
Kiss Her Secretly

All acts of violence leave traces. Under these shattered circumstances, Zhai Lin's confidence and beliefs crumbled step by step, and his inner world became overgrown with thorns.

The psychologist's records became increasingly severe, and no psychological intervention could heal him.

Jiang Nuannuan pinched her brow, about to say something to Zhai Heng, when she felt a slight weight on her shoulder. Her body instantly stiffened, afraid to move.

"Zhai Heng?"

Her soft call received only a shallow, long breath in response.

Once again, he fell asleep on her shoulder…

Jiang Nuannuan closed the files and discreetly glanced at her phone, which was by her leg. She realized that two hours had passed, and it was almost eleven o'clock at night.

He had just returned from the hospital today, so it seemed like he was completely forcing himself to accompany her for so long.

Jiang Nuannuan felt a bit embarrassed for disturbing him for such a long time.