
Power:My story in the world of Percy Jackson.

Andrew is reincarnated into a the world of PJO but with a few twists.One in particular, the mythology Greeks are the same ones today. So in this world Zeus is a master manipulator, Poseidon will destroy you if you hug him, Chiron only trains the best of the best, demigods are actually city level nd bully the humans a lot. The biggest difference? All the gods are real and they all are demanding worship from humans. A demigod is thus born under very unique circumstances in society. Andrew just wanted a slice of pizza who would have thought he'd have to mach the god of war in a few months. Si into a more mythological accurate Percy Jackson world.I'll choose which myths are accurate to the story but am willing to accept suggestions. And will have no choice but to accept if you sneak me 2.50$ on my patreon on patreon.com/Stories360

Goatnetistinism_ · 書籍·文学
4 Chs

He's chill like that.

Do you think Percy's feat of over powering Hades and sending him running at the start of the last Olympian makes him major god level?



Also if Yes who would win in a one vs one?

Post river Styx Percy.



If Percy, who would win in a one vs one?

Adult Percy in his prime




Puberty for a mortal was an interesting journey. Some could tell right away something was happening. For some it eased its way in bit by bit. For demigods it came in a flash. It struck you like a bolt of lightning and left you reeling. Then you'd be sent off to your first test. Cause all the gods like to do that stuff. It isn't enough that you placed me upon this horrific world now I have to lick your boots for my continuous existence.

Usually puberty started at 10 for all demigods. You'd start to show signs depending on your godly parents. A child of Apollo may show precognition see a vision of the future, of Hecate may be magic transfiguration of the body. So you can guess what I got. I got my first kill at seven years old.

*1 week before*

Combat training. A spar. Easy enough.

We were having this exercise for the 1000th time. It wasn't new or anything. We'd break off into individual circles and spar with automatons. It was a close combat training montage. Very close, very small circle.

This wasn't like the others. It was a demigod's first test. We'd spar with each other for the first time.Nothing was off the table. Weapons ,magic you name it. Demigods could kill each other. It was just rare because more often than not despite my gripe with them, demigods were also half mortal so they were not complete psychopaths.

In the following sessions we would have multiple instructors super vising but the first one was to break us in. This was for most demigods their first battle.

For combat training it was important that people were matched with equal opponents. Because if one of them killed the other. 1.Most likely their parents of the killer are always stronger than the killed so they will always be zero consequences.2.If not the other demigod would be turned into a cockroach without hesitation.

So Chiron was thinking four parallel universes ahead when he didn't mach me with Clarisse. Instead I was matched with a son of Poseidon.

He looked nervous. Makes sense I could destroy him with theoretically zero consequence.

He stuck his hand out."Let's have a good spar."

Of course now that I realized he was chill like that he was going to become my friend.

I shook his hand, smiling."Sure. May the best warrior win."

We took our positions in the narrow circle. I stood tall with a celestial bronze blade and he stood with a emerald green trident of a material I wasn't familiar with.

"My names Percy by the way."

'!! Nani?!!'

"Mines Alex."

I tried not to let my excitement show. This was Percy were talking about. He is just that guy. The same guy who one v ones Titans. Fought a god at 12. Lifted the sky and saved Olympus and his friends from Kronos. Since this was an alternate universe of the Riordan verse he should still be HIM.(I'll zip up when I'm done :o )

With the first swing we took turns trading blows. Each strike met with a parry or a block.

Our battle wasn't as intense as the others as I liked Percy and he was chill like that so after a while of basically practicing basic stances and maneuvers we were told to stop.

The aftermath? Dead children. I nearly sneered.Children ,dead, and for what?

"What's wrong?" The fact that the GOAT couldn't see how vile this was sunk my spirits.

"Huh. Nothing."

"Okay cool." He said,"Hey the Poseidon cabin is hosting a camp fire tonight. You should come over it'll be awesome!"

"I don't know....."

I hadn't actually gotten around to socializing while at camp so I was a bit of an odd ball. My status as a son of Zeus was the only reason I was considered the mysterious quiet kid instead of the wierd one. But I didn't have a choice. I had to get stronger, learn more, be faster, get better. The grind never stopped. I was fighting an up hill battle.

Think about it. I could barely lift 6.40 × 10^23 kg. Only good enough to lift Mars. Meanwhile Zeus was a god above time and space who could snap his fingers and put out all the stars in the universe. It honestly felt like one of my dreams from my previous life when I was young. The ones that never came true. The impossible ones.

'You know what? I should probably relax once in a while to avoid burn out.'

"Yeah sure."

"Really? I mean ahh... see you there!" Percy spoke and then booked it.

What a strange guy... but he's chill like that so its all good.


Now so far from the world I am describing to you you must be wondering. Who is running this place and why are they running it this way? Did Zeus really over throw every other god? To that I say that I am in the Riordan verse. Meaning that western civilization is a mantle tied to the gods of Olympus. The western civilization has been the center of human civilization for the past 300 years. Nations like the US, Britain and Germany having experienced it. The thing is once you experience it you will always be on the Greek's side after all their gods are the ones ruling over you.

So when they moved to Rome? They didn't change or anything like that. They were just the gods there. Britain? You think their letting some Canaanite god infringe on their territory? So instead of the spread of Christianity and Muslim religion and culture through out these nations it was the sky god going around making babies everywhere.

This has given these gods A LOT of power. So much power that the myth of Hera's milk forming the Milky Way Galaxy's branch we see in the night sky is actually true.

Think of the scale. Her spilling her fluids was enough energy to form major portions of the galaxy. With her titty milk. Now imagine if she punched you.

You still there?

Now imagine if Zeus punched you.

Now comprehend that this was their power when they were still in Greece worshiped by a couple million people. Realize they have a monopoly on the energy of billions of educated adults every where.

As for Yahweh? Well he is still a god on the Israelite pantheon. There is no concept of Monotheism because clearly every where you look there is more than one god. So with this evidence there was never a transition and my only hope for a perfect world was reduced to a minor god of thunder and war.

Lets not talk of Allah. Zeus smote Muhammad real good. Now I don't even hear about him.

Because belief powers everything and the belief of any triple O gods was destroyed before it could form. All ancient religions once they gained power monopolized it. Its like if a country encouraged monopolization on a product like phones. No matter how good the phone you produce is all it takes is for the pictures you take to look bad in the monopolies phone for it to be considered bad. The phone will now be the cheap knock off because nearly everyone will see videos and pictures from those phones.So you like Yahweh in particular? Well you just die of diseases and are often illiterate and poor.But in this case there are no real laws so they'll just assassinate you before you even start. :)

"Hey Alex!" Percy waved at me. As soon as he spoke the five hundred something demigods quieted seemingly shook.

Luckily as a son of Zeus I had already accepted that I would more often than not be the center of attention so I had learned public speech. What was the secret you may ask? Just say some generic statement that everyone agrees with and then dismiss them. Like for example if you were in a church in my original world you should go with some slogan like God is good.

"Let us celebrate in glory of Dionysus! Remember wisdom is knowing you know nothing. Cause were a bunch of idiots." It wasn't even funny. I just spoke it with such conviction in my voice that it was something funny that it became funny. So of course they laughed at the joke the son of their chief god told.

I approached a laughing Percy.

"Why'd you do that?" I whispered.

"Cause it was funny." He said that while looking at me like I was the idiot.

"Uuuuuuhhhhhh." I groaned. 

"Whatever. Let's go get some marsh mellows I saved us a seat."

I scoffed." Just you wait. I'll get you when you least expect it."

"Yeah sure sure." We continued to banter as we went about the celebration. We even met twin daughters of Apollo who sat next to us. They tried to groom me and my glorious king and unluckily succeeded. The night was young and the marshmallows were warm and gooey.

Everything was going peachy until Clarisse happened.


"Ping ping ping! Hey you cunts!" We all looked at the source of the sound.

"I heard that there was a pussy among you."

"Shut up kid your not good enough yet to talk your elders like that." This seemed to trigger her so she got straight to the point.

"So the pussy over there can talk but everyone who put in the real work get sidelined cause of his daddy dearest?"Now that one triggered me.

The disadvantage of being the son of Zeus? Nearly nothing you do will ever be greater than that title. I was currently the best swords man in camp. In a battle of pure skill no one was spanking me in a sword battle. This is despite the presence of monsters like Luke, Ares kids who were born able to wield it and Clarisse , Ares' chosen. Yet in front of these people unless I did something insane I was only a son of Zeus.

"What do you want La Rue?"

"I just want to prove what a bitch you are Zain."

We were now walking closer to each other. "Your a depraved animal La Rue. Your not impressing any one."

We were now in the large bon fire. Staring each other down. The chants that had been quietly growing were now thunderous.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"How about it then? We fight." I decided to lead this tango.

"We don't just fight Zuzu....."

"....we die."

'This bitch was really suicidal wasn't she?'

She threw the first punch which I dodged. The shock wave of the blow was narrowly blocked by the adults from the Hecate section.

Without delay we took to the sky in giant leaps. With practiced ease we were out of the earth's atmosphere.

I wasn't nervous at all this wasn't the first death match I had had with La Rue.I summoned my blade; Eclipse's Edge from its glove state.

As I stood amidst the cosmic chaos, my grip tightened around the hilt of my sword, its ethereal blade seemed to shimmer with the power of a thousand suns. Across from me, my adversary, a god in all but name, a being of equal stature, wielded a formidable spear, its tip crackling with the energy of primordial forces of red lightning. The power of the spear spoke of death and many things a mortal wouldn't understand.We lock eyes, a silent acknowledgment of the impending clash that will echo through the heavens.

Our battle will be legendary.

With a thunderous roar that reverberates through the void, we charge towards each other, the clash of our weapons heralding the beginning of an epic battle.

We dance through Jupiter's moons, our movements a blur of divine power and raw fury. My sword sings as it meets her spear in a symphony of clashes, each strike sending shock waves rippling through the cosmos. The moons tremble under the weight of our power as we unleash our full might upon each other, the very fabric of the universe quivering and bending beneath our onslaught.

This is when it happened. Without warning indescribable furry rushes my core. The feeling of fire burning me from the inside out. My soul itself set ablaze, it is horrific and it fills me with dread and strangely a sense of glee. It is ugly, I hate it and I love it.

Then suddenly it rushes out of my body drowning me in euphoria.


It startles me and I nearly have a heart attack. For a moment my body was not my own.

And as I look upon open space I am shaken.

'Clarisse used to be there. Saturn .....used to be here.'


What's up?

I might not update for a while. I have tests.

So who wins?

Book one Luke?

Book five Clarisse?

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