
2 Puzzling Encounter

Now, back to the present, Junfang comes back from work at night and plops down on his bed completely exhausted

He stretches his hand to take a hold of the picture frame on his pillow which contained the photo of a four member family

The man who had black hair and midnight blue eyes was smiling and standing beside a woman with violet hair and dark amethyst eyes sitting and carrying a boy of about three years with black hair and dark amethyst eyes and a young teenage girl with violet hair and midnight blue eyes was standing beside the woman sitting, they looked like a very happy family

Junfang sighed and hugged the frame as he said "Mother, Father, Big Sister, today is my birthday but you guys are not here to celebrate it with me but am fifteen years and it remains only six months before I can also be tested to see if I have an ability and another six months before am of age for the exams after wards then another six months before the academy exams start but I wish they could test me now so I could finally fulfil all our dreams cause I don't know what I would do for the next one and a half years, the money I have am saving it for the academy fees so I can't go to high school but at least it's good I have a good memory or I don't know how I would do it *sob* *sob*"

Junfang curled up and was about to cry to sleep as usual when he heard the meow of the kitten in his jacket and that was when he recalled the deformed kitten he had taken in earlier this morning so he took off the jacket and carefully carried the kitten out of it onto his pillow then he took out his phone and sighed

"Others have advanced combat wristwatch for all functions while I still have to use this old Xenon 15 phone which only does so much, in the future I must get it but that's when I reach sixteen cause they don't let those underage to own it as it is too exclusive, anyways, enough of that, I guess kittens eat cat food but I think I should figure out what specie it is first"

Then Junfang turned to look at the kitten which had white fur with spots of purple on its back and stomach, it had two tails, one being purple the other is orange and the outer part of its ears are purple while the inner part is orange, the fur on its face is white while it's eyes are purple and orange but one of its forelegs' paw is bent backwards and it cannot walk with it

Junfang was shocked after he carefully observed the kitten and exclaimed "The kitten I picked up seems to be the baby of a third tier Wild Fox, as for which specie, it's seems to be the Purorange Phantom Fox, damn, I can't believe I picked up a treasure! But the foreleg is a problem, I don't know if there is a cure for it or else deformed animals won't be able to grow to an adult and take in silvaen energy, it will just be an ordinary kitten and will die ordinary which would do no good to its status and the fact that it's here in a human community all sickly means it's mother must have died, poor thing.."

Junfang patted the little fox and said "Don't worry, little guy, I'll find a cure for you and we'll have each other's backs cause we are all alone in this world, you can depend on me for now, when you're strong in the future, you have to take care of me"

Junfang smiled and the little fox responded with a purr "I guess the reason it's acting like a cat is cause it's still young and sickly"

For Purorange Phantom Foxes, when their mother dies, they go through a sick period of one to two weeks depending on its inner strength

Junfang covered the little one gently with his jacket then said "Since you're a female, I'll name you XiaoHua"

Then he turned his focus back to his phone then thought 'well, since Xiaohua is not a cat but a fox, a phantom one to be exact so it can't eat meat yet as it's just one month old so the baby fox feed is what I should get for now, I'll just use the money from my daily expenses account instead'

Junfang searched on the net for feed for one month old foxes "If I buy the cheapest one, the sources may not be good and might affect it but the expensive one is a bit too much out of my budget so I should just buy one which is neither too cheap or too expensive then"

Junfang went out in his shorts and his plain shirt then said to Xiaohua "I'll be back in half an hour, don't go anywhere, okay?"

A while later, Junfang was on his way back with the food in his bag, he also bought take out for dinner

He looked at the time and said "I took too long, Xiaohua must be expecting me so I should just take a shortcut through the alleyway, it's a lot faster"

Junfang entered the alleyway and lit up his phone light for visibility as it was terribly dark down the path then he saw a shadow flash by his side and was quite terrified as he fell cause of the wind blown up by the shadow then he raised his phone light shakily and scanned the area then he saw the back of a man standing a few metres from him and asked quietly "Who are you?"

"Choi Junfang? Are you the son of Choi Jin and Sun Mingyi?" The man asked without turning back

Junfang was surprised and asked "How do you know my name?"

