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Junfang went pale with unbridled shock when he saw the colour of his blood "When did this happened, is it because of what I took..?"

He went to check the small box again and thought 'No matter how much Dad is trying to act cool, there is no way he wouldn't explain this situation'

And he found a secret compartment at the side of the box with a letter in it

"Silly boy, I told you to always be meticulous, so if your mum didn't tell you to drop your blood onto your weapons, you wouldn't notice that your entire constitution had changed, that liquid you took was for you to awaken your bloodline but as for what is, only you knows so find that out, yourself and.. Am not tryna act cool!"

Junfang scratched his head "Even Dad doesn't know?"

Junfang arranged all his luggages and thought 'I had better go do what I want before I start wracking my brains over it'

As he was carrying the second metal box, he accidentally pressed something on it and a voice recording played, it was his mum's voice

"My baby boy, your bloodline might be like ours awaken more than one ability maybe not immediately but soon, just be ready cause it is painful, am sure your Dad forgot to tell you that, he is so forgetful"

Junfang was astounded when he heard that "More than one ability? That means I'll become a multi-Cerulean"

Junfang was hopping around after he said that

Xiaohua was looking at him confused

Junfang looked towards a six story building in rectangle shape after getting off the cab then he looked at the time and said "They should have opened by now, morning is the best time to meet them, I'll go resign later then"

He then crossed the street towards another building of more grandiose design

He took a deep breath and entered, he saw a woman in her early thirties by the receptionist table 'She should be the receptionist'

Junfang stepped forward and tapped her gently "Miss, am here to buy a house, could you show me designs that would be befitting for a family of four?"

The woman looked at him and smiled "Sorry am not the receptionists but she'll be back in a while"

Junfang scratched his head awkwardly and apologized for the misunderstanding

A few minutes later, a lady in her early twenties came to the table from inside and said "I apologize if I took long, here is your key, Mrs. Lin"

Lin Yuan nodded and collected the key then went on her way

Junfang came up to the table and said "Hello, miss receptionist lady, I would like to buy a house, could you please show me the ones for a family of four?"

The lady frowned and said worriedly "Where are your parents, why are you here alone, little boy?"

Junfang was puzzled at first then gradually understood "How old do you think I am, miss?"

The lady said "You're just ten, right? You're so young, why would your parents let you come here on your own, come on, tell me their phone number, let me called them so they could come here, poor kid"

Junfang pouted in frustration and said quickly "Miss, I know am a bit short for my age but am not ten, am fifteen, am old enough to go anywhere by myself"

The lady was surprised and said embarrassedly "Sorry for the misunderstanding, what are you here for?"

Junfang sighed "It's not your fault, it's my stunted growth, a house for a family of four, show me the ones that are good enough"

The lady nodded and swiped the air beside her then a transparent screen appeared, she asked "What type to be exact please?"

Junfang thought about it for a moment and said "One that is neither too cheap nor expensive, in a good environment, secluded but not too far from the bustling environment, sturdy for a Cerulean to live in with its own huge backyard and garden frontyard, it should also be voice controlled and must ask for biometric verification instead of keys, two storeys with a balcony under a price of twenty million"

The lady was a bit surprised by his detailed description then swiped the screen a few more times and some pictures of a bunch of houses appeared along with their prices

Junfang observed the pictures for a while carefully and saw one that was priced at sixteen million and chose it

The lady swiped the screen and it disappeared then brought out a tablet, pressed a few things then the picture of the house and a biometric verification process appeared above it "Just put your hand on it and it will scan then record it so when you get there, you can just placed the hand you placed here on the door and it will open, also, when you place your hand on it, the money will be extracted from your account and the transaction will be completed"

Junfang did as she said and a ding sounded from his phone in his pocket

The lady bowed and said "The address has been sent to your number, please do come again"

Junfang asked "Miss, do you know where I can buy a flying scooter?"

The lady laughed and said "Boy, you should ask your parents, I don't really know about things like that"

Junfang sighed "Oh"

The lady said as she glanced at his bag on the floor "But I have been hearing about a building on Xiuying street that sells Magneta scooters, that maybe what you're looking for also it's not that far from your new home, you could move in first then go buy it"

Junfang then asked "What about a advanced combat wristwatch which is specifically designed for the wearer, do you know where to get those?"

