
Power Creation

Meet Cain Smith, a workaholic working on a project that would change the world, suddenly dies due to exhaustion. Little does he know that his death would only be the beginning of his adventure... (WARNING: The first volume is BAD! I had no experience in writing a story so I didn't know what to do, just bear with the first volume and read until the second. The second one is miles ahead of the first one, but if you still don't like it then it is what it is. Thank you for reading!) Hey everyone! This is my first time writing anything other than essays and school work so u can expect a lot of errors and stuff like that, sorry in advance... btw there will be NO HAREM in this story bc I simply don't like them. Enjoy! . . . . . . . (I do not own anything except the main character in this fanfiction.) This cover is not mine, I found it on google. If you are the artist and want me to change it let me know.

ilovepizza9 · アニメ·コミックス
28 Chs

Chapter 21 - Lottery.

(A/N: I'm thinking about making Issho travel to other worlds along with Cain, what do you all think? For that, Cain will show him a few of his abilities and shit, and he'll also give a unique power to Issho that will make him stronger with time... Let me know your opinions.)

[3045 words not counting this, I'm on a roll lol]


< Cain's POV >


A few seconds later, Mihawk, Robin and Issho had already come to the deck so I started explaining,

"I have these 5 devil-fruits here and I wanted you all to see if you'd like to eat one of them, besides Robin of course. There are 2 paramecias, 1 ancient zoan, 1 mythical zoan and 1 logia." I said and continued while explaining everything I knew about each fruit. In the end, Mihawk ended up choosing the teleportation fruit and Issho unexpectedly chose none of them.

"Where did you get these anyway?" Asked Mihawk while analyzing the fruit in his hands.

"Oh, Whitebeard gave them to me." I replied nonchalantly.

"""What?""" The 3 of them said at the same time.

"What? I did something for him so he gave me these fruits as payment, that simple."

Mihawk had gotten used to Cain's weirdness so he didn't dwell on it too much, but Robin and Issho hadn't so Robin decided to ask.

"You're a friend of Whitebeard's? What did you to him?" Asked Robin.

I turned to her and said while smiling, "Saved his life."

"My judgement wasn't wrong... you really are fascinating." Muttered Issho as he looked at me.

Mihawk, seeing all of this decided to eat the teleportation fruit. If he could awaken it, it would be an insane power to have and would help him a lot in fights, so from now on he would focus most of his training in awakening the fruit and inventing techniques.

Surprisingly for him though, the taste was absolutely amazing! I had changed some things and had removed the curse out of all the devil-fruits there while also making them taste delicious.

I then said to Mihawk that I removed the curses so he could still swim and do whatever. He was pleasantly surprised and just thanked me.

He then distanced himself from us and went to train his new abilities while Robin went inside. So I called Issho to my side and took another fruit from my pocket. Since Issho didn't want any of them I asked Rhea to teleport the Zushi-Zushi no Mi to my pocket so that I could give it to him.

This fruit was a Paramecia type that allowed the user to manipulate and create gravitational forces. In the cannon it was eaten by Issho himself but right now he hadn't eaten it yet.

"I have this other fruit for you if you want. I think that it fits you very well and you could make very good use of it. To put it simply, it allows you to manipulate gravity." I said to him while holding the fruit in my hands.

"Oh, this one is indeed astouding... I will eat it then if you don't mind." Issho responded with a little smile so I gave the fruit to him.

"I removed the curse from this one too and also added a good taste to it!" I added after I saw him examining the devil-fruit.

He then happily took a bite of it after hearing what I said and he could instantly feel some new power that he could use, the power of gravity.

I made some small talk with him while saying some of the techniques that he could invent with it and he did the same as Mihawk and went near him to get a deeper understanding of his powers.

1 hour later, Robin was in her room while Issho and Mihawk were on the deck training their powers. I was in my room thinking about the specifics of the new government that I was about to implement. I had already decided to manipulate everyone's minds so that they wouldn't think it was weird to have a new government all of a sudden. This government would be basically the same as the World Government, but there would be some changes.