"You're look pretty calm for a boy of your age but you don't have to fret, am not here to hurt you, am here to give you something" The man said as he turned around

Junfang stood up and turned the phone light towards the man in wary but saw that the man was wearing a mask

"Trying to see my face so you could tell the cops about me if I assaulted you, haha" The man laughed and removed the mask

"Even if you saw my face, it's of no use cause this is the last time you'll see me, am only able to get this far cause of the promise I made your father if I found it, I should give it to his son, Choi Junfang, although I never saw your picture but you look so much like him, I now know why he said I didn't need to look at it then"

Junfang backed up to the wall and held the bag behind then asked "What did my father ask you to give me?"

"Today is your birthday right, happy birthday by the way too" The man took out two metal boxes, one a quarter meter square and the other half a meter square then handed both out to Junfang

Junfang glanced at them but didn't take them and asked "What are these?"

"The smaller one is from your Dad and the bigger one is a birthday gift from your mum, by the way, I forgot to tell you, am your uncle" The man grinned as he still held it out waiting for Junfang to accept it

Junfang looked at it warily "How do I know if you're telling the truth?"

"You have a cut throat birthmark on your neck which looks like a ring of x that's why you either wear turtleneck or put a scarf around your neck even during summer, only your mum and Dad have seen it, it is a family birthmark but is also a secret one, it will disappear when you get your first ability" The man said softly

Junfang's wariness eased a bit and he collected the metal boxes and said "They look heavy but are so light, are these boxes created from Crunes metal? What are the passwords?"

"Yes, they are Crunes metal, your mum was right, you could recognize anything at first glance, as for the password, it's your birthday, now that you have collected it, I have to go, I don't know whether I can survive this night so I must go see my family first, don't tell anyone you saw me and tell me your account number, I'll give all my remaining wealth to you although it's not much, it's my birthday gift to you, it's actually the only gift am able to give you cause I lost my possessions on the way here and could only protect this two"

Junfang glanced at him suspiciously "Chu Qing, 453xxxxxxx Xxxx Bank"

"Chu Qing?" The man raised an eyebrow

Junfang said softly "My Dad told me not to let others know my real name and created a separate identity other than my real identity for me to use and I can only use my real identity in special cases as it is safer that way"

The man laughed and gave a thumbs up

"Bro Jin taught you well, little guy, bring your phone over"

Junfang skeptically brought out his phone and the man placed his watch over and Junfang's phone let out a ding

"You must not be that well off since you're using such a phone and am guessing where you're living is not up to standard either, you should get a new place preferably your own house and not an apartment, also get a customized combat watch, when you get an ability, you should hone it before the entrance examinations" The man said seriously

Junfang looked at the amount which was just wired in and whispered in shock "one hundred million alliance dollars, uncle, it's a lot"

"It's just a small fraction of my wealth but it's the only one left" Although his tone seemed sad but he was smiling smugly

Junfang softly said thanks and asked "Uncle, which academy do you think is best for me to go to?"

"Oh, let me think about it a bit" The man had a thoughtful look in his eyes as he held his chin and looked far towards the distance

"First things first, which academy do you want to go to if you had the chance" The man counter-asked

Junfang said without hesitation "Of course, Crimson Tiger Academy"

"Oh, you don't want to go to Yuve Light Academy?" The man was amazed by his answer

Junfang scoffed and said "It has a lot of disadvantages but most majorly it is controlled by the world government so there are a lot of restrictions and also how can they be able to take in average potential students and still be number one, there are a lot of secrets behind the scene and I don't want to get myself entangled in troubles I cannot control"

"Nice, am already liking you even more but do you know your potential?" The man questioned

Junfang replied candidly "Yes, tested when I was five and retested when I was ten, am of average potential"

"Just like your father said, it's good I was able to bring it today, you must take the gift your father gave you before twelve this night, don't forget, you still have five hours" The man said with more seriousness in his voice