The lady held her chin thoughtfully then said "About that one, those type of watches are really expensive and not easily found except one place which is off limits to those below age fifteen, it's called Yu In Pavillion and one of their branches is on Quelong Street in Gujang City which is a neighboring city of our Yiqin City"

Junfang raised an eyebrow and asked "By expensive, how much exactly?"

The lady sighed and said "It differentiates for ordinary and Ceruleans, for ordinary people, at least fifteen million for a fifteen years old, then with each increase of age there is a million increase, for Ceruleans, at least one hundred million for a fifteen year old"

Junfang smiled "Thanks" then left

The lady looked at his receding figure then giggled softly "He's pretty cute"

Junfang heard what she said but didn't mind it as he carried his luggage and walked towards the building of before, dropped his resignation and called for a cab

The cab stopped at a magnificent building of warmth design, Junfang stepped out and admired his new home in satisfaction

Junfang held Xiaohua as he placed his hand on the gate, it opened automatically and a fresh breeze blew by as he looked around the garden "Wow, this place looks better than my imagination"

Junfang placed his hand on the door and it also opened by itself

"Welcome to your new abode master" a female voice sounded out

Junfang was terrified at first then gradually cooled down as he took a seat and placed Xiaohua on a cushion "Are you the AI of the house?"

"Correct, master, you may name me whatever you prefer and you can also call me from anywhere through your number, my contact info is already there" the voice said

Junfang thought about and said "How about Qianqi?"

"Thank you for the name, master" the voice sounded out pleased

Junfang said "Don't call me master, just call me Junfang when am the only one around and call me Qing when others are in the house"

"Yes, Junfang" Qianqi said

Junfang took his bag to a room upstairs and told Qianqi before he went out "Don't let Xiaohua out and when she's hungry, feed her with the fox food in my bag"

"As you wish, Junfang" Qianqi said delightfully

Junfang smiled faintly and left the house but decided to walk since he could already see the building from his gate

Junfang thought carefully 'I have an ability now so I should be allowed to enter the space cracks, I can't keep slouching off my uncle's money, it won't last long and besides, to get the advanced combat wristwatch, the amount isn't small, also although Gujang is a neighbouring city, it's at least twenty kilometers away, for me, it's a large distance but the money for the flight trip is a lot on its own, I guess I can only buy the normal one for Ceruleans which is just ten million..'

'Thank goodness my mum created my second ID card to be able to manipulate to what I want so I think I should become a mercenary and join those who go to the space cracks for practices and treasures, maybe I can find things to sell and money for the ACW for Ceruleans as it is more convenient, also more pets so Xiaohua won't be alone when I have to go somewhere I can't take her' Junfang checked the ID card in his pocket

*(ACW - advanced combat wristwatch)

'Maybe I can also find something which would make me grow taller so people would stop mistaken me for a kid, I should buy the normal wristwatch, new clothes and groceries after getting the scooter then tomorrow I go register'

Junfang reached the large dome like building, marveled at its structure before entering a world of scooters, it took a while before he could pick one though

An hour later, Junfang was out of the building on his new blue scooter then went to his next stop, a tech store

Later that evening, Junfang returned home with his scooter and wristwatch only as he had the other stuff he bought delivered home

After dinner and playing with Xiaohua, Junfang went up to his room and surfed the net for latest information on closest Soft class space cracks then spotted a shocking piece of news

[_The Soft class space crack which was found in the Shuxiang Woods seven months ago has been completely screened and is now opened for public use_posted two weeks ago]

Junfang exclaimed in excitement "Wow, just when I was looking for a Soft class space crack, I found one which is super close, Shuxiang Woods is just a few kilometers outside the city wall, I can take the underground subway to the space crack since the route must have been made already"

Junfang then calmed down with slight worry in his eyes as he thought things carefully "But a space crack which has only been opened for a couple of weeks might still have some dangers lurking within like those rare incidents happening in the early stages of the opening of most space cracks"

Junfang looked over at the photo beside his bedside and shrugged "If Dad could do it, I would do even better and survive all obstacles to keep the family legacy going"

Junfang checked his bank account through the watch and sighed "In just a day, only sixty five million left, the scooter was a bit expensive as it was a whole five million no wonder there aren't many scooter riders in the city, it ain't cheap and Xiaohua food for a year is a million but luckily she only needs to eat it once a day or it would have been three instead and I bought her cure which she has to use for a month before her foot is back to normal, it was a whole two million, if it wasn't for uncle, I would have never been able to get the cure, the one million was spent on food and clothes"

