
Portgas D. Naruto

____________________________________ Naruto is born as Ace's older brother and the son of Portgas D. Rouge and the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger. Follow his life in the One Piece universe. ____________________________________ Disclaimer:this fanfic is not mine it's from Qwert135, if you want to take it down, message me, Every Chapter have 2k+ - 3k+ word's, so enjoy :D

xAcreosx · アニメ·コミックス
31 Chs

Chapter 1

After Roger's department from Rouge and Naruto, the two waited to see what the mans fate was, but the answer to their question about the great Pirate King came in a Lougetown news article.

The article read,

Pirate King Gol D. Roger Is Dead!

Freedom For All!

The once tyrannical ruler of the sea has been sentenced by the World Government and put to death off the charges of piracy. His death however had been able to spark something within the general public. Before being put to death the man spoke to the audience gathered,

"You want my treasure? You can have it! I left everything I have together in One Piece!"

After saying these words the now dead Gol D. Roger had been able to create even more problems for the World Government by starting what people are calling the great pirate era. Everyone who owns, or can afford a boat has set off into the Grandline in search of One Piece to become the next Pirate King!

Both Naruto and his mother were saddend at the fact that their father/lover had died, Rouge even shedding a few tears for the deceased man, but Naruto just took his hat in his hands and looked over it.

The words of his deceased father echoed in his mind,

'Live free'

The boy then clenched his hat in his hands and looked up to the open sea, the sea was one of opportunity.

Naruto then spoke,

"I'll live my life on the sea, where no one can tell anyone what to do. I'll become a man that will go directly against the World Government and the Marines, a man who won't be held down by any laws or regulations. I WILL BE FREE!"

Soon after Roger died, Rouge found out that she was pregnant with Roger's second child. The pregnancy was a difficult one for the family of two, Naruto had to do a lot to take care of his mother like gather food and supplies until she was ready to give birth. Eventually the day came where she was due. Rouge gave birth to a healthy boy named Portgas D. Ace after her and the babies older brother. Rouge herself was also back on her feet quickly after delivering Ace, back to gardening and doing other things to ensure that her sons and herself are able to survive.

A day came when a Marine ship docked at the small island and a older muscular man got out and all alone approached the house where Naruto, Ace, and Rouge lived. He introduced himself as the Marine Vice Admiral, Garp The Fist. When asked by Rouge why he had come, he responded saying that Roger himself had told them the truth about Rouge being his lover and Naruto being his biological son. However, Roger didn't know that Rouge was pregnant with a second child so he was completely unaware of Ace's existence.

"Why did Roger tell you such things Vice-Admiral?" Rouge said questioning the older Marine

Garp pondered on his response for a second before answering, "When he was locked up he told me that I had earned his respect and revealed to me the location of his lover and now two sons. He went on to say that when I found you that I would do the right thing, something different then any other Marine would do."

The two remained silent for what felt like hours before Rouge spoke up, "What will become of my children and I?"

The Vice Admiral came up with a solution fairly quickly, "I was thinking that you and your brats could come with me to the Goa Kingdom! There is a village on the outskirts of the Kingdom named Foosha Village! My home village! There I have one-hundred percent confidence that you three will be safe!" The Vice-Admiral spoke but his thumb up

The lady sweat dropped on how the Vice-Admiral's attitude seemingly went from a super serious tone to a very happy-go-lucky kind of vibe. Rouge herself took a second to think of moving to a new island.

"I too believe that it will be better for my sons and I to move to the Goa Kingdom." The lady said

Garp just smiled and raised his hand back up in the shape of a thumbs up and responded, "Ooooookay!"

"Pack your bags and grab your things cause we're going to the Goa Kingdom!" He continued

That evening the family abandoned the home and left with Garp and his crew to go to the Goa Kingdom as individuals that had been stranded on an island from a storm or some nonsense. Everything seemed to be turning around but no one noticed a man clad in a black suit walk into the now abandoned house.


A number of years later. . .

The two brothers had grown up in Foosha Village with an ex-noble named Sabo, a kind yellow-haired individual who both Ace and Naruto had befriended after he chose to leave the noble life behind him. They also friended Garp's own grandson, Ace took a immediate distaste for the boy but Naruto didn't mind him. Of course this boy was quite interesting in the least, he often acted like a fool and was very reckless, and having devil-fruit abilities didn't help this factor. The boy named Luffy had eaten the Gomu Gomu no Mi a perimecia type devil fruit that granted the user the ability to turn themselves into rubber. Overall the four got along very well even going as far as to declare themselves as "brothers".