First things first, pirates and the Marines will still exist. I won't like, create a new system and abolish piracy. I'll replace the Marines with my own army of mannequins like Dave so they will be able to protect the world from the scummy pirates better.

Second, the Marines will only go after the pirates that are actually bad people, meaning they won't really chase the Whitebeard Pirates or the future Strawhats, if they even exist that is....

Third, the government will only accept kind hearted people. Even though the most important positions will only be filled with my mannequins, I want to give work to some poeple. My mannequins will all only follow my orders and are immortal, but from time to time they will change their appearances so that the population doesn't find out they aren't actually people.

(A/N: Won't go too deep but just know that the new government is better than the World Government.)

And that's basically it. Honestly, next time I want to destroy a government, I'll think twice before acting... it's not worth it.

'Rhea, change the memories of everyone in the world besides the ones from my crewmembers. Make it so that they think they have always had the Earth Confederation as their ruler and government.' I asked Rhea in my mind. Earth Confederation was the new government's name.

{Sure thing, Cain... Done.}

'Thank you. Honestly, I'm getting kinda bored in this world... it's too weak. Or I'm too strong. Maybe both. I guess I'll fight with the strongest people in the world and do some more stuff before leaving.' I thought while nodding.

'Yo Rhea, can I add new functions to the system?' I asked her in my mind.

{Of course, Cain. You can create whatever you want, so logically you can also create other functions for the system and even create other systems.} She replied with her sweet voice.

I nodded to her response and thought about creating a sort of lottery for my system. With it, I could choose a theme such as weapons, skills, items, etc; I could also not select any theme and let the lottery choose anything from the entire omniverse.

I told Rhea to input a 3 spins per world limit or else I'd just keep spinning that shit all day long. Even though I can create everything with only a thought, these lotteries are just more thrilling. I also told Rhea to rank the stuff that I'd get the same way that she ranks my abilities.

I sat in my bed and said in my mind,

'Perfect! I'll probably not use this a lot but when I reach a new world I can spin it..' I thought while commanding Rhea to spin the lottery 3 times.

With my insane luck, I'm sure that I'll get something very powerful every time but since I didn't set any theme, I can also get a lot of shit.

10 seconds later, the spins came to a stop and the results were displayed in my mind. They were as follows:

1x [Godzilla Earth] (S+) (ANIMAL)

DESCRIPTION: This monster has various abilities, such as: a particle breath that is capable of penetrating mountains and destroying continents all without opening his mouth; a tail that can slice through practically anything and emit an electromagnectic shockwave; he has a natural camouflage that can nullify his body heat, he can absorb radio wave signatures that makes sonar unusable, and even blend into mountains; he is also capable of cell division which spawns several variations of itself; he has instant tissue regeneration and also has an electromagnetic shield around his body. His size is a massive 300 meters (1000ft) with a lenght of 550 meters (1800ft) and he weighs an astounding 93.000 tons. (GODZILLA 🌎 IMAGE HERE)

1x [Mastered Ultra Instinct] (SSS) (FORM)

DESCRIPTION: In this state, the user's mind and body are separated, meaning that the body will move independently from the user's body and thoughts. Ultra Instinct gives the user the ability for each and every part of their body to act and think on its own; this allows for much greater reaction speed, as the user no longer needs to take the time to process their actions, and can simply do them. Since it is mastered, there is no downside or backlash from entering or leaving this state. Upon entering this form, the user's eyes and hair become a distinctive silver coloration, while also gaining a hot and calm aura around him.