Junfang shut down his system and laid down on the bed "As from tomorrow though, I will become a mercenary and make my own money to take care of myself and Xiaohua and the future pets I may have too"

The next morning, Junfang got ready, ate breakfast prepared by Qianqi

(Qianqi is the AI of the house and the age they live in is a tech filled so most house have automatic cooker, just type what you want to eat or drink and it is prepared for you by the house AI* i.e Artificial Intelligence)

Junfang played with Xiaohua a bit then packed his bag and said to her "Xiaohua, I have to go now but I promise I will be back before you know it"

He stood up and said "Qianqi, I leave the house to you till am back, make sure no intruders get and Xiaohua is safe and well fed"

"Your wish is my command, Junfang" Qianqi said seriously

Junfang nodded and left the house then turned back, he went to Xiaohua and decided to contract her first just in case he found other beasts, after remembering the method his mum taught him

He slit his finger and drew a strange rune over Xiaohua head then chanted a few strange words

After the contracting, a silver spiral appeared on her forehead which then went as it came, he said jovially "Xiaohua, you're my first beast now and we'll play when am back"

Qianqi asked after confirming that Junfang had left "Yo, Xiaohua, will he come back from the dangerous place?"

Xiaohua yawned and laid on the table "He will bring friends"

Qianqi asked again "When are you going to let him know you can talk though?"

Xiaohua replies lightly "Maybe when he's back"

Junfang reached the Mercenary Administration Building which was in a simple western style, he took a deep breath and entered

He saw a lot of counters with different lengths of queues but the longest was the one at the center

He was confused so he asked someone in the queue closest to the entrance

"Oh yes what is it little boy?" The person was a thirty-odd male and had a kind face

Junfang replied "I want to register to be a mercenary, which line do I join?"

The man looked at him from head to toe and said lightly "Little boy, you can't join now, you have to be at least fifteen to register, you have to wait another five or six years"

Junfang sighed and tapped his head but when he was about to reply, a commotion rose up by the entrance behind him so he looked back to see a lady in her late twenties swaggering in with a huge beast head on her shoulder, she went to one of the counters and directly dropped the head on it

"Who the heck is she to cut the line just because she is strong? Just wait till the guards come in to chase her out"

"Are you crazy? Shut up, do you know who she is, she is a freaking silver mercenary, she has the rights to cut the line"

"What? A silver mercenary in her late twenties! That's unbelievable, could she be?"

"She only looks like that, she's already in her early thirties, does the name Qu Ouyang ring a bell?"

"What the heck! So she's Qu Ouyang, damn, the Qu family is full of geniuses, even her younger brother who is in his late twenties is already a general!"

The girl continued talking with the person behind the counter, after she was done with her business, she left afterwards and the commotion dies down a bit but some people were still talking about her

Junfang murmured to himself "So that's Qu Ouyang as for her brother who is a general, I think his name is Qu Lu or something"

Junfang then asked the same man who was beside him "What's a gold mercenary by the way?"

The man replied seriously "There are different rankings of a mercenary which are copper, iron, bronze, silver, gold and platinum"

Junfang said thoughtfully "Copper must be for F and E-rank, Iron must be for D and C, Bronze is for B and A, silver is for AA and AAA, gold is for Pseudo S and Swhile the highest which is platinum is for SS and SSS"

The man stared at him surprised and frowned "Then why did you ask if you already knew"

Junfang was confused why the man was angry and said "I didn't know before,just guessed, now which counter do I go for registration"

The man shrugged thinking he must have found it on the net and pointed towards one of the counters on the left and said "There it is so that when next you-"

Before he could finish speaking, Junfang cut him off "Am already fifteen"

The man looked at his small figure and sighed "This generation is getting too ahead of themselves"

Junfang rolled his eyes when he heard what the man said but didn't bother with him

When he got to the counter, he noticed that there were only three people there and excitedly ran quickly to get there before anyone else but before he could, five tall boys in their late teens passed by him and lined up

He sighed and went to the back dejectedly

When the guy in front of him heard his sigh, he turned back and scoffed at the little boy behind him then said "Little guy, you're still too young to register, you had better go home and come back in a few years"

Junfang answered "Am fifteen"

The guy harrumphed and said to his friends "Hey, boys, look at this little boy who is lying to me that he is fifteen" when he looks and even sounds only ten, how about we make way for him to register so the receptionist can teach him a lesson"