
Potion Maker

This is a story about a young man named Will! While playing his favorite game "Potion Maker" after installing a mod, his computer shorted out. Will then woke up in a new world with the ability to make any potion he wishes! With a system that allows him to gain new abilities, will he be walked on by those stronger? Or will he rise to the top? Release rate: unstable, as my schedule is very tight. Buy me coffee? ko-fi.com/heavensp Please check out my facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HeavenShakingPalm9/ Or check out my discord: https://discord.gg/M3ejYvV The first volume is available on amazon! https://amzn.to/2NCUlRc If the link doesn't work, I am sure you can find it with the good ol' fashioned manual search ;D

HeavenShakingPalm9 · ファンタジー
63 Chs

Defense potion

Waking up in the morning, Will was shocked when he realized that all of his wounds have vanished.

"How could this be possible?"

Looking at the ravine he fell into, he noticed a hole in the ground that was dryer than a desert.

Feeling like he should know something, he walked out of the ravine.

Time for some training!

Finding a nice grouping of trees, Will tensed his muscles as he dashed forward, hitting the trees with loud bangs causing wood chips to fly in all directions.

Sometimes he would move like a fish in water, sometimes he would move with thundering footsteps like an elephant as he struck the trees as if he was a striking serpent.

A couple hours of time passed like this as Will trained, almost destroying the trees he trained with.

It seemed his physique has improved, although he hasn't noticed.

Gasping for breath, he foraged around and cleared off several bushes of fruit as he ate his fill.

Looking around, Will decides it's time to look for some ants to use as an ingredient to boost his strength some more.

Walking through the lush green trees and thick undergrowth, Will ran into a scene that would never be forgotten for the rest of his life.

With loud banging noises and high pitched whistling sounds, two ants were in a high paced battle.

Clash after clash would cause sparks to rise from their armor, leaving the impression that their exoskeletons were made of steel.

Every time they landed on the ground, dust would kick up as craters would form beneath them, looking closely both ants seemed to be about as long as a middle finger.

Looking at the large amount of trees that were toppled in the surroundings, Will's body went stiff as he slowly backed away.

He managed to get out of there without drawing their attention.

Staring at the vast blue sky, Will was shaken inside.

He couldn't believe what he has seen.

The ants, that are stronger than the children that have beat him.

This world is too terrifying!

Walking through the forest, it was hours until Will stumbled upon a scattering of turtle shell fragments, collecting them, he decided that he could make a potion to increase his defense.

Looking at the green trees rustling their leaves in the wind, Will smiled as he pulled out a mana stone and sat down cross legged.

Time to make a defense enhancement potion!

This potion will depend on the ingredients themselves, so it can be taken multiple times.

Unlike the potions with multipliers, which in order to take again the multiplier needs to increase.

Potions that depend on ingredients can be taken multiple times, although the same recipe will lose effect over time.

Visualizing the effects of the potion, the energy in the surroundings flooded into his body as the energy started to pool out of his hands and dissolve the mana potion and turtle shell fragments.

The extra energy from the mana stone helped him with the whole process without using as much energy as he usually would.

As a shimmering liquid formed in the air, he visualized a glass vial.

With the glass vial forming, the liquid poured into it as a seal appeared on the end.

A blast of an ancient aura flooded out from the potion after it was made, causing Will to feel as if an eternity has passed.

Staring at the potion, Will downed it all in one go.

The potion had a cool and sweet taste as it went down his throat.

It tastes good!

After taking the potion, Will did not pass out, the level of the potion wasn't high enough especially combined with a mana stone.

Standing up as a wave of dizziness washed through him, he grinned.

Before his eyes, he could see his skin turning into something akin to leather, it had the same appearance, but the thickness and durability increased manifold.

He could feel his bones increase in flexibility and sturdiness, not only could they withstand greater force, they could better resist snapping as well.

His muscles, internal organs, and other tissues of his body increased in defense also, especially his eyes, which are the hardest to train.

It is I, the author!

The chapter is short, I know, sorry about that.

Ugh, I am getting new stress, so I am having issues again.

A job, the new stress is a job.

*Spits blood*

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