
Zhai Lin's Past

Zhai Lin glanced at him, and his temper much improved. "The biscuit is too hard. Tell them not to add anything without permission next time."


Uncle Wang wiped away imaginary sweat, relieved that he didn't like it.

As the torrential rain poured down, the Bentley slowly entered the garage.

"We have arrived, Master."

Zhai Hong, sitting in the back seat, lazily opened his eyes. The side door opened, and a bodyguard reached in, assisting him as he got out of the car.

A lady's Audi was parked nearby, and Zhai Hong's gaze lingered on the car before quickening his pace.

The first question he asked the servant standing at the door was, "Has Miss Jiang not returned home yet?"

The servant, holding the ginger tea, replied, "No, because of the heavy rain outside, Mrs. Zhai concerned about her safety driving down the mountain alone, so she decided to let Miss Jiang stay here tonight."

Zhai Hong glanced at the ginger tea in her hand and asked, "Did she get wet in the rain?"