1x [Lelouch vi Britannia's Geass] (S+) (POWER)

DESCRIPTION: The Power of Absolute Obedience. Allows the user to plant commands within a person's mind upon eye contact. Activation of the Geass can be done at will and is visually represented by the manifestation of a Geass sigil in both eyes. There is no downside from using or abusing these eyes. The Geass' effective distance is correlated to the user's eyesight. The user can affect one person an indefinite amount of times. (GEASS IMAGE HERE)

".....HOLY SHIT! These are some amazing rewards! Even though I can create them by just willing them to appear, it still makes me excited when I gain some awesome stuff. I even gained fucking Godzilla Earth... I'll choose a world soon to let him rampage. I don't even need to say how useful Ultra Instinct can be; even though I gained Goku's Ultra Instinct which is a form and not the Angels' one which is passive, it's still very useful. I also gained Lelouch's Geass, and mine is even more OP since it has basically no range limit, which will be great for me seeing that my eyesight is insane due to 'Absolute Condition', and because I can affect one person an infinite amount of times.

Overall, all of them are insane... Rhea, please show me my stats." I couldn't help but say everything out loud. I was very happy about these rewards.

{Understood. Status are being displayed...


NAME: Cain D. Smith


AGE: 35

DEVIL-FRUIT(S): Tatsu-Tatsu no Mi, Model: Shenlong Dragon.

FORMS: Partial-Hybrid Dragon [5x], Hybrid [20x], Full Dragon [50x], (NEW!)Mastered Ultra Instinct [80.000.000x]. (A/N: When I uploaded this chapter, I had set the multiplier to 500x so as to not make it too insane, but Urion_Limitbreaker's comment made me think so I changed it. Let me know if you find it better 500x or this one.)

INVENTORY: Nandaka (his sword), (NEW!)Godzilla Earth. (A/N: Added inventory so me and Cain can keep track of what's inside and so that you can all know as well.)

HP: ∞

MP: ∞

STR: 28.811 kgf → 30.852 kgf

AGI: 21.033 m/s → 24.591 m/s (55.008 mph)

INT: 38.000

LUCK: 205

POWER: Meta Ability Creation (???), (NEW!)Lelouch vi Britannia's Geass (S+)

ABILITIES: Absolute Immortality (???), Infinite Omni-energy (???), Meta Space-Time Manipulation (???), (NEW!)Absolute Creation (???), Soul Manipulation (SSS+), Universal Combat Knowledge (SSS+) (LOCKED), Instant Mastery (SSS) (LOCKED), Absolute Condition (SS+) (LIMITED), Perfect Mind (SS+), Only For Me Baby (S+), Perfect Energy And Aura Manipulation (S), Analyse (S)}

'Awesome! I actually really want to see how Godzilla Earth looks right now though...' I was insanely curious to see how gigantic this monster would be and also how powerful.


I got out of my head as I heard someone knock at my door so I quickly said, "Come in."

The one who knocked at my door was noneother than Mihawk, though I didn't know why he was here...

"What happened? I heard you shout all of a sudden." He asked with his poker face.

'Hmm what should I say?..... OH! That'll be perfect! I'll be able to test my new form and also not tell everything.' I thought in less than a second with my insane though speed.

"Actually, something great happened my friend! I have gained a deeper understanding of Observation Haki and unlocked a new state. In this form, my body moves on its own, it moves on instinct you could say. While in it I am basically impossible to be hit because my body dodges everything on its own. Care to help me try it out?" I responded as I got up from my bed.

"Of course. Let's see if it's as good as you say it is." Mihawk replied as he got out my room with me following him not long after.

As we reached the deck, I saw Issho still practicing with his new devil-fruit and making good progress. I decided to also ask him to help me test my new form and he happily agreed.

"Okay, I'll enter it now. Remember to attack me with everything you have, don't worry about destroying the ship because it's more durable than you think..." I said to both of them as I activated my Mastered Ultra Instinct transformation.

Suddenly, a gigantic and powerful blue and white aura rose up from my body, it was so powerful that it was possible to see it with the naked eye. My hair, eyebrows and eyes became a light silver, almost white color and I could feel the insane power that was flowing through each cell of my body.

'So this is Ultra Instinct....' I thought as I did the classic open and close motion with my hands. It was a must to do this after a power-up afterall...

I could sense that my body would act on its own the moment something came to attack me. My mind had achieved a calm and peaceful state as I didn't need to think on moving my body anymore, it was truly a soothing sensation.