Junfang was skeptical but still nodded

"Good, well, I suggest you go to Judging academy, wait don't cut me off, let me finish, the Juxing Academy was founded by our Fang family ancestors but was taken from us when we dropped out of power when your mother disappeared four years ago along with your father and since then Juxing Academy had been declining, it was the Crimson Tiger Academy which came out of nowhere that took over Juxing Academy, they antagonized us strongly and made us drop in ranks and cause of Sis Mingyi's disappearance, we dropped again and now there is no Fang Family members to aid Juxing Academy even though we don't own it anymore, it's still a family legacy and it is also the only academy founded by a Chinese but in the end, it's still up to you my nephew, choose well and lead on" after his lengthy talk, the man faded away before Junfang could say anything

Junfang shaked his head then a voice sounded from far "And buy some new clothes, jeez, that clothing looks like a cuckoo costume on you, hahaha"

Junfang smiled faintly and walked home with spring in his steps

Junfang was in a happy mood when he got home and said to Xiaohua "Xiaohua, tomorrow we will be moving out of this rundown place and into a new home all to ourselves"

Then he suddenly recalled "Oh no, I forgot to ask uncle what cure is best for a deformed fox, well, we will see how much is left after buying the house and some new clothes tomorrow then I'll search for it"

Junfang placed the two boxes on his bed after feeding Xiaohua then recalling his uncle's words, he took the smaller, pressed in the password and it let out a click sound before opening automatically

Junfang saw a small bottle inside and a paper taped onto it depicting "My son, happy birthday from Dad, take it before your fifteenth birthday ends"

Junfang rubbed the paper affectionately and said "Even on my birthday when he's not here, he is still trying to act cool"

Junfang took a deep breath and opened the bottle then chugged down it's contents quickly, when the last drop when through his throat, his body froze up and his breath was like mist, he was about to freak out but realized that he couldn't move, Xiaohua was already asleep after she finished eating so she didn't see this scene

A few hours later, his body was back to normal and he could move but his first instinct was to point his hand towards a cup on his reading desk then suddenly a crack appeared beside the cup and both the cup and crack disappeared

He exclaimed in shock "What the hell did I just take? I freaking got an ability before the age of sixteen, this is unheard of, I mustn't let anyone find out about this"

He then looked around the room and wondered 'Where did it go, did I really make it disappear or.. is it that ability?'

He sensed something weird in the area and closed his eyes then he saw the same cup in the void of space existing without realism then he pointed his hand at it and willed it out then it disappeared again, when he opened his eyes, he saw the cup in the same place as though it was never there

He jumped up in joy "Oh yeah! I got the rare space portal ability, wow, so cool, what's my limit?"

He pointed towards his work bag and willed it, it disappeared then he pointed towards the place where a door was supposed to be for his room and willed it, it appeared

After a few more tryouts, he deduced "Am only able to portal thirty objects, anything more won't work and it seems like I can't portal living things which roughly places my power at F-rank, also I feel that my strength has increased by a huge margin, I'll test it out somewhere tomorrow, next thing is to check my mum's gift"

Junfang took the second box, typed in the password and it clicked but didn't open automatically like the first one and when he opened it, he was shocked to find various weapons in it "There is a gun, a few poison and sleeping needle pack, a scythe and a hammer, these are all the weapons mum taught me how to use when I was younger, I finally have real ones, thanks mum..."

Junfang saw a note taped at the top inside of the box depicting "My silly child, happy birthday, you're fifteen now, wow, you're a big boy now eh, remember the weapons I promised you for your birthday, look no further, here they are and the best thing is they are all in minimized forms that's why they could size in this tiny box, the tallest they can grow to is three meters even the needles and don't worry about the bullets of your gun or your needles, they are inexhaustible and your gun has a silencer, it makes no sound when it's trigger is pulled and it has a two bullet-way-out muzzle, I used my power to create all your weapons, pretty cool, right, I know I know, mum's the best now now, quickly drop a blood on each of them and don't be surprised by your blood colour, it's a family thing and when you drop your blood on them, it will all be stored as tattoos on your arm, okay love you don't get into too much trouble with your ability, keep it a secret! Oh yea, the weapons can also turn invisible and they are a bit sentient also can respond to commands effectively, use well!!"

Junfang smiled faintly after he read the note finish "Mum will never waste a chance to be smug but what did she mean by my blood colour, it's normal red when I bleed, whatever, let me check it first"

Junfang went to the kitchen to get a knife and he placed his hand over the gun first then slit his palm, silver blood dripped from the cut