
Predator Heart

"You should have known that this would happen once you crossed this line." Those black raven eyes stared intently into her wide eyes. Her efforts to escape from the entanglement of the ducal Necrosis family turned out to make her even more wrapped up in her. 'How could I be in this situation—' Ellaine remembered, this wasn't what she had hoped for. "Yes, I remember." There was no future for a fake concubine for the demonic man from the Necrosis family. She was indirectly involved in the ducal Necrosis family's power struggle. After finding a fake will that has been signed by her blood, she decides to throw herself at Dylan, the archenemy of her master. 20 year old Elisha was asked to pay a debt of 16,000 gold coins. (About 8 million USD). To avoid dying in vain, she goes to visit Dylan. "What do you want from me?" "Please lend me money. And...make me your subordinate. I will help you to win the power struggle with the information I have." "Are you trying to trick me?" He looked at her sharply. "I gave myself up as collateral." Dylan listened to the maid who came to him and watched her quietly. "Okay, I will pay off all the debt you have." "W-wait! I didn't ask you—" "First, marry me." Ellaine didn't expect that at all. That the offer of information to destroy her master turned into a marriage proposal.

Warf · ファンタジー
10 Chs

Death Flag

'Does he really love me to the point of giving me his company? I never thought that the legends circulating among maids were actually real.'

Maybe that's what Ellaine would have thought if she had become Oliver's concubine and didn't trick him with a disfigured face. Right now, she is just a famous ugly woman.

Ellaine was sure that her master was never so kind to servants. So, she didn't have to bother assuming that the certificate was made because of her master's kindness.

What was taught in Ellaine's life for 5 years made her realize that the Necrosis family was greedy. They always did things with the thought of profit as much as possible.

They don't care how many families have to suffer to fulfill their desires.

In Ellaine's case, Oliver used her name to set up a company for a specific purpose. The goals did not benefit her and definitely harmed her.


A few days after Ellaine found the company certificate in her name, she tried to find out what kind of business the company was running.

She tried to get up the courage to read some of the books in Oliver's workroom and the letter she had received. But none of the information she could get about the company.

A news from the empire also spread in the mansion. Ellaine heard the news that the empire was investigating a drug trafficking network.

It was news that shouldn't come as a surprise to Ellaine who was a maid who only worked as an errand boy. Activities to eradicate drug networks are usually carried out by the empire.

But this time, the news was like a death flag for her.

The company caught in the drug trade was not owned by the nobles but by the maids, who turned out to be the owners of the illicit company.

Even though Ellaine knew that the Necrosis Family hated drugs and were enemies of their bloodline. But the case made her think poorly of the company that Oliver founded under her name.

She began to understand why Oliver used her name to start the company.

Of all the people around Oliver, only Ellaine wasn't from the Necrosis family and was the easiest to manipulate.

'If he owns the business, it's no wonder only Oliver's business makes the most money for the Necrosis Family than his brother.'

Ellaine panicked when she remembered that Oliver had asked her to sign a blank letter in her blood a few months ago.

She was sure that the letter was a scenario that Oliver prepared just like the news circulating.

Oliver wanted to avoid investigations from the empire by sacrificing her.

She had thought about burning the company certificate she still kept, but since she knew Oliver's way of thinking, she canceled it. Burning one piece of evidence won't help her because she did not know how many companies have been created using her name.

If Ellaine was caught by the empire, she would receive the death penalty because she worked with the most influential family in the empire.

It scared Ellaine when a blue carriage came to Necrosis's mansion that day.

When the carriage of the man Ellaine feared the most appeared at the Necrosis estate, tears rolled down her cheeks without her knowing it when she saw it.

Thats were tears of sadness when imagining the future of her life which was about to end. After living 5 years in hell, now she would die in vain because of the false accusations brought against her.

"Are you crying? What's wrong?"

The contract maid cleaning her workroom was surprised to see Ellaine suddenly burst into tears while staring out the window. Crying expressionlessly.

"What do you mean, Elsa?"

"Stop crying. Are you all right?"

When she realized the tears were running down her cheeks, she wiped them with the back of her hand.

Elsa looked out the window and saw a carriage heading towards the Necrosis mansion.

"Are you crying over that blue carriage? I've heard that it's the Honorable General's carriage."

It's been 4 year that Ellaine didn't see the blue carriage with the imperial flag coming to Necrosis mansion anymore.

Worried that her fear would happen, she immediately left the room and headed to the back of the mansion.

'I hope Dylan's only here to visit his family. Oliver hasn't come back from a business trip.' Ellaine muttered.

Ellaine wanted to confirm Dylan's purpose of coming to the Necrosis mansion in person.

She was standing on the side of the road, hiding behind the same tree she had peeked at with Lyra.

On the other side of Dylan's carriage, another carriage ran fast and uncontrollably.

The two carriages were on the same track, so Ellaine was sure that the two horsemen could control their carriages.

However, she saw that the other carriage didn't slow down and seemed intentional.

"It could be serious if Dylan gets injured here. The Empire will definitely pay special attention to the Necrosis Family in the future."

Without thinking, she immediately jumped into the middle of the road and waved.

*gallops gallops*

The sound of hammering a horseshoe rang in Ellaine's head.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" shouted the rider, trying to stop the horse, surprised when he saw the figure of a woman who suddenly blocked the road.

The carriage stopped violently, splashing muddy water on Ellaine's clothes. She secretly frowned.

The two carriages stopped before colliding with each other.

The carriage blocking Dylan's carriage was black. It was a carriage engraved with the Necrosis emblem motif.

Ellaine's actions were quite insane. If the carriages stopped for a moment, the two carriages would destroy Ellaine's thin body.