"Interesting..." Said Issho with his hoarse voice. He was holding his sword in his hands and was ready to strike me at any second.

I then looked at both Mihawk and Issho in front of me and did the 'come' motion with my hands. They immediately understood and started dashing at me at insane speeds. To a normal human, it would seem as if they had completely disappeared but to me they were slow. Incredibly slow.

As they reached me they began slashing my body with everything they have. Since their Captain said that they could go all out, they complied.

But it was all for naught, seeing as I dodged each and every single one of their attacks by a hair. My body didn't make any unnecessary movements, it only did what was enough to dodge everything.

I moved in a fluid and rapid motion as I was attacked hundreds of times every second and dodged every one of them.

No matter how fast, no matter how powerful and no matter how sudden the attack was, I evaded them.

Mihawk and Issho were naturally impressed by this, even more because they could see that I wasn't putting any effort at all. So they both decided to use this battle as a means for training their new abilities as well and started making use of their devil-fruit powers.

Mihawk looked behind Cain and in an instant teleported there. Issho increased the gravity on Cain by 10x and decreased his own by a little bit to move faster.

As they both reached in to attack, my body moved on its own and perfectly dodged both of them, making their swords collide with each other.

Issho's body moved back a bit due to the sheer power of Mihawk's strike. Even if he wasn't the Strongest Swordsman in the World anymore, the only ones who could best him in a sword fight were Cain and Dave, so his power was nothing to scoff at.

Mihawk, seeing that his attack didn't work decided to up the scale a bit and used the Strongest Slash in the World technique.

A gigantic green energy blade surged from his sword as he slashed it downwards. This attack was capable of cutting entire islands in half.

Issho moved out of the attack's way because he didn't want to be caught in the crossfire.

When the attack was millimeters away from my body, I instantly moved and reappeared behind Mihawk.

Even Issho's Observation Haki couldn't sense me moving at all due to my astronomical speed and precision, so Mihawk naturally didn't see anything as well.

I then chopped Mihawk's neck with little force as to not knock him out and said, "Dead." as I disappeared once again, now appearing behind Issho.

"Dead." I said as I did the same thing as I did to Mihawk.

Noticing what happened, they both stopped their actions and had a surprised but also curious look in their eyes.

Seeing that everything was over, I deactivated Ultra Instinct and said to them, "Told you it was powerful!" with a smile on my face.

"Teach me that." Were the only words that Mihawk muttered and Issho just nodded along. Even though they knew what I was capable of, Mihawk more than Issho, they were still shocked by the power that I displayed.

"HAHAHAHA, one step at a time, my friends. You should both train your devil-fruits first and also your Observation Haki. You cannot achieve this state if you haven't at the very least achieved the Future Sight level in Observation Haki, so you still have a lot to work on." I bullshitted my way through the conversation.

After some more talk, we all went to the kitchen to get a bite to eat. Issho had already had a taste of my cooking and you could say that it was love at first taste...

I called Robin to eat with us as well because eating time is best time.

As we were all eating some burguers and fries that I made, I spoke.

"I already implemented the new government."

Robin being the one that was the most worried about the state of the world was shocked. Implementing a whole new government in hours wasn't something possible, but I guess she forgot who her captain was.

"How?" She said.

"By creating a new government, duh." I replied jokingly and continued, "No need to ask these questions, Robin. Just know that when you're near me, the impossible happens every second."

Mihawk nodded and Issho listened carefully to my words. He was now noticing just how unnusual I was.

Robin gave me a sweet smile and said, "Thank you for doing this."

I just laughed it off because I could see the look that Mihawk was giving me...




VERY USEFUL FUN FACT:The town of Monowi (Nebraska) has a population of one. She pays taxes to herself.

Hello everyone! Don't know what time it is for you all, but for me its 2:30am, so this chapter will count as the one from today. Hope you all enjoyed the thicc chapter. Thank you for reading and for the support, God bless you all!!!

ilovepizza9creators' thoughts