Everything changed when Sabo took a ship and attempted to go out to sea to follow his dreams but came into contact with a Celestial Dragon's ship as it was leaving the cove. The boy tried to maneuver around it but his ship was eventually shot at and destroyed by the superior vessel. This caused Naruto in particular to grow an even greater hate for the World Government and everything it stand for. It was because of the Government that his Father and Sabo had died. They allowed corrupt people like the Celestial Dragons stupid amounts of power and gave them free reign to do what they pleased without consequence.

A lone piece of wreckage flew out of the resulting explosion, it hit the ground behind the boys and all of them went to see. It was Sabo's goggles, the pair he wore on his top-hat. Naruto bent down and picked them up, wiping some of the black dust of them he looked them over. All of the memories of Sabo and his brothers flooded back to him,

The time that they all stole from the wealthy citizens deep within the Kingdom and brought it back into the jungle declaring it their first ever plunder,

When they all fought an Anaconda for its eggs, and Luffy got swallowed whole,

And finally, the time when they first became brothers, the time when they cemented their bond.

Naruto took the goggles and tied them around his hat, and looked at the ship with dire hate and spoke, "I'm going to make the man commanding the ship pay for what he has done."

Soon after saying that he saw the Celestial Dragon being carried out of the ship by a bunch of people who were chained up and by the looks of it being forced to carry him. There was also guards stationed around him and by the looks of it there were also a few on the main deck of the massive ship.

Before anyone could say anything the 17 year old boy ran off in the direction of the ship, running in a route that avoided contact with the Celestial Dragon.

It took him a few minutes but Naruto had managed to sneak aboard the ship undetected, he was walking around stealthy in the storage room of the ship before he stopped a crate that made his lips curl upward. It was a crate of explosives, remote-detonation dynamite to be exact. He grabbed as much as he could carry and stuffed as much as he could into his pockets. Naruto then decided to plant a few at the hull of the ship to make sure when they exploded they were sinking the ship. He then went and planted a few in the storage room so that they couldn't recover anything from the vessel, but while in the storage section of the ship he noticed a few caged people being guarded. Naruto being himself knew that he couldn't in good conscience blow this thing up without freeing them. So the boy grabbed a stray piece of metal and tossed it away from the cages and lured the guard away from the prisoners. Picking up a metal boa staff leaning against another crate he walked quietly util he was behind the guard and then hit him in the back of the leg, making the guard slouch back a bit until he delivered a second attack right to his head, knocking out the guard. Naruto then got the keys from the guard and walked over to the cells.

The 17 year old boy stuck the key in all of the cells setting the prisoners free.

"Thank you kind sir. . . how may we repay you?" Asked an older man

"You can repay me by getting off this ship, if going to blow it up." Naruto told the three prisoners

"Serves them right!" Spoke a younger girl

"Shhhh keep it down Kaida, we can't alert the guards" Said who would appear to be her mother

"Okay, you three can get out if you go that way." Naruto pointed where he came in directing them to the exit

The three prisoners thanked him one last time before running in the opposite direction of him. Naruto himself put the boa staff over his shoulder and continued through the upper levels of the ship planting explosives throughout the ship and sneaking past guards.

With Ace and Luffy. . .

Both Ace and Luffy had ran back to their house to alert Rouge about what happened.

"What do you mean he went to destroy the Celestial Dragons ship!?" Rouge yelled

"Yea Mom when Sabo (sniff) blew up he went to get revenge on the Celestial Dragons" Ace told his mother holding back his tears

It pained Rouge to hear that one of her adoptive sons had perished, but she wasn't going to let her eldest child throw his life away because of something stupid like revenge, and she was especially not going to let him do any wrong against a Celestial Dragon.

"You two stay here and don'[t leave the house whatever you do!" Rouge told the boys as she ran out of the house to go find Naruto

'You better not have gotten yourself killed Naruto!' She thought to herself


With Naruto. . .

Naruto had finished planting the last of the explosives all over the hull and central support parts of the ship, the last thing he needed to do was go into the Celestial Dragon's personal quatres and take something of there's as a trophy of triumphance or of victory.

