
Chapter 20 - Whitebeard.

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"Shall we go back to the ship?" Cain asked everyone after they talked for a while.

All of them nodded so Cain turned into his 25 meters dragon form and all of them jumped on his back. This time he didn't go slow so they reached the boat in less than a minute.

As they all hopped off his back, Mihawk went to his room with a glass of wine that he got in the kitchen and Robin started reading a book while sunbathing outside.

It was exactly 9:30am right now and the day was absolutely beautiful. No clouds could be seen in the sky and the water was a shade of blueish green and transparent. This island's climate was indeed great, so Cain decided to leave their ship here for a bit.

Issho was still by his side, so Cain went inside with him to show him his quarters and he said that he could to whatever he wanted, and if he wanted to eat something to just go to the kitchen that it was packed with all kinds of food.

At the moment, Cain was in the master bedroom thinking on how to introduce his new government.

'Honestly, fuck it. I'll make it so that everyone just accepts this new government by manipulating their memories. I'm not the type of guy that will have this much power and not use it to make my life easier.' He thought.

But before he did anything, there was something way more important that was on his mind.

'Due to my actions the War will not happen... Guess I'll just teleport to Whitebeard's ship and talk to him there.'

As his thought process reached an end, he concealed his presence perfectly so that he could teleport away without Issho or Mihawk noticing. He always had to do this because if not, bothersome questions would come his way.

After hiding his presence, he teleported to the Moby Dick in front of Whitebeard. He didn't need to hide anything from them so he just didn't care and appeared there.

In front of him was a massive man (21'10'', 666cm), however, unlike other abnormaly large humans, he was very well-proportioned. He had a long face, ploughed because of the advanced age with many wrinkles around his eyes, and many scars running along his chest, and was very muscular.

He wore a black bandanna around his head and adorned himself with a white captain's coat, which hung loosely from his broad shoulders and bore his Jolly Roger symbol. He was bare-chested, and was wearing light, loose pants tucked inside his large black boots, and a dark pirate sash around his waist. In his right hand, there was one of the 12 supreme grade swords, Murakumogiri. At the moment, Whitebeard was attached to several medical sensor machines, due to health issues concerning his age. (WB IMAGE HERE)

"Hello there, Newgate!" Cain said with a smile on his face.

After hearing his words, everyone instantly noticed that someone had hopped on their ship somehow. The entire Whitebeard Pirates became alerted to this new visitor that could bypass all of their Observation Haki and even their Old Man's Haki.

"Come on, you don't need to be on your guards. I actually came here to help you guys." Cain had seen the way that they acted when they noticed that he was there so he thought it was better to just say what he was here for already.

"GAHAHAHAHA, and what would the most wanted man in the world help me with?" Whitebeard had instantly recognized who this man was from the bounty poster that he had seen a few days ago, and because of today's newspaper, everyone now knew about what he had done the day before.

"I can cure you, Newgate. But of course, there ain't no such thing as a free lunch. I'll take all of the devil-fruits you currently have here as payment. I will obviously heal you first and take the payment after, deal?"

Cain wanted at least something from him as payment and chose the devil-fruits on a whim. It would work out since he would try to give Mihawk and Issho a devil-fruit suitable for them.

Issho had not eaten the Zushi-Zushi no Mi yet, so from the fruits that they would give as payment there might be one that fits him, if not, Cain can always just create one.

"Cure me, you say? Why should I believe you? Gahahahaha." Responded Whitebeard. He very much wanted for this man to be speaking the truth but he doubted it.

"For one such as me, healing you is as easy as blinking. How about we share a drink before I cure you? I guarantee that you have never drank anything this good." Cain said as he snapped his fingers and 2 10' tall and 10'' wide bottles of whiskey appeared, one in front of him and the other in front of Whitebeard. Cain asked Rhea to create the best whiskey in the omniverse so here it is.

Everyone was naturally surprised by this. First this man appeared out of nowhere saying that he could heal Whitebeard, and now he snapped his fingers and 2 gigantic bottles of alcohol materialized in front of him. Whitebeard seeing this thought that Cain had eaten some kind of devil-frut that allowed him to manipulate space to an extent so that he could teleport himself and things wherever he wants.

'He might really be able to heal the Old Man...' Thought Marco as he was still wary of Cain but had relaxed a bit.

