
Power and responsibility.

Issei Hyoudou is a young high school student living in New York with his parents and having an ordinary life with no relevance, being literally a nobody, but all that changes after an excursion in the Oscorp laboratory, where a genetically modified spider bites him. and it completely changes your life.

Daoist2C1elK · アニメ·コミックス
42 Chs

Contract done.

Author on:

Issei was chained up and facing four hooded people of mysterious identity, the only thing he could be sure of was that they were one man and three women, all armed with swords and weird glowing spears. Issei's spidey-sense was crazy, but he didn't need it to warn him that the four were trouble, that much Issei already knew just by looking.

Hooded Woman 1: That was easier than I thought, apparently they overestimated him a lot. -Said one of the hooded women holding a spear that glowed in an amethyst hue.

Hooded Woman 2: Difato, that was a very easy catch. -Continued another hooded woman with a golden spear in her hands.

Hooded Woman 3: Well, in that case let's finish the job soon, you want to get my payment as soon as possible. -Completed by a shorter hooded woman with two golden blades.

Hooded man: Don't let your guard down just yet, they warned us that he can't be underestimated. -Warned the hooded man holding two red swords in his hands.

Issei didn't know who those four were nor did he know why they were after him, but just from their dialogues he could deduce that someone had hired them, all he had to do now was find out why and what they had been hired for.

Issei/Spider-Man: Excuse me, I didn't mean to get in the way of you guys talking and all, but why is there already a reward on my head? I don't even have a month right in this hero business. -Said Issei trying to disguise his fear.

The four didn't say anything, just looked at Issei with a huge silence.

Issei/Spider-Man: Wow..... that's cold. Good ! I have a proposition for you, you release me and leave me alone and in return I won't humiliate you.

The four of them looked at each other and soon the women started laughing, as if Issei told a joke.

Hooded woman 1: Okay, as if that's possible. These chains are very strong, not even a Rhino or Elephant could break them. -Said the woman confidently.

Issei then made a little strength in his arms and in a matter of seconds he burst the chains, making the three women surprised, but the man himself was not very surprised, as he already expected something like that.

Right after releasing them, Issei immediately put his left hand on the ground and went tumbling backwards and at that same moment the three women were already going up to him with their blades in hand, with one going straight, another on the left and one in the middle.

Issei seeing them approaching for the attack, extended his free right hand and while he was staggering backwards, he aimed at the face of the one who was closest, being the one who was running to him with an amethyst spear and who was coming in the middle and fired a ball of web in his direction, hitting her face and making her fall backwards on the floor while trying to get that thing out of her face.

Even though her partner had fallen, the two other women kept moving forward and prepared to attack Issei the moment he set foot on the ground, but seconds before their blades touched him, Issei leapt into the air and spread his legs, landing a fairly weak kick to both of their faces, causing them to be thrown 2 meters away from him and with one hitting a wall and the other being a few inches from the edge of the building.

Issei/Spider-Man: It's a good thing then that my name is "Spider-Man" and not "Elephant-Man" or "Rhino-Man." -Issei said after kicking the two women and then throwing webbing in another's face.

Now three of the four were out of combat, two were unconscious and one was trying to remove the web from her face, now only Issei and the hooded man remained, who it seems was the only one who did not underestimate him at any time and while the others attacked him, he stayed behind watching.

Issei knew even this guy would be a problem, so he kept his two eyes on him the whole time, but no matter how much Issei was on alert, his spider sense kept firing frantically warning him of a danger nearby, but Issei wasn't seeing anything that was a danger and that's when his spider sense went crazy and started firing non-stop.

This was driving Issei crazy and wondering where this danger would come from and it was then that his body instinctively somersaulted backwards and where he was another electric current was thrown. Issei seeing this, tried to see where it had been thrown from and when he turned his face to the right, he saw on top of a building a machine similar to a rifle that had fired the chains.

Now Issei knew where those chains were coming from, but again his spider-sense kicked in and soon the hooded man attacked him with his swords. Issei quickly dodged by jumping over the man and then grabbed him by the shoulder and threw him away as soon as he set foot on the ground, but still not using much force and not throwing him out of the building, as his intention was only to immobilize them not kill them.

The man was thrown to the edge of the building, stopping just a few centimeters from the edge and at that moment Issei believed he had won the fight, but the woman he had hit with his web finally got up and jumped on Issei's back while lifting a kind of syringe and Issei instinctively grabbed her arm and threw her out of the building.

Issei/Spiderman: NO ! -Issei shouted, seeing the blunder he had accidentally made.

He then ran and jumped off the building to try to save that woman's life and the moment he fell towards her, everything started to go in slow motion for him and at that moment a rain of thoughts took over his mind.

Initially he thought about making a web shot and holding on to something to prevent the fall, but there was a risk that the web would not be fast enough and the risk of it breaking the woman's neck, so this idea was discarded because it was too dangerous, leaving only one alternative.

Issei threw himself at the woman and when he got close enough to her, he grabbed her waist and fired a web string towards the wall of the building, making both of them slow down and making Issei make a soft landing on the ground, holding the hooded woman at her prices and still a little scared.

Issei/Spider-Man: Hi, is everything alright? -Issei asked in a friendly manner.

The Woman on her own responded by sticking a syringe into Issei's neck and drawing a quantity of blood from it. Issei then let go of the woman due to the pain of the injection and soon the woman moved away from him.

Hooded woman 1: Close your eyes. -Said the woman pulling out a grenade and throwing it on the ground.

A loud sound came out of the grenade along with a strong glow and Issei was completely dizzy from it. It was a stun grenade, it was intended to make enemies confused and dizzy and with Issei this was no different.

After the effect of the grenade passed and Issei partially regained his senses, he noticed that the woman had disappeared and when he climbed the building, he saw that the others had also disappeared, along with that machine that fired the chains.

Even with many doubts in his mind, Issei could not afford to look for them, as he was already very late for class and if he was late any longer, it would be very bad for him. Issei then jumped out of the building he was in and went waddling as fast as he could towards his school, as he could at least catch half of the first class now.


The hooded foursome who had attacked Issei were hiding in an alley, just waiting for Issei to leave so they could breathe a sigh of relief. They had gotten a sample of the boy's blood, just as Euclid and Sirzechs ordered, and now all that was left was to deliver it to them.

Hooded man: You did well Raynare, you knew I was distracted him and attacked at the right time. -Elogio the hooded man.

Raynare: Thank you Mr. Dohnaseek, but kalawarner and Mittlet also helped a lot, after all with their defeat he was very confident.

Mittlet: That kick really hurt.

Kalawarner: If I ever meet him again, I'll make him pay for that humiliation.

Dohnaseek: In that case wait until someone makes a contract, then you can have your revenge, but now we will deliver this blood sample and get our payment, the crime king has already requested our service for another job later too.