since my betrayal I found that I became more sadistic and blood lustful as I was killing them I was grinning a really crazy grin I'm sure scared them.

In the next 2 minutes, all that remained of them was golden dust.

I also found that I could vapour travel it practically entails becoming one with the air distorting your body turning it into molecules of water, so this means I have some major control over the air since the air is majorly made of water molecules. The first time I tried I did it in water when I reformed I found that I had an arm and a leg the water healed them since I was immortal.

Since then, I had long since perfected it I could vapour travel into anywhere even if there's a magical barrier around it as anywhere had water in the air.

I also found I could create anything with water all I had to do was imagine it.

After six months of training as the primordial of water and perfecting my powers I felt that I was ready to unlock my domain over the Underworld Rivers. I waited till tomorrow morning.

I then vapour traveled to the Underworld, the Fields of Asphodel specifically, I bent my aura to that of a recently deceased human as I didn't want Hades to discover a super powerful being walking around his domain.

I was in the fields of Asphodel, as I was wandering around Asphodel, ghosts were walking around me aimlessly, chattering incoherent words. I just ignored them and continued walking.

I reached the banks of the River Styx but I didn't see Phlegethon, Cocytus, Lethe, or Acheron. So I just left there and continued walking. I then reached the Heart of the Rivers, this is where the five rivers of the Underworld meet to become one.

I could vaguely hear the cries of the damned souls in all of them so I gingerly stepped back and looked at the river of five.

The fiery red river I recognized as the River Phlegethon because I drank from it with Annabit-, I mean her.

The milky white river I recognized as the River Lethe, was where I and my two best friends, Thalia and Nico fought Iapetus or Bob by the banks of the river.

Speaking of which, I have to speak To Thalia and Nico and tell them I'm okay. My mom and Paul also, I'm sure Poseidon has told them I was a traitor to Olympus but I know she won't believe him she'll probably kick him out. I'm sure she'll be mighty angry with me but she'll still forgive me and bake blue cookies, they don't serve those in my hotel, the time I asked for it they looked at me like I was crazy,

Aaaah, ADHD. Speaking of ADHD I thought my dyslexia and my ADHD would be gone but I was wrong my dyslexia is gone but my ADHD still remains, now where was I, yes I was describing the Rivers fir you, the completely black and polluted river that I recognized as the River Styx. So I stood at the edge of the Rivers and shouted

"Styx, Phlegethon, Acheron, Cocytus, and Lethe, come out, your father, Hydros, has faded and he has passed his domains unto me and he said I had to gain your allegiance to become the primordial of the Rivers, so come on out!".

Then suddenly the Heart started bubbling, then suddenly out of the Rivers, five respective beings materialized, from their auras I could tell they had more power than any random Olympian. They were of the female gender.

Out of the Styx a female so beautiful she would put Aphrodite to shame, stepped out, she had pale skin, hair as dark as night, with blood-red lips you wouldn't think that this was Lady Styx until you saw her eyes, they were all black without a sclera, her eyes glinted with malice. She looked 16 but her face had that ageless quality that said she would never age.

Out of the River Lethe, a girl of about 16 with milky white skin and white-blond hair stepped out, all in all, she was beautiful, her eyes were all white with no iris, if you looked into them for too long you could forget yourself in her eyes. Her eyes had a faraway look that says she was very forgetful.

Out of a river as blue as the sky, out stepped a girl of 16 also, she was very beautiful with pale and blue eyes and black hair. Her eyes had the look that said she had seen too much. She wore a cloak made of screaming souls close to that of Hades, but I could tell these were the souls of those who committed suicide, this was Lady Acheron.

Out of a very green river, stepped a girl of 16 also, also very beautiful, (what's it with immortal deities and beauty). She had slightly green skin, green eyes just like mine but dimmer, when I looked into them I had the feeling that I was useless, powerless, that I couldn't do anything to save the world, I just locked my insecurities away, she had black hair. This was Lady Cocytus.

Out of Phlegethon, a female with tan skin as if she spent her whole life under the sun, probably because she was the spirit of a fiery river, hair as orange as orange, and eyes of pure fire. This was the most beautiful of the five. I could tell she was a real destructive force just by looking at her. This was the Lady Phlegethon.

As they were standing each on their respective rivers, I could tell by their auras joining together that they were more powerful than all the 14 Olympians, (yes I know Hades and Hestia are Olympians, a little fish told me).

They seemed to be talking among each other, they then noticed me and turned their gazes over me. I could tell they were mind messaging and seemed to have come to a decision.

"Well, Perseus- " Styx started,

"Percy", I deadpanned.

She looked at me balefully before continuing, " 'Perseus' Jackson, we meet again, you seem to have lost the gift I oh so gracefully gave to you, well that is past, it seems our Father as chosen you as his successor, well the deal is this, if you can withstand the effects our waters bring, you are the master of the Rivers, but beware the last three hundred years has been a never-ending stream of successors our Father sent and all of them have each died. But if you fail, your soul becomes our property and you will become our plaything, do you accept?".

With that being said they raked their lustful gazes over my body, and I inwardly shuddered, this was the same way Aphrodite looked at me, it seems I underestimated my looks. It looks like Hydros has been very suicidal throughout the ages.

"Wait, what are we talking about again?", you can guess who said that.

Hydros trusted me if he faded immediately after he gave me his domains, and I didn't want him to fade in vain, so I did what I thought I should do,

"I accept" I replied. They were excited, I could tell they thought I was going to become their own.

"As you wish," said Phlegethon practically beaming.

They then each shot each of their waters at me. The first was Acheron's, then it hit me, then I knew no more.