"GAHAHAHA, you know how to catch my attention, Rising Dragon! I'll never refuse a drink, much less when you say that this is the best!" Whitebeard said with a big smile on his face.

"Awesome then! Bottoms up!" Cain said as he grabbed the whiskey bottle with his 2 hands and started pouring it in his mouth.

Whitebeard did the same not long after. It wasn't that Whitebeard already trusted Cain, but he believed that this man was not here to harm him or his family in any way so he thought no further and drank the alcohol.

The second he chugged down the drink, he felt as if he had just found his other half, as if this is what was missing from his life all these years. The only word that he could think to describe the whisky was 'divine'.

"This is indeed the best I have ever tasted..." Whitebeard said. Just as he was about to continue, Ace approached Cain,

"Is what you said before true? Can you really help the Old Man?" He asked with a sad tone of voice. You could feel that this crew was one big, loving family and talking about their sick father made them sad, but Cain was the light at the end of the tunnel for them.

"Oh, 'FireFist' Ace, quite a pleasure it is to meet you... And yes, what I said is 100% true, I can cure your father with a snap of my fingers, the only thing left is for him to give me permission." Cain replied in his usual voice, but inside he was excited because Ace was his favorite character in One Piece, and meeting him in person was amazing.

Whitebeard hearing this entered in deep thought, thinking wether to trust Cain or not, and after a couple minutes he spoke.

"If your words are honest, then I am willing to give you whatever you want. If it's devil-fruits, then we'll get them for you. If it's money, then we'll pay you."

A smile appeared on Cain's face and he responded, "It's okay, I just want some devil-fruits. Do I have your permission to heal you then?"

"You do." Blunty replied Whitebeard.

Everyone on the ship had their hearts beating fast right now, everyone besides Cain of course. Not even Whitebeard could keep his heart calm, since this was the closest that he had ever gone to being healthy again.

As Whitebeard's words left his mouth, Cain simply snapped his fingers. He added a little bit of his aura as a kind of special effects from his snap just to make it more awesome and not just a boring snap. His aura made it so that the snap made a sonic boom sound and that a wave of heat and air went in all directions.

This, of course, didn't hurt basically anyone on the ship because the Whitebeard Pirates were one of the strongest Pirate crews in the world, so there weren't no pushovers.

Whitebeard though wasn't focused in any of this, what he was focused was on the cooling and soothing feeling that was passing all throughout his body. He felt as if his body had been returned to his prime, and that's exactly what happened.

Cain had simply reversed time on Whitebeard's body back to his prime, but made it so that he retained his classic mustache, his memories, muscle memory and everything else that he had learned since his prime. In instants, Whitebeard's old and 'frail' appearance was replaced with a healthy and energetic one.

All of Whitebeard's sons who saw this were amazed and couldn't hold back their tears. They really treated Whitebeard as their father, and seeing him in his sick state everyday was torture for them. Now though, they could only feel happiness inside their hearts.

Cain let them have their time and went to the whale figurehead in front of the ship to relax a bit.

After 5 minutes, Cain heard Whitebeard shout, "RISING DRAGON, COME HERE!"

Cain complied and went to the ship's deck. What he saw there surprised him a little bit but he was expecting something like this.

In front of him were all of the Whitebeard Pirates and Whitebeard himself bowing in his direction. He then heard all of them shout simultaneously,


A smile unconsciously appeared on his face seeing this,

"HAHAHA, if someone were to see you now you would lose respect, Newgate." He said half joking and half serious.

"It doesn't matter! If I lost respect from bowing to the man who saved my life, it's because I never had any respect to begin with." Whitebeard was now much more energetic than before and it was clear in his voice, he was truly grateful.

Cain nodded to his words and was also happy that he could help Whitebeard. He knew that he was a great man and an even greater father, so he deserved this treatment. He could only hope that now he would live a long life with his sons.

"Well, I'll be taking my leave then. I'm glad that you're all doing alright. Live a long life everyone, goodbye!" Cain said as he teleported back to his room in the Black Pearl along with all the devil-fruits present on the ship. He just asked Rhea to teleport them all with him so that's why.

He managed to get 2 paramecia, 1 ancient-zoan, 1 mythical-zoan and 1 logia, so quite a good haul. He used his 'Analyze' ability on all of them and they were as follows:

{Irezumi-Irezumi no Mi, a Paramecia type devil-fruit that gives the user the ability to "store" things on his/her body in the form of a tattoo. To retrieve the stored item, the user needs to touch one of the tattoos and it would be turned back into what was "stored". The size of the tattoo will be according to the size of the item "stored", with the scale 5:1, meaning that an item with a size of 5 inches will be a 1 inch size tattoo.

If awakened, the user is able to "store" untouchable things, such as fire, electricity and wind. The user will be able to "store" something the he/she is not touching in a 5 meter radius. The maximum number of tattoos is 50, while after awakening this number becomes 200.}


{Tenmetsu-Tenmetsu No Mi, a Paramecia type devil-fruit that allows the user to "blink" to any location the user is looking. This ability is highly accurate, and will teleport the user to the exact point they are focusing on. This also works for photographs, but the location must remain the EXACT same from when it was photographed. For instance, if the user takes a picture of an island and destroys it right after, he/she will not be able to teleport there by looking at the photo since it's not the same anymore.

If awakened, he/she gains a 5 mile radius around the user that enable him/her to teleport anywhere within these 5 miles.}


{Ryu-Ryu no Mi, Model: Mosasaurus. An ancient zoan type devil-fruit that gives the user the ability to become a Mosasaurus hybrid or a full Mosasaurus at will. This fruit is peculiar because the user will not suffer from the seawater-curse if he/she is in a hybrid or full Mosasaurus form, thus the user will be able to freely swim through the sea.

If awakened, the user will gain a very hard metal armor around his/her body that will appear if the user is in the hybrid or full Mosasaurus form. The user's size will also increase from 15 meters to 50 meters in lenght, while also giving him/her the ability to freely control his/her size when in full Mosasaurus form.} (HOW THE FULL AWAKENED FORM LOOKS LIKE)


{Inu-inu no Mi, Model: Cerberus. A mythical zoan type devil-fruit that allows the user to transform into a hybrid or full Cerberus, a giant 3 headed hell-hound. If he/she transforms into a full Cerberus, the user gains 2 additional sentient heads, all 3 can act independently of each other and as a team, giving he/she an unfair advantage in one-on-one fights. If one of the heads are cut off, it will heal in time.

If awakened the user's skin become nigh-indestructible, making it stronger than most Armament Haki. The user's bones, fangs, organs and muscles also become much more resistant to damage while transformed. The full Cerberus' size also triples, making the user a 15 meters tall 3 headed hell-hound.} (HOW THE FULL AWAKENED FORM LOOKS LIKE HERE)


{Kumo-Kumo no Mi. A logia type devil-fruit which allows the consumer to produce, become, and control any form of cloud, including those which reside on Sky Islands. Thus turning the user into a Cloud Human. The only cloud that he/she cannot produce, nor become, is the Sea Cloud as it would weaken him/her as well. Not only this, but extremely hot and cold environments can render the user's abilities USELESS, as his/her clouds cannot form without sufficient moisture. The user's range is a 100 meters radius around him/her.

If awakened, the user's range extends to a 10 mile radius around him/her.}


As Cain finished reading all of the screens in front of him, he was quite happy. These fruits were not bad at all, mainly that logia one and the teleportation one, with practice both could become very deadly abilities. The 'blink' one was very good so he was thinking of giving this one to Mihawk, but he may not want it. Since he is a swordsman, if he takes his eyes of his opponent even for a second, he might lose his life; but it's worth seeing if he wants it anyway.

The logia one will probably go to Issho. With his high-level intellect he will be able to make very good use of it's abilites and might even awaken it after some time, who knows.

Cain was also thinking about removes the curses from all these fruits and leaving them at the boat if nobody wants any of them.

'I'll let them check out all of them so that they can choose, besides Robin because she already has eaten a devil-fruit. I'm 99% sure that Issho will want the Logia one and Mihawk I don't know. He might choose one of them but I honestly don't know which one. The tattoo one and the Zoans don't seem like his type of ability but I'll find out later.'




VERY USEFUL FUN FACT: The blob of toothpaste that sits on your toothbrush has a name. It's called a 'nurdle'.

Next chapter