
Power and responsibility.

Issei Hyoudou is a young high school student living in New York with his parents and having an ordinary life with no relevance, being literally a nobody, but all that changes after an excursion in the Oscorp laboratory, where a genetically modified spider bites him. and it completely changes your life.

Daoist2C1elK · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

More problems.

Sirzechs on:

It's evening, it's been a week since the incident with the Lizard and although I'm still in doubt about who would have done that to my friend, I can't deny that it had a good side, because during the fight between Issei and Azazel, Issei ended up with cuts on his chest and with that he left some blood behind.

I hate myself for taking advantage of a bad moment like that, but I couldn't help but take some samples and send them to the Oscorp lab for some analysis.

Issei....forgive me for using you just as a tool to save my wife and Son, I am really sorry for doing this to you, especially after all you have been through and after you saved my sister from something terrible, I swear when I heal my wife and Son, I will repay you eternally for all this, but even I ask for forgiveness for seeing you just as a tool.

Now I am going to see the results of the tests with his blood and I am hoping for good news. Arriving at the lab, I find only Euclid analyzing Issei's blood and soon I start wondering where the other two scientists have gone.

-Euclid, where are the others? -I ask referring to the other scientists.

Euclid: I gave them a day off, I wanted to analyze these samples alone. -He replies, still looking at the blood under the microscope.

He analyzes one sample and then takes it out and puts another one in, then analyzes this new sample and then takes it out and puts another one in and then repeated this process several times in a row for several minutes. Seeing that Euclid was concentrating, I decided not to disturb him and so I sat down on a chair and waited for him to finish his analysis, which by the way took an hour.

Euclid: That's... curious. -He says after he finishes looking at the samples.

-What's curious? -I ask.

He then gets up from his chair and stands with a pensive face walking from side to side while mumbling in a low voice some things.

-Hello ! Euclid ! What's curious? -I ask, drawing his attention.

He finally stops pacing around and stops mumbling.

Euclid: Well, as you know, we started the Oz2 project to find a cure for Grayfia and Millicas, but until now all the guinea pigs either died or gained extreme mutations, but with Issei something different happened, in some ways Oz2 stabilized and did not generate any negative effects.

-Yes, I know that.

Euclid: But through more recent studies I have found that it is not quite like that. Oz2 has indeed stabilized, but it seems that the advance has been stopped somehow.

-What do you mean?

Euclid: He was supposed to have inherited some more powers, like poison, fangs, claws, camouflage and organic webs, as well as greater strength and agility, but somehow these mutations stopped and stopped.

-More how is that possible ?

Euclid: I don't know.....he reason he was the only one compatible with Oz2 is also a mystery, but I'll only get more answers if I get more blood from the boy.

-How much more?

Euclid is silent for a while, and I'm beginning to imagine that something is coming.

Euclid: More than a liter. -He answers.

-MORE THAN A LITER ?! ARE YOU CRAZY? No one can survive losing that much blood.

Euclid: It might be, but it doesn't have to be all at once, it might as well be in installments. -He explains.

-And how do you suggest we do that? By saying he has to donate blood or have several blood tests ?! Better still! Why don't we just kidnap him at once and stick needles in him?!!!

I can't believe this, even though I want to save my family, there are boundaries I would never be able to cross and this was one of them. I could never do that to Issei, I could never kidnap him and take his blood by force, but Euclid... I wonder how far he would go and to be honest... I suspect that he is the one who attacked Azazel, although that is just my suspicion.

I know it's wrong to suspect someone without proof, but Euclid was one of the few who knew the formula Azazel was working on, besides of course the two of them didn't get along very well, besides Euclid would be able to do several things without my permission, a good example was when he decided to kill the boy.

Even though I don't know why he supposedly did it, I can't accuse him without concrete evidence, I can only keep an eye on him.

Euclid: Although that is an option, we both know you would never accept it, so I have another option.

-And what would that be?

Euclid then takes out his cell phone and shows several videos taken from YouTube, where a so-called "Spiderman" rooms several people and prevents crimes.

Euclid: We'll hire a group to go after him and take a blood sample while he's out there swinging, so he'll think they're just more criminals. -Euclid explained.

At first I thought of refusing, but I ended up accepting Euclid's proposal, as long as they didn't hurt him too much, didn't mark him and didn't know his true identity. Euclid then accepted my conditions and we then went to find a group that we could hire.

Sirzechs off:

Issei on:

My head....it's all dark.....I feel....so safe, I don't want to open my eyes, I don't want to wake up, I just want to sleep...

Rias: Issei! It's time for school, are you awake yet? -Rias asked, knocking on my door. Rias: My brother said that he won't be able to take us today, so we'll have to walk, are you awake yet?

I then wake up a little, but I still feel tired. Damn, I shouldn't have stayed up so late.

-You can go ahead, I'm already going. -I say leading myself and realizing that I'm still wearing my uniform.

I must have slept in it when I got home.

Laughs: Okay, I'll wait for you in front of the gate for 5 minutes, after that I won't call you. -She warns.

I then get up and start putting my school clothes on over my suit. First long pants, then sneakers, a long-sleeved shirt and finally I take off my gloves and store them along with my mask and my web launchers in my backpack.

Right after changing and getting my stuff, I leave my room and run to the door of the house, where Rias is waiting for me counting the time on the clock.

-Hi, sorry for the delay. -I say running up to her.

Rias: Wow, you were so fast, it didn't take you even a minute. -She says as she sees me.

I giggle a little and we both start walking towards the school.

-Why couldn't your brother take us today? Did something happen that he had to leave in a hurry? -I asked in the middle of the road.

Rias: Work piled up, he always ends up leaving work piled up and then has to run after the loss. -She replies.

-I see. Talking like that sometimes it seems like you're the big sister.

Laughs: My brother is responsible, but when I'm in the middle of it, he tends to act a bit more messy. At first I liked that, when I was a kid I wanted to be with him 100% of the time, but now that's changed and sometimes I think he's quite overprotective of me.

A siscon, a guy who loves his little sister deeply, I didn't realize you were like that Sirzechs.

-In that case I wonder if it was a shock to him when you and Riser started dating.

Rias: What are you talking about? Riser and I aren't dating.

-Yeah, but he referred to you as "my girls."

Rias: No no no. He thinks me, Akeno and Koneko are his girlfriends, but none of us actually have boyfriends, he just thinks he is.

Hó ! That's a surprise.

-So he's the kind of guy who thinks he is, right?

Rias confirms, shaking his head. Yeah, I should have known. We continued walking towards the school together and during the way Rias and I talked some more, but when we were almost at the school, I saw a car in a chase with a police car passing by us and even though I have class now, I couldn't turn a blind eye.

I then told Rias to go ahead because she needs to go to the restroom and as soon as she passed the school gates, I quickly ran to a hole, climbed up a building to the terrio and there I took off my pro clothes on top of my costume, put on my launchers, my gloves and my mask and then went out swinging between the buildings.

Issei off:

Author on:

Issei swung himself between the buildings going to the police chase already dressed in his costume. As he approached the car, the people on the street were soon filming and taking several pictures of Issei and he was a little short of reaching the fleeing car, but at this very moment Issei's spider sense began to beep, leaving the boy confused. He did not know where the danger was coming from, but instinctively he threw two web cables behind him and pulled himself back and right in front of him passed an electrified chain.

Issei seeing the current that almost hit him, got wide-eyed and wondered who had done it, but the most important thing he is wondering now, was why his spider sense was still beeping ?

At that moment another electric current was thrown at Issei, trapping his arms close to his body and then pulling him up, launching him 5 meters in the air and falling right on top of a building.

Issei/Spider-Man: What the hell is this?! -Said Issei trying to free himself.

Issei then turned his face and saw 4 hooded people, 3 women and a man, all with sharp blades in their hands and ready to attack. Issei seeing the confusion he had gotten into, began to despair and wondered why they already want him dead, since he started with this hero branch not long ago.