As he entered the living quatres of the Celestial Dragon he was greeted with the sight of a room decorated in the finest, most luxurious jewelry he had ever seen. Naruto walked around the room and he noticed a set of engravings on the wall, a secret compartment on the wall. He opened it up to find a small wooden box under lock and chain.

'Whatever is in here the scum must find to be very precious. Hope he doesn't mind me borrowing it.' Naruto thought to himself while smirking

The teen managed to pick the lock and the lock and chain fell hitting the floor, he pulled back the top of the wooden box to see a very peculiar item in it. It was round, blue, had a weird stem that came out of the top of the item, and probably the most distinct feature was the pattern on the item itself. The pattern was for lack of better words a series of waves all over the item.

'A Devil-Fruit?!' Naruto thought

Naruto picked up the fruit in his hand and looked it over more closely, the fruit seemed to be calling to him, entrancing him. He brought it to his mouth and took a bite of the fruit.

After a second he spat it out, "That was disgusting." He spoke aloud

'Well no use in staying might as well get out of here and blow this thing out of the water.' He thought to himself as he ran out of the Celestial Dragon's quatres

Having no regard for sneaking out Naruto busted open the door and ran full force across the deck. It took the guards a second but they eventually noticed him and sounded the alarms. But the guards had a very hard time getting close to Naruto because of there heavier armor that slowed them down. A lone guard was eventually able to step in front of Naruto and swing his sword at him, but to the amazement of everyone else the teen was able to slide right under the swing of the blade. Holding his hat to the top of his head he grabbed the rope he used to get up on the ship with and slid down with one hand while still holding onto his hat with the other. Once touching the ground he bolted towards the village away from the ship.

Naruto looked back only once and that was to detonate the explosives.


A massive explosion could be heard all over Foosha Village, everyone looking over to the source of the explosion saw a massive cloud of smoke and a pile of what was one a ship starting to sink at the village dock. Everyone looked wide eyed as they saw Naruto running straight from the dock to the village square where the Celestial Dragon was. He should no sign of stopping and pulled the boa staff over from the top his shoulder and kept it in his right hand at the ready.

The Celestial Dragon had finally snapped out of his shock and spoke in a commanding tone, "SHOOT HIM! HE DESTROYED ALL MY THINGS! SHOOT HIM DEAD!"

All of his guards nodded and stood in attack stances with there decorative escort spears at the ready. It didn't take long for Naruto arrive on the scene and start throwing blow after blow on the small army the Celestial Dragon had assembled. Guard after guard fell to the ground unconscious or dead, no-one seemed to be able to take down the teenager. Naruto kept mowing through the guards like it was nothing until none remained, only the Celestial Dragon was left. The teen didn't notice that the noble had pulled a gun on him, everyone was looking at the two standoff to see what will happen next.

Naruto stood still grinning at the noble with his staff pointing at him as he spoke, "Your time has come noble trash, it's time for you to be shown the justice you deserve."

the noble just continued pointing the gun at him, his hand shaking more and more after each passing second. Naruto eventually took a step towards the noble and before he could plant his foot the noble pulled the trigger out of fear.

The bullet hit Naruto square in the chest, making him fall to one knee and the teen covered his chest instinctively.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA This is what happens when you challenge a World Noble such as myself! To think that you went down because of one bullet! Such a weak individual! Maybe I did a just action killing you-" The nobles words were cut short when he felt something impale his chest

He looked down to see that it was the same staff that the teen was fighting with and went wide-eyed, "How could you have survived a gunshot?!"

Naruto then stood up and everyone including the noble saw that the area around the wound was all water and the bullet hole in Naruto's chest start to close. Surprising everyone who was spectating the quick fight between the two.

"N-no-o w-w-way you a-ate my D-Devil-Fru-uit" The Noble said with life leaving him

Naruto just stayed silent and continued grinning at the World Noble.

"Well i-it would s-see-em you have d-doomed y-y-yours-sel-lf. You ar-re now going to be hu-unte-ed down by top bount-ty hunters an-nd killed. You w-will die." The World Noble spoke as the rest of his life left him, killing him

The crowd remained silent for what seemed like an eternity before the whole village started to cheer. They were finally rid of the Celestial Dragon menace that had plagued their village for many years.

In the midst of the celebrations Naruto's mother Portgas D. Rouge walked up to him, a disappointed look on her face.

"Mom I took down the Celestial Dra-" Naruto didn't get to finish before Rouge hit him right over the top of the head

"What you did was absolutely reckless! What if you failed!? The Celestial Dragon would've probably had us all killed! You have to think before you do these things, you can't just run in head-strong and hope for the best." She then grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug, "But it's good to see that you're safe, my son. I heard of Sabo, and we'll have a service for him, and give him a place of resting." She continued

Naruto slightly frowned at the reminded that Sabgo had died, "I did it for him you know."

"What do you mean?" Rouge asked him

"The reason I went and destroyed the ship. I did it because of Sabo, he was young and didn't deserve death. He was a kid, like Luffy and Ace." Naruto continued

"I know son, I know." Rouge said sympathizing

"That's why I'm leaving." Naruto said

"WHAT! Why would you do that!" Rouge asked her son frantically

Naruto looked at the goggles on his hat, Sabo's goggles, "I'm doing it to keep the island safe, to keep Ace and Luffy safe. I killed a Celestial Dragon mom, the Government will send people after me, people who may be able to destroy everything on the island in one move. As long as I'm here I'm a danger to everyone."

"I understand, I can't do much to stop you seeing as you at yourself a Devil-Fruit. But I plead that you stay for Sabo's. . ."Rouge didn't get to finish

Naruto interrupted Rouge, "Of course."

The teen was a bout to walk back tot he house to get his things packed but before he did Rouge called to him.

"Naruto, seek out Reighliegh at Sabaody." Rouge told him

Naruto nodded


On A Small Vessel. . .

Naruto had finished preparing his things for the journey ahead, and Rouge, Luffy and Ace had come to see him off to sea. Nobody knew when he would be coming back or if they would ever see him again so strong emotions were in play at the moment.

Naruto stood in front of his mother once again, dressed in an open Hawaiian shirt showing his developed muscles, tan shorts, and the hat that his father gave him many years ago. Every time that Rouge looked at him now she couldn't help but think of Roger.

"Be safe on the sea Naruto, there are many beasts and monsters out there that won't hesitate to kill you." She warned him

He nodded at her and pulled her into a hug and responded, "That is if I don't get to them first."

He then say Luffy looking up to him, looking for some attention of his own.

"You better not think of becoming the next Pirate King because that's my dream!" Luffy yelled at him

"I wouldn't dream of it, besides who could be a better candidate than you." Naruto responded with a smile

Then finally there was Ace. The 14 year old had his arms crossed and was looking away from Naruto, not wanting to make any sort of contact with him whats-so-ever. Naruto took a knee in front of him and looked at his face.

"You're a coward for leaving the village you know that. Have you gotten bored with us or something, don't care about us anymore?!" Ace said turning to face Naruto

Rouge was about to say something to Ace but Naruto looked at his mother, silently signalling her not to do anything and to let him handle it.

"You know Ace, a long time ago I was in your shoes, I saw Gol D. Roger, the Pirate King running away. At the time I thought he was nothing more than scum, done wasting his time on us. I approached him at the dock and called him out on it, and he approached me and told me something I haven't forgot. He told me that he was leaving us behind to protect us from what was to come, to save us. And that's what I'm doing right now, it pains me to leave but I have to, it's my duty, just like it was dad's duty." Naruto said shocking Rouge

Ace looked at Naruto with tears streaming down his faced and launched himself at him, locking his brother in an embrace.

The two brothers separated after a minute and Ace went back to looking at the ground. Naruto then pulled a hat out of his closest storage box, the hat was orange in colour and had red beads around it, it also had a smiley face and a frowning face on it. Naruto mimicking his father planted the hat on his brothers head and smiled at him.

{P.S I listened to We Are FUNimation Dub and it made reading this part 100 times better}

"See ya later squirt, next time I'll see you is in the Grandline." Naruto spoke

Ace just smiled back at him, wiping the tears from his face before saying, "You bet, I'll see you there!"

"Hey don't count me out yet I'll be there too!" Luffy chimed in

The teen then got back on to his boat and pushed away from the dock, he looked back to see the townspeople gathering behind his mother and siblings. They were all waving goodbye to him, some had signs saying see you soon on them.

Naruto himself turned towards the open ocean closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

After a second his eyes shot open before he yelled,


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