
Wild Animals.

"The key to a javelin toss is to always make sure the elbow on your throwing arm is above your shoulder and also keep the javelin between your head and elbow. You could "blow out" your elbow if the javelin moves too far outside this line. These movements are critical basics that will be applied later on when it comes to spears. Allow me to demonstrate."

The demigod looking to impress the 5 year olds young lings chose the eye catching bronze javelin that crackled with energy. Quite eye catching and perfect to keep a group of ADHD children's attention.

Everything was always eye catching here. From the golden pavements to the rainbows that coloured the sky. Camp half blood had been interesting to see. If I hadn't been told I would have thought that I had some how ended up in the biblical heaven. The similarities and appearance were eerily similar. 

 The group of demigods payed keen attention not a peep of sound made as they became entranced by the show.

Luke Castelein took the celestial bronze javelin in his hand and with impeccable form flung it in the sky. A sonic boom was heard as it broke the sound barrier and traveled for a great distance.

"One kilometer." A voice sounded.

"As you can see with enough control where and when you want your javelin to land can be dictated by you when you throw.Remember it doesn't matter how far you can throw if it misses your opponent."

As a demigod of one of the major gods I had come to learn that I was strong , very strong. From a young age benching boulders weren't even an issue. Javelins were like paper weights in my hands. So for most demigods it was more impressive for Luke to have hit the mark exactly at 1 kilometer. It was a show of near perfect motor control, skill and superior vision.

"Now since your vision and other senses are still under developed I'll only ask you to limit yourself to around 10 kilometers. You'll learn to estimate using such a weapon without the benefit of magnified vision. The closer you get the better.Take your assigned position on the shooting range."

"Hhhhhoo.... this is going to be a bummer." I whispered, I couldn't help but worry over today's 'field trip'.

Walking over to my position I took section 1 and attempted to mimic Luke and flung it with as little strength as possible.

"15 kilometers."

'Not bad for my first time. I can do better.'

Taking the second javelin I got to work estimating the distance and working with the speck that was the line indicating our goal.

I let it fly.

"12 kilometers." I smiled slightly.

"10 kilometers." I cringed knowing who had gotten that.It still bothered me how I would sometimes get out shined by fucking 5 year olds. My neighbor as it where was very good at handling weapons.

"How's that Zuzu? Impressed?" La Rue daughter of Ares. In all my years of pain and suffering this is my lowest point. Beefing with a child. It was warranted of course. The little shit was as strong as me and just as durable. The difference? I had yet to awaken my powers as a son of Zeus. For now I only had a rage boost as an ability.

Demigods matured differently. In this universe we were really half god so the children acted like high schoolers then they would only mature after like fifty years. 'Mature' used lightly hear. You've read the myths you know what kind of mindless shenanigans people like Theseus got up to in their 'old' age. Those were the ones documented. In this world I've come to learn a lot about those myths.

Ares kids were hax from the get go. Not only were they stronger than most demigods they were born with their soul's tainted by the curse of Ares basically making them Saiyans. Rage boost, instinctive battle prowess. Near instant mastery of weapons as well as a nack for martial arts. They were just as violent too. They even had the Zenkai boost. So at this stage of development they bullied nearly everyone even the Poseidon kids. But as soon as the rest matured they'd fight back and start bullying them. The Ares kids would get stronger and then bully back. The phenomena even had a name. The war hog cycle.

"Hmmmmhooo.... We get it you can throw a spear." I turned back to the range and chucked my weapon only for it to be intercepted by another spear mid air.


My face gained a manic expression.

Clarisse was obsessed with trying to put me down. Undoubtedly insecure because I was matching her in power and in some cases combat ability before my first stage. She was undoubtedly taught from a young age by her abusive mom that she'd never amount to anything unless she was at least far above her peers. She was after all Ares' chosen. Only born once every 1000 years. She bullied the bullies. She bullied everyone, except me.

I was somewhat of an anomaly myself. A son of Zeus. I was strong. Very strong. I had to be. I was strong. I was strong. Strong enough that....


"1 solar distance."

I looked at her in the eyes.

"Try me."

I usually tolerated her pettiness on normal days. Today wasn't normal. I was antsy and nervous. If she pushed any button. Ares would lose a daughter today.

She responded back clearly itching to die."I'll fucking kill you you pet." Her face twisted into one of sadistic glee. An expression that wouldn't be lost on the joker.

My eyes sparked with lightning.

"That's enough."Chiron intervened. He always seemed to know when shit was about to go down. All the way from his office in Half-blood towers.

Everyone of course stared at us. Looking nervous.

"hehe. That bastard saved you this time princess. I'd destroy you in a fight. That gimmick you have isn't doing shit."

I didn't bother saying anything. The time for words were fucking done.

I threw a javelin at her that she made haste to parry and quickly ducked under my haymaker. She went for a kick that I dodged.

'A feint.'

She capitalized hitting me smack in the jaw with the brunt of her spear.

Indescribable rage filled me. Instead of leaning away from the blow I grabbed it and yanked her forward. She came ready to meet me head on with her blows. Except she had fallen for my trap card. The new dagger I had gotten for Christmas sprung to life in my right arm and with a single swing I was ready to take off her head.She'd die today. Not as a person but as a fucking dog.

"Clang! That's enough."

Luke intercepted my strike.

"You guys are really..."

I dislodged his blade and flung my weapon straight for her mid section. While he parred it I proceeded to smack the taste out her mouth barely dodging her wild kick.

I spat out a tooth."Fucking animals."

Despite hitting her I still felt unsatisfied. I could already hear his voice in my head.

"You disgrace. All the work I have done.... for you to come out barely worth my time....."

I couldn't bare to hear him again this year. The god that I hated the most.

Summoning the dagger back I raced out of the training ground. I didn't belong here. With these animals. Coming to a stop next to a pond, I knelt down and just stared at my reflection.

What would she do this time? Last time she HUMILIATED me in front of everyone. Like I was some animal to talk to however her highness wished. It was dehumanizing...

I grabbed my white locks in one hand pulling at them in frustration.

"Fuck THIS!" I slammed my fist into the ground barely cratering it. A reminder that I wasn't even strong enough to escape this camp if I wanted to.

"Haha....hahahahahahhahaha.... their are no animals here. There is only one monkey in this zoo. And he deserves to die."

An animal I could currently see.


Put it in your library if you like it.

Also racism is cringe. Its all of us against those damned Xenomorphs. Humanity comes first.

The indomitable human spirit is REAL!!!!!!!

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