
Primordial Lycan

1000 years ago the ether caves gave the earth what it need to heal, the ether crystal. The next great industrial revolution began! But as we all know, everything comes at a cost...but this cost out weighed most. The planet healing, and the uses for the different types of ether crystals being discovered payment came do 500 years ago when the haze beast attacked; Taking with them a quarter of the worlds population over night! But the blessed decided it was time to reveal themselves to the world, teaching others the powers of the gods! The saint family being the first to step forward and protect the unburdened from the beasts. The beauty of the world began to come back as the haze beast were pushed back enough and giant walls placed around there dwellings, making it easier to deal with their numbers. Half the population of the human race dead. * * # * * But this isn’t a story about the gods and their blessed! This is a story of myth, the story of the hunted, the story of the damned. This is the story about the things that go bump in the night. This is the story of the families who go back to the time before we drove in cars, before we destroyed the world, the time of dragons and magic, knights and paladins! The stories of those that started at the beginning of time itself. The story of the primordial families, the cursed families. But let’s start with the story of the Blackwaters, the story of Ayden, the story of the Primordial Lycan!

Jonathan_Reece · ファンタジー
35 Chs

A Tale of the Over-world

Aydens mind began to focus on what he was truly hearing, the words being spoken matching up in some ways with the history of his family. This history wasn't just old though, more of his families history had been lost than there was remembered today.

Tah'lers family had passed down the beginning of their clan to all who joined, because you should always remember what lead us to today. While for the Blackwater's this was all he knew, but for the descendants of Fenrir the story continued.

~ "For the Blackwater clan i know not what became of them past that except for the few times our paths crossed with you all, but the story of Fenrir continues.

As each person pulled away from Filtrian, they felt a piece of them break. This effected them in more ways than one, not all of it bad. The ability to shift between our human form and an enhanced form which you saw became possible, but it became tied to or emotion.

Rage tended to bring it out and it caused some to lose who they were, this lead to problems because their decisions effected the pack negatively. They gave the silvers our location by instigating unwinnable conflicts with them, which lead to the deaths of our people.

How can you rule a entire race if you can't control your own family. How can you kill the hunters, if you can't prepare for war. How can you live, if those around you try and kill you for power.

Fenrir tried his best but failed. He gave all that he could but the family began to split apart, because many wanted power without the rules set by Fenrir. While his eldest son wanted more than the power that his father wielded, he wanted the title of alpha.

If you ask people what they think a werewolf alpha is you'll hear things like 'it's the one that leads the pack. It's the biggest strongest werewolf, with glowing red eyes. Alphas are the ones who beat all those in their pack to gain control, but none of those are correct; yet many in the actual pack believed this to be true which lead to a coup d'état against Fenrir, and the death of many in the pack.

On one side the Silvers murdered our people with a passion, it only accounted for half of our death total. The other half came from one of his two sons.

Sköll chased the respect of his wife Sól, so he challenged his father believing power like the alpha would garner it from her. He thought that the power of an alpha came from being the strongest and he just had to prove it, but he was also wrong. He challenged Fenrir for his title and lost, and so was banished from the family.

Hati being a loyal brother followed Skóll in his banishment, and his wife Maní came to follow her sister Sól. As time went by they learned ways to change others and grow in power, till the day they choose to return.

Sköll had quickly subdued his former family members, but took no life. The hands of Hati who's mind was warped by hate and rage, walked from person to person and slayed them while they were chained. The stars one could see when focusing on their wolf bond 1-by-1 disappeared.

When sköll saw what his brother was doing he stopped him, but lost control in his rage and went to far... killing him. The will to fight left him, the thirst for power gone, the rage inside vanished as he kneeled over his bothers dead body.

Maní cried for her husband but fearing for her life she ran from them, Sól followed her sister to make sure she was ok; it was this that saved their lives."

The overall mood had been dark as Tah'ler told his Gods history. Though he continued, because he felt like the door to the other half of his family was standing right in front of him.

~ "While the battle had reached its end both sides were weakened and the wolves weren't in a good place to protect themselves. Fenrir had just gotten word and rushed back as fast as he could, seeing Sköll kill Hati for the murder of defeated. At that moment the Silvers attacked, killing many of the already weaker packs.

Fenrir who had reached the pinnacle of our people fought hard but their were to many. He had seen his sons love and care when dealing with his family, and yelled for him to take who he could and escape while he and a few others formed a rear guard. The rush of the bonds returning in full force as his banishment was ended, but he choose to stand by his father side and fight for the family instead of against them.

Few got away that day, but some did which is why we still excise today. Sköll died by the side of his father, and Fenrir was captured because they though they could force him to tell them where the rest of the wolves escaped to. They chained him not once, not twice but three times to keep him down.

As time went on he felt his bonds with people die as they were killed, 1-by-1 over the years. One day he decided that it was enough, that no one in his family would go without power to defend themselves.

Over the years while chained he learned he could pass on strength to his pack members. He learned more about the abilities of his people than he had while free, and his strengths grew! Until the chains fell to the floor, as he took his first step into God hood.

He was no longer bound to this world but chose to pass on his abilities to us, in return we give him our devotion. This in turn made us strong enough to fight back, and that we did. We pushed back the Silvers, until they were no longer a threat to our people.

But this is just a warning, and i tell you our history so that you don't think i say this without knowing who you are. The Silvers returned to this world long ago, they have gained more power than we know, and they have continued to hunt us. Along with us they hunt those of the Blackwater clan even more, for they fear your family more than us for some reason.

So i say this with honest fear for your life, if i were you i would mot go by my name if i were you as i and all those of those of my ancestor do."

Looking around Tah'ler noticed he had been talking for quite some time, his normal reaction to stop himself never reaching the surface.

~ "Sorry, i get over excitable sometimes and just kinda lose track of things. But i am Doctor Tah'ler Hale, a Doctor named Tah'ler not a tailer for doctors. It's nice to be your trainer Ayden Black, all documents in the guild have already been changed to protect you and our people here. I hope this is ok with you, though if it's not i apologize but it will change nothing. But you should head home and rest we have a lot of hard work to do tomorrow!"

After finishing saying what he needed to say Tah'ler waved a goodbye and walked away to do whatever was left for him to do for the guild that day.

Ayden having a lot to think about headed home to do as advised, and rested as the the uplifting blues of the day turned to the silencing blacks of night.


• "Sir their was a ping, apparently there are still a few left alive!" A man with an odd charm that came to all those that were wordlessly beautiful, spoke into a Cellular device.

• "I can't quite say sir, the information was removed to faster than our system could find and copy any information.... no sir, other than the name nothing has shown up to indicate they're even alive or location sir" his voice firm, carried with it a strong gravity with it.

Before hanging up his cell, this beautiful man who's hair the color of the sun said

• "yes sir i will continue monitoring the situation and see if i can find their location!"

He then proceeded to hang up his phone and sigh heavily, as he began to dread the coming days of long nights with little sleep and annoying superiors all up in his business.

"Fu*king mutts, always fu*king everything up! UUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHH!"

Sorry for the late release, had a bit of block for the last part till this morning!!!! But here is the second chapter for you all. I should have 3 more for you this week as well!!! Hope you all are enjoying it so far!!!!

Jonathan_Reececreators